Adaptive Pervasive Advertisement: Scenarios and Strategies

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Adaptive pervasive advertisement: scenarios and strategies

Alberto Rosi, Alessandro Codeluppi and Franco Zambonelli
Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi per lingegneria, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Purpose Starting from the premise that digital screens are pervading our everyday urban and social environments to serve a variety of purposes, the purpose of this paper is to show how screens can be made aware of what is happening around them and based on specific strategies adapt accordingly the advertisement flow to supply to users more engaging contents. Design/methodology/approach The paper presents an overview of future pervasive advertisement scenarios, and sketches the architecture and implementation of a system for adaptive context-aware pervasive advertisement. Subsequently, with the help of a simulation environment, the paper evaluates the performances of several adaptive context-aware advertisement strategies, and compares them against non-adaptive ones. Findings The paper demonstrates that, in a wide range of conditions, an advertisement system based on adaptive context-aware strategies leads to a gain in terms of commercial value with respect to traditional non-adaptive strategies for advertisement broadcasting. Practical implications A system for pervasive advertisement could be easily brought to life, leading advertisement companies to a much more targeted exploitation of the screen resource and, eventually, to higher revenues. Originality/value Adaptive advertisement systems can offer notable commercial advantages over traditional advertisement systems even when visitors demonstrate poor collaboration towards the system. Keywords Digital communication systems, Advertising media, Marketing strategy Paper type Research paper

Adaptive pervasive advertisement 333

1. Introduction Advertising companies invest huge amounts of their earnings in the attempt of attract more and more customers to their services and products. Marketing studies have already outlined that traditional and very expensive advertisement strategies based on massive ads bombarding over a generic audience are not very effective and, in some cases, are at risk of being counterproductive (Fritz, 1979). Thus, advertising companies are always highly interested in newer communication media and advertisement strategies that the technological development could provide. Web ads, by exploiting browser cookies, information related to services subscriptions and self-provided public profiles, have represented a first try of adaptively approaching user needs by fetching user preferences, and have demonstrated to be very effective (Kumar et al., 2000; Langheinrich et al., 1999). Behind the process there is the sense that companies products and services are to be delivered to users potentially interested in, limiting the risky negative impact of annoying or irritating people. Clearly, this leads to a change in paradigm: while traditional advertisement systems lay on contents pushed by companies to users in the hope that could meet a latent need, adaptive advertisement allows to drastically reduce the distance between the parties, targeting contents to the segment of population potentially interested in them, making every single product exposure more incisive and able to affect customers conception.

International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications Vol. 6 No. 3, 2010 pp. 333-351 # Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1742-7371 DOI 10.1108/17427371011084275



What can be reached in a fully pervasive environment (Castelli et al., 2007) in which several and different pervasive devices (Eagle and Pentland, 2006; Estrin et al., 2002) (as PDA, Smartphone, GPS, RFID Tag, etc.) concur in defining a complete profile of users attending? Pervasive computing devices like PDAs and smartphones are becoming mates of life and business of an ever larger share of people. However, as of today, such advertising screens display generic information in a simple cyclic way independent of the situation (i.e. independent of who is actually close to that screen). The next evolutionary step, and in a way our contribution, is to conjugate the huge capability offered from the above instruments to overcome the challenges arising in a traditional advertisement context: sending the right ads to the right people through the right media and the right time (Ranganathan and Campbell, 2002) A smart service devoted to decide what information to display could exploit the availability of contextual information to adaptively decide what information to show on the basis of the people around and of their activities and interests. This would increase the value of the displayed advertisement both for users and for advertising companies. In this context, the specific contributions of this paper are:

