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PART TEST-1 (24-09-2020)

Time: 3 Hours LEADER_10-AUG Maximum Marks: 183




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Some Useful Data

Quantity Values
Constant of gravitation 6.67259 × 10–11 N-m2 kg–2
Speed of light in vacuum 2.99792458 × 108 m s –1
Avogadro constant 6.0221367 × 1023 mol–1
Gas constant 8.314510 JK–1-mol–1
Boltzmann constant 1.380658 × 10–23 JK–1
8.617385 × 10–5 eV K–1
Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.67051 × 10–8 W m–2 - K–4
Wien’s displacement law constant 2.897756 × 10–3 m -K
Charge of proton 1.60217733 × 10–19 C
Mass of electron 9.1093897 × 10–31 kg
5.48579903 × 10–4 u
Mass of proton 1.6726231 × 10–27 kg
1.007276470 u
Permeability of vacuum 4 × 10–7 NA–2
Permittivity of vacuum 8.854187817 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2
Faraday constant 96485.3029 C mol–1
Planck constant 6.6260755 × 10–34 J-s
4.1356692 × 10–15 eV-s
SECTION-I : Single Correct Type
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct. You will be awarded 3 marks if only the correct option is chosen and
zero mark if none of the option is chosen. (–1) marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
1. A train moving at 25 m/s emits a whistle of frequency 200 Hz. If the speed of sound in air is 340
m/s, find the frequency observed by a stationary observer.
(i) if observer is in front of the source (ii) if observer is behind the train
(A) 186 Hz, 216 Hz (B) 216 Hz, 186 Hz (C) 172 Hz, 220 Hz. (D) 220 Hz, 172 Hz

2. A closed organ pipe has length ‘’ The air in it is vibrating in 3rd overtone with maximum

amplitude ‘a’. The amplitude at a distance of /7 from closed end of the pipe is equal to–

a 3
(A) a (B) a/2 (C) (D) zero

3. In a resonance pipe the first and second resonance are obtained at lengths 22.7 cm and 70.2 cm
respectively. What will be the end correction-
(A) 1.05 cm (B) 115.5 cm (C) 92.5 cm (D) 113.5 cm

4. An unknown fork produces 4 beats per second with a tuning fork of frequency 288 Hz. When
unknown fork is loaded with wax it again produces 4 beats per second. The unknown frequency of
tuning fork is -
(A) 284 Hz (B) 292 Hz (C) 290 Hz (D) 288 Hz
Nucleus Education-(LEADER 10-Aug, 13, 20, 27-July)_24092020

5. The amplitude of wave disturbance propagating in the positive x-axis is given by y =
x – 2x  1

at t = 2 sec and y = at t = 6 sec, where x and y are in meters. Velocity of the pulse is -
x  2x  5

(A) 1 m/s in positive x-direction (B) + 2 m/s in negative x-direction

(C) 0.5 m/s in negative x-direction (D) 1 m/s in negative x-direction

6. For a prism, its refractive index is cot A/2. Then minimum angle of deviation is -
(A) 180° – A (B) 180° – 2A (C) 90° – A (D) A/2

7. A wire is 4 m long and has a mass 0.2 kg. The wire is kept horizontally. A transverse pulse is
generated by plucking one end of the taut (tight) wire. The pulse makes four trips back and forth
along the cord in 0.8 sec. The tension is the cord will be –
(A) 80 N (B) 160 N (C) 240 N (D) 320 N
C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 1
SECTION-II : One or More Options Correct Type
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE may be correct. You will be awarded 4 marks if all the
correct option(s) is/are chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. For each correct answer
+1 mark will be awarded if no incorrect option is chosen. In all other cases minus two (–2) mark will be
8. Mark the correct options -
(A) If the incident rays are converging, we have a real object
(B) If the final rays are converging, we have a real image
(C) The image of a virtual object is called a virtual image
(D) If the image is virtual, the corresponding object is called a virtual object

9. The equation of a stationary wave in a string is y = (4 mm) sin [(3.14 m–1) x] cos t.
Select the correct alternative(s) –
(A) The amplitude of component waves is 2 mm
(B) The amplitude of component waves is 4 mm
(C) The smallest possible length of string is 0.5 m
(D) The smallest possible length of string is 1.0 m

