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Responding to Change

 How do you feel about change? When you are being asked to change, mark
where you fall on the continuum between the descriptions.
When changebad
approach, I usually feel bad at first because It makes me overthink
good all

annoyed ________________________________________ excited

depressed ________________________________________ enthused

anxious ________________________________________ calm

tired ________________________________________ energized

disinterested ________________________________________ interested

discouraged optimistic

overwhelmed ________________________________________ challenged

the things I’ve done like all this time I thought I was doing good, I’m contented with
what I am and have right now. Thinking that I have to start all over again o change
this part of thing is what makes me annoyed but not all the times. I only feel
depressed, anxious and feel tired if it costs replacing or letting go people, the big shift
of change where it’ll drain my energy all the way. I feel discouraged and overwhelm
when people tries to real talk me and slaps me the things they notice about me and
that hurts me a lot. But not all change are bad, there are changes that are interesting to
do especially if its clear to you what it all means and what will it cost you no matter
how scary and with all doubts you feel.

Do you typically embrace or resist change?
 - At first, I usually resist change then I try to give myself time to process it
and analyze before I choose to embrace it. I am a kind of person that gets
overwhelmed about a situation. For example, if i was given a task, I prepare
myself first then wear my confidence and if it did not end well and I received
some feedback of changing this or that, I’ll start to feel down and annoyed
because I thought the whole time that I was doing it right. I try to complain or
reason out but it did not do something good on me. I realized that it’s good to
take opinions or criticize from others, some are considerable to care on
suggesting on doing better or make a change about yourself.

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