to discuss the main characteristics, features, and issues of a system for pervasive advertisement, based on the smart usage of user profiles and short-range RFID tags, to enable screens to sense and understand the characteristics of its potential audience, and adapt its advertisements accordingly; an adaptive pervasive advertising systems we implemented is also presented to demonstrate how easy to realize and deploy such a system could be; and to evaluate different strategies for the advertisement selection through simulations. A non-sensitive strategy based on a priori static selection of advertisement, called round robin, is compared to strategies based on a real-time adaptive mapping of advertisements with potential audience in non-competitive and competitive contexts. Simulations demonstrate that the above context-aware strategies, whatever the conditions of the simulation environment may vary and even in the case users demonstrate poor collaboration, they lead to a conspicuous gain with respect to a traditional strategy.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the general scenario of adaptive pervasive advertisement and discuss the related works in the area. We afterwards trace the design and present the general architecture and implementation of our system for pervasive advertisement. In Section 3, we describe the simulation environment and, before describing the strategies for the selection of the advertisement to be shown, we introduce the concept of value associated to each relation advertisement-user. In Section 4, we discuss and evaluate results coming from simulations varying strategies for advertisement selection. Section 5 concludes and identifies areas for future research. 2. Adaptive pervasive advertisement In this section, we introduce the general scenarios in which we consider pervasive advertisement can soon be applied and take off, the related technological and research works having recently addressed similar issues. Also, by means of a prototype, we show how pervasive advertisement systems can be indeed easily implemented with commercial technologies.

2.1 Concepts and scenarios The scenario considers confined environments crowded by people. These could be modern exhibition centers, malls, big museums, railway stations, or stadiums. There, it is realistic to assume the presence (at least in the near future) of a pervasive infrastructure of embedded devices such as sensors of various types, Wi-Fi and bluetooth connections, and user location systems (Sjodin, 2001) in fact, the owner of such locations can definitely afford the costs of deploying such pervasive infrastructure providing good services to people around and, in the end, increasing revenues or commercial competitiveness. As another assumption, we assume visitors to carry portable devices, such as PDAs or smart phones, which can be used to purchase electronic tickets, and/or be provided with RFID-based tickets. Indeed, exhibition centers, railways companies, etc. can again well afford the cost of releasing RFID-based tickets or identifying tags. Via these sorts of electronic tickets, either on PDAs/smart phones or on RFID tags, one can conceive of storing and making accessible some kind of information about users. For instance, such electronic tickets could inherently contain information on the nature of the visit, i.e. what type of entrance the user has paid, or if he/she has paid other possible fees, which implicitly says something about the user him/herself. Similar considerations of course apply to e.g. RFID-based receipts in a mall and to many other documents that the user carries with him/ her for the very fact of being in a specific environment. In any case, one can also think such tickets to contain more explicit information about users, as resulting from, e.g. having the user compiled a short questionnaire before obtaining the ticket. In general, it is not unrealistic to assume users agree to unveil some information about them, if this enables them to receive useful information and/or to receive some discounts on products or services. Finally, we consider the presence, in the environment, of a number of digital screens that display information about the location itself, the events thereafter hosted and organized, as well as third-party commercial advertisements. From all the above, it is possible to think that by means of an infrastructure that collects the personal information of users based on their current location the information to be displayed on a digital screen can be dynamically adapted to the type of audience, i.e. to the profile of the users currently close to the screen. This can be used to provide better and more focused information to users, and it can also be used to adaptively decide what advertisement to display depending on the specific interests of the current audience. Needless to say, this can be advantageous both to the owner of the screen (which can better sell its advertising space) and to the advertising companies (to which is ensured a more targeted advertisement). The quantification of the commercial advantages of pervasive advertisement will be analyzed later on in this paper. Independently of them, most observers agree that the above scenario will become increasingly common in a few years, because of the evergrowing diffusion of portable devices and of the incredible success of PDAs and smart phones, of RFID tags and sensor network technologies, and because digital screens increasingly pervade our urban environments. Thus, pervasive advertisement has the potential to exhibit a quick and astonishing commercial diffusion. 2.2 Related work In recent years, several studies have been performed over general service provision in pervasive environments and our work starts mainly from the contribution of other research groups (Ghorbel et al., 2006; Ranganathan and Campbell, 2002; Rashid et al., 2005; Rogers et al., 2007) in the field. However, it is worth reporting that a limited number of studies have specifically focused on pervasive advertisement.