10. Velocity of sound in air is 320 m/s. A pipe closed at one end has a length of 1 m. Neglecting end
corrections, the air column in the pipe can resonate for sound of frequency –
(A) 80 Hz (B) 240 Hz (C) 320 Hz (D) 400 Hz

11. Sound wave is traveling along positive x-direction. Displacement (y) of particles from their mean
position at position x is shows in figure. Choose the correct alternative(s) –
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C D E x

(A) Particle located at E has its velocity in negative x-direction
(B) Particle located at D has zero velocity
(C) Particles located near C are under compression
(D) Change in pressure at D is zero

12. In a standing wave on a string

(A) In one lime period all the particles are simultaneously at rest twice
(B) All the particles must be at their positive extremes simultaneously once in one time period
(C) All the particles are never at rest simultaneously.
(D) All the particles may be at their positive extremes simultaneously once in a time period.

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 2
13. A string of length L is stretched along the x-axis and is rigidly clamped at its two ends. It
undergoes transverse vibration. If n is an integer, which of the following relations may represent
the shape of the string at any time t ?
 nx   nx 
(A) y = A sin   cos t (B) y = A sin   sin t
 L   L 
 nx   nx 
(C) y = A cos   cos t (D) y = A cos   sin t
 L   L 

14. An equiconvex lens of refractive index 1.5 and focal length 10 cm (in air) is placed on the surface
 4
of water     such that its lower surface is immersed in water but its upper surface is in
 3
contact with air outside. Principal axis is perpendicular to water. A beam parallel to its principal
axis is incident on lens from air then -
(A) The beam will focus at a distance 20 cm from lens
(B) The beam will focus at a distance 30 cm from lens
(C) Focal length if lens wholly immersed in water will be 40 cm
(D) Focal length of lens wholly immersed in water will be 30 cm

SECTION-III : Paragraph Type

This section contains 2 Paragraphs each describing theory, experiment and data etc. Four questions
relate to two paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has
ONLY ONE is correct answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). You will be awarded
3 marks if only the correct option is chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. No negative
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
Paragraph for question nos. 15 & 16
For convex lens when object is moved between f and 2f then its image will be real, inverted,
magnified and on the other side of lens between f and 
15. Focal length of a convex lens is 10 cm. When the object is moved from 15 cm to 25 cm, the
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magnitude of linear magnification -

(A) will increase (B) will decrease
(C) will first increase then decrease (D) will first decrease than increase

16. Image of object AB shown in figure will be like


2F A F

(A) A' (B) A'

F 2F F 2F B'

A' A'
(C) (D)
F 2F F 2F B'

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 3
Paragraph for question nos. 17 & 18
If glass slab is placed in air and a point object O is placed under the glass slab. If light rays coming
from object does not emerge in air in region BC while light rays coming from O refracts in air in
region AB, then -


17. Refractive index of glass slab is -

4 3 5
(A) (B) (C) (D) 2
3 2 3

18. Distance of image when seen normally -

8 12
(A) 2 cm (B) cm (C) 3 cm (D) cm
5 5
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C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 4
SECTION-I : Single Correct Type
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct. You will be awarded 3 marks if only the correct option is chosen
and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. (–1) marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this
19. Which one of the following number is rational ?
(A) sin 15º (B) cos 15º (C) sin 15º cos 15º (D) sin 15 cos 75º

20. If A + C = B, then tan A tan B tan C is

(A) tan A tan B + tan C (B) tan B – tan C – tan A
(C) tan A + tan C – tan B (D) – (tan A tan B + tan C)

21. If 270º <  < 360º, then 2  2  2cos  is equal to

   
(A) 2sin   (B) 2sin   (C) 2cos   (D) 2cos  
4 4 4 4

22. If a + b + c = 0 and a2 + b2 + c2 = k(a2 – bc) then k can be

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

a(b2  c2 )  b(c2  a 2 )  c(a 2  b 2 )

23. If a + b + c = 22 and ab + bc +ca = abc then value of is N.
Then last digit of N is:
(A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 1 (D) 0

