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College of Business and Accountancy

Second Semester 2023-2024


May 24, 2024

1. Given the following actions of a revenue officer b. The BIR has no more remedies since the right of the
during Discussion on Discrepancy and prior to the government to file an action had already been
issuance of a Preliminary Assessment Notice. prescribed.
I. Discussion on Discrepancy. c. The BIR must and the assessment notice before
II. Taxpayer receives Notice of Discrepancy September 10, 2023.
III. Revenue Officer prepares a report of examination d. The BIR must and the assessment notice before
based on the results of meeting with taxpayer, after March 5, 2030.
considering factual and legal explanations of
taxpayer. 7. The amount of tax still due (net of withholding tax of
The above actions are arranged chronogically as P 20,000) in the 2022 tax return of Early is P 3,560.
follows: She paid the said amount upon filing the return. On
a. III,I,II c. II,I,III May 12, 2024, she filed an amended the return which
b. I, III, II d. I,II,III is not substantially different from the original. If the
last day for the BIR to make an assessment is April
2. Which among the following circumstances negates 15,2026, the original return must have been filed by
the prima facie presumption of correctness of a BIR Early on-
assessment? a. May 12, 2023 c. July 15, 2023
a. The BIR assessment was seasonably protested within b. June 14, 2023 d. April 8, 2023
30 days from receipt.
b. No preliminary assessment notice was issued prior to 8. Cosa filed a fraudulent income tax return for the year
the assessment notice. 2021 on April 11,2022. The Bureau of Internal
c. Proof that the assessment is utterly without Revenue (BIR) discovered the fraud on February 20,
foundation, arbitrary, and capricious. 2023. The last day for the BIR to collect or to send an
d. The BIR did not include a formal letter of demand to assessment notice is
pay the alleged deficiency. a. April 11, 2025 c. April 15, 2032
b. April 15, 2025` d. February 20,
3. Before a Final Assessment Notice (FAN) is issued, 2023
the taxpayer is required to respond to the Preliminary
Assessment Notice within a period of 9. The running of the prescriptive period for assessment
a. 30 days c. 45 days is not suspended.
b. 15 days d. 6 months a. When the taxpayer files a Request for
Reinvestigation which is granted by the
4. Anthonknia filed her 2020 Income Tax Return and Commissioner of Internal Revenue
paid the tax due thereon on April 1, 2021. In case of b. When the taxpayer is out of the Philippines
deficiency, the last day for the Bureau of Internal c. When the warrant of distraint has been duly served
Revenue to send a Final Assessment Notice (FAN) is upon the taxpayer and no property could be located.
a. April 1, 2024 c. April 15, 2024 d. If the taxpayer informs the Commissioner of any
b. April 15, 2025 d. April 15, 2031 change in address.