Adaptive pervasive advertisement 335



The work of the University of Illinois (Ranganathan and Campbell, 2002) on 2002 outlines a new horizon for the advertising, tracing the path for reaching customers in a new and revolutionary way, delivering the right ads to the right people. Although this work stresses why pervasive advertisement will be a highly effective tool for both advertisement companies and visitors, it does not show how to realize it, neither from an architectural point of view. This task has been taken in charge by the Handicom Lab (Ghorbel et al., 2006) which proposes assistive provision architecture in pervasive environments. Although its modular architecture based on a distributed approach can make it suitable for a variety of services, there included pervasive advertisement services, the issue of pervasive advertisement has not been explicitly analyzed. Other proposals focus on gathering information about the location of users so as to make it possible to enforce adaptive location-based strategies to push information and advertisement to users on specific locations. For instance, the work of the Lancaster University (Rashid et al., 2005) without directly assuming access to users profiles, tries to infer users needs and desires exploiting location-based information over bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections, and to push targeted advertisements to users personal screens. Beside the fact that we are more interested in public displays rather than private ones, that system can be considered a valid context-based user profile generator for pervasive advertisement system, which can well complement personal profile information provided, e.g. on an RFID-based ticket. Without the latter, the quality of inferred user profiles would be too strictly related to the environment in which the application takes place and too unreliable. Without any doubt, the proposal that more closely shares our vision is the one of the University of Southampton (Rogers et al., 2007). Their system, called Bluescreen, is in fact an agent-based environment in which bidding agents with access to (a sort of) user profiles compete for showing their ads to visitors. Although our approach shares several goals with this one, there are fundamental differences. First, while our idea is to select commercial messages that maximize their commercial values (see also section 3.1), Bluescreen has the goal of minimizing the number of transmissions that are needed to show the totality of commercials to the totality of people that are expected to transit through the system. Second, the very concept of user profile adopted is different and rather more similar to that already discussed for Rashid et al. (2005). In fact, unlike our approach, Bluescreen is not interested in what users are, or are not, interested in. User profiles are replaced by a probabilistic model, based upon independent Poisson process, that describe the number of users who are likely to be exposed to any advert in the future considering occurrences in the past. 2.3 A general architecture for pervasive advertisement Starting from the broad scenario depicted in section 2.1, and relying on the experience of past works in the area as discussed in section 2.2, it is rather simple to identify the few key characteristics that a general system for adaptive pervasive advertisement has to exhibit:

For each screen in an environment, the system should be able to sense which users are around a given screen at a given time, and must be able to sense and analyze their profiles. The system must rely on some strategies to identify, based on the sensed profiles of the people around a screen, what advertisement is worth to be displayed.

With regard to the first point, there is no need to look for sophisticated solutions. By exploiting the fact that users profiles will be stored on some devices (either PDAs/smart

phones or RFID tags) capable of short-range communication, one can immediately achieve the two-fold goal of locating users and collecting profiles. Simply, if either a bluetooth receiver (for PDAs/smart phones) or an RFID reader (for RFID tags) is co-located with each screen, the very fact that the screen receives a profile implies that the associated user is close to the screen. Thus, one screen can be easily made available of user profiles in the proximity, determining its target audience, for later analyses. With regard to the second point, there are a variety of possible strategies that the screen can adopt to decide which one is the correct advertisement to show for a given audience. Indeed, the analysis of the pros and cons of such strategies is one of the very important goals of the paper. Overall, for each screen, the simple architecture of Figure 1 can be defined to act as a general reference architecture for pervasive advertisement. At each screen, some shortrange wireless receivers must be present to collect profiles of close users. A computational process, the profile analyzer, co-located with each screen can then analyze/aggregate/infer information about the users profiles. As a simple example, the profile analyzer can aggregate profiles to compactly represent in the form of class of interest percentage tuples (e.g. sport 50 percent; literature 50 percent). The information produced by the profile analyzer is then passed to another process, the strategy engine, in charge of selecting, on the basis of the analyzed profile and of a database of advertisement info, the advert to be properly displayed on the screen during the next time slot. We emphasize that such architecture is totally technology-independent and very modular (e.g. the profile analyzer is independent of the specific wireless technology adopted to collect profile, the same as the strategy that can change without necessarily having to change the other components). Also, such architecture does not exclude the possibility for the strategy engine to implement its decision by interacting with other screens, i.e. of collecting information from the profile analyzers of close screen and/or to adopt a distributed cooperative strategy by interacting with other strategy engines. These possibilities, however, are not further investigated in this paper.

