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Hirschsprung’s disease basis of HSCR was still unknown and the condition was
conceived as ‘congenital megacolon’. Treatment involved
removal of the dilated segment which was thought to be
Rachel Harwood abnormal. The absence of ganglion cells in the distal colon of a
Sumita Chhabra child with HSCR was first recognized by Tittel in 1901, however
it was not until 1946 that aganglionosis within the non-dilated
Simon E Kenny distal bowel segment was attributed to the cause of the intesti-
nal obstruction in HSCR by Ehnpreis.

Incidence and classification
Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) is characterized by a lack of enteric
nervous system ganglion cells (aganglionosis) in a variable extent of The incidence of HSCR is approximately 1 in 5000 live births
distal bowel. It is the commonest congenital bowel motility disorder although this does not account for interracial differences and the
and affected neonates usually present with distal intestinal obstruction incidence can be significantly higher in populations with high
in the first few days of life. Current treatment involves resection of the consanguinity rates. Short segment HSCR, in which the agan-
aganglionic bowel and a ‘pull through’ procedure to bring the normally glionic segment is restricted to the rectosigmoid region, accounts
innervated bowel down to the anal margin. Despite advances in sur- for over 80% of cases. Aganglionosis is more extensive in long-
gery, outcomes can be poor especially in long-segment HSCR when segment (LS) HSCR and may affect the entire colon resulting in
more bowel than the rectosigmoid is aganglionic. Children with total colonic aganglionosis (TCA). On rare occasions the small
HSCR are more prone to enterocolitis and up to 75% have problems bowel may also be affected and this is associated with significant
with incontinence or constipation. Some children require a long-term associated morbidity and mortality. Males are two to four times
colostomy. This article aims to provide an overview of Hirschsprung’s more commonly affected by HSCR than females in rectosigmoid
disease, outlining the aetiology of HSCR, and management of children disease; however, this gender bias does not remain in children
with HSCR. with more extensive aganglionosis.
Keywords Aganglionosis; enteric nervous system; enterocolitis;
Hirschsprung’s disease Neural crest origin of the enteric nervous system (ENS)
and pathogenesis of Hirschsprung’s disease
ENS neurons and glia are derived from the vagal segment of the
Definition neural crest. Vagally derived neural crest cells (NCCs) migrate
along the course of the vagus nerves, enter the foregut mesen-
Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) is the commonest congenital gut chyme, and spread in cranio-caudal direction through the
motility disorder and is characterized by the absence of ganglion
gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In humans, this process takes 7 weeks
cells (aganglionosis) in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses
and the colon is completely colonized by ENS derivatives by
of the distal intestine. It is thought to arise from a failure of
12 weeks of gestation. It is thought that the slowing rate of colo-
colonization of the distal gut by enteric nervous system (ENS)
nization of the distal gut is caused by elongating growth of the
precursors during embryonic development.
bowel rather than a reduction in velocity of migration. There is a
sacral contribution to the colonic ENS which follows vagal neural
Background crest colonization but whose role is poorly defined in humans.
Vagally sourced NCCs in the distal rectum migrate further than
The first description of this condition dates back to the ancient any other cells during embryogenesis. It is not surprising that
Hindu surgeons in the Sushruta Samheta who described a disease factors affecting the proliferation, survival, migration, or differ-
analogous to HSCR named Baddha Gudodaram. Dr Harald entiation of NCCs may result in aganglionosis of the distal gut.
Hirschsprung, a Danish paediatrician, was first to describe HSCR The critical role of the ENS is demonstrated by the obstruction
in the medical literature in 1887 following the demise of two that occurs in children with HSCR. The aganglionic segment re-
children with intestinal obstruction. At this time, the pathological mains in a tonic state and colonic movements are unable to
propagate through the segment. Presence of faeces in the rectum
fails to elicit relaxation in the aganglionic internal anal sphincter,
Rachel Harwood MBBS MRCS PGCert(Medical Leadership) PhD is a which contributes to the obstructive picture seen clinically even
Research Fellow and Specialist Registrar in Paediatric Surgery at after corrective surgery.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK. Conflicts
of interest: none declared.
Sumita Chhabra BMBS BMedSci(Hons) MRCS DCH PhD is a Research
Fellow and Specialist Registrar in Paediatric Surgery at Alder Hey A large number of genes have been identified as being involved
Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK. Conflicts of interest: in the development of HSCR through a combination of gene-
none declared. mapping studies in humans and through targeted gene de-
letions in animals.
Simon E Kenny BSc ChB(Hons) MD FRCS(Paed Surg) FAAP(Hons) is an
Honorary Professor of Paediatric Surgeon at Alder Hey Children’s Associated malformations occur in up to 35% of cases
NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK. Conflicts of interest: none (Table 1). Typically, these malformations occur in neural crest-
declared. derived structures and HSCR is regarded as a neurocristopathy.

