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Internship Report part 1

1. Tasks Description
During my internship at the non-profit organization in Lebanon, I was assigned various tasks
related to instructional design and project management tools. The primary focus of my work was
to develop training materials for organizations' employees in Africa, specifically targeting
individuals who are already familiar with computer usage but require training on project
management digital tools like ClickUp and Trello. The tasks I undertook can be categorized as
a. Project Management Tools - ClickUp and Trello:
One of my responsibilities was to create comprehensive training modules for ClickUp and Trello.
These modules aimed to familiarize the employees with the functionalities and features of these
tools. I conducted extensive research to understand the tools' capabilities and created step-by-
step guides, instructional videos, and infographics to facilitate the learning process.
b. Preparing the Resources:
As part of the training program, I was responsible for curating a collection of online resources
that could serve as references and supplementary materials for the employees. I prepared an
Excel sheet that contained links to relevant websites, videos, images, infographics, and other
useful resources. This compilation aimed to provide the employees with additional learning
materials to enhance their knowledge of project management and the use of ClickUp and Trello.
c. Course Outline Preparation:
I was tasked with creating a comprehensive outline for the course, which included defining the
learning objectives, determining the desired outcomes, and structuring the content in a logical
sequence. The course outline served as a roadmap for developing the training modules and
ensured that the training program covered all the necessary topics.
d. LMS Procedures and Checklists Review:
To ensure the smooth integration of the training materials into the organization's Learning
Management System (LMS), I reviewed the existing LMS procedures and checklists. This
involved examining the setup process, user management, content upload guidelines, and other
relevant aspects. I provided recommendations for improving the LMS procedures and checklists
to optimize the delivery of the training program.
e. Video Lessons Creation:
I watched videos on how to create engaging and effective lessons on an LMS. By studying these
videos, I gained insights into best practices for structuring and presenting content in a video
format within an LMS environment. This knowledge was invaluable for enhancing the
instructional materials and ensuring a seamless learning experience for the employees.
2. Reflection on the Relevance of the Tasks to the Field of Instructional Design
The tasks assigned to me during my internship at the organization demonstrated a strong
alignment with the field of instructional design. Instructional design involves analyzing learners'
needs, designing effective learning experiences, and evaluating the outcomes. The tasks I
undertook allowed me to apply instructional design principles and techniques, with a specific
focus on the relevance of the ADDIE model. The project management tools training modules for
ClickUp and Trello required a systematic analysis of the target audience's existing knowledge
and skills. By conducting a needs assessment, I identified the specific areas that needed to be
addressed in the training program. The design phase involved structuring the content, selecting
appropriate instructional methods, and creating engaging materials using a variety of media. The
development phase encompassed the creation of step-by-step guides, instructional videos, and
infographics to support the learning process. These materials were then implemented through an
LMS, ensuring accessibility and ease of use. Preparing the resources and creating a course
outline were also integral to the instructional design process. By curating relevant online
resources and outlining the course, I ensured that learners had access to supplementary materials
and a clear roadmap for their learning journey. Reviewing the LMS procedures and checklists
allowed me to identify areas for improvement and optimize the delivery of the training program.
This reflection on the existing processes aligns with the evaluation stage of the ADDIE model,
emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement and quality assurance in instructional
design. Lastly, watching videos on creating lessons within an LMS provided valuable insights
into effective instructional strategies and presentation techniques. This knowledge enhanced the
overall design and delivery of the training materials, ensuring that the learners had a meaningful
and engaging learning experience. In conclusion, the tasks I performed during my internship at
this organization encompassed various aspects of instructional design, with a specific focus on
project management tools training. The tasks aligned with the stages of the ADDIE model and
allowed me to apply instructional design principles, analyze learner needs, design effective
learning materials, implement them through an LMS, and evaluate their impact. These
experiences deepened my understanding of instructional design and its relevance in creating
impactful learning experiences for diverse audiences.

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