2sin  sin   3cos   3

24. If x = , then is equal to
1  cos   3sin  2  2cos 
2 1
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(A) (B) x (C) (D) 2x

x x

a b
25. If (a + b ) = (a + b ) and ab  0, then    is equal to
2 2 3 3 3 2

b a
a b
6 6
64 a 6  a 3 b3  b 6
(A) (B) (C) 1 (D)
ab3 3
729 a 2 b 4  a 4 b2

SECTION-II : One or More Options Correct Type

This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE may be correct. You will be awarded 4 marks if all the
correct option(s) is/are chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. For each correct answer
+1 mark will be awarded if no incorrect option is chosen. In all other cases minus two (–2) mark will be
26. If the polynomial P(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d vanishes when x = 1 and x = – 2 and has the values 4
and 28 when x = –1 and x = 2 respectively then
(A) a + b = 7 (B) b – a = 1 (C) c + d = – 7 (D) c – d = –3

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 5
27. If |x – 5| – |x – 7| = k then
(A) for k = 2 the equation has infinitely many solutions
(B) for k = – 2 the equation has infinitely many solutions
(C) for k  (2, ) the equation has no solution
(D) for k  (– 2, 2) the equation has exactly one solution

28. Let cosx + cosy = 3/2 and sinx – siny = 1/2, then

1 xy 5
(A) cos(x + y) = (B) cos  
4  2  2 2

xy 3
(C) sin   (D) cos2x + cos2y + cos(x – y) = 2
 2  2 2

39 2  5
29. Let a, b,  Q such that = a + b 2 which of the following is correct
3 2

(A) is a rational number (B) b & a are coprime rational number
(C) (b – a) is a prime number (D) a  b is a rational number

30. Value of + 2cot15º cot25º cot45º cot75º cot65º (sin218º + sin272º) is greater than
cosec 53º
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(A) 0 (B) 1/2 (C) 2 (D) 3

31. Let P = sin25° sin35° sin60° sin85° and Q = sin20° sin40° sin75° sin80°. Which of the following
relation(s) is (are) correct ?
(A) P + Q = 0 (B) P – Q = 0 (C) P2 + Q2 = 1 (D) P2 – Q2 = 0

32. For equation x  x  x  x  .......  2 , if x = p  q then which of the following is

(A) p + q = 4 (B) p + q = 6 (C) pq2 = 8 (D) p – q = 0

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 6
SECTION-III : Paragraph Type
This section contains 2 Paragraphs each describing theory, experiment and data etc. Four questions
relate to two paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has
ONLY ONE is correct answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). You will be awarded
3 marks if only the correct option is chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. No negative
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
Paragraph for question nos. 33 & 34
Let Pn ()  [sin n   cosn ]  n  N &   R.
33. Value of P2() is
(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) (D) depends on ''

34. Value of P6() – P4() is

1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) depends on ''
12 12 6

Paragraph for question nos. 35 & 36

Consider equation x 2  2x  1  4x 2  4x  1  4x 2  2
On the basis of above information, answer the following questions:
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35. The number of integral solution(s) of equation is-

(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

36. The sum of all the solutions of the equation is-

2 2
(A) 0 (B)  (C) (D) 1
3 3

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 7
SECTION-I : Single Correct Type
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct. You will be awarded 3 marks if only the correct option is chosen
and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. (–1) marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this
37. Increasing order EAN of the metals in
I. [Ni(CN)4]2– II. [Fe(CN)3]3– III. [Cu(CN)4]3– is
(A) I < II < III (B) I < II = III (C) I < III < II (D) III < II < I

38. In a zero order reaction half life is 100 sec. After how much times fraction of reactant will be
reacted ?
(A) 300 sec. (B) 200 sec. (C) 175 sec. (D) 25 sec.

39. Select the correct order of stability :

       
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
(A) P > Q > R > S (B) R > S > P > Q (C) P > Q > S >R (D) Q > P > R > S

40. The enthalpy of solution of BaCl2(s) and BaCl2.2H2O(s) are –20.6 and 8.8 kJmol–1 respectively.
Calculate enthalpy change (in kJ) for given reaction -
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BaCl2(s) + 2H2O  BaCl2·2H2O(s)

(A) –11.8 (B) –29.4 (C) –15.2 (D) +29.4

41. The compound [CoCl3I(C5H5N]Br will show the chemical test for which of the following ions?
(A) Br (B) Cl (C) I (D) Br as well as Cl