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Figure 1.
A general architecture for pervasive advertisement



Beside the careful study and comparison of various strategies for pervasive advertisement that we have performed in a simulation environment (and which represent the core contribution of this paper as from sections 3 and 4), we have also implemented a proof-of-concept prototype of a pervasive advertisement system. The system architecture, as from Figure 1, employs a laptop for the implementation of the model, some RFID tags embedded in our department badges, an RFID reader for catching users profiles, and finally a 17 in. display (see Figures 2 and 3) as advertisement sign. Such implementation confirmed us about the possibility of simply implementing and setting up the system with low-cost commercial technologies. The deployed of the system in the cafeteria of our department (see Figure 3) also gave us the feeling that users can positively accept such kind of systems. 3. Strategies In this section, we introduce a number of adaptive strategies for advertisement selection, to dynamically decide which advertisement to show depending on the users profiles. Before introducing such strategies, and since strategies will be based on their decisions on the value of displaying a given advertisement at a given time, we need to clarify the concept of value. 3.1 The concept of advertising value Depending on the personal interests of people viewing, i.e. on their sensitiveness and receptiveness to advertisement topics, an advertisement slot may have different values for an advertisement company. Let Nc be the number of advertisement companies, each with its own specific products/good to advertise; let Nv the number of different visitor categories (each of which expressing a different degree of interest to different classes of products/goods). Each advertisement company, for each class of users, can determine the value of showing its advertisement to a person of a class. In other words, one could determine the set of values: vi; j i 1: : Nc; j 1: : Nv

Figure 2. The equipment

Adaptive pervasive advertisement 339

Figure 3.
A proof of concept deployment

determining the value for the advertisement company i of showing an advertisement to a visitor of class j. In our studies, to ensure an unbiased assignment of vi,j values for different companies, we bound the total amount of values that companies can spread across users classes, i.e.:
Nv X j1

vij 1;000 for all i

Hence the overall value of an advertising slot for a company i of showing an advertisement corresponds to:
Nv X j1

nj vij

where nj is the number of visitors from the category j expected to view the advertisement. Such conception of the value leads to a trivial consequence: the more advertisement companies recognize a higher value to a class of visitors, the more money they would spend to transmit their ads. 3.2 Advertisement strategies In order to trace the main features and peculiarities of our pervasive advertisement approach, we have experienced three different strategies of transmission, representing three possible ways by which advertisement system composes the sequence of advertisements that will be displayed. 3.2.1 Non-adaptive strategy: round robin. The non-adaptive round robin strategy is the one typically adopted in the great majority of advertisement displays. Simply, the round robin strategy builds the stream of advertisements around a priori decided and static sequence; advertisement system will be restricted to play this sequence in a cyclic way. In our studies, the round robin strategy acts as the baseline upon which to evaluate the advantages of adaptive pervasive advertisement strategies.


3.2.2 Adaptive strategy: non-competitive (NCAS). The second transmission strategy we consider is simple as well, but it introduces adaptiveness (in the form of user awareness) because it builds the advertisement sequence following the preferences of people in the proximity of an advertisement screen. The strategy works as follows:

. .

the advertisement screen senses the profiles of people around it (at least of those for which a profile is available and is transmitted); it computes the value associated by company to people attending (based on people group of interests); and it broadcasts the ad corresponding to the company that maximizes the value, i.e. it shows at any time the best possible advertisement for the audience. That means finding the i company that maximizes the following function:
Nv X j1

nj vij

From a more commercial viewpoint, such non-competitive strategy puts the power of deciding what advertisement to show in the hands of the display owner. The display owner, taking advantage from the above depicted rule that companies the more recognize a value to a class of visitors, the more they would spend to transmit them their ads, simply tries to maximize the overall value of displayed advertisements and (consequently) its own incomes. 3.2.3 Adaptive strategy: competitive (CAS). The second adaptive strategy we have experienced considers the possibility for advertisement companies to compete for transmitting commercials, which can more closely reflect a future scenario in which display owners can dynamically decide where to spend their own advertising budgets. To clarify the potentials of a competitive strategy, consider the following scenario: given a composition of visitors, the company A broadcasting its advertisement would obtain a value of 1,324 while the company B would achieve a value of 1,319. In accord with the non-competitive strategy, the advertisement system would simply reward the company A despite the fact company B would be greatly interested in transmitting its commercial as well, and would even able to pay more for it. Overall, the competitive strategy works as follows:
. .

