Enlish Literature

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Q1. Which months are cold?

Ans: As per poet December and January months are cold.

Q2. What is the weather like in March?

Ans: Cold breeze blows in march.

Q3. Which types of flowers are mentioned in the poem?

Ans: The flowers mentioned in the poem are daffodils, primrose, daisies, tulips,
lilies, roses and gillyflower.

Q4. Which animals are mentioned in the poem?

Ans: Little lambs skipping by their mother’s side are the only animal mentioned in
the poem.

Q5. Are there any months that the poet seems to like or dislike more than others?
Explain the answer?
Ans: The poet enjoys April, May and June more than other months and she dislikes
November which she feels as dull.

Q6. Warm September brings the fruit,

Sportsmen then begin to shoot.
a. What is meant by “bring the fruit”?
Ans: By “bring the fruit” the poetess means that the fruits become ripe and ready
to eat by September.
b. What will the “sportsmen” shoot?
Ans: Here sportsmen are referred to hunters who hunt or shoot wild animals or
birds. So they will shoot birds or animals.

Q7. What does January bring?

Ans: January brings snow and makes our fingers and feet glow with ice.

Q8. What does February bring?

Ans: February brings the rain and melts the frozen lake.

Q9. What does march month bring?

Ans: March month brings loud breezes that makes daffodil dance.

Q10. What does April bring?

Ans: April brings flowers like primrose and daisies.
Q11. What does May bring?
Ans: May brings flock of lambs skipping around their mother.

Q12. What does June bring?

Ans: June brings flowers like tulips, lilies, roses.

Q13. What does July bring?

Ans: July brings rain, Apricots and gillyflower.

Q14. Which month is referred as hot?

Ans: July is referred in the poem as hot.

Q15. What does August bring?

Ans: August bring harvesting of crops like corns and others.

Q16. What does October bring?

Ans: October brings pheasant bird which gathers nuts.

Q17. What does November bring?

Ans: During November the leaves falls so it has been called as dull.

Q18. What does December bring?

Ans: December brings sleet of ice, bourn fire and Christmas treats.

Word Meanings

Thaws – Melts Posies – small bunch of flower.

Shrill – loud whistle Borne – Carried.
Dam – mother
Sheaves – bundle
Pheasant – one type of bird
Sleet – Chunk of snow/ice
Blazing fire – Bourn fire

1 What does the word “Leisure” mean?

Ans: The word “Leisure” means the use of free time for enjoyment. Here poet
wants us to enjoy the nature during our leisure.

2 Who are “we” in the poem “Leisure”?

Ans: The word “we” in the poem refers to the people who have no time to enjoy the
beauty of nature.

3 Why does the poet call our life “poor”?

Ans: The poet marks the life as “poor” because we are so busy that we have no
time to stare and enjoy the beauty of nature.

4 How can we live a better life?

Ans: We can live better life by using our leisure time creatively to strengthen our
mental ability and admiring the beautiful things in nature.

5 “And watch her feet, how they can dance” – Who is referred to as ‘her’?

Ans: Beauty is referred to as ‘her’ in the poem. Here the poet personified the nature
whose beauty can provide an aesthetic pleasure like the art form of dance.

6 What does the poet lament for?

Ans: The poet in the poem, “Leisure” laments that we do not spare any leisure time
to watch Beauty’s dance and watch her smile.

7 What are the animals mentioned in the poem?

Ans: The animals like – sheep, cows and squirrels are mentioned in the poem.

8 How do the streams look in broad daylight?

Ans: The streams resembling the night skies with full of stars.
9. What are ‘boughs’?

Ans. ‘Boughs’ are branches of a tree.

10. Where do the squirrels hide their nuts?

Ans. The squirrels hide their nuts in the grass.

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