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CHAPTER 4 - lsr EDI © .


12 - 2 0 22
V H S M C Qs 2 0

Meibor, i
Tarsal platr c-o,llains which glands? Chai"
eye l id?
:? Painkss pmgr('s. i n�ly increasing swell ing on l o we r �c�
am in::o�lo::n:e�a=c:c=to

Tr('Jtml'nt of choicl' for Chalazi on Stye
und hair fo l l i c le ?'
� PJi n fu l swel li ng on l id margin w ith p us aro
5 R uming sensation in eyes in which disease of eye l i d? To pica l antib iot i c� ( �itr .
. ,. - �.:511 )
6 T real m ent o f cho ice for A nt e ri or blepharitis. ? Gray l me at -o0°C IO - 8 0--c
7 Cryotherapy for Trichiasis is done at? 3 rd nerve p alsy
L 1 _
E ) e ba 1 1 s m o ed o u t vard and d o wn ward
-8! �0·��0;� ,· ;,�00 ,�31����f[�i�if �+:':��=== ===========� ======]H
o rn er syn 1 ;-
����f���a�!- 0�;
L I I Smal l size�dGpupi
�_�� �
l ��
+ Elevat
ion o f l ower eyel id?
� � == �
4 mm

ormal marginal reflex d istance is


Treat cau se + ":} f?r ne rve

I 3 Treatment for 3rd nerve ptosis is? regene ratio n
Orb icularis ocul i
14 Paraly1ic Ec tro pion is due to p aralysis o f which muscle?
Tarsal rotati o n s urgery
15 Procedure for cicatricial entropion is
Meibomian glands
Mod ified sebaceo us glands of eye are?
upward and outward
17 In n o rmal Bell phenom enon, eyeball moves --.. :when l ids are closed
Absenc e of Bell's phenom enon
1 8 / One o f the i m portant c o ntraindication for perfonning Sling Operation
19 Most comm o n rum o r of upper eyelid is? Sebaceous gland carcinoma

20 Most comm o n tum or of lower eyelid is? BCC

21 Most common locatio n ·for BCC is? Lower eyelid

7-2 , Pairyless progressively increasing s we lling o n upper eyelid ca using Mechanical ptosis (Ptosis due to
' -mo wing of palpebral fissure. Diagnosis? Chalazion)
Sebace "•·,;; 11land carcinoma si m ulates with which eyelid patho l o gy?

I Length o f Nas o lacrimal duct? 1 2 mm

2 Length o f Lacrimal sac? . 5 mm
3 When does tear production starts after delivery? 3 rd - 4 th· week
4 Treatment o f ch o ice for congenital Nas o lacrimal duct obstruction at age Probing
of2 year?
5 When do es OCR performed? When probing faile d. At age of:;
5 years
I n OCR, channel i s created bet ween which two structures?
Lacri ma l sac and Nasal cavity
7 Lacrimal glands are l o cated in which bone?
Fronta l bon e
8 Tear film has 3 layers. Thinnest layer is secreted by wh ich glan ds?
UHS M CQ.s 20U
- 2022
fil m is secreted by which glands? Lacri m al glan
ds and acc
1acn. mal gl and essory
pu mp failure is? s
F ac ial nerve pa
_ 1 sy (paraly sis of
orb1c ularis ocu\i)
Acute D acrocy
. enita\ obstruction in Lacrima\ drainage stitis
Lower end of N ., .
aso\ «cnm a
I duct
rimal pathw ay obstruction is?
Chronic dacryoade
wel ling of upper eyelid causin g ptosis + epiphora and nitis
al chem osis, Diagnosis? Chro nic dacryoade
welli ng on eyeli d causing downward and inward movemen t of Tumor of lacrimal gla

f ll i� \es on bulbar conjunctiva are pathognomonic for?

