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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province
Division Integration on Assessment of Learning, Monitoring, and Evaluation


Name: ____________________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________________ Date: ___________
Track: _________________________ Strand: ____________________________ Specialization: __________________________
District: ___________________________________________School: _______________________________________________
Instructions: Read each question and/or statement carefully, and write the letter choice of the correct answer on the
answer sheet provided for you. Do not write anything on this test questionnaire.
1.) A fad is a product that increases when more people use it. Every product has four stages. At what stage do the
producers aim to keep market share through innovations?
A. Introduction B. Growth C. Maturity D. Decline
2.) Which dimension of ICT is where people are spending considerable time on social networks in the virtual world through
e-mail, mobile, blogs, and downloading?
A. ICT in agriculture B. ICT in society C. ICT in healthcare D. ICT in education
3.) Which of the elements refers to the degree of attraction that a fad or a trend causes in people?
A. Appeal B. Result C. Scope D. Support
4.) Which scope of ICT focuses on the enhancement of agricultural and rural development through improved
information and communication processes?
A. ICT in agriculture B. ICT in healthcare C. ICT in society D. ICT in education
5. Which of the following significant social trends is being described in the given scenario?

A good number of Filipinos have migrated to the Middle East and the US to seek greener pastures. This
trend has continued because of severe economic depression, political repression, and the lack of viable
job opportunities in the Philippines.

A. The rise of OFWs C. Religious fundamentalism

B. Changing roles of women D. High overseas employment
6. How does wasting one’s food contribute to greenhouse gas emissions?
A. When we waste food, we also waste all the energy and water it takes to grow, harvest, transport, and package it. And if
food goes to the landfill and rots, it produces methane.
B. When we waste food, we also waste the energy it takes to produce fertilizer, which produces nitrous oxide emissions.
C. When we waste food, we are wasting the fossil fuels used for farm equipment. When fossil fuels are burned, they
release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air.
D. When we waste food, we are wasting the farmers energy by cutting down trees to make way for farm fields. When
trees are cut down, the carbon stored in the trees is released into the atmosphere, adding to the greenhouse effect.

For numbers 7-8, consider the following.

In 1986, the Philippines became very popular around the world because of the Edsa People Power Revolution, a
perfect example of a successful peaceful revolution. However, a few decades earlier, a similar peaceful
revolution had also become very popular in India under the leadership of Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi, which
eventually brought India’s independence in 1947.
7.What role did Mohandas Gandhi play in the liberation of India?
A. Cool-hunter B. Trend proponent C. Trendsetter D. Trend Spotter
8.What is the trend that has developed and evolved between the Philippines and India over time?
A. Democracy and freedom C. Loyalty and bravery
B. Economic development D. Patriotism and conscientiousness
9.What legal system provides regulations governing the conduct of elections and the determination of their outcomes?
A. Majority rule B. Voting C. Minority rights D. Private sector
10. How do social networks and neural networks compare in terms of transferring messages?
A. In neural networks, transmission of messages happens through neuron connections, while in social networks, messages
can be transmitted verbally and non-verbally through the use of technology.
B. In neural networks, messages are linked through nerve cells, while in social networks, messages are linked through
C. In neural networks, the message comes from the brain, while in social networks, the source of the message is the
person itself.
D. Messages are transmitted both through neural networks and social networks.
11. Anna is thinking of buying a new phone. She decided to weigh things out. What thinking process and its key
components were employed by Anna?

A. Strategic Analysis, Goals C. Strategic Analysis, Rational B. Intuitive Thinking, Insights D.

Intuitive Thinking, Gut feel
12. As a student, you have a great role to play in helping fight climate change. What are the most practical things that you can do
at home to combat climate change?
A. Engage yourself in the science behind climate change.
B. Conserve water to lessen runoff and wastewater that will end up in the ocean.
C. Support organizations that hold companies accountable for their environmental practices.
D. Vote for political candidates who will advocate for climate-related legislation and policy improvements.
13. What social role that helps students promote awareness on protecting trees and the importance of planting trees for
the coming generations?

