EFSIS-2 2P Packaging Application Form

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SAI Global/EFSIS Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials Application Form

All applicants must complete all applicable sections. Please use BLOCK LETTERS
To participate in the Scheme requires full disclosure of all business activities related to the Scheme. ANY FALSE OR MISLEADING STATEMENTS ON THIS APPLICATION MAY RESULT IN WITHDRAWAL OF CERTIFICATION

1. Site Details (a separate application is required for each site)

Contact Name:

Jamie Gorman
Business Name: Coats Industries Address of Premise:

Village of Bezmer Tervel Municipality Dobrich Region Bulgaria 9480

Postcode: 9480 Fax Number: Phone Number: 00447850089395

Email: coats_industries@mbox.contact.bg

2. Agent Details (only complete this section if you are an agent applying on behalf of a site)
Contact Name: Business Name: Address: Post Code: Fax Number: Phone Number: Email:

Doc Ref.: EFSIS-2.2P (Issue 9, June 2008)

Global Standard for Food Safety Application Form

Issued by: A Chappell / E West Page 1 of 6

3. Organisation information
Management representative: (person who has the applicants authority in relation to the certification process and approval of invoices) Name

Jamie Gorman
Position Fax

Head of Supply chain And Purchasing



Email Address


Mailing address: (for correspondence)

Street No. & Address

87a Crane Street Salisbury


Contact for accounts payable Name



Huw Edwards

Finance Director
Telephone Fax

01722 416401
Mailing address for invoicing If same as above, write SAME Street No. & Address

Email Address


County Postcode

Company Registration Number Is a Purchase Order number required for payment? 07006709 Yes No

VAT Number


4. This section must be completed by all applicants, please provide detailed information in order to allow us to process your application quickly and efficiently:
Please provide details of the range of activities carried out on the site(s) to be included within the scope of the audit (include product types, processes, preservation methods). Please refer to your selected standard for guidance. Are there any activities on-site that are not to be included within the proposed scope of audit? Please provide an overview of the manufacturing process (es) and number of the product lines to be included within the proposed scope of audit Are there any off-site storage, warehousing or transport facilities wholly owned by the company to be included in the audit? Please confirm the total number (full time equivalents) of employees at the site(s). Please confirm the number of employees working in the production function(s) Answer: Storage of old ceramic machinary(no longer operative) Details: Manufacture of Injection moulded plastic pots for direct food contact - High Hygiene Risk

Answer: Manufacture of plastic injection moulded pots from base Polymer to final product through a standard Injection moulding machine(Kraoss Maffe)i Yes No

Number of employees at the sites: 13 Number of employees working in the production line: 6

Doc Ref.: EFSIS-2.2P (Issue 9, June 2008)

Global Standard for Food Safety Application Form

Issued by: A Chappell / E West Page 2 of 6

Please provide a brief overview of the following: - Physical size of the site - Layout of the site (number of buildings etc.) - Overview of departments - Number of production lines - Shift patterns Please provide an overview of your Hazard and Risk Management System and indicate the number of studies that are in place covering the proposed scope of audit. Please provide an overview of the structure of your Technical System Manual or Quality Manual. Does the company hold any other certifications/accreditation? Please provide details of standards / scope and Certification Body.





Doc Ref.: EFSIS-2.2P (Issue 9, June 2008)

Global Standard for Food Safety Application Form

Issued by: A Chappell / E West Page 3 of 6

5. Please select the category (ies) that apply to the packaging / packaging material manufactured:
STEP 1 Conduct Risk Analysis Is the packaging intended for a high-risk product, for example food or cosmetic products? Is the packaging intended for direct contact with a high-risk product? Does the high-risk product have an adequate natural barrier?




Category 1 Category 2




Is it intended that the packaging will enter an environment where there are unprotected or open high-risk products?


Does the packaging have the potential to contaminate the product?


Category 1


Is the product already in impermeable packaging?


