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Grade 5 Small Summative 6

Name______________________ Surname_________________________Date__________________

1. Choose the correct definition of the word ‘’a role model’’. ( 5 points)
A. an object or a machine B. a person who is a good example for others C. a house for horses
D. to make something for the first time

2. Choose the antonym to the word ‘’ naughty’’. ( 5 points)

A. important B. boring C. clever D. hard-working

3. Where do we keep the horses? ( 5 points)

A. in a stable B. at home C. at school D. in the yard

4. Choose the correct word. ( 5 points)

It’s very important … English nowadays.
A. to invent B. to read C. to improve D. to hope

5. Which option is correct? ( 10 points)

A. What a delicious juice! B. What a interesting film! C. What a beautiful song!
D. What clever boy!

6. Put the words in the correct order. ( 10 points)

a/ diffiuclt/what/ task! _____________________________________________

7. Translate the words. ( 10 points)

century___________ everlasting ________________ hard-working__________________
a device___________ pleasant __________________

8. Underline the correct option. ( 15 points)

1. I don’t love my job because it’s tiring/tired.
2. I can’t watch the film, because I’m frightened/frightening.
3. This book is very interesting/interested, you can read it.

9. Write the correct form of the verb. ( 15 points)

1. Where was/were you yesterday? 2. She is/was born in 2012.
3. Are/were the children at school now?

10. Read the text and answer the questions. ( 20 points)

Tea is the English national drink. Every morning the English like to begin their day with a cup of tea.
They usually have ‘’a nice cup of tea’’ five or seven times a day. They like to have tea with milk and
sugar and don’t put lemon in it. Englishmen drink tea from cups, not from glasses. There are two
kinds of tea in England: ‘’afternoon tea’’ and ‘’high tea’’. Afternoon tea is between three and four
o’clock , when people have tea, bread and butter, jam and cakes. But if you don’t have dinner, they
have high tea. The time for high tea is between six and seven o’clock. For high tea people have bread
and butter, cold meat, eggs or fish.
1. What is the text about? ______________________________
2. With what do the English like to drink tea? __________________________
3. At what o’clock do they have high tea? ___________________________
4. What do they have for high tea? _______________________________

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