()rUg of choice for Chlamydia (ophtha\mia neonatorum)
[)(ug. of choice
for Gonorrhea (ophthalrnia neonatorum)
, A newborn baby presented with mucopurulent discharge on day 4 .
Diagnosis? •
• Triangular fibrovascular growth extending from conjunctiva to cornea A. SCC ✓
in interpalpebral region and showing invasion of cornea?
B . Pterygium
Correct statement about Pinguecula? It is avascular
Treannent of choice for Xerophthalmi a? Ora\ Vit A
Jaundice like symptoms + Joint pain + Papilledema? Hypervitarninosis A
A 14 years boy ·presented ,,,ith redness of white eye, 6/6 vision and This condition is Subconjunctival
pertussis. Treatment for this patient? hemorrhage. So, Treat only
etiological factor (pertussis
\0 Treatment for Acquired melanosis? Excision
II Treatment for malignant melanoma? Enuc\eation
Position o f phlyctenule in Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis is? 9 01 clock
Vemal Catarrh
13 A lo years old patient presented in start �f sUIIU?er wi�\giant papilla .
on palpebral conju nctiva and ropy secretions. p1agnos1s .
Vernal Catarrh
I Mos t important cause of keratoconus ts .
• ?
IS SAF E strategy treatment is recommended by WHO for?
Between Epi and Bowman' s
16 Where does corneal pannus forms? membrane (Subepithe\ial)
Trachoma (Arlt's line and
17 n problem · On eye exam.ination there
A poor man pre sented wi'th visio Herbert pits)
. . . e on Tarsal conjunctiva and a few depressions at 1-,mb us.
was a white hn
Diagnosis? . · g and Vi ral conj unctivitis
n ted wit h con jun ctiv a\ che mos1s, watenn
18 A new born baby p rese
• ?
discharge. Diagnosi s · Symblepharon
and globe is known as . Symblepharon
19 Adhesion between ey elid . •
con junctiva is known as
lpe bra l an d bu lbar A nkyloblepharon
0 Adhesion betwe en p a
eye l .' ds ·,s known
21 Ad hesion between
O R, AB D - 551 -
Thickest layer of cornea is?
2 Layer of cornea that dctcnnines dehydratio n?
3 . . 1lng corneIll trans pa
Layer of come n•sponsihk• for ma111ta11
4 Most of the eye diopter power is provi ded by?
5 Basement membr me of Comcal Endot heliu m is
6 W hi h b cteria invade co rnea through intac t epi the l i um?

o f bacter ial
7 Line of demarcation around les i on is fonned .m wh 'ich stage
corneal ulcer? Fluoresce in stain
· y/corn. ea I
8 How to distinguish between corneal ulcer and corneal opacit (Corneal ulcer take s up
abscess? · · ' · ·' 1 ••
Perfo ration
9 Most serious complication of bacterial corneal ulcer is? �· ·
.. Leucoma adherent
ication °� ?a ctenal
10 Adhesion between cornea �d iris is which compl
corneal ulcer?
An terio r staphyloma
11 Ectatic cornea anteriorly lined by the iris_ is known as?
Full thickness Keratopl asty
12 Treatment for corneal fistula is?
Full thickness keratopl asty
13 Treatment for Leucoma is?
Endothelial keratopl asty
14 Treatment for Bullous keratopathy?
Endothe lium
15 Which layer of cornea is damaged in Bullous keratopathy?
16 Drug of choice for Acanthamoeba keratitis? Chlorhexidine or Poly­
hexam ethylene biguanide
17 History of contact lens wearing + peripheral neuritis? Acanthamoeba keratitis
18 A former presented after ocuiai injury. Examination �hows yellow Fungal keratitis
stellate lesion. Diagnosis?
19 A 20 years boy presented with complain of painful vesicles on forehead ,. I:Ierpes zoster ophthal micus
and punctate epithelial keratitis. Diagnosis?
20 In which comeaf pathology; comeal blinking· reflex is absent? Herpes :z.oster ophthalmicus
21 A I 9 years boy presented with palpitations, he�t intolerance and slight Exposure keratopathy due to
eye protrusion. On eye examination, there is whitening involving the Graves eye disease
inferior third of (he cornea. Diagnosis?
22 A female presented with complain of saliva dribbl ing, deviation of Exposure keratopathy due to
angle of mouth on left side. She told about itching in her eyes which Facial palsy
worse in the morning. Diagnosis?
23 Drug of choice for Herpes simplex keratitis?
24 Which drug is contraindicated for Herpes simplex keratitis treatment?
Steroid because it causes
recurrenc e
25 Three main principles of treatment for Fungal keratitis? . +
Anti fungal + 1 % Atropine
26 Schwalbe' line is the
anterio r limit of Oesc emet
27 M ost prominent sign of Disci form keratitis?
Chronic painful marginal corneal ulcer + Advanc Stromal ede ma
18 ing ra·ised e d ges