An advertisement screen senses the profiles of people around it. It computes the values associated by companies to people attending (based on people group of interests). These values are ordered in a decreasing way and open for inspection by advertising companies (i.e. by software agents acting on their behalf). A call for tender (i.e. a first-price sealed bid auction) is open among all the advertisement companies for which the value of the advertisement exceeds a competition threshold calculated as a percentage of the maximum obtainable value. The adoption of a competition threshold comes from the practical need to limit the participants to the call for tender to those companies that have some real interest in transmitting. By placing bids, advertising companies will compete for the right of transmitting ads.

The company that wins (i.e. that places the highest bid) will transmit the commercial. In the case of non-unique highest bids, a winner is selected randomly.

Let us now explain, in details, the way by which advertising companies can evaluate what bid to place. Advertisement companies submitting bids would have to consider:

Adaptive pervasive advertisement 341

The value they accord to the tender call itself, or in a more appropriate way, the degree of attractiveness it shows. It could be calculated as the ratio between message potential value Vm (expressed by the product between nj and vij) and the mean instantaneous value V of messages transmitted until that moment (a message of potential value equal to 1,000 assumes different attractiveness if the mean value obtained for former messages with the same composition of visitors has been 500 or 1,500). Companys economic budget: at the beginning of every simulation companies detain an initial budget b of 1,000 unities, which is decreased (by the amount corresponding to the placed bid) each time a company wins a bid. In our experiments, to make the system closed, and to avoid that a company could run out its funds, the amount paid for the winning bid is afterwards split between other competitors. Their need for winning the race. Companies have a personal degree of satisfaction gs, which varies in a range between one (the lowest degree of satisfaction) and ten (full satisfaction). Initial satisfaction is equal to five for all companies, it is increased by one for a company each time it wins a bid and decreased by one each time it loses. The more a company is satisfied the less it will offer for transmitting its commercials. Considering the mathematical function described some rows below, the degree of satisfaction makes companies offering different amounts even at the presence of the same group of visitors. This prevents the emergence of static and long lasting links between a company and a particular group of visitors.

Based on the above considerations, the bid that a company could have advantage to place can be calculated following this mathematical function:   Vm 1 xVm ; b; Gs b gs V In other words, the bid amount results to be proportional to the remaining budget and to the degree of attractiveness the attending visitors induce, while it is reversely related to their degree of satisfaction (which depends from the number of auctions awarded so far). Clearly, since companies cannot offer lump sum higher than their budget, the actual bid will be: bid minfxV mess ; b; Gs ; bg As an additional consideration, we are aware that a vast number of different possible competition strategies (i.e. auction models) upon which to rely (Gelenbe, 2008) could be considered. However, the analysis of the detailed impacts of different kinds of competitive strategies is beyond the scope of this paper. 3.3 Simulation environment As depicted before, we consider a scenario in which a crowd of people is visiting an area (e.g. an exhibition center) populated by several advertisement screens. For reproducing



such a scenario we have built a simulation environment based on RePast (recursive porous agent simulation toolkit), a Java toolkit for the simulation of agent-based models. The model we define for our simulations foresees three classes of main actors (agents): visitors, advertisement screens (which we call towers), and advertising companies. Such agents are spread in a simulated landscape (shed) in which activities and interactions take place. Visitors move into the shed and they are represented by colored spots (as in Figure 4); different colors represent the different classes of interests. At simulation startup, visitors are spread in a random way over the shed. Visitors are programmed to be independent respect each others and to be free moving over the shed, representing a crowd wandering in a closed space. Visitor movements are continuous; during every unit of time agents could choose to remain still or eventually to change their position. For a unit of time, only movements inside a circle of radius equal to one are allowed. Moreover, visitor agents keep in mind latest movements, from this comes that agents preserve their directions for several steps avoiding unnatural behaviors characterized by continuous sheers. Towers, which simulate advertisement screens, embed the logic for collecting profiles of nearby visitors, computing values of advertisements, selecting advertisements (or, for competitive strategies, issuing call for tenders and selecting winners), and (virtually) displaying advertisements. It is assumed that towers have a circular sensing range (Field) for visitors profiles of specific size (FieldSize). This represents the range within users profiles can be collected, and the range within advertisements can be effectively seen by visitors (e.g. a bluetooth connection can be established at a maximum distance of 10 m that could represent the maximum distance at which visitors comfortably attend to an LCD display transmitting advertisements). At simulation startup, towers are placed over the shed and programmed with:
. . .

a list of companies with relative information; a list of visitor categories with relative information; and the value associated to every relation companyvisitor category.

