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Q1: Apple has scored a big hit in online music retailing with iTunes and
then a follow up with the iPod, iPhone and iPad. In you opinion:
a) what is Apple’s competitive strategy?
b) who can be Apple’s future competitors?
c) can Apple sustain its advantage against all of the current and future
competitors that are likely to contend for this market?
d) suppose you were to establish e-business with direct competition to
Apple, what strategy would you choose to get ahead of Apple and sustain
that advantage? Has someone already done that?

a) What is Apple’s competitive strategy?

Apple’s strategy centers on innovation, ecosystem integration, premium branding, and vertical
integration. They consistently deliver unique, high-quality products that work seamlessly
together, fostering strong customer loyalty and enabling them to charge premium prices.

b) Who can be Apple’s future competitors?

Future competitors include Google (Android, hardware), Amazon (services, devices), Microsoft
(software, cloud, hardware), Samsung (electronics, smartphones), and emerging tech
companies in AR, VR, and AI.

c) Can Apple sustain its advantage against all of the current and future competitors that are
likely to contend for this market?

Apple can sustain its advantage by continuing to innovate, expanding its ecosystem, adapting to
market changes, growing globally, and focusing on sustainability and ethical practices.

d) Suppose you were to establish e-business with direct competition to Apple, what strategy
would you choose to get ahead of Apple and sustain that advantage? Has someone already
done that?

To compete with Apple, focus on niche markets, create an open ecosystem, offer affordable
high-quality alternatives, provide superior customer service, and invest in emerging
technologies. Huawei, for example, competes by offering competitively priced, high-quality
products and investing in new technologies.

Q2: Explain porter’s competitive forces model with the help of real life
scenario example

Q3: Express your understanding about CRM systems. Explain with the help
examples what benefits does an organisation get after successfully
implementing CRM system


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are software solutions that help
organizations manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer
lifecycle. The goal is to improve business relationships, enhance customer retention, and drive
sales growth.

Benefits of Successfully Implementing a CRM System

1. **Improved Customer Service**: CRM systems provide detailed information about customers,
such as their purchase history and preferences, allowing businesses to offer personalized and
efficient service.

**Example:** A bank using a CRM system can quickly access a customer’s financial history to
provide tailored advice and products, enhancing customer satisfaction.
2. **Increased Sales**: By tracking customer interactions and sales activities, CRM systems
help sales teams manage their pipeline and identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.

**Example:** An e-commerce company can use CRM data to recommend products based on
a customer’s past purchases, leading to increased sales.

3. **Better Customer Retention**: CRM systems help businesses track customer feedback and
address issues promptly, improving customer loyalty and reducing churn.

**Example:** A telecom company can use CRM to monitor service issues and proactively
reach out to customers with solutions, reducing the likelihood of customers switching to

4. **Enhanced Marketing Efforts**: CRMs allow for more targeted marketing campaigns by
segmenting customers based on various criteria, leading to more effective and relevant

**Example:** A hotel chain can use CRM data to send personalized promotions to frequent
guests, increasing the chances of repeat bookings.

5. **Improved Data Management and Analytics**: CRM systems centralize customer

information, making it easier to analyze data and derive actionable insights.

**Example:** A retail store can analyze CRM data to identify purchasing trends and adjust
inventory and marketing strategies accordingly.


Implementing a CRM system can significantly enhance customer service, boost sales, improve
customer retention, optimize marketing efforts, and provide valuable insights through better data
management. These benefits collectively help organizations build stronger customer
relationships and achieve sustainable growth.

Q4: Plant Away is an Oregon-based retailer and distributor of trees and

shrubs. They have hundreds of nurseries based around the country that
grow the plant stock. The majority of their business is conducted online:
Consumers purchase typically small quantities of products online and
Plant Away coordinates the shipping from the most appropriate nursery.
What strategy can they adopt to enhance the sale of their products.


Plant Away can enhance sales by implementing the following strategies:

1. **Improve Online Presence**: Optimize their website for user experience and search engines
(SEO) to attract more traffic.
2. **Personalized Marketing**: Use customer data to create targeted marketing campaigns and
personalized recommendations.
3. **Enhanced Logistics**: Streamline their logistics network to ensure faster and more reliable
4. **Customer Engagement**: Utilize social media and email marketing to engage with
customers, providing gardening tips, promotions, and updates.
5. **Sustainability Focus**: Highlight sustainable practices and eco-friendly products to attract
environmentally conscious consumers.
6. **Partnerships**: Collaborate with gardening influencers and local businesses to expand their
reach and credibility.

Q5: What are the benefits of enterprise systems? What are the challenges
of enterprise systems?


Benefits of Enterprise Systems:

1. **Integration**: Streamlines and integrates business processes across departments,

improving efficiency.
2. **Data Accuracy**: Enhances data accuracy and consistency by centralizing data
3. **Real-Time Information**: Provides real-time access to critical business information, aiding in
informed decision-making.
4. **Productivity**: Increases productivity by automating routine tasks and reducing manual
5. **Scalability**: Supports business growth by easily accommodating new processes, users,
and data volumes.

Challenges of Enterprise Systems:

1. **Cost**: High initial implementation and ongoing maintenance costs.

2. **Complexity**: Can be complex to implement and require significant time and resources.
3. **Resistance to Change**: Employees may resist adopting new systems, necessitating
effective change management.
4. **Customization**: Customizing the system to meet specific business needs can be difficult
and costly.
5. **Dependence on Vendor**: Creates dependency on the vendor for updates, support, and
issue resolution.
Q6: You are consulting for Lucky’s a chain of gas stations. What types of
e-commerce opportunities, if any, are relevant to Lucky’s? Could Lucky’s
make use of any Internet business models for this opportunity?