42. Correct stability order of given carbanion is :-

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (a) > (b) > (c) > (d) (B) (b) > (a) > (d) > (c)
(C) (d) > (c) > (a) > (b) (D) (c) > (d) > (a) > (b)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 8
SECTION-II : One or More Options Correct Type
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE may be correct. You will be awarded 4 marks if all the
correct option(s) is/are chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. For each correct answer
+1 mark will be awarded if no incorrect option is chosen. In all other cases minus two (–2) mark will be
43. Which of the following ligand(s) is/are ambidentate ?
(A) NOS (B) SCN (C) NO2 (D) CH3COO

44. Which of the following mixture of strong acid & strong base will give same temperature change
for solution (Assume density & specific heat same for all solutions)-
(A) 50 ml 0.1 M HCl + 50 ml 0.1 M NaOH
(B) 30 ml 0.1 M HCl + 30 ml 0.1 M NaOH
(C) 25 ml 0.1 M H2SO4 + 50 ml 0.1 M KOH
(D) 50 ml 0.1 M H2SO4 + 50 ml 0.1 M NaOH

45. For the given compounds, select the INCORRECT order(s) ?

(P) (Q) (R)

(A) R > P > Q (Stability)
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(B) Q > P > R (Heat of combustion)

(C) P > R > Q (Heat of hydrogenation per mole of H2)
(D) P > Q > R (Rotational bond energy barrier about C2 – C3)

46. Select the correct IUPAC name for [CoCl2(en)2]2(ClO3)2.

(A) Dichloridobis (ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) chlorate
(B) Dichloridobis (ethane-1, 2-diamine)cobalt(III) chlorate
(C) bis {dichloridoethylenediaminecobalt(III)} chlorate
(D) bis {di(chloride)ethylenediaminecobalt(III)} chlorate

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 9
47. If heat of formation of PCl3(g) and PH3(g) are 140 and 8 kJ /mole respectively and heat of
atomization of phosphorous[P4(s)], chlorine and hydrogen are 320, 120 and 216 kJ/mole
respectively then.
(A) Bond energy of P–Cl is 63 kJ/mole
(B) Bond energy of P–H is 210 kJ/mole
(C) Heat of formation of isolated gaseous hydrogen atom is 108 kJ/mole
(D) Heat of formation of isolated gaseous chlorine atom is 60 kJ/mole

48. Which of the following statement(s) is/are True about Azulene.

(A) Five membered ring is found electron rich

(B) Seven membered ring is found electron deficient
(C) It is aromatic in nature
(D) It has zero dipole moment

49. For the I order reaction

A 2C
If k1 : k2 : k3 is 1 : 2 : 3, then what is correct ([A]o = 1 M)
(A) at  time [C] is 2/3 M (B) [B]t > [C]t
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[B]t [C]t [D]t

(C) When [A]t = 1/2 M then [D] = 1 M (D) [A]t +   = 1M
3 2 4

50. For the reaction between A and B, the relationship between the concentration of A and B and rate is
given by
[A]/mol/L [B]/mole/L Relative rate
0.1 0.1 1
0.2 0.1 4
0.1 0.2 2
The reaction is :
(A) first order with respect to A (B) second order with respect to A
(C) first order with respect to B (D) third order overall

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 10
SECTION-III : Paragraph Type
This section contains 2 Paragraphs each describing theory, experiment and data etc. Four questions
relate to two paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has
ONLY ONE is correct answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). You will be awarded
3 marks if only the correct option is chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. No negative
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
Paragraph for question nos. 51 & 52
The crystal field theory (CFT) is an electrostatic model which considers the metal-ligand bond to
be ionic arising purely from electrostatic interaction between the metal ion and the ligand. Ligands
are treated as point charges in case of anions or dipoles in case of neutral molecules.
The five d-orbitals in an isolated gaseous metal atom/ion have same energy, i.e., they are
degenerate. This degeneracy is maintained if a spherically symmetrical field of negative charges
surrounds the metal atom/ion.
51. Select the pair of complex having magnetic moment is zero :
(A) [Ni(CN)4]–2, [Ni(CO)4] (B) [Ni(H2O)4]+2, [Ni(CN)4]–2
(C) [Ni(H2O)4]+2, [Ni(CO)4] (D) [Fe(CN)6]–4, [Fe(CN)6]–3

52. Which of the following is an inner orbital complex as well as diamagnetic in behaviour :
(A) [Zn(NH3)6]+2 (B) [Cr(NH3)6]+3 (C) [Co(NH3)6]+3 (D) [Ni(NH3)6]+3

