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After what seemed like an eternity of searching and longing, fate finally smiled upon me in the most
unexpected of ways. As I scrolled through my phone one ordinary day, my eyes fell upon a familiar name
—a name that sent my heart racing and my pulse quickening in excitement. It was Faith Ontune, her
Facebook profile staring back at me from the screen, a beacon of hope in the darkness of uncertainty.

With trembling fingers, I clicked on her profile, my heart pounding in my chest as I sent her a friend
request—a simple gesture that held the promise of a long-awaited reunion. And when she accepted my
request, my joy knew no bounds, a feeling of elation washing over me like a tidal wave, as if God himself
had answered my prayers and brought us together once more.

As we began to talk again after so many years apart, it was as if time had stood still, our conversation
flowing effortlessly as we caught up on lost time and shared memories. And in the midst of our reunion,
Faith shared with me the news that she had enrolled at Egerton University, her words affirming with a
sense of purpose and determination that reminded me of Resian, the determined Maa girl I had read
about in a piece somewhere. In Faith's words, I saw echoes of Resian's strength and resilience, her
unwavering commitment to her goals and her unyielding spirit in the face of adversity. And as we talked,
I felt a sense of pride swell within me—a pride in the woman that Faith had become, in the journey that
she had embarked upon, and in the obstacles that she had overcome along the way.

But amidst the joy and excitement of our reunion, there was a bittersweet undercurrent—a reminder of
the time lost, of the distance that had separated us, and of the moments that we could never reclaim.
Yet, in spite of it all, there was a sense of gratitude—a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to
reconnect, to bridge the gap that had once seemed insurmountable, and to rediscover the bond that
had never truly been broken.

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