Labsheet 4 MICROPROCESSOR22073

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19EAC 285: Microcontroller Lab

Lab sheet 4: 8085 Array Programming

Subject: Microcontroller Lab Register Number: 22058

Sub Code: 19EAC285 Name: Roshan R
Experiment No. : 4 Date: 07-05-2024
Course Outcome: CO3

1. Write an 8085 assembly language program to find the number of ones(1's) present in the
given 16-bit number. Logic:

19EAC 285: Microcontroller Lab

2. Write an 8085 assembly language program to find the factorial of the given number. If
the factorial is odd make the PORT 0 high else make PORT 1 high (use any two ports for
the same). Logic:

Result :

3. Write an 8085 Assembly Language program to fetch 5 numbers stored in 5 consecutive

memory locations starting from 4500H. Sort the given array of numbers into ascending
order and store it in 5 consecutive locations starting from 8500H. Logic:
19EAC 285: Microcontroller Lab


4. Write an 8085 assembly language program to write a delay program of FF x FF and move
F and zero alternatively to PORT 0. Call the delay code in between while moving 0 and F
to the port. This is the concept of blinking an LED Logic:

Delay Code:
19EAC 285: Microcontroller Lab

The output of this program would be toggling between sending the values 'F' (in
hexadecimal) and '0' to PORT 0 with a delay in between. However, without knowing the
specific hardware configuration and how PORT 0 is connected, it's difficult to predict the
exact visible output.

5.Write an assembly language program in 8085 to find the square of the given number.

19EAC 285: Microcontroller Lab


Criteria Marks Comments


Name and signature of the faculty in charge

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