5. The income tax payable ( net of withholding tax of P 10. Assuming that the taxpayer submitted the documents
29,500) in the 2022 tax return of Lito is P 3,950. He supporting his motion on August 26, 2024. The
filed the return on April 8, 2023. Assuming he paid Bureau of Internal Revenue should act on the protest
the balance in the tax return on June 28, 2023, the last not later than-
day for the BIR to make an assessment is- a. September 26, 2024 c. February 26,
a. June 28, 2026 c. July 15, 2026 2024
b. April 15, 2026 d. April 8, 2026 b. April 15, 2025 d. February 22,
6. On March 5, 2020, the BIR discovered a deficiency
value-added tax for the quarter ended September 11. If in August 4, 2024 the taxpayer filed a Request for
2013. The deficiency did not arise from error or Reconsideration instead of Request for
fraud. Which of the following statements is correct? Reinvestigation, the supporting documents should be
a. The BIR must send the assessment notice before submitted to the BIR not later than
March 5, 2023
1-5 | P a g e
a. October 4, 2024 c. October 3, Last day to appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals is
2024 a. June 5, 2025 c. June 10, 2025
b. October 2, 2024 d. No documents b. March 3, 2025 d. May 5, 2025
to be submitted.
17. Miss de Vera paid excessive tax on April 15, 2020.
12. The taxpayer seasonably filed his protest together On December 20, 2021 she filed a written claim for
with all the supporting documents. It is already July refund. Her claim was denied by the BIR and she
31, 2022, or 180 days from submission of the protest received the denial on March 20, 2022. Miss de Vera
but the BIR Commissioner has not yet decided his filed a motion for reconsideration with the BIR on
protest. Desirous of an early resolution of his March 31, 2022. On April 18, 2022. She received the
protested assessment, the taxpayer should file his final denial of the BIR. |What will be the taxpayer’s
appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals not later than remedy?
a. August 31, 2022 c. August 15, a. File another motion for reconsideration with the BIR
2022 within 30 days after the receipt of the final denial.
b. August 30, 2022 d. August 1, 2022 b. File an appeal with the CTA within 30 days after the
receipt of the final denial.
Items 13 and 14
c. File an appeal with the CTA within 15 days after the
13. On March 30, 2022 Miguel Foods, Inc. received a receipt of the final denial.
notice of assessment and a letter of demand on its d. The taxpayer has no more remedy against the final
April 15, 2020 final adjustment return from the BIR. denial.
Miguel Foods then filed a Request for
Reinvestigation together with the requisite supporting 18. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A zero-
documents on April 25, 2022. On June 2, 2022, the rated VAT taxpayer files a claim for refund on input
BIR issued a final assessment reducing the amount of tax-
the tax demanded. Since Miguel Foods was satisfied a. The claim must be filed anytime within two years
with the reduction, it did not do anything anymore. after the close of the taxable quarter when the sales
On April 15, 2027 the BIR garnished the were made.
corporation’s bank deposits to answer for the tax b. If the claim is denied by the BIR, the taxpayer can
liability. Was the BIR action proper? appeal only within the 2-year period from the close of
A. Yes. The BIR has 5 years from the filing of the the taxable year.
protest within which to collect. c. The CIR shall grant a refund or issue a tax credit
B. Yes. The BIR has 5 years from the issuance of the certificate within 90 days from the date of submission
final assessment within which to collect. of complete documents in support of the application
C. No. The taxpayer did not apply for a compromise. filed.
D. No. Without the taxpayer’s prior authority, the BIR d. In case the claim is denied by the CIR, the taxpayer
action violated the Bank Deposit Secrecy Law. can file an appeal with the Court of Tax Appeals
within 30 days from receipt of the decision, even if it
14. Assuming that the BIR did not act on the protest, the is beyond the 2-year period.
last day for the taxpayer to appeal to the Court of Tax 19. Which of the following is not an extrajudicial remedy
appeals on the inaction is- of the government against the taxpayer?
a. October 22, 2022 c. November 21, a. Distraint of personal property c. Garnishment of
2022 bank accounts
b. October 21, 2022 d. November 22, b. Levy of real property d. Filing of
2022 criminal case in court
15. Statement 1: The filing of quarterly income tax
returns and payment of quarterly income tax by 20. The actual effort exerted by the government to effect
corporations are mere installments and therefore, not the exaction of what is due from the taxpayer is
the basis in computing the two-year prescriptive known as
period for refund. a. Assessment c. payment
Statement 2: If the tax has been withheld from source b. Levy d. collection
(withholding on wages), the prescriptive period for
refund is counted from the date it falls due at the end 21. When a BIR decision affirming an assessment is
of the taxable year. appealed to the CTA, the BIR’s power to garnish the
a. True, False c. False, False taxpayer’s bank deposits
b. False, True d. True, True a. Is suspended to await the finality of such decision.
b. Is suspended given that the CTA can reverse BIR
16. Date of tax erroneously paid decisions when prejudicial to the taxpayer.
June 10, 2023 c. Is not suspended because only final decisions of the
Date of claim for refund was filed with BIR BIR are subject to appeal.
March 3, 2025 d. Is not suspended since the continued existence of
Date of BIR decision of denial was received government depends on tax revenues.
April 5, 2025

2-5 | P a g e
22. The following remedies are available to the d. Native language, English or Spanish
government to collect taxes, except
a. Distraint and levy 29. Which of the following does not pertain to levy of
b. Inquiring into bank deposit accounts of taxpayers real property?
c. Entering into compromise of tax cases a. If no sufficient bid is received, the government shall
d. Enforcement of forfeiture of property forfeit the property.
b. Has the right of pre-emption and redemption.
23. The remedies of distraint and levy cannot be availed c. Notice requirements are stickter.
of where the amount of tax involved is not more d. Effected on personal property
a. P 1.00 c. P 100.00 30. What should the BIR do when the prescriptive period
b. 10.00 d. 1,000,00 for the assessment of a tax deficiency is about to
prescribe but the taxpayer has not yet complied with
24. Which of the following violations cannot be subject the BIR requirements for the production of books of
to compromise penalties? accounts and other records to substantiate the claimed
a. Failure to keep/preserve books of accounts and deductions, exemptions or credits?
accounting records. a. Call the taxpayer to a conference to explain the delay.
b. Failure to keep books of accounts or records in a b. Immediately conduct an investigation of the
native language or English. taxpayer’s activities.
c. Failure to have books of accounts audited and have c. Issue a jeopardy assessment coupled with a letter of
financial statements attached to income tax return demand.
certified by independent CPA. d. Issue a notice of constructive distraint to protect
d. Keeping two sets of books of accounts or records. government interest.