Figure 4. The simulation environment

Therefore towers will periodically act as follows:

. . . .

sense visitors within the field; compute the value of messages; select commercials to be broadcast according to the selected strategy; and store information related to broadcasted ads (company and value) for the sake of later analysis and evaluation.

Adaptive pervasive advertisement 343

For the case of the competitive strategy, an advertising company agent for each of the advertising companies is associated to each of the towers, with the goal of participating to the call for tenders issued by the associated tower. 4. Results To evaluate the effectiveness of adaptive pervasive advertisement we have tested, in the above described simulation environment, the non-adaptive round robin strategy and the adaptive non-competitive strategy and finally compared them with each others. Following, we evaluate the impact of competitive strategies. The simulation environment enabled us to flexibly test the effect of adaptive pervasive advertisement on a variety of different situations, by varying:
. . . .

the number of towers; the number of visitors; the radius in pixels (FieldSize) of towers field; and the percentage of visitors enabled or willing to communicate their personal profiles to towers.

4.1 Main hypothesis Simulations performed were built over the following hypothesis: (1) Sheds dimensions are fixed at 1,000 750 cells. (2) Shed does not contain hurdles neither fixed routes, visitor movements are absolutely not constrained. (3) Towers fields do not cross each others: visitors can be reached by only one commercial at time. (4) During simulation setup visitors are spread over the shed in a random way, yet preserving a rather homogeneous distribution. (5) Visitors are branched in groups, one for each category of interest. Groups have equal cardinality and their presence is fixed during the simulation. (6) The value of every company-category couple remains unchanged across a set of simulations. In particular, companies act considering the table of values reported in Table I, characterized by a high standard deviation (about 30) for users interests. The impact of different standard deviations will also be analyzed later on. (7) Every simulation lasts 4,000 ticks (units of time), or to be more precise, the necessary time for towers to transmit a total of 200 commercials in each simulation. For each considered combination of parameters a total of 25 simulations have been performed.


(8) Basic simulation parameters (around which we played by varying individual parameters to evaluate their specific impacts) are:
. . .

number of visitors (nv) 800; fieldSize (in cells) (fs) 250; and number of towers (nt) 5.


4.2 Round robin vs NCAS Let us first compare the performances of the first two transmission strategies we introduced, round robin and a NCAS. Performances will be measured altering, time by time, basic simulation parameters: number of towers, the number of visitors and towers field size. 4.2.1 Changing the number of visitors. Simulations have been performed employing default values for fs and nt. The number of visitors has varied from 400 to 1,600. Results are presented in Figure 5.
Value classes of visitors 3 1 10 5 75 5

Companies 1 2 3 4 5

1 88 5 10 5 10

2 1 75 5 10 5

4 3 8 75 5 5

5 7 2 5 5 75

Table I. Companies-interests table of values

Figure 5. Single advertisement mean value over the change in the number of visitors

It is noticeable that an adaptive strategy enables companies to steadily reach a higher value from each commercial with respect to traditional round robin transmission strategy. Figure 5, in particular, underlines that the influence between the number of visitors and commercial mean value is linear (as expected, in that the higher the number of persons seeing a commercial, the higher the value of such commercial). However, the relative gain in exploiting an adaptive strategy over a non-adaptive one is higher when the number of visitors is low. The reason for this can be found in the consideration that a growth in the number of visitors leads them to be more densely distributed over the shed and, consequently, also more uniformly distributed as far as the profile is concerned. This necessarily leads towers to sense inside respective fields of detection an increasing balanced set of user profiles. This makes increasingly harder to select a single commercial able to fully fit users tastes. Consequently, the mean value of every single commercial decreases. 4.2.2 Changing tower field size. We assume that the size of towers fields represents the different ranges to which transmission devices (as RFID reader, bluetooth and Wi-Fi access point) can broadcast messages. For this set of simulations we opt for default values of nv and nt, field sizes have assumed instead the following values (in terms of simulation cells): 125, 250, 500. The results, represented in Figure 6, show that even if, in both cases, the gain grows following the growth of the field size, NCAS demonstrates to perform permanently better respect to round robin. In particular its gain reaches its peak, 66 percent, when transmission conditions are at the worst (very short range of transmission or rather very low probability of sensing the right users preferences) while decreases up to the 12 percent when the field size is maximum.