D1agno • ?.
s1s Moore n' ulcer


O. AH M AD & DR.
- 554 -
E R 4 - 1st EDI © OP
ctfAPT UHS Mcn
�­ 2012
n is seen in? - 2022
M unson si g
29 ._-�'
on slit l amp examinat i o n are see n in w tu. cI·\ disease? K eratoconu
Vo gt line .
n d s h a pe d keratop athy 1s due to __ degenerati on Keratoco n
of c orne a? Calcareo us
Blood su pply ....
of choice for Keratoconus? A nteri or cili
Invest igat ion ary arte ry
for Fungal keratitis? Corneal top
prug of choice ography
20 ) ears old p atient presents with deerease.d. v1s . 1. on N atamyc in
A i n both eyes
3,• . n .
i on sh ows b'1 l ateral interstitial kerati A. Syphil i s ✓
Exa mi at t ts with Salmon Pat�h
appearance. What is the diagno sis? 8· H erpes Zost
. . C . Herpe s Sim ple
A 20 years old girl who se right eye was mJ ured by a tree branch N x
36 - -
co mpl ains . o f pain
· ·
in the eye · Exam ma .
tton show. 5 a 4 mm ctr
· ow A. Biopsy - --
yellow les ion m the center o f her c ornea· W hat ts the Investigat io B. Scraping ✓
n of
choice? � C. Swabs

Most common type of scl eritis is?

Di ffuse type (an ten.or scl
Most common etiological factor for sclen' fIS?. eritis)
Rh eu matoid arthritis
3 2.5% Phenylephrine blanches wh'1ch vessels?
, . superficial episcleral vessels
4 Thickness of sclera is
,, OJ --- 1 mm
5 Sciera is weakest and thinnest at? Just behind the equator (OJ mm)
6 Thickness of scl era at l imbus 'is
0.8 mm
7 B scan shows T sign in which type of scleri tis? Posterior scl�ritis
8 Treatment for Anterior scleritis is? Steroids, lmmunosuppressive
. , h'' .
9 A patient presented with j o int pairi' temporal
·- pain , redness of w 1te eye Scleritis
and no bl anc h'mg o f vessels with phenyJephrine. What is the diagnosis?
Sc lera is re l ative ly? : AvJ<:ular
Cata .ract and Lens

II Most common type of c ongenital c ataract is? Lamellar cataract

· Vit C and D defidency +
Caus es of conge nital lan:i,el lar cataract are?
. �- ,,,.. . . Intrauterine infection + Dentition
Central oil droplet cataract
type of congenital cataract?
Gal acto sem ia is the cause of which
4 In whi ch type of congenital cata
ract, �ucleus and deep cortex are Central oil droplet cataract

r cataract
invo l ved?
of Punctate subcapsu!a
own synd rome are c auses
5 Hypoparathyroidism and D Retrolental fibrop
las ia

to retin al
en is given to prem ature child that leads

High pre ssu re oxy g
patho l o gy + whitish refl
ex? Cataract

7 d n� bC i,erfonned
and refoTIJled ?
e of congenital cataract sho
l os form ed, sp l_it 2 years
In whi ch disease h a
i mpl antation in c as

8 JO L di abetes t
uncontroll ed

be fore age of?

ition? c u tox icity
ata rac t i s set;r·i' in whi ch cond ons
9 S now fl ak e c
o · b e tes and Radiati
Steroi. d
10 cataract?
ch p atholo gy? s,
ct i s se'e n in whi
0rior sub caps ular
ta ra
of pa,t
w e r ca

M aj or c au ses
S u n flo
ANAN, DR, AA - 555 -
UHS M CQs 20
12 ... �
.CHAPTER 4 - 1ST EDI © OPHTHALMO LOGY Traumatic cataract
a. Re d
. . fter ocu lar tra u m
I2 A 1 2 years boy presented wi th reduc ed v1s1o n a .
reflex was absen t. What is the proba ble d iagn osi Ph aco. e mulsificat�
Treatment for tnununtic l'ntarncl'l asp .irati on + IOL nn
. pl ant .
Dislo cated l�
14 The C'l nly imlkntion for IC E is'? ICCE with IO L i m p�
15 lt\'atment for fat<lpin kntis is'l Hypermetro�
16 Whkh ty p�' o f rd'rnd ivc l'rl'or is seen in aphu kiu'! IOL implantation i n�
c hamb e r
17 1n:atnh.' nt of cllC'lkc for Aphnkia?
6 weeks --------
• ph�cocmu 1 st• ri,cati• on, spect ac les are
IS Atlcr hl,w many �vecks ot
p�s"·ribed +20 D --------
. . ificatio n?
19 Standa rd power of IOL that 1s implanted after phacoe muls
A scan + K e rato met�
_o Power of lOL determined by
Opacification of poste rio�
The disadvantage of ECCE over ICCE is?
Risk o f vitreou s he morrha�

22 The disad, antage o_f ICCE over ECCE is? retinal d etachm ent n
�-L3rd__ _
and 4th Purkinje images ar formed by?

that's why absent in A phakia
. e .

