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Seat Number


Computer Network and Security
P. Pages: 3
Time: Two Hours Max. Marks: 60

Instructions to Candidates:
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used
for writing paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. a) Attempt any six. 6

i) Which of the following IP address class is multicast.

a) Class A b) Class B
c) Class C d) Class 0

ii) In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by.

a) Sender
b) Receiver
c) Sender and receiver
d) All the connected devices to the network

iii) The ---------- layer lies between the network and the session layer.
a) Physical b) Data link
c) Presentation d) Transport

Iv) A system with 8-bit address has address space of

a) 32 b) 256
c) 720 d) 65535

v) Congestion control and quality of service is qualities of

a) ATM b) PVC
c) Frame Relay d) SONET

vi) IPv4 address is

a) 8 bit b) 16 bit
c) 32 bit d) 64 bit

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vii) In ----------- propagation low frequency ratio waves hung the earth.
a) Surface b) Tropospheric
c) Ionospheric d) Space

viii) VPN stands for

a) Virtual private network b) Visual private network
c) Virtual public network d) Virtual pure network

b) Attempt any six. 6

i) Define cipher text?

ii) What is data link layer?

iii) What is multicast group?

iv) Which notations are used to show IPv4 address?

v) Define computer network.

vi) . What is star topology.

vii) Define firewall.

viii) What does ICANN stands for?

2. Attempt any six. 12

i) What is mean by decryption?

ii) What is Error control?

iii) What is line - of -sight propagation?

iv) Enlist unguided media.

v) . Define Netid and Hostid.

vi) What is Burst error?

vii) Draw the neat diagram for OSI reference model.

viii) What is surface propagation.

3. Attempt any four. 12

i) Explain framing in details.

ii) Explain Asymmetric key cipher.

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iii) Writes advantages and disadvantages of bus topology.

iv) Discuss virtual private network in details.

v) Justify the need of routing algorithm. What are it's properties?

vi) Explain satellite communication.

4. Attempt any three. 12

i) What is computer network? Explain it's applications.

ii) What is address space? Explain the notational conventions in IPv4


iii) Enlist various security services of cryptography. Explain any two

security services.

iv) Explain SMTP and S/MIME protocol in details.

v) Explain Radio transmission in details.

5. Attempt any two. 12

i) Give the differences between TCP/IP and OSI model.

ii) Writes concept of classful and classless addressing.

iii) Writes advantages and disadvantages of star topology .


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