Adaptive pervasive advertisement 345

Figure 6.
Single advertisement mean value over the in change in towers field size



Such trend, as for the one depicted by the variation in the number of visitors, finds its motivation in the difficulty of selecting a single commercial able to fully fit users tastes. It is worth noticing that, even the gain decreases augmenting the field size, the adaptive strategy continues to perform the best. 4.2.3 Varying the percentage of visitors sending personal information. This set of simulations has been performed with the aim of testing advertisement system behavior varying the percentage of visitors sending personal information. The number of visitors and towers field size were left fixed respectively to 800 units and 250 cells; the number of towers was five. Clearly, simulations exploiting the round robin strategy of transmission are not influenced by the variable under exam. Results in Figure 7 demonstrate to follow the trend exhibited during previous simulations. In particular they show that even when visitors do demonstrate poor collaboration towards the pervasive advertisement system (e.g. not providing their personal information for lack of time, for practical or privacyrelated reasons), NCAS will anyway perform better than round robin. That happens despite gain on single advertisement mean value falls from initial 26 percent (when the degree of visitors sending personal information is 100 percent) to an ending 8.54 percent in the worst case. Even the recognition of limited number of user profiles leads anyhow to a gain. This result is very encouraging because it shows that the advantages of adaptive pervasive advertisement can be preserved even for those scenarios in which it is not possible to collect detailed information about all users, or in which users are unwilling to make their personal preferences public. 4.3 Round robin vs CAS Next simulations will introduce a new element inside the mechanism of advertisement selection, the competition between advertiser companies. Our NCAS has been

Figure 7. Single advertisement mean value over the change in the number of visitors sending information

developed with the aim of experimenting adaptive elements in the context of the pervasive advertisement. However this leads to an ideal situation in which users are forced to attend only the ads of companies achieving the maximum mean value for that audience. The outlined situation appears unrealistic for two main reasons:

Adaptive pervasive advertisement 347

Visitors after watching several times the same ads could be bored of them (it makes their values lower). A company, who totals up a mean value just a bit lower respect to the winner one, has all the interest in transmitting its advertisement that would be however enjoyed by people attending.

Our competitive strategy is built over these considerations and is realized adding some constrains (think at the degree of satisfaction and the budget) to the non-competitive strategy. This obviously leads that, from a performance point of view, in the computation of advertisement mean value NCAS results anyhow an upper bound respect to CAS. In this new competitive context, the performed simulations aim at investigating:

How the degree of competition between companies affects the value of transmitted strategies. What happens if companies would base their considerations on different tables of company-group of interest values.

4.3.1 The influence of competition on advertisement mean value. This set of simulation has been performed fixing the number of towers to five, the field size to 250 cells, the number of visitors to 800, and the number of groups of interests to five. To test the impact of competition, and accordingly to our CAS for pervasive advertisement, we have varied the competition interval (i.e. the interval of values in which companies express interest in bidding) from 0 to 55 percent of advertising value, implying an increasing number of companies to compete for each advertisement slot as this percentage increases (0 percent corresponds to no competition, in that only the company with the highest value would compete). Figure 8 suggests the following considerations:

Since competition threshold does not represent a variable for the round robin transmission strategy, commercial mean value is clearly not influenced by it. Similar considerations apply for the non-competitive strategy, which represents an upper bound to the competitive one (the message with the highest value is always transmitted). In the presence of competition, the chance that a message with a value lower than the maximum one is selected increases as the competition increases. Nevertheless, even in the presence of high-degrees of competition, a relevant gain over the non-adaptive round robin strategy is preserved.