Paragraph for question nos. 53 & 54

The electron displacement in an organic molecule may take place either in the ground state under
the influence of an atom or a substituent group or in the presence of an appropriate attacking
reagent. The electron displacements due to the influence of an atom or a substituent group present
in the molecule cause permanent polarlisation of the bond. Inductive effect and resonance effects
are examples of this type of electron displacements. Temporary electron displacement effects are
Nucleus Education-(LEADER_10–AUG_24092020

seen in a molecule when a reagent approaches to attack it. This type of electron displacement is
called electromeric effect or polarisability effect.
53. Which of the following order is CORRECT for given electronic displacement effect
   
(A) – OR 2 > –OR > –SR (–I) (B) – NR  – O  – CH 2 (+I)
(C) – C(Et)3 < – C(CH3)3 < – CH3 (+I) (D) – NO2 > –CH3 > –F (–I)

54. Among the following, choose the correct statement(s) ?

(A) Inductive effect involves delocalisation of  electrons.
(B) Resonating structures are represented by single headed arrow ()
(C) Inductive effect is permanent & distance independent effect.
(D) Compounds having resonance phenomenon can have at least two different hypothetical

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 11
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A
8. B 9. AD 10. ABD 11. ABCD 12. AD 13. AB 14. AC
15. B 16. C 17. C 18. D

19. C 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. B
26. ABCD 27. ABCD 28. ABC 29. ABCD 30. ABC 31. BD 32. ACD
33. C 34. B 35. B 36. A


37. C 38. C 39. C 40. B 41. A 42. D 43. A,B,C

44. A,B,D 45. A,B,D 46. A,B 47. C,D 48. ABC 49. A,C,D 50. B,C,D
51. A 52. C 53. A 54. D


1. (B)

2. (A)
Sol. The figure shows variation of displacement of particles in a closed organ pipe for 3rd overtone.
7 4  
For third overtone  = or   or 
Nucleus Education-(LEADER 10-Aug, 13, 20, 27-July)_24092020

4 7 4 7
P 
Hence the amplitude at P at a distance /7 from closed end is ‘a’ because there is an antinode at
that point

3. (A)
 2 – 31
Sol. e=
70.2 – 3  22.7 70.2 – 68.1 2.1
e= = = = 1.05 cm
2 2 2

4. (B)
Sol. Unknown known Beats
292 or 284 288 4
284 4

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 12
5. (C)
Sol. At t = 2 sec,
y= 2
x – 2x  1
At t = 6 sec,
y= 2
x  2x  5
(x  2) – 2x  1

2 1
Wave velocity = = m/s in negative x-direction.
4 2

6. (B)
 A  m 
sin  
Sol. cot A/2 =  2 
sin A / 2
 A  m 
sin  
cos A / 2
=  2 
sin A / 2 sin A / 2
 A  m 
sin (90 – A/2) = sin  
 2 
so m = 180° – 2A

7. (A)
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Sol. 4 trips means 32 m


d d 32
t=  v= = = 40 m/s
v t 0.8

T = v2
0.2 2 16 10
T= × (40)2 =
4 4
T = 80 N

8. (B)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 13
9. (A,D)
Sol. Comparing the given equation with standard equation of stationary wave
y = 2a sin (kx) cos (t)
we have a = 2 mm

k = 2 = 3.14

or = 1.0 m

The smallest possible length is /2 or 1.0 m.

10. (A,B,D)
Sol. For closed pipe,

f = n   n = 1, 3, 5, . . .
 4 

For n = 1, f1 =   n = 1,3, 5. . . .
 4 

For n = 1, f1 = v = = 80 Hz
4 4 1

For n = 3, f3 = 3f1 = 240 Hz

For n = 5, f5 = 5f1 = 400 Hz
Nucleus Education-(LEADER 10-Aug, 13, 20, 27-July)_24092020

11. (A,B,C,D)

12. (A,D)
Sol. y = 2A sin kx sint
Vy = dy/dt = 2A sin kx. cos t
 2 
Vy = 0  t = T/4, 3T/4  T  
 
(2 times in one time period)

13. (A,B)
 nx 
Sol. y = 0 at x = 0. This can be satisfied by the term sin  
 L 

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 14
14. (A,C)

