Doan Trong Hieu 41801116 Nhom 1 Bao Cao Bai 2

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Doàn Trong Hiêu

MSSV: 41801116
1knglien cln tu.ccnq suci_uhcm4
0sitbáocao. Ba 2
sCe hal-wave ecuier
u 220

VA 7

Iund the wen Supply=

ConaectCSiqnaeqen¢d he. coui ver cincut inpur.L6EN/: leanecL channttci
sht oscillostope_achoss NAC ORNERItpuLl: Acljust.phe
QeelktGh fonan AZ Vpp 60H2sine.
WICve cuiie SoLumce VAc_c[she Cl Cuit Adjust VA 1a lO ke
: CondeCi iht CScilostape channek
acHOss the_laud Ru: The CR IS onduCinq
:Phesand hokdSLSCRDOES nOs on when Sz is pneSS ed

whenSiis_neleastd SCROESstopConducti.nG
Rehmo_osci koscape_çhanneP_phobe and.comaman dead s hom Rq_and
he cona ect
hêm Pacbe to_A, 6AD10HCUndZJ

P2tSs.and.hold_SL[cOK ceose Ky ar he peiot whthe SCR_stausCon ductin lbe_

NoKiage peint hcu SCL tonductSLSNompahehe ten duction poini
to"2efenen.ce: r
3:Pess and. fcld SL Meas tne he OC gane vck tage wih NOME VG~
VRz> 0,6EV._
(2 SCe teninel abalf- vwave heciflen.
s,2 220

- -

JK. *****

LTun off the powo Supply ** -

2 O a n a sgnat qentiatgn io4hecbivet curCuit inpua l6EN2:Lonnectchanel

sfie cscitlostOpe. acHOS Nac (0EvEL ouput 2, Majust. the genexacr foran 8vp 60We
sine wcve cu the Sowce Vac fhe cixcut Adjust VA to 10Vdc..
Doà Tron
MSSV: 4180
S.Ccqnecr chcnnel fhe OSailloscope across the looct E Ser VoM 1O DC vcs

SealemtaScre heanad@1.cEiage fhe SCe: VAK={0 IUV

7heSCe 1s of
(t: Pness and felcl S: whife cbsetvinq the.oscilfosrope. Ihelead signa e is hal-wau
IheLoad waLeJosum

ACLdiv 2 0nsldtv
. when she swiichis elea secdthe SCR
DES Stayg On
SCRon sca he poSitie half cycte
Sis1e_coniicP clevice Component
ccln eaSIkULno the STR in this dH Cuit
bu nia q ef zhe_povLO1
Conneci he OS ciltoscope_achosSiHe_ load Adjuz
V Siq nae_gt fond RL USing UC ¥Ee_qenl xazojOL a
functon of voM, n¢ase ihe voltaq0 dy op
-al 10SS Lu Veus_192y
A0 he _m-tg Stune ment in_ Siep 9 hephe
_Fentt_an aénage a ue
M WH vOM stike_conoectecd
CLCa03s P, sfow/ey_heuce the cunptlude
5lqna sCLUH CE and.aote the mett neadinc ofte
dechease i0 va kue: [he pcweLçi SSipou ecl
Orthe load dleChea Se S
(3ce ton.anck ca fulluave naCtifien
ConneCT CuLcut



Conne ct a Sigha l genehac tO cbuvet _clICudnput

3.Conaect channee Lct osi lloscope. achOSS
cC ivt Oup )Adjust
benehotc 12Vpp, Vac Sine wave 6ON2 Vn:1Ovde
4. OsciltoStope aCoss_ Ru:Tfe anode- carhode citage cl he
VnK= 4l,uV SCR is
Doàn Trong Hiéu
MSSV: 41801116
5Dness SL wiih Swi1ch Phessecl theloocd ignac_is futlnawcincifiret
6whea S spneSSed 7he Eu wauc foJn

AOVIdtv AOms/ clv
whepSL is heleaseclKStayS On
Adlust htgencanon JonaVpr siq.naacnoss ihe LoaclMeasem.z
efshe avttage vcCtag.e_ dhep.ackoSS he lecdel_esisica P Veuz33..
SCR holwaue_ph.ase.coR1hce
a0L Vac


Connect_the ciacuutAcusi poien:ilane10n P ully..ua_formaximun-qane yal1age.-

Connect Lhanne LCthez.cscilloscopeaCAOSs. the_scukce. Lonnect.the-puabe to the junctiOn
kiWLthe_sowiceand L2. (onnect Lae gloundXeacl 0 the_COmnoh uina. duSA 1he_
gAnencte nequtn -eL kOHz on ihe 0SCL(asca pe: Lnnéct an tC oeme1eL acMoSs_Vac_-
Cust ahe.4enenajon_{or a kcuce. Sqnal NAS
u:Canect.the osao scope chonnee aChoss laodLL?.
51he lood uae pmn

ACVLcN LUnsldly
The.concucHon angle is apenoxi naie ly 0degate
Slowlyuin RCCW. he toncducihon ange de.checases **

3 Coniaue twtioq P CCwl uptarfe piat wtere the loact unve {porhm qes 1o 0.7he
opPnOximate ConductonongBe q the Qve{oun usi pru o vttus poiat is u/
g.(cnoect chanoek Lto 6 and channte 1 1o A
:Taxn {uy.Cu cu haxiuun toncuc tion, angte The anode cad qaue wavepruns
MSSV: 41801116



R CCw: The condu.ciidn Whn
the Sp_ilopS_CCacluci
ClulusT to-the_pcint where
: CentinLe uning_k
SCRhassioopkd tonduCHinQ-
VAK VoICE_he he appncximaue tcnducicn angle q he
StæuS ta.cnduct
AdjuSt R sathar ile SCe_just
WaLe aun azthis point is67,56 Leniee hash
Jueae ulky CA inadimuun ccncucion anle
Acid he _capacitor .
lloscpe acChOss the lzad
phohes.CanaLc cha.nnplL she esci
addli/on q C hasnot changed the matiinum_conducion_angle
5 The
Sleuks_tura L, CCu Thecon.cluciien dpp:tta.Chés_Ohe2aduaion_arge
the-t ͣ LOaiuauelcum
13-Teen CC ke_gpiat
Can n be ncluuCEd y0 de nge-
theosciltasepe kilLacxassR2,aduy he_geneuamar lera
R NalHh_L, ulty uland
Vp Sonae ackoss¥he lancl
Veg: 1V._
19 1heucdiage dhop.achossR2:
L0.he neaSunement i n
alcage clag 0_
ith theosciltoscope aCCSS R and wsh LOM inaniOH The_
aCoSS he lmd
92Stcu ly LUn ea_CCiN whenhe lacd uae fean qces n0. the cLtage qcestelaq
Fal uae pha_eLon'lhce

Rg 220
20L 440LcR
Doàn Trong Hieu
MSSV: 41801116
T hal/wae And
SCR_ACqame ord
Tu the pouceAugols. Icue he R_tutLh

blockLanteu thecit cud Aut

qAntncnct 1coshe ctith

ciicut inau
onoecea Aignak 4tnezarar_fr an p p
LOH ne uaLEt
chapeti L che 0gilfoscope
aChass (tade
l Meuu
The laatuave Aih.

he Siqnal lul-waip zeciied

conltucioncngle_deCkea SL Ss
Tueaa R, Ccul he
(omec_phahe t0and _pHote J10
CCalEnaxinun_conduction.angle. hegate and ancde uat
Ttcn a utty

Idiv AOns div

hcucincAquSL, the
0Tu0n Pa CCA just z0 ihe_pcinzuhCre the SCR cHops
SCRuS StOSTO COncduct The concluciionaugtëau
A d d hecapaciiol.IoxnR, {ukly CACnaximun
heth ogeiklostope_psobes and countc chanotl Lclheosci
loKop£_achoss 7
2Theadditien f has not Signjcanlychangtd the_maxinun cencucion

stouly HotnPa CCu! tohe (oin