A. Awareness Program on Clean and Green C. Illegal Drug Campaign B. Brotherhood

and Leadership D. Literacy Campaign
14. Which of the following does not belong to the potential uses of ICT?
A. Facilitating public and private sector activities
B. Improving the quality of life for citizens
C. Facilitating activities in the business sector
D. Facilitating agriculturist for enhancing agricultural development
15. You are working for a marketing agency, and your client wants to leverage the power of networks to promote their brand.
Which strategy would you recommend?
A. Launch a viral marketing
B. Invest a print advertisement
C. Host local awareness to create brand awareness
D. Collaborate with influencers to reach a wider audience
16. The following are practical ways to fight gender discrimination in the workplace, EXCEPT _____________.
A. Both genders have equal opportunities for promotion.
B. Women are given fewer demanding assignments than men.
C. Men and women are paid the same amount for the same job.
D. Educate employees on what gender bias looks like and how to avoid it in the workplace.
17. Which impact of ICT on business improved inventory management and stock control?
A. Economic C. Access to information
B. Information management D. Employment
18. What are the differences between the human brain and neural networks?
A. Neural networks are modeled after the brain, and both are composed of a set of interconnected nodes, or neurons.
B. The human brain is much faster and more efficient at processing large amounts of data, while neural networks are
susceptible to error.
C. The human brain is constantly learning and growing throughout its life, while a neural network is typically trained on
a set of data and then stops learning.
D. The human brain requires a lot of neurons in order to function and process information properly, while neural networks
can often make do with far less information.
19. A megatrend is a trend that is expected to persist over a long period of time, have a profound impact on global society, and be
visible and well known to everyone. Which of the following is NOT an example of a megatrend?
A. Urbanization C. Population growth
B. Disease spread D. Environmental degradation
20. Which of the following is the importance of participation in democracy?
A. It creates chaos C. It protects the rights of the leaders
B. It establishes social classes D. It protects the rights of the minority
21. Which of the following is NOT a democratic practice in the Philippines?
A. Civil Society C. Majority rule/minority right
B. Election D. Parliamentary System
22. Korean culture became popular in the country, especially among the young. It resulted in the adoption of Korean fashion, the
establishment of Korean restaurants, and Korean mini-marts, among others. This trend is exemplified by
A. Generalization B. Representation C. Emerging Pattern D. Cause and Consequence
23. The following are the types of social movements, EXCEPT_____________.
A. Redemptive B. Reformative C. Revolutionary D. Visionary
24. How do social networks help create solutions in a certain community?
A. Social networks examine a situation to create solutions.
B. Social networks help us understand communities because of the people.
C. Social networks examine communities by sharing ideas.
D. Social networks help identify problems by examining interrelated institutions to create solutions.
25. Which human activity is the largest contributor to greenhouse gases?
A. Agriculture B. Deforestation C. Landfills D. Transportation
26. Your household's electricity consumption has increased during the summer and decreased during the cold months. Which
emerging pattern best applies to this situation?
A. Cyclical Trend B. Damped Trend C. Linear Trend D. Seasonal Trend
27. The following are the ill effects of undemocratic practices, EXCEPT_____________.
A. Equality B. Poverty C. Gender biases D. Inequality
28. Which of the following illustrations best exemplifies connections, relationships, and networks?

Illustration 1: You have several prospective clients on your business contact list.
Illustration 2: A close friend introduces you to a prospective client for your business venture.
Illustration 3: You have worked with a business client for many years.
A. Illustration 1 depicts connections; Illustration 2 depicts relationships; and Illustration 3 depicts networks.
B. Illustration 2 depicts connections; Illustration 3 depicts relationships; and Illustration 1 depicts networks.
C. Illustration 3 depicts connections; Illustration 2 depicts relationships; and Illustration 1 depicts networks.
D. Illustrations 1 and 3 both depict relationships, while Illustration 2 depicts networks and connections.
29. You are using a social media platform to stay updated on the latest trends. Suddenly, you notice a post with false information
going viral. What should you do?
A. Share the post to increase awareness C. Report the post to the platform for review
B. Ignore it and continue scrolling D. Comment to the post with correct information
30. Why are tool analyses like PEST analysis used in strategic analysis?
A. It used to prove that strategic analysis is the best in all problem solving.
B. It used to be possible to understand a situation with the use of the senses and insights in creating solutions.
C. It helps to understand a situation by knowing the strengths and weaknesses of an organization or community.
D. It is used to examine and understand a situation and identify problems in different aspects of a certain community.
31. Which of the following is not an element of a trend?
A. Truth B. Consequence C. Pattern of behavior D. Number of participants
32. Which of the following statements shows the effect of globalization on the economical aspect?
A. The new organization and hierarchy of different regions are constantly changing.
B. The development and growing influence of international organizations such as the UN or WHO.
C. The rise of the global financial system with international financial exchanges and monetary exchanges.
D. The interpretations of culture, which, as a consequence, mean that a nation adopts the principles, beliefs, and costumes
of another nation.
33. Members from the transport group wants to increase fare rates. The local government unit called for a public hearing for both
transport and commuter group. Which democratic intervention does the scenario exemplify?
A. Association B. Participation C. Social Welfare D. Social protection
34. What is the difference between participatory and representative democracy?
A. Participatory democracy gives citizens freedom, while representative democracy creates a social class.
B. In participatory democracy, citizens elect representatives, while in representative democracy, citizens directly make
C. In participatory democracy, the leaders make laws, while in representative democracy, the leaders impose the laws.
D. In participatory democracy, citizens directly make laws, while in representative democracy, citizens elect
representatives to make laws.
35. Which of the skills does an individual use when he or she socializes and deals with different attitudes?
A. Artistic Skills B. Writing Skills C. Thinking Skills D. Communicating Skills
36. How are fads distinguished from trends?
A. A fad is long-lived, while a trend is short-lived.
B. A fad is a sudden, short-lived craze, while a trend is something that's developing and changing over time.
C. Fads and trends both enjoy a few months of unexpected popularity but disappear just as quickly as they appear.
D. A fad tends to gain widespread momentum, while a trend appears in contained bursts appealing to a smaller group or
37. What democratic practices embrace and accept all types of people in society and treat them fairly and justly?
A. Right to Life C. Inclusiveness and Equality B. Freedom of Speech D. Minority Rights

38. What could be the possible negative impact of technology on education?

A. Technology can increase competition among learners.
B. Technology provides easy access to learning materials from all over the world.
C. Technology can reduce learners’ understanding due to the vast amount of misleading and incorrect information.
D. Technology can help learners adopt a more luxurious lifestyle and can lead to physical problems, e.g., obesity, eye
problems, etc.
39. What theory explains that we come to develop a self-image on the basis of the messages we get from others as we
understand them?

A. Adaptation C. Non-Symbolic Interactionism B. Looking-Glass Self D. Symbolic Interactionism

40. What is the characteristic of a trend that introduces something new, ideas, devices, or methods?
A. Consistency B. Futuristic C. Innovation D. Versatility

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