Morgagnian c ataract ---....

24 In which form of senile cataract, cortex l iquefies and milky in
, --� �p�
ap �c�e:_
____ -
e aran
1- ? N ucl e ar catarac t
25 Blackish pupillary reflex is seen in which fype of senile'cataract.
26 Tests to distinguish between immature and m ature ca�ract? Iris shadow, Color of pup ill ary
re fl e x and Number of Purkinje
image s

27 Myopic shift is s een in which type or' senile c�taract? N ucl e ar c ataract (hard cataract)�

28 A 68 years m ale presented- with painless. reduction of vision. Pupillary Immature c ataract
refl ex was grey in color and the iris shadow was present. Diagnosis?
29 In past, bilateral aphakia was best corrected by? Aphakic glasses
30 Investigation for Subluxated lens? B -s can
31 A 20 y ears lady pre sented with bilate ral uve itis secondary to S econdary cataract
sarcoidosis. She was started Qn steroid therapy . VA was 6/36 in both
eyes. No RAPD. Th e re are bilateral medial opacities that re mains
stationary on eye movement. Diagnosis?
32 Diminished vision i n sunlight? Posterior subcapsular cataract
33 Thicke ning of crystallin e le ns in diab etes may le ad to Myopia
34 Treatm e nt for Poste rior subc apsul ar cataract? -
35 Treatme nt for Elschnig's pe arls (after c ataract) in adults?
Nd YAG laser
36 Caus e of Elschnig' s p e arls is the __
Prolife ration of anterior lens Epi
to the posterior capsule
37 C ataract is the sid e effect of which drugs?
Pilocarpine, Phenothiazinc,
Ste roid
38 A pati e nt of aphakia pres e nte d with 6/60 vision . What pow
e r of l ens ts
. e d to correct t h.,s pro bl em?
re qmr + l O Diopters because
hypermetropia is seen in Aphnk�
39 Whi c h drug is most like ly to c aus e cataract fo rmation?
U HS MCQs 20
12 - 2022
S urface e ct
A . I m m atur
e c ataract
B . Hy er- ✓
p m ature cata
C, Nucl e ar cat

o a Oculllr hype rte nsio

6 A 4 ye r ol� mal e is f?und t� �av e intt·aocular pressure of 3 n
ght eye . His cup to disc ratio 1 0 mmH g in
ri s 0 .4 on that sidtr � Which Arc uate (Bj e rrum
patte rn pf ' scotoma)
visual field is likely to be seen if he is di�o�ed\vith
il�cd��?� . '... :, ·

Drug of choice in POAG in asthmatic patient?

g, How does latanoprost work
9- ·,·:, ·· ��-:--�4�--�E�p�in�ep�h�ri�ne:___J
in fOAGt
• · .. · · ,.. It incr
eases uveoscleral outflow
l0 Drug of choice in angle closure, glaucoma
Treatment of choice i f Gonioscopy _show� Gr IN Marmitol
mmHg? · ·=·· ade O and lOP is so · A. Traheculectomy
� .. IN Mannitol ✓
12 Procedure of choice in fell�w eye· ii { an le clos
g ure glaucoma? ·
: lridotomy
13 Tre atmen t of choice for inf�til�_ gla��ina if cornea .
is clear?
14 A new _born _ b aby presente_d ��;tt�:-���,al diameter
refractive d i sorder. What _1s tlieJ1�9�JsJ :':>?·:�:;..
m��ic f�.. .· ,,: Infantile glaucoma
.·· (};. "';._, ,. .
15 Haabs stria are ind ic ators of?
Infantile glaucoma
16 Which type of refracti'! e error is ·a pre�i��sin(f#t��:�f.��\�:�l�.s�e .''
. •: .
. •.,,,.;:rr -· t.'.) /_:. _: ·�/C . -·· : <:. . Hyperopta

17 Most common cause of-N eovascular glauco.nui?"i' .;, ::, '- � ,,.. Occl�sion of central retinal vein
18 Krukenberg sp indl es forrried by pigmented iris o,n?. . Endothelium of cornea
· 19 100 days glaucoma is sebn' in"which condition? CRVO
(Rubeosis iridis)
. First treat glaucoma then
20 Treatment of Phacolytic glaucoma'?
. . taract and shallow anterior_ Phacomorphic gl aucom a
21 .A p atient presented w1th hyperm.a. ture ca . ?
chamber : IOP was 30 mm Hg. D1agnos1s .
. . Neovascular glaucoma
22 A male _of �Oyears presen d th rogressive vispal deter1orat'ion with
ination refeal ed IOP of 32
percept mn of halos aroun: 1ig:t. lxam