Category 2


Category 3

Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Material Risk Category Assessment: Please refer to: - Decision Tree Above - Section II of the Standard - Appendix 1 Packaging Category Example Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Packaging that comes into direct contact with high risk products (see definition of high risk product below). Packaging for high risk products that does not come into direct contact with such products Packaging for products with low risk with regard to standards of hygiene but which must clearly meet defined functional requirements. Those products intended for human consumption or which will come into close contact with the body such as application to the skin or are intended for infants. Packaging Exemptions Refer to Section III How to Gain Certification Clause 4.2 The hazard and risk analysis may indicate that some of the requirements within sections 4 to 6 of the standard are not applicable to the scope of the audit. These shall be documented and regarded as exemptions for review by the auditor and recorded in the audit report and on the certificate. Please indicate below if wish for exemptions to be considered: Requirement Number Brief Justification

Definition of high risk product

5. DATA PROTECTION POLICY This policy outlines what we, SAI Global, intend to do with personal data relating to you. You will be treated as consenting to the processing of any relevant personal data by us as outlined in this policy. This does not affect any of our obligations or your rights under the Data Protection Act.

Doc Ref.: EFSIS-2.2P (Issue 9, June 2008)

Global Standard for Food Safety Application Form

Issued by: A Chappell / E West Page 4 of 6

Personal data relating to you will be processed as follows. We will use the personal data to manage the various schemes administered by us, manage our relationship with you, to promote SAI Global and to provide information to bona fide third parties with an interest in your certification status within the scheme. We will keep the personal data confidential. We may disclose the personal data as set out below. Where appropriate, we will require anyone to whom the personal data is disclosed to process the personal data only as instructed by us and keep it confidential. The personal data may be disclosed as follows: Personal data may be processed by companies owned by or associated with us through agents or contractors for the purpose of carrying out functions on our behalf or in connection with applications in relation to, and participation in, the various schemes administered by us or on our behalf. Information relevant to your certification status within the scheme. Disclosures may be made to anyone as necessary for the purpose of the prevention or detection of fraud. Other disclosures may be made at your written request or with your prior written consent.

6. DECLARATION We hereby apply for certification for the selected standard(s): We agree at all times to comply with the relevant Scheme Standard(s) within the scope of this application. We agree at all times to comply with the Operating Procedures of the Scheme(s) as set out in Scheme Standard and SAI Global Scheme Rules. We agree to report to SAI Global any past or future conviction for any offence in connection with the products suitability for its intended use: product recalls, product withdrawals, and any incidences, changes to company ownership and structure that impact on conformity to the requirements of the Standard(s). We understand that we may be audited at any reasonable time and we agree to co-operate fully with the SAI Global Auditors. We accept that SAI Global may subcontract audits to a specialist audit organisation / individual nominated by them. The information provided on this form and any supporting documents are true and complete in all respects. We understand that the frequency of audit may vary according to protocol(s) associated with the Standard(s) within the scope of this application. By making this application we understand we are consenting to the processing by SAI Global of data according to the policy as outlined on this form and the subsequent transmission of certification status details including an electronic copy of the Certificate (where one is issued) and / or the audit report to the Scheme Standard Owners where this is a requirement of the Standard Owner. Signature: Date:

Print Name:


Please return completed form to:

Fax Number +44 (0) 8700 685481 Email Address foodapplications@saiglobal.com Post SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd, Winterhill House, Snowdon Drive, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AX

Doc Ref.: EFSIS-2.2P (Issue 9, June 2008)

Global Standard for Food Safety Application Form

Issued by: A Chappell / E West Page 5 of 6

Scope Details (official use only)


1 Glass 4. Plastics 2. Paper 5. Wood and other materials 3.Metals

SAI GLOBAL TECHNICAL CONTRACT REVIEW Category Review: Skills added to database: Name:



Doc Ref.: EFSIS-2.2P (Issue 9, June 2008)

Global Standard for Food Safety Application Form

Issued by: A Chappell / E West Page 6 of 6

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