Sol. =1

1 1.5 –1  2 
(A) =    f = R = 10 cm
f 1 R

3 4 3
1 
4/3 1
 = 2 + 3 2
v  10 10
 v = 20 cm
1.5 –
= 3  2  f = 40 cm
f 4 / 3 10

15. (B)

16. (C)

17. (C)
1 3 1 5
Sol. Sin iC =   
 5  3
Nucleus Education-(LEADER 10-Aug, 13, 20, 27-July)_24092020



18. (D)
h AC 4 12
Sol. hAB =   cm
 5/3 5

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 15
19. [C]
Sol. sin15º = sin(45º– 30º)
= sin 45º cos30º – cos45ºsin30º
3 1
= 
2 2 2 2
3 1
= is irrational
2 2
3 1
cos15º = cos(45º – 30º – 30)º= is irrational
2 2
3 1 1
sin15ºcos15º =  is rational
8 4
2  3 1 
sin15ºcos75º = sin 15º =  
 2 2 
42 3 2 3
=  is irrational
8 4

20. [B]
Sol. tan(A + C) = tanB
tan A  tan C
  tan B
1  tan A tan C
 tanA + tanC = tanB – tanAtanBtanC
 tanAtanBtanC = tanB – tanC – tanA

21. [B]

Nucleus Education-(LEADER_10–AUG_24092020

Sol. 2  2  2cos   2  2.2cos 2


 
= 2  2 cos ,135º   180º
2 2

  1º  
= 2  2cos  2sin , 67   90º  2sin .
2 4 2 4 4

22. [C]
Sol. a2 + b2 + c2 = (a + b + c)2 – 2(ab + bc + ca)
= 0 – 2 (ab + bc + ca)
= –2 (a (b + c) + bc)
= –2(–a2 + bc)
= 2(a2– bc)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 16
23. [A]
Sol. a + b + c = 22, and ab + bc +ca = abc
Multiplying, we get
(a + b + c) (ab + bc + ca) = 22 abc
a 2b  abc  a 2c  ab 2  b 2c  abc  cab  c 2b  c 2a
= 22
a(b2  c2 )  b(c2  a 2 )  c(a 2  b 2 )
 3  22
a(b2  c2 )  b(c2  a 2 )  c(a 2  b 2 )
 19

24. [C]
2sin 
Sol. Given, x =
1  cos   3sin 
sin   3cos   3
We have
2  2cos 
sin   3(1  cos )
2(1  cos )
sin  3
= 
2(1  cos ) 2
sin (1  cos ) 3
= 
2(1  cos 2 ) 2
sin (1  cos ) 3
= 
2sin 2  2
(1  cos ) 3
= 
2sin  2
Nucleus Education-(LEADER_10–AUG_24092020

(1  cos   3sin )
2sin 

25. [B]
Sol. (a2 + b2)3 = (a3 + b3)2
 a6 + b6 + 3a2b2 (a2 + b2) = a6 + b6 + 2a3b3
 a2 + b2 = ab
2 
 3 ab 
 a 2  b2 
6 6
a b 2 64
Now,    =   =  =  
b a  ab   ab  3 729
 

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 17
26. (A,B,C,D)
Sol. ƒ(x) = (x – l)(x + 2)(x + )
4 = (–2)(l) (–1 + )
– 2 = –  + 
28 = (l)(4)(2 + )
7 = 2 + 
=3 =
 1
 ƒ(x) = 3(x – 1) (x + 2)  x  
 3
 3x + 4x – 5x – 2
3 2

27. (A,B,C,D)

28. (A,B,C)
3 1
Sol. cosx + cosy = & sinx – siny =
Nucleus Education-(LEADER_10–AUG_24092020

2 2
Squaring & Adding
9 1
2 + 2cos(x + y) = 
4 4
cos(x + y) =
xy 1
2cos 2   1 
 2  4

xy 5
cos  
 2  2 2

xy 3
sin  
 2  2 2

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 18
29. (A,B,C,D)
Sol. 39 2  5 = 3a  2a + 3b 2  2b
After compare we get
–a + 3b = 39 .....(1)
3a – 2b = – 5.....(2)
From equation (1) & (2) a = 9, b = 16
Option A, B, C, D all correct