mmH g in r i g�t ey e an� 6 H ; n le ft ey e open angle and
snowflakes hke m aten a
on��e s�;face of L;ns. Diagnosis? tropine/Tro
pic amide
ted ·in g\ aucoma
'? Beta blocker
3 Dru gs co nt aind ic a Prostagland'10s +
ed for gl aucoma
m asthma Patient? lpha 2 agonist
4 Drugs contra·1ndicat . ? A
�i���� lf�����r�[a�u�c�o� - mess .
e- sl ee = =�· �
-=��= Ganglio n c_e_ lls__
ti gl m�� ad�rug
����caus�� ���p ��!������ro�pa ==
25 Wh �ich an� ���
�th ?y = ===
fti cted in gl auc om
atous optic neu; .
a re a e
26 Which ce lls
"'a a_anl ll MAH AN , DR, AAYBAAD
UHS MCQs 20l?
ST ::---.::30h

28 Other namt, of Ph u:onntigc11ic-gl1111co11111'/ _ -·• pine

A patient of glom·oma wns pre. ct lhed II ch 11g nl\e r w I ' I c t 1 he dc vel opcu
headache. The most likely drug will be'? A, M egalo-comea
30 A 6 months olJ c h ild presents wit h bil ateral bi g eye ba lls with;ic. . z� hat
B . Bup hthalmos ✓
comea. The Child has watering from both eyes and Ph otop ho
i th likely diagnosis'? c . Con genital anom aly of eyeball
A . Open angle glauco m a ✓
31 Trabeculectomy is surgical proce d ure to correct? a. Closed angle glaucom a
c. Congenital Glaucom a
's line ✓
. . ' h structures A . Sc hwalbe
Gomoscopy shows grade 3 angle m all four quadrants. WhIC
B . Trabecul ar meshwork
are visible on gonioscopy?
c. Sc leral Spur

Pars Plana b/c it is av ascutar

Posterior chamber of eye is entered through?
Uveal tract
2 Vascular layer of eye is?
Radial fibers also k.novm as
3 Dilators of pupil are? Dilator pupillae
4 Arrangement of fibers of constrictor of pupil is?
KP' s
5 Pathogonomic sign of Anterior ·uveitis is?
Aqueous flare
6 Earliest sign of Anterior)1veitis is?
7 Size of pupil in anterior:uveitis is? ., Smal l (pupil constriction)
8 Chronic uveitis is defined by Jhe dlltiltfon of u\feitis_ for longer than: 3 months
Mutton KP's are seen in which'diseas�?-, Chronic granulomatous uveitis
.. -, .__ ,,. :
such as TB, Sarcoidosis
IO Uveitis, Retinit� and Fog appearance of head light? Ocular toxoplasmosis
11 Granulomatous uveitis, hilar. lymphadenopathy, negative Montoux test , Sarcoidosis
and increased ACE level. Diagnosis? -, .. ,. . . .
12 A 1 8 years boy presented 4 weeks after penetrating ocular injury with Sympathetic ophthalmitis
complain of reduced vision. Examination shows nodules'.between Bruch

membrane and RPE. Diagnosis?

13 Involvement of bilateral uveal tract, parotid glands and cranial nerve Heerfordt disease
3th and 7th. Diagnosis?
(Seen in sarcoidosis)
14 A patient presented with lower backache and aqueous flare and aqueous • Ankylosing spondylitis
cells in anterior chamber of eye. Diagnosis?
15 Drug of choice for Behcet disease? -
16 Immediate treatment of anterior Uveitis?
Atropine + Steroi d
17 Uveitis, Snow ball and snow banking appearance?
Intennediate uveitis
18 Micropsia in posterior uveitis is due to?
Far Awaying of photorec epto rs
19 Heterochromia of iris + presence of KP's + absence of posterior
synechiae are pathognomonic of? Fuch's uveitis syndr rnc:
20 Most comm on cause of paediatric posterior uveitis is?
Idiopathic C 3lL •
� N,�D>RR�
. AA
W>A ;.M
wj D�& D;-;;;::-:
• R. G H U;;LAM
- 558 -
n tDI C OPHTH Al U HS M CQs 2012
- 2022
Il l ' I g + K
P's and nqueous Oa re in anterio r chamber + Ope n
H y pertensi ve uvei
Is the dia gnosis? tis
Uvcllis is
ise of ac ute anteri or A nkylosi ng spo

