Vol.12 Air Law 191

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Chapter 12 Ai,.

Traffic Services and Airspace


Any deviation from the standards of safety in the procedures used by pilots, ATCOs, and
equipment used for the safe navigation of aircraft is a serious matter. The reliance on adherence
to procedures underpins the philosophy of applying separation standards and both pilots and
ATCOs must have faith in the standard applicability of the procedures. If any deviation becomes
apparent, whether intentional or accidental, the incident must be investigated and a report raised .
What might appear a trivial matter may if repeated too many times , become catastrophic in effect.
ICAO has devised a system for reporting and investigating such occurrences . The system is
known an Air Traffic Incident Report (ATIR). There are three types of ATIR :

}> Proximity of Aircraft;

}> Procedural inadequacy;
}> Equipment malfunction .

The ATIR dealing with proximity of aircraft (one aircraft getting too close to another) is called an
AIRPROX report. After the report is 'filed ' a process of investigation starts which amongst other
things, will determine the degree of risk involved. This will be classified as:

}> Risk of collision;

}> Safety not assured ;
}> No risk of collision;
}> Risk not determined.

Filing an ATIR
If the ATCO becomes aware of a breach of separation standard then an AIRPROX (Controller) is
to be raised . If a pilot observes or becomes aware of an aircraft too close or cleared to or through
the same level/altitude or to commence a manoeuvre that would cause proximity concern , then
he/she is to raise an AIRPROX (Pilot) .

ICAO has published a standard reporting form for AIRPROX (Pilot). When a pilot makes an
AIRPROX report, an initial report is to be made by RTF to the ATCU providing control at that
time . The form has shaded boxes for the information needed to be transmitted for the initial
report. When the aircraft has landed, the pilot is to complete the form and file it either directly with
the ATCU at the aerodrome of landing or through the Operator or the Operator's agent.

12-14 Air Law

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