Lucky’s can explore several e-commerce opportunities and Internet business models:

1. **Online Store**: Sell convenience store items, car accessories, and services (e.g., car
washes) online for in-store pickup or delivery.
2. **Mobile App**: Develop a mobile app for fuel payments, loyalty programs, discounts, and
promotions to enhance customer engagement.
3. **Subscription Services**: Offer subscription-based car maintenance packages, such as
regular oil changes and tire rotations.
4. **Affiliate Marketing**: Partner with automotive brands and service providers to offer exclusive
deals through their website or app.
5. **Digital Advertising**: Use targeted digital advertising to promote special offers and drive
traffic to their gas stations.

By leveraging these e-commerce opportunities, Lucky’s can enhance customer convenience,

boost sales, and build customer loyalty.

Q7: Describe TPS, MIS and DSS and differentiate between them.


TPS (Transaction Processing Systems):

- **Description**: Automates routine, day-to-day business transactions.
- **Function**: Records and processes data from business transactions (e.g., sales, payroll).
- **Example**: Point of sale (POS) systems.

MIS (Management Information Systems):

- **Description**: Provides middle management with reports and access to the organization's
current performance and historical records.
- **Function**: Summarizes and reports on the company’s basic operations.
- **Example**: Sales management systems.

DSS (Decision Support Systems):

- **Description**: Helps managers make decisions by analyzing data from various sources.
- **Function**: Supports complex decision-making and problem-solving.
- **Example**: Financial planning systems.
- **Purpose**: TPS handles daily transactions, MIS provides operational summaries, and DSS
supports decision-making.
- **Users**: TPS is used by operational staff, MIS by middle managers, and DSS by senior
- **Complexity**: TPS is routine and structured, MIS is less structured and more analytical, and
DSS is highly analytical and interactive.

Q8: What are B2B, B2C, C2C and G2C strategies for business/ services?
Explain with example


B2B (Business-to-Business), B2C (Business-to-Consumer), C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer), and

G2C (Government-to-Citizen) strategies are different approaches businesses or services use to
interact with their target audience. Here’s a brief explanation with examples:

1. **B2B (Business-to-Business)**:
- **Strategy**: Businesses sell products or services to other businesses.
- **Example**: A company providing cloud storage solutions to other companies, like Dropbox
offering services to enterprises.

2. **B2C (Business-to-Consumer)**:
- **Strategy**: Businesses sell products or services directly to individual consumers.
- **Example**: An online retailer like Amazon selling books, electronics, and other goods
directly to customers.

3. **C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer)**:
- **Strategy**: Individuals sell products or services to other individuals, often facilitated by a
third-party platform.
- **Example**: eBay, where individuals can auction off items to other consumers.

4. **G2C (Government-to-Citizen)**:
- **Strategy**: Government provides services or information directly to citizens.
- **Example**: Online tax filing systems provided by government agencies, like the IRS e-file
system in the United States.

These strategies define the relationship and interaction models between the service provider
and the end user.

Q9: You have been hired as a consultant for an established bicycle parts
manufacturer to assist senior management in planning a new ESS. What
factors will you advise management to take into consideration?

As a consultant for an established bicycle parts manufacturer planning a new Enterprise

Support System (ESS), I would advise senior management to consider the following factors:

1. **Business Needs and Goals**:

- Align the ESS with the company's strategic objectives and operational needs.

2. **Integration**:
- Ensure compatibility with existing systems (ERP, CRM, supply chain management).

3. **Scalability**:
- Choose a solution that can grow with the business and handle increased data and user load.

4. **User-Friendliness**:
- Prioritize an intuitive interface to ensure ease of use for all employees.

5. **Security**:
- Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive business data.

6. **Customization and Flexibility**:

- Select a system that can be tailored to specific business processes and needs.

7. **Cost**:
- Consider both initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs.

8. **Vendor Support and Reliability**:

- Evaluate the vendor's reputation, support services, and long-term viability.

9. **Training and Change Management**:

- Plan for comprehensive training programs and support to facilitate smooth adoption by

10. **Regulatory Compliance**:

- Ensure the system meets all relevant industry regulations and standards.

Q10: Your aunt has asked you for your suggestions to make her business,
a local sandwich shop, more efficient. Describe at least three types of
business processes that a sandwich shop has. Can any be better
coordinated through the use of information systems?

Three types of business processes that a sandwich shop typically has are:

1. **Ordering Process**:
- Taking customer orders, including choice of sandwich, sides, and drinks.
- This process can be improved through the use of an information system like a POS (Point of
Sale) system, which can streamline order taking, manage inventory, and track sales data.

2. **Inventory Management**:
- Tracking ingredients, ensuring stock levels, and managing supply chain relationships.
- An inventory management system can enhance efficiency by automating inventory tracking,
alerting when stock levels are low, and optimizing ordering processes.

3. **Customer Relationship Management (CRM)**:

- Building and maintaining customer relationships through loyalty programs, feedback
collection, and personalized services.
- Implementing a CRM system can help the sandwich shop better understand customer
preferences, manage loyalty programs, and provide targeted marketing campaigns.

Using information systems can significantly improve the efficiency of these processes by
automating tasks, providing real-time data insights, and enhancing communication and
coordination within the business.

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