due to?
pl y of reti na is Central retinal art
Chon· ocapill aricsry +
s contains'?
fovcola centrali Cones onl y
in Diabetic retinopathy are indicative of
Corton wool spots lschemia
iferative Diabetic retinop ath y is?
treatment of prol Pan-retinal photocoagul at
rrcatment of background stage or pre proli ferative stage of �
Diabeti c Mai �tenance of bl ood su
rctinopathY i. s?· gar level
treatment of choice for Exudative type of ARMD? .: . , ;<' . ·; ,,, Anti VEGF
treatment of cho ice for CSCR? . , .,, . , ., , ,
Treatment for macular hole? �- t , ,,, . ��- ,:)/, •� •.-. · , ,, Ocriplasmin and Vitrectomy
Mac ul ar edema i s defined as t�e thickness of _·of the _central Pin. of
·. · 500 microns
macula 1- - .• • • •, .
, • ✓• �. •

Main function of retinal pigment epi i_s Storage o[ Vit A

Scleral buckling is used for· treatment �f? Retinal detachment
Sauce and Cheese retinopathy is.,seen·m CMV Retinitis
t4 Common complication of posterior'_ uyeitis is? Exudative type of retinal
. . detachment
.• •· ·--� - ·
,.• ·�7_
. �- 1 : ·
�- . -.
�- �
. .
. ... .
. .

.- = - ·: Diabetic maculopathy

15 Most common cause of blindness in Diibetic retinopathy is?; �'!.


16 Diabetic retinopathy causes whi�h .type ofretinafdetac�ent1 - - Tractional RD

17 A 20year boy with -4 Diopters Myop,i� present �1h:sudden decrease in Rhegmatogenous RD
vision in right eye . Examinatjon shows-�oniigated appearance of retina.
and horse shoe shaped retinal tear. Diagntlsis'?� ,., ,: ;-:·. ->:· · 0
,'· ••

I& Which type of visual field c}(?fe�t _is �eenJ�,Retinitif pi�e�osa? Ring scotoma
19 Most common pattern o( Retin{tis pigmcntosa with good prognosis? � Autosomal dominant
20 Treatment of choice for stage l anlii retinoblastoma?
• Exenteration
21 Treatment of choice for stage Ill retinoblastoma? _ .
and first one is Cat eye
22 2nd common presenting complain of retinoblastoma is? · nt
Ket inob\astoma
23 A 3 years boy presented with Cat eye reflex. CT scan sho
calcification. Diagnosis? . Hypertension
24 The most common cause of CRVO is? ein occlusion
, Quad rant ret inal v
u i
24 A 49 years hypertensive male presented with ;; ;: :�::t
quadrant. RA
hemorrhage in supero-temporal cRAO
Diagnosis? nti VEG F
of? Intra vitreal A
lS CheeTY red spots indicative . c RAO
f cho ice for ischem1 c CRVO?.
. 26 Treatment O
B i fu rcation of corn rno ��
11 ca
artery toti d
28 Most co111111011 silc of cmbolus 111. CRAO'l
Macul ar h o l�
29 Weiss ring nnd yellow spots'/ A msler gri d t�
JO Tt:st for Dry ARM D'l Rub ella and Syp�
1 in
31 Snit nnd Pt:pp,·r 11p1w11rnncc of nilin11 Is sce1 Sarco id os is�
32 Cnndll• wnx nppt•111·nncc is seen In Superior temporal �
. h branc h?
. . ·. ly see n in wh l c
33 Bmnt:h rclinal vein tlcdus ton Is most con1 111!)n Solar (ecl ipse) reti n�
34 Prolongc.·d cxp<lSUre to sun causes'? Bet ween inner n uclear�
35 L<x·n1ion of hunt exudate in Diabetic rctinopathy'l in ner p lexi form forrn a nd

. al CRAO �
. in wh ich retin
36 TlJtal afferent pupillnry defect (a111auro tic pup il) 1s
d isease?
37 Photopic vision i s the property ofl (Scoto pic vision = Rods)

' Idiopathic peri-phlebiti s �

38 Eales disease is? . 1 na1

a A. Re tinoblastoma End op hYturn

39 A 5 years old child is brought with leukocoria of right eye wi�h
fungat ing mass in the orbit. What is the diagnosis? B . Retinoblastoma Ex ophyturn ✓
A. Enucleation ✓
40 A 5 years old male presents with rapidly growing retinoblastom_a.
Examinat ion shows Half fill of the eyeball. What is the appropriate B. Argon Laser therapy
treatment? C. External beam radiotherapy
A . Dry macular degeneration
41 A 60 years old patient presents with .sudden loss of vis.ion and a central
scotoma. Examination reveals a grayish green lesion at the Fovea. What B. Wet macular degeneration ✓
is the diagnosis? . C. Geographical atrophy


. . . ·. Carotid Duplex Scan
42 Investigation of CRAO? :
•·. � -· .;.