25. Which of the following statements is not true? 31. De Leaon is the Chief Accountant of ABC Publishing
a. If a taxpayer is acquitted in a criminal violation of the Company, a publisher of magazines and periodicals.
Tax Code, this acquittal does not exonerate him from He wants to know if a new product to be released in
his civil liability to pay the taxes. the market will be covered by the provisions of the
b. A conviction for tax evasion is not a bar for tax code on exemptions from value added tax, thus,
collection of unpaid taxes. requiring interpretation of the provisions of the
c. A tax assessment is necessary to a criminal National Internal Revenue Code.
prosecution for willful attempt to defeat and evade
payment of taxes. He should address his query to the-
d. Criminal proceedings under the Tax Code is now a a. Commissioner of Internal Revenue
mode of collection of internal revenue taxes, fees, or b. Secretary of Justice
charges. c. Secretary of Finance
d. Court of Tax Appeals
26. Cruz filed an income tax return for the calendar year
2021 on March 10, 2022. The BIR issued a 32. Question 1: Does the power of the Commissioner of
deficiency income tax assessment on April 10, 2024 Internal Revenue to inquire into the bank deposits of
which has become final. When is the last day for the a taxpayer conflict with the Secrecy of Bank Deposits
BIR to collect? Law?
a. April 10, 2029 c. April 15, 2029 Question 2: May the Commissioner of Internal
b. April 15, 2028 d. March 10, 2026 Revenue authorize an examiner to inquire into the
Bank deposits of a taxpayer who is suspected to have
27. Which of the following criminal acts for violation of committed fraud in declaring his income?
the Tax Code is subject to both fine and
imprisonment? Which f the above questions is/are answerable by
a. Making false entries, records and reports or “Yes”?
certification. a. Question 1 only c. Questions 1 and 2
b. Unlawful pursuit of business without paying the b. Question 2 only d. Neither Question 1 nor 2
privilege tax required for that business.
c. Willfull attempt to evade or defeat in any manner any 33. A program of the BIR penalizing non-issuance of
tax under the Code and willful failure to pay a tax, official receipts or sales invoices and/or use of OR or
make a return, supply correct and accurate SI not duly registered with the BIR, including but not
information, withhold and remit taxes withheld. limited to fake of spurious receipts/invoices
d. All of the above. a. Non-issuance of Official Receipts (NO OR)
b. Rate
28. The books of accounts must be kept in c. eComplaint System
a. Any language depending on the preference of the d. Disiplina Program
b. English language only. 34. Which of the following cases falls within the
c. Native language or English only jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals?

3-5 | P a g e
a. Criminal action for violation of the NIRC. 37. The short title of Republic Act 7916 is
b. Question of whether or not to impose a deficiency tax a. The Special Economic Zone Act of 1995
assessment upon a taxpayer. b. The Special Economic Zone Act of 2005
c. Appeal from undisputed tax assessment. c. The Philippine Economic Zone Act of 1995
d. Action for refund of real property tax. d. The Export Processing Zone Authority Act of 1995

35. The CTA has exclusive appellate jurisdiction to 38. The appointing authority of the members of the
review cases decided by the following, except Board of Governors in the Board of Investments
a. Commissioner of Customs a. President of the Philippines
b. Central Board of Assessment Appeals b. Secretary of Trade and Industry
c. Regional Trial Court on local tax cases c. Commission on Appointments
d. Decisions of the City Board of Assessment Appeals d. Secretary of Labor

36. Which of the following statements is false? The 39. Listed below are transactions on real property. Which
Board of Investments of them does not require issuance of a Certificate
a. Assist Filipino and foreign investors to venture and Authorizing Registration?
prosper in desirable areas of economic activities. a. Sale of his residential house.
b. Is tasked to promote investments, extend assistance, b. Donation inter vivos of real property.
register, grant incentives to and facilitate the business c. Transfer mortis causa of a parcel of land.
operations of investors export-oriented d. Long-term lease of commercial building.
manufacturing and service facilities inside selected
areas throughout the country as PEZA Special 40. A closing medium size corporation with principal
Economic Zones. office in Quezon City hired your services to work for
c. Is the lead government agency responsible for the the registration of its closure with various
promotion of investments in the Philippines. government agencies. Which of the following offices
d. Assists Filipino and foreign investors to venture in need not be notified or sought approval of its closure?
food processing, construction, metal products, a. Department of Labor and Employment
telecommunications, power and infrastructure b. City Government of Quezon City
projects among others. c. Cooperative Development Authority
d. Bureau of Internal Revenue

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