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Sociology began to emerge as an independent and separate discipline only

around the middle of 19th century.

Sociology is known as science of society. It is considered as one of the youngest

as well as one of the oldest social sciences.

Pioneers or founding fathers of sociology-

1) Compete 2) Spencer 3) Durkheim 4) Marx 5)Weber

Auguste compte was considered as father of sociology. He invented the
term sociology.
The term sociology is derived from Latin and Greek word
Socius-companion or associate
Logus-study of science
Thus we can say that Sociology means science of society or scientific
way of studying society.

Auguste Compte defined society as- scientific inquiry to study the interaction
between human being and society.

Branches of sociology-1) Rural Sociology 2) Urban Sociology 3) Industrial

Sociology 4) Educational Sociology

George Payne was the father of Educational Sociology

Educational Sociology is the practical application of principles of sociology

Aims of Sociology

1) To study, explain and analyse social interaction.

2) To explain nature of social groups such as family, the community, racial
and religious groups, the nature of state.
3) To study various social changes that is taking place within group life.
4) To examine social control and social structure.
5) To deal with social problems such as crime, delinquency, gambling,
prostitution, alcoholism, kidnapping, etc
- Relationship of Sociology and Education-
a) Education in its widest sense, can mean everything that is learned by
an individual in society.
b) Education is socialization of younger generation i.e it is a process
transmission of social heritage.
c) Education and sociology are intimately related
- Education is one of the major institutions of society
- Education influences the society and also influenced by the society
d) Technical function – The study of sociology helps to determine the
function of Educational Institutes and also suggests why they should be
e) Informative Functions – A scientific study of sociology helps to get
various functional information about the problems of society and
provides guidelines to Education for solving problems relating to it.
f) Cultural function- The study of sociology helps to develop a
cosmopolitan outlook, universal brotherhood and tolerance towards other
societies and outlines the role of education in the task.
g) Democratic function –The most important function discharged by
sociology is the democratic function. Thus education is expected to
provide great help in understanding the democratic structure and
developing democratic skills and values in the students as well as the

Concept of Educational Sociology

1) Educational sociology is said to be the study of the principles of
sociology as applied to the theory and practice and education.
2) Educational sociology is neither education alone , nor sociology alone;
but it is education and sociology both being considered together as a
total educative process.
3) Educational sociology is a new science which applies sociological
principles to the whole process of education including subject matter,
methods, measurement and school organisation.


Sociology of Education is an analysis of sociological process involved in the

educational institution

- It studies the functional relationship between education and other

great institutional orders of society such as economy, polity, religion
and moral.
- It is also defined as the scientific study and analysis of the social
process, social patterns and sociological problems in formal as well
as informal educational situation

Social change- “social change means variations or modifications in
any aspect of social process, pattern of form”
Social change may be defined as modification in the ways of doing
and thinking of people

Common features of social change:-

1) Universality- change is universal law, an eternal law and
invariable law of nature. Social changes are necessary and
inevitable. Social changes take place in all the societies of the
2) Continuity – social change is a continues process. It does not take
place at one point of time only. It takes place all the time at all the
3) Variation – social change is relative in time, and according to a
specific period in time, its rate may be high or low.
4) Criteria of large population – only those changes are considered as
social change that affects the larger population.
5) Planned as well as unplanned


There are two aspects of social change:

a) Change in social behaviour

b) Change in social structure i.e. in social norms, social status and
social roles.
The following aspects of social change are given below
1) Economic aspects: Economic changes include changes in
industry, trade, business, commerce, agriculture and materialistic
2) Political aspect: Political changes include changes in political
power and administration of the state, e.g., adopting the values of
Democracy, secularism, socialism, communism.
3) Religious aspect: In religious aspect we include those changes
which affect changes in various religious institutions like
Gurudwara, Temple, Church, Mosque,etc.
4) Moral aspect: Moral changes are the changes in moral values ,
ideas , beliefs, e.g., co-education was not thought to be good at
ancient times.
5) Scientific and technological aspects:


1) Geographical factor ( physical environment)
2) Biological factor
3) Demographic factor( population factor)
4) Technological and scientific factors
5) Ideological factors
6) Cultural factors
7) War
8) Social reforms
9) Westernisatio
10) Industrialisation
11) Urbanisation .


1) Assistance in changing attitudes

2) Assistance in creating desire for change
3) Assistance in adopting social change
4) Analysis in change
5) Leadership in social changing
6) Stabilising democratic values
7) National integration
8) Providing adult education
Modernisation is generally regarded as a process of change- change
of traditional society into a society on science and technology.
Modernisation is a process which brings desired types of changes in
social, economic, industrial, technological, cultural, moral, religious
and educational structure.
Meaning of Modernisation
-Modernisation means industrialisation and automation
-Modernisation means a revolutionary change leading to
transformation of a traditional or pre-modern society into an
advanced, economically prosperous and relatively politically stable
1) Industrialisation
2) Urbanisation
3) Secularism
4) Democratisation
5) Westernisation
6) Scientific attitude
7) Rational thinking
8) Explosion of knowledge
9) Removal of superstitions
10) Emphasis on present and future

1) Casteism
2) Communalism
3) Linguism
4) Illiteracy
5) Poverty
6) Orthodoxy
7) Different political parties


1) Universalisation of education
2) Adult education
3) Democratisation of education
4) Industrialisation
5) Urbanisation
6) Scientific and technological advancement


1) Increasing productivity
2) Achieving social and national integration
3) Accelerating the process of modernisation
4) Developing democratic citizenship
5) Developing qualities of leadership
6) Scientific attitude and experimentation
7) Developing personality

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