Vitreous Hcmorrlrn:zc
Source of secondary vitreous? . Muller cells of retina
2 Vitrectomy is done i f primary vitreous persist for more than 3 months
3 Synersis means? Collapse of vitreous
4 A 30 years male presented with sudden painless loss of vision. Anterior Vitreous Hemorrhage
chamber is cleared. Red reflex is absent. Diagnosis?
S Findings in fel low eye in case of vitreous Hemorrhage? Gray opacities + Fresh/Clotted
6 Synchysis scintillans means? • Liquefication of Vitreous
7 Accumulation of which material is seen in Synchysis scintillans? Choles'terol
8 Important cause of vitreous degeneration is?

First order neurons of visual pathway?

B ipolar cells
2nd order neurons of visual pathway?
Ganglion cells
Lesion of optic chiasma causes?
B itemporal hemianopia
4 Investigation of choice for Bitemporal hemianopia?
Automated Perimetry and M RI
5 Injury to Temporal lobe causes which type of defect?
S upe rior Quadrantic hem ia nop�

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- 560 -
H ALM OLOG U HS M CQs 2012 -
ary rdlcx i n case of injury to \atcrnl gcnicul atc N orm al

3rd nerv e
Left h o mony mou
· . s hem·1 ano p1. a
I .e .,
Nasal tiel d defect
r e mporal field defe•,cnt ng
. ht ey e
i n left eye
Shon ci\ i ary nerv

proptosis is?
cause o f a.xia\
forward. downward and \atera\\ y in?
fveba\1 moves F rontal muc oce\ e
� \ 6 years boy presented with fever, proptosis, painful eye and Orbital cel\ u\i tis
restriction of eyeba\\ movement to right and left dir�ction. RAPD was
. . ').
positive . 01a gnos1s
Which bones form floor of orbit?
I4 Zygomatic + Maxil lary .,.
Palatine bone
s Lid lagging is sign of? Thyroid eye disease
6 What is the finding on CT scan in Grave's eye disease shows? Thickening of extraocul ar
7 _ C__s_e_o_f_p_u_l_
au sa_t_
il_ ro_;p;_t_
e ..::.p_ o_ s_is_?________
si_ _______+--____A_V_:_: st..=.
-+ fi:..:
g Most serious complicati on of Orbital ce\lu\itis is? Cavernous sinu·s thrombosis
9 A 20 years boy presented with complete paralysis of extraocu\ar Cavernous s\nus thrombosis
muscles, proptosis and swelling behind the ear. Diagnosis?
\0 A 21 years man presents with grossly swollen eyelid. A few days before Pre-septa\ ce\lulitis
he had a pimple that his girlfriend popped with finger nail clippers.
Since then, his eyelid is swollen. Diagnosis?
11 Which antibodies are formed in Graves eye disease? lgG
12 What is the cause of Dalrymple sign in Grave's eye disease? Sympathetic overstimulation of
Muller muscle
13 Most common cause of bilateral proptosis is? Graves eye disease

l Most important prognostic factor for Chemical bum ocular injury?

2 Immediate action to be taken in case of chemical ocular injury'? Irri gatio n with plenty of water
Medi al w all
3 Which wa\\ is damaged in Blow out fracture?
4 Enophtha\mos and Rest
Complication of Blow out fracture? myopathy
Blow· out fracture
s A 1 6 years boy present
ed with proptosis, painful restricted eye
. . with ten nis

l-������� �:--::-:----------------
ball. Diagnosis ,:__-t Ret •
movem ent and vertical double diplopia after ocular ·mJ· u ry
R:; in;;
a a
fter O.c ular trauma ic
6 Berlin edema is seen in?
Hy phaema
. .
VlSl�n after ocula
r trauma.
7 A 20 yea rs boy is pre sented wit h red uce d
d beh md the me a . lOP 2
. ation rev eal s redd ish colo red flui � �
Ex am m sis .
H g. B sc an shows no uveitis. Wh at is the diagno
Hypennetropia due to short ax·
y? length •at
y bab
Which . error 1s
. refractive . new I Y bor n health
. seen Ill