These results show that adaptive pervasive advertisement can be effective even in the presence of competitive mechanisms. Yet, we have not analyzed the impact of the presented competitive strategies (or of other competitive strategies) that can be conceived for such a scenario on advertisement prices. That is, our goal here is to show that the advantages of pervasive advertisement in better targeting the audience are relevant both in the absence and in the presence of competition among advertisement companies. Understanding how these should translate in some actual pricing of



Figure 8. Single advertisement mean value over the change in the degree of competition

advertising slot (tuning the price of a slot depending on the audience), and what strategies should advertising companies adopt in deciding how much to pay for a given slot, is out of the scope of this paper. 4.3.2 The influence on message mean value altering the table of values. The last set of simulations wants to investigate the variation in the mean value of broadcasted messages when the relation between companies and classes of interests changes. CAS and round robin have been performed on simulations employing five towers, a field size of 250 cells, 800 visitors, and a competition threshold of 5 percent. Four profiles of values associated by companies to visitors classes of interests have been identified. The first profile characterizes specialized companies (the interest is pointing at one only class of visitor) and exhibits the highest value of standard deviation (equal to 44), the forth profile represents an opposite situation where companies are equally interested in all the classes, standard deviation is the lowest one and equal to 0. Profiles 2 and 3 are a middle ground between the previous ones with values of deviation standard, respectively, equal to 38 and 14. Results in Figure 9 show that:

For profile 1, because of segmentation of interests and of the competition threshold at 5 percent companies do not compete, therefore CAS behaves very similar to NCAS (see in addiction Figure 8). Profile 2 produces the previous set of simulations (with competition threshold at 5 percent) we have performed. At the same way, CAS leads to a gain of about 25 percent over round robin. For profiles 3 and 4, following the trend that comes out from section 4.3.1, competition between companies decreases the gain; the more the battle between companies is harsh, the more every advertisement message looses its value.

Adaptive pervasive advertisement 349

Figure 9.
Advertisement values when profiles change

In other words, for adaptive competitive strategies to be effective, there must be some differentiations in user profiles as well as in the specific ideal targets of advertising companies.

4.4 Summary of experiments Results coming from simulations demonstrate that, in a wide range of different conditions, an advertisement system based on sensitive strategies leads to a gain in terms of commercial mean value with respect to any traditional strategy for advertisement broadcasting. In particular, what the experiments have outlined is that:

For adaptive strategies to be highly effective, each screen must target a limited number of visitors. By increasing the cardinality of the audience (i.e. in very crowded environments or by having each screen a too wide size of action) the specificity of the target smooths, making it difficult to effectively select the right advertisement. Adaptive strategies preserve effectiveness even when a limited percentage of the audience contributes to transmit its personal preferences (or, which is the same, when the available technology enables to capture only a limited percentage of the audience profiles). Adaptive strategies perform very well even at the presence of competition among advertising companies, although both a too high degree of competition or a lack of specificity in the audience tend to reduce the value of advertising messages.

Finally, another important result has to be mentioned. A pervasive advertisement system exploiting an adaptive strategy demonstrates to be fully operative and advantageous in term of value even if only a limited portion of visitors would agree to provide their personal information.



5. Conclusions and future work The increasing diffusion of digital screens in our everyday urban environments can serve a variety of purposes from informing us about social and cultural events to showing commercial advertisements. A new pervasive paradigm applied to modern computing technologies can help screens to understand who is close to them and adapt accordingly the content shown on the screen, supplying to users a better service. The aim of this paper has been to demonstrate that the depicted system for pervasive advertisement could be easily brought to life, leading advertisement companies to a much more targeted exploitation of the screen resource and, eventually, to higher revenues. After having introduced the concept of adaptive pervasive advertisement and its potentials, along with the design and implementation of a simple yet effective advertisement system, we have presented and evaluated different strategies for composing the sequence of advertisements to be displayed. In a word, our study has demonstrated that adaptive context-aware strategies (i.e. those able to select advertisements based on the actual audience) are very effective (i.e. lead to a conspicuous commercial gain), whatever the conditions of the simulation environment may vary, even in the case visitors demonstrate poor collaboration, and even when advertisers have to compete with each others. Future works will investigate a more structured and autonomic distributed architecture to support strategies based on cooperation among multiple screens. Also, further studies will be performed on strategies. Despite depicted strategies demonstrate to perform well, they are very simple and represent only a first approach to this field of research. More complex and distributed strategies will certainly lead to new and more exhaustive results.
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Adaptive pervasive advertisement 351

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