30. (A,B,C)
sec  90º 53º 
Sol. + 2(cot15º cot75º) (sin218º + cos218º)
cosec 53º

31. (B,D)
Sol. P = sin60º × sin75º
Q = sin75º × × sin60º
Hence P = Q  P – Q = 0 or P2 – Q2 = 0
Nucleus Education-(LEADER_10–AUG_24092020

32. (A,C,D)

Sol. x  x  x  .......  2  x

 x 2x = 2 – x
 2 = (2 – x)2
 2 = 4 – 4x + x2
 x2 – 4x + 2 = 0

4  16  8
 x=

42 2
 x=
x = 2 2

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 19
33.[C], 34.[B]
1 1
Sol. P2() = [sin2 + cos2] =
2 2
1 1
P6() – P4() = [sin6 + cos6] – [sin4+ cos4]
6 4
1 1
= [1 – 3sin2.cos2] – [1 – 2sin2.cos2]
6 4
1 1 4  6 2 1
=    
6 4 6  4 24 12

35.[B], 36. [A]

Sol. |x + 1| – |2x + 1| + |2x| = 2
Case-I : x < –1
 x=–2
Case-II : –1  x < –
 x = 0 (rejected)
Case-III :  x0
 x=  (rejected)
Nucleus Education-(LEADER_10–AUG_24092020

Case-IV : 0x
 x=2

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 20
37. (C)
Sol. Complex ion EAN
(I) [Ni(CN)4]2– 28–2 + 2×4 = 34
(II) [Fe(CN)6]3– 26–3 + 2×6 = 35
(III) [Cu(CN)4]3– 29–1 + 2×4 = 36
Correct order III > II > I

38. (C)
Sol. t1/2 = 100 sec
t1/2 =
7[A]0 7
t7/8 =   t1/2
8K 4
= 100 = 175 sec.

39. (C)
40. (B)
Sol. BaCl2(s) + aq BaCl2 + (aq)
rH +2H2O +8.8
Nucleus Education-(LEADER_10–AUG_24092020

rH + 8.8 = –20.6

rH = –29.4 kJ/mol

41. (A)
Sol. The ion present out side of the coordination sphere will only give their test. Ions present inside of
coordination sphere (i.e. ligands) will not give any test.

42. (D)
43. (A,B,C)
Sol. NOS, SCN & NO2 are ambidentate ligands.

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 21
44. (A,B,D)
45. (A,B,D)
46. (A,B)
Sol. For given complex IUPAC names are correctly written in option (A) & option (B).

47. (C,D)
1 3
Sol. P4(s) + Cl2(g)  PCl3(g) 32 ; H = 140
4 2
1 3 
140 =   320  120  – 3 × (B – E)P–Cl
4 2 
(B–E)P–Cl = = 40kJ / mole
1 3
P4(s) + H2(g)  PH3(g) ; H = 8
4 2
1 3 
8 =   320   216  – 3 × (B – E)P–H
4 2 
(B–E)P–H = 132 kJ/mole
H2  2H ; H = 216  (Hf)H = = 108
Cl2  2Cl ; H = 120  (Hf)Cl = = 60

48. (ABC)
49. (A,C,D)
Nucleus Education-(LEADER_10–AUG_24092020

Sol. t=0 1M k1
A 2C
t= 0
k2 2 2
(A) [C] = 2 ×1=2×  M
k1  k 2  k 3 6 3
(B) [Bt] : [Ct] : : k1 × 3 : k2 × 2
 [Bt] < [Ct]
3 1
(C) [Dt] = 4 ×  =1M
6 2

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 22
50. (B,C,D)
51. (A)
Sol. Pair of complex having magnetic moment is Zero :
(i) [Ni(CN)4]–2 :-
Oxidation state of Ni = +2
Hybridization = dsp2
Geometry :- square planar
 = 0 (No unpaired electron).
(ii) [Ni(CO)4] :-
Oxidation state of Ni = 0
Hybridization = sp3
Geometry = Tetrahedral

52. (C)
Sol. [Co(NH3)6]+2
Oxidization state of Co = +2
Co+2 = 3d6
4s 4p


Nucleus Education-(LEADER_10–AUG_24092020

hybridization = d2sp3
type of complex = Inner orbital
 = 0 (diamagnetic complex)

53. (A)
54. (D)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 23
19. The question paper has three parts: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.
20. Each part has three sections as detailed in the following table:

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