Posterior staphyloma is compl icat ion or? H ypermetropi a

3 Which refractive error is seen in Aphakia'? B i convex len s
4 Which lens arc usl'd for l]ypermctropia? S urgery (Lasik su rgery)
5 Modern method for treating Myopia? 24 mm
6 Nonna! axial length of eyeball? 1 7 --- 1 7 .5 mm
7 Axial length of newly born baby? S i m ple hypem,etropic
• as beh ind th e
8 I f light coming from distant are focused on retma as we II astigm atism
retina, cond i tion _w i ll be called as? Cylin drical lens
9 Which type o f Lens used for treat ing Astigmatism? LASIK
10 Most frequently used surgical method for treat ing Myop ia is Anisometropia
is known
11 Condition in which refractive power of both eyes are d i fferent
as? Myopia > I D
12 In ret i noscopy at I meter distance using a plane mirror, when '!1 irro� �
moved to the right the shadow in pupil moves to the left, condition is ·

Ann u l us of zin
All rect i muscles arise from?
Superior oblique
2 Wh i ch extraocular mvscle is the longest muscle?
Medial rectus
3 Which recti muscle is the largest muscle?
Inferior oblique
4 Shortest extraocular muscle is?
5 Inferior rectus
Which muscle lies on the floor of the orbit?
6 Which bones fonn floor of the· orbit? Zygomatic + Maxillary +
7 Distance of lateral rectus on sclera fro� the limbos?_: 7.7 mm
8 Superior and Inferior oblique make an aftgle of__
. with'optit:al axis 5 1°
9 Intorsion and Extorsion are the movement of eyeball with respect to Optical axis
which axis?
10 Primary action df superior oblique mus�le �s? Intorsion
11 Function of right inferior rectus is? Dextro-depression
12 Levo-elevation is the function of which muscles? Superior rectus of left eye and
Inferior oblique of right eye
13 A l O years boy is presented with his mother. Mother said that his boy
. Latent squint
experienced headache and diplopia while doing his homework for a
longtime and also has problem in seeing TV from a proper distanc
She also observe d occasio nal misalignment of eyes . Diagnosis?
14 Concomitant squin t is defin ed as the same degree or amou
nt of squint
for All direct ions of gaze but not for
15 Which type of squint can be corrected by correction · all distances
of fusio
16 Horizontal diplo pia and head turned towards the . Latent squint
· t N
side of squm
involved? · erve Abducent nerve
I7 Pinhole test is performed to check the?.
18 Test for Stereopsis? Vis ual acuity

D . AB
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u1H,W\''' with Ph1\"1\� t. , I . '1 lw, I 1111 lll hly 1 1p h1 ( 1 1 111 1
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ltl\l \ \lh'\\p ll\ I\ 111 11 111111 M ·dl11l 1 1•1· h1 ' I '( 101
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lon )
,ti n , t u lnwm d mov n, nl ul' 'i 011 \ 11 1 • 1 1 v r t t.•
• I ,111 Ill q1 1l111
I is l no�1s'l
ic I Jip loJ'"' md h l\ll turn l.l Olli''' It to th Ill ut' q11l1 1t . N, 1 v . 4th I I rv •
vo h· d'?
It • t r l ·tlv 111y 11p :i11t y
A ll ·11c il of' llv,h t pa tlin

Most common cause of optic neurltls? M ultiple

2 Investigation of choice for Papllleden, a?
3 When does Lumber puncture should be performed in Pu.p lllcdcmn'?
After M R I
4 A 36 years .male presented with headache, projectile vomiting llnd Papi II edema
swelling of optic disc. Thete is no RAPD. Diagnosis?
5 A 4 7 years male presented with complain of sudden loss of vision. Rctrohulhar opt ic ne11ri1i�
RAPD was present. Loss of colot vision. Pain on cxtraocular
movement. Tingling sensation in fingers. Diagnosis?
6 Cause of consecutive optic atrophy? 'RVO --
7 A 49 years male presented with temporal pain and altitudlnal visual Arlcrilic AION
field defects. RAPD was present. Diagnosis?
RcJ and Green color
8 ln optic neuritis, color vision for which color(s) is lost?
Ishihara tc t
9 Test for Color vision is?
Eth am b11 tol
1 0 Cause of Optic neuropathy in TB patient taking anti TB drugs?
A. Ce ntro- ce ca l Sc oto 111a ✓
I I Visual field change in optic neuritis? n. IH ng sco10111a

vitam i
, n B 1 2 de � · " · · He presents J\. Op tic At rop hy
A 5() year s old Alco olic deve lops t� �nding.on B. Pap illc dc ma
with prog r essi ve loss of visio n in both eyes . M ost h c Y
C. Ret in al l )ctacl1 111c nt -
fund us examination?

- • -& 1't'1

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