SURGERY 40:11 725 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Up to 20% of cases of HSCR are familial. However, the pattern Presentation and examination
of inheritance is complex e often gene mutations exhibit auto-
Neonates with HSCR usually present with distal intestinal
somal dominant inheritance with variable penetrance. Mutations
obstruction (DIO) in the first few days of life. Any term baby who
in any of the genes responsible for NCC migration, proliferation,
fails to pass meconium in the first 24e48 hours after birth should
differentiation, survival, or that alter the environment for NCC
be assessed for HSCR, although about half of infants with HSCR
migration can lead to failure of ENS development resulting in
will pass meconium within this time. Signs of DIO include
HSCR. The main gene that has been linked with HSCR is the
abdominal distension, failure to establish feeds, and non-bilious
receptor tyrosine kinase (Ret) gene, a proto-oncogene on chro-
or bilious vomiting.
mosome 10q11. Other genes that have been identified are out-
Hydration should be adequately assessed by examining the
lined in Table 2.
fontanelles, central capillary refill time, temperature of the pe-
Knowing which genes are involved is important with regards
ripheries, mucous membranes and skin turgor, in addition to
to genetic counselling and potential adverse associations, i.e.
physiological parameters, i.e. heart rate, blood pressure, respi-
familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) as part of multiple
ratory rate and oxygen saturations.
endocrine neoplasia syndrome Type 2 B (MEN2B). Individuals
It is important to assess for dysmorphic features, in particular
with disease causing mutations in Ret are offered prophylactic
features of Down’s syndrome, spinal abnormalities and for normal
thyroidectomy before the FMTC has metastasized (typically <2
placement of the anus to exclude an anorectal malformation. The
years of age). Trisomy 21 (Down’s) is one of the commonest
abdomen is usually moderately distended with palpable intestinal
associated malformations and carries one hundred times the risk
loops. Alternative diagnoses are listed in Table 3.
of HSCR than the normal population. However, due to the vari-
In some cases, presentation may be delayed and the neonate
able penetrance of known mutations, at present, knowledge of
or infant may present with features of enterocolitis. Features of
presence/absence of mutations does not allow prediction of the
enterocolitis includes foul-smelling stools or blood per rectum,
risk of Hirschsprung’s disease so widespread screening is not
pyrexia, and abdominal distension. The child may be irritable,
advocated. In addition, foetal environmental factors such as first
look generally unwell or listless, or may be critically unwell with
trimester maternal pyrexia may play a role in determining the
signs of septic shock. Key management includes early resusci-
development of HSCR.
tation and administration of broad-spectrum IV antibiotics, in
addition to bowel decompression. Enterocolitis can be fatal and
should not be underestimated by the clinician.
Additional anomalies in Hirschsprung’s disease
Anomaly Example
Following clinical examination, intravenous access should be
Neural crest-related C Congenital central hypoventilation sought and an initial fluid bolus of 10 ml/kg normal saline
anomalies syndrome administered if the neonate demonstrates signs of dehydration or
C Isolated sensorineural deafness shock and further fluid boluses may be required. Intravenous
C Waardenburg syndrome metronidazole or vancomycin should be administered to prevent
C Di George syndrome enterocolitis and bacterial translocation.
C CRASH syndrome (X-linked aque- A nasogastric tube aids decompression of the stomach and
ductal stenosis) should be regularly aspirated. Rectal stimulation using a 10 or 12
C Congenital muscular dystrophy French rectal tube or a Hegar (9/10 for a term infant) may incite
C Goldberg Shprintzen syndrome explosive stool per rectum and is highly suggestive of HSCR.
C Neurofibromatosis type 1 Decompression of the colon is carried out via a rectal catheter
C Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A inserted into the rectum using 10 ml/kg aliquots of warm normal
C Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B saline up to a maximum of 20 ml/kg. This can be performed up
C SmitheLemlieOpitz syndrome to 3 to 4 times per day as necessary and be supplemented with
C Dysautonomias Hegar dilatations to give effective decompression of the colon.
Other anomalies C Trisomy 21 An abdominal radiograph will demonstrate dilated loops of
C Microcephaly bowel with a paucity of distal gas in keeping with lower intestinal
C Mental retardation obstruction. A contrast enema can be useful for excluding other
C Inguinal hernia conditions, be therapeutic when meconium plugs are present and
C Small bowel atresia provide a topographic map of rectosigmoid anatomy to aid in sur-
C Duodenal atresia gical planning (Figure 1). Often a transition zone between dilated
C Genital reproductive tract ganglionic bowel and normal calibre aganglionic bowel can be
C Undescended testes visualized. However, this does not reliably correspond to the true
Regional anomalies C Rectal stenosis transition zone between ganglionic and aganglionic intestine. The
C Anal stenosis only way to determine the extent of aganglionosis is by serial extra-
C Imperforate anus mucosal biopsies and histopathological examination.
C Colonic atresia Rectal suction biopsy is the gold standard investigation to
obtain a diagnosis of HSCR and should be carried out once the
Table 1 neonate has been sufficiently decompressed and re-established

SURGERY 40:11 726 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Summary of genes involved in Hirschsprung’s disease and associated conditions

Gene Abbreviation Associated conditions

Receptor tyrosine kinase Ret Multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIA (MEN2A)
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIB (MEN2B)
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor GDNF
Neurturin NTN
Endothelin B receptor EDNRB ShaheWaardenburg syndrome (WS4)
Endothelin-3 EDN3
Endothelin-converting enzyme ECE-1
SRY-related HMG-box 10 Sox10
Pairedlike homoeobox 2 b Phox2b Neuroblastoma
Central hypoventilation syndrome

Table 2

on oral feeds. Neonates should be above 2 kg for this and prior Older children
consent should be obtained from parents. The potential risks
Some children present at a much later stage with chronic con-
include perforation, bleeding, and inadequate tissue sampling. At
stipation refractory to medical management. A thorough history
least two biopsies should be obtained from 2 cm to 4 cm above
and examination is pertinent to rule out alternative causes of
the dentate line.
constipation and investigations should include serum thyroid
function and calcium levels before proceeding to rectal biopsy. In
such cases, a strip rectal biopsy should be obtained under general
Histological examination using hematoxylin and eosin anaesthetic. Only a very small proportion of children referred
staining confirms absence of ganglion cells in the submucosal with chronic constipation have HSCR.
and myenteric plexi. Aganglionosis is often, but not always,
associated with the presence of hypertrophied nerve
trunks which are visualized using acetylcholinesterase staining.
Thickened nerve trunks  40mm diameter are strongly Surgical resection of the aganglionic segment is currently the
correlated with a diagnosis of HSCR but absence of thickened definitive treatment for the majority of children with HSCR. The
nerve trunks has been observed in cases of total colonic key principles of surgery are to preserve the dentate line for
aganglionosis. maintenance of continence, to resect sufficient abnormally
Immunohistochemical staining using antibodies to neuronal innervated bowel including the transition zone, and to perform a
markers such as calretinin and S100 is useful to confirm the tension-free, well-vascularized anastomosis.
diagnosis. The absence of calretinin, a calcium binding protein To achieve these surgical aims, resectional surgery is gener-
which binds to ganglia and normal nerve fibres, is a good indi- ally delayed until the child is 8e12 weeks of age, allowing time
cator of HSCR with high specificity and sensitivity and can be for growth of the infant. Between birth and surgery rectal
performed on fixed, paraffin embedded specimens which gives a washouts are performed multiple times a day, initially in hospital
practical advantage to this test. and then by the parents at home. A levelling stoma (stoma
formed at a site of normal innervation) is required in some in-
fants with HSCR prior to resectional surgery. Indications for a
levelling stoma include: inadequate decompression through
washouts; significant episode(s) of enterocolitis; significant co-
Alternative diagnoses in children with distal intestinal morbidities which may result in a delay in performing resec-
obstruction tional surgery; extensive aganglionosis and social circumstances
C Anorectal malformation which make washouts very difficult.
C Small left colon syndrome There are two distinct steps during resectional surgery for
C Meconium ileus HSCR:
C Colonic atresia (1) Intraoperative extramucosal biopsies followed by frozen
C Volvulus section pathological examination to assess the extent of
C Pelvic mass/tumour aganglionosis and determine the demarcation of normal
C Idiopathic constipation ganglionic bowel. Typically, the biopsies are obtained lapa-
C Hypercalcaemia roscopically. The proximal resection margin of the pull-
C Hypothyroidism through should be at least 5 cm proximal to the most distal
ganglionic biopsy to avoid a transition zone pull-through.
Table 3 We recommend sending the histopathologist a donut of

SURGERY 40:11 727 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


enteral autonomy and the focus of care includes multi-

disciplinary decision making about long-term parenteral nutri-
tion and avoidance of enterocolitis which generally includes
forming a proximal levelling stoma. Decision making about
resection of aganglionic bowel should be made with transplant
surgeon involvement; not resecting the aganglionic segment
maintains abdominal domain for a potential bowel transplant but
an episode of severe enterocolitis may necessitate removal of the
affected bowel.

Long-term problems after pull-through include ongoing
obstructive symptoms, enterocolitis, particularly in the first 2
years, and in older children soiling and diarrhoea.

Constipation can be common after pull-through. Absence of
normal recto-inhibitory reflex of the internal anal sphincter
(sphincter achalasia) commonly contributes to early constipation
after pull-through and some children continue to require anal
dilatation after their operation. Botulinum toxin can be injected
into the internal sphincter in children with persisting con-
stipation after pull-through to aid sphincter relaxation.
Mechanical causes of constipation after pull-through should
Figure 1 Contrast enema demonstrating the funnel-shaped transition
be considered including anastomotic stricture, retained spur after
zone within the sigmoid colon. The proximal colon appears dilated in
contrast to distal narrowed sigmoid colon. Duhamel operation, long muscular cuff in Soave or twist of pull-
through bowel. Rectal examination and contrast enema are
helpful to identify a mechanical cause.
tissue intraoperatively from the proximal resection margin to A rectal biopsy should be obtained if residual aganglionosis is
ensure that the bowel is appropriately ganglionic with suspected as in some cases the anastomosis may have been
normal nerves circumferentially. performed at the transition zone and re-do surgery may be
(2) Completion of pull-through by bringing ganglionic bowel beneficial if a zone of aganglionosis is identified.
down to the dentate line. There are three commonly per- Constipation should be actively managed after pull-through
formed procedures with various modifications. These are the with a bowel management regime consisting of rectal therapy
Swenson, Soave and Duhamel pull-through procedures. The (suppositories, enemas or rectal irrigation), sometimes in com-
different techniques and complications associated with each bination with laxative therapy. In children who soil after pull-
technique are outlined in Figure 2 and Table 4. At present, through Antegrade Continence Enema (ACE) washouts can be
there are no robust long-term comparative studies to estab- given through a caecostomy or appendicostomy in children who
lish which approach is associated with the lowest compli- can tolerate sitting on the toilet well and for whom rectal therapy
cation rate and best long-term outcomes. is not possible or tolerated. Up to 10% of children may require a
Laparoscopy is useful for mobilizing the colon proximal to the colostomy after pull-through and a further 10% need further
rectosigmoid colon (i.e. splenic flexure) to enable a tension-free surgery to treat constipation/incontinence.
anastomosis. It is also useful for assessing the orientation of There may be altered motility in the remaining bowel
the pulled through segment to prevent obstruction secondary to following pull-through which can be demonstrated by a colonic
twisting. When performing pull-through surgery, recognition and transit study or colonic manometry.
preservation of the dentate line is essential in preserving sensa-
tion and continence. Incontinence
In cases of total colonic aganglionosis, further techniques
include using a colonic patch to aid water absorption following Differentiation between soiling secondary to constipation and
pull-through (Martin e left colon, Kimura e right colon) or incontinence due to the inability to withhold stool is important.
creating an ileal J pouch. Colonic transit studies can be helpful to differentiate between the
Early complications following pull-through include perianal two. Incontinence can be due to abnormal rectal sensation,
excoriation, anastomotic leak or stricture, adhesional obstruction abnormal sphincter function or rapid transit of stool. Lack of
and enterocolitis. sensation can be a consequence of the anastomosis being per-
Children with very extensive aganglionosis affecting the small formed below the dentate line and if the internal anal sphincter is
bowel require careful surgical planning. They are unlikely to gain damaged during the pull-through procedure this too can lead to

SURGERY 40:11 728 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Figure 2

soiling. Unfortunately, these problems cannot be salvaged in A proportion of children have a very rapid transit of stool
retrospect and require a bowel management routine to enable the through their bowel after pull-through which can lead to incon-
child to be continent for a majority of the time. In some cases, a tinence of loose stool. Children with rapid transit may benefit
long-term colostomy may be required. from a constipating diet and anti-motility agents such as

Commonly performed pull-through procedures

Procedure Technique Complications

Swenson (1948) C Full-thickness dissection above dentate line Pelvic nerve and anterior structure damage (incontinence,
C Colo-anal anastomosis from outside damage to vas/urethra/bladder/vagina)
Soave (1964) C Colonic dissection in submucosal plane above dentate Retained ganglionic muscle cuff may cause functional
line obstruction and constipation or sleeve abscess
C Ganglionic bowel pulled through rectal muscle sleeve
Duhamel (1956) C Dissection behind rectum to create a tunnel Anterior blind pouch can lead to faecaloma and recurrent
C Ganglionic bowel brought through and side to side obstruction
anastomosis with GI stapler to aganglionic bowel

Table 4

SURGERY 40:11 729 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


loperamide. Fructose, lactose and protein intolerances have been Davidson JR, Kyrklund K, Eaton S, et al. Sexual function, quality of life,
recognized in causing rapid transit and incontinence after HSCR and fertility in women who had surgery for neonatal Hirschsprung’s
surgery. Exclusion diets can be very effective if sensitivity is Disease. Br J Surg 2021; 108: e79e80.
found on testing. Drissi F, Meurette G, Baayen C, et al. Long-term outcomes of
Hirschsprung disease: impact on quality of life and social condition
Enterocolitis at adult age. Dis Colon Rectum 2019; 62: 727e32.
Engum SA, Grosfield JL. Long-term results of treatment of Hirsch-
Enterocolitis is a potentially lethal sequelae of HSCR which can
sprung’s disease. Sem Pediatr Surg 2004; 13: 273e85.
occur both before and after a pull-through procedure. The aeti-
Gustafson E, Larsson T, Danielson J. Controlled outcome of Hisrch-
ology of HSCR-associated enterocolitis is unknown however
sprung’s disease beyond adolescence: a single center experience.
stasis caused by functional obstruction may lead to bacterial
Pediatr Surg Int 2019; 35: 181e5.
overgrowth and secondary infection. Younger children, those
Holcolmb GW, Murphy JP, St Peter SD, et al. Ashcraft’s pediatric
with longer segment disease and trisomy 21 or other associated
surgery. 6th Edition. Elsevier, 2014.
congenital malformations tend to be more prone to developing
Kenny SE, Tam PKH, Garcia-Barcelo M. Hirschsprung’s disease. Sem
enterocolitis. Early identification of symptoms is paramount and
Pediatr Surg 2010; 19: 194e200.
as previously described, treatment consists of fluid resuscitation,
Levitt MA, Dickie B, Pena A. Evaluation and treatment of the patient
administration of broad-spectrum IV antibiotic, including Gram
with Hirschsprung disease who is not doing well after a pull-
negative cover, and bowel decompression. Children who are
through procedure. Sem Pediatr Surg 2010; 19: 146e53.
critically unwell with enterocolitis may require urgent colectomy
Levitt MA, Dickie B, Pen~a A. The Hirschsprungs patient who is soiling
and, whilst limiting the resection to plan for future reconstructive
after what was considered a “successful” pull-through. Sem
surgery needs consideration, resecting sufficient bowel to control
Pediatr Surg 2012; 21: 344e53.
the infective and inflammatory process can be life-saving.
Segi C. Hirschsprung’s disease: historical notes and pathological
Long-term outcomes diagnosis on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of DR. Harald
Hirschsprung’s death. World J Clin Pediatr 2015; 4: 120e5.
The long-term outcomes of Hirschsprung’s disease remain poorly Stathopoulos L, King SK, Southwell BR, et al. Nuclear transit study in
described but a reduced quality of life has been described in children with chronic faecal soiling after Hirschspung Disease (HSCR)
children with poor functional outcomes. Bowel function appears surgery has revealed a group with rapid proximal colonic treatment and
to improve with age but children with learning difficulties are possible adverse reactions to food. Pediatr Surg Int 2016; 32: 773e7.
more likely to have a long-term stoma and poorer functional Tam PK, Garcia-Barcelo M. Genetic basis of Hirschsprung’s disease.
outcomes. A recent study suggests that women who have un- Pediatr Surg Int 2009; 25: 543e58.
dergone neonatal pull-through may have reduced fertility, but Wilkinson DJ, Edgar DH, Kenny SE. Future therapies for Hirsch-
further research is required to investigate this more closely. sprung’s disease. Sem Pediatr Surg 2012; 21: 364e70.
These outcomes will become increasingly well described over the
next decade as the Core Outcome Set (COS) is used to stan-
dardize the assessment of patients with HSCR. The COS has been
developed by a multi-disciplinary group of clinicians, adult pa- Practice points
tients, and parents of children with Hirschsprung’s disease. It is a C Hirschsprung’s disease usually presents with delayed passage of
set of 10 outcomes which are deemed as being the most impor- meconium and distal intestinal obstruction in the early neonatal
tant in determining the success of treatment for Hirschsprung’s period, although it can also present as refractory, severe con-
disease. stipation in older children.
C The diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease should only be made
using rectal biopsy, which always demonstrates aganglionosis,
Successful surgery for Hirschsprung’s disease requires meticu- often in combination with thickened nerve trunks.
lous operative technique, thorough pre- and perioperative plan- C Enterocolitis can be a life-threatening complication of Hirsch-
ning, and access to reliable experienced histopathology. The sprung’s disease and requires adequate resuscitation, prompt
long-term follow-up and management of postoperative compli- initiation of antibiotics, and importantly, bowel decompression
cations of Hirschsprung’s disease by specialists is imperative. with rectal washouts.
Despite this, challenges remain in managing the long-term C The current ‘gold standard’ for treatment for most children with
complications of enterocolitis, incontinence, and constipation.A Hirschsprung’s disease is a pull-through procedure where the
aganglionic segment of colon is removed and the ganglionic
bowel is anastomosed to the distal rectum.
FURTHER READING C Long-term effects of Hirschsprung’s disease include bowel
Allin BSR, Bradnock T, Kenny S, et al. NETS1HD study: development of
dysfunction and reduced quality of life. Clinicians should actively
a Hirschsprung’s disease core outcome set. Arch Dis Childhood
manage constipation and rapid transit incontinence.
2017; 102: 1143e51.

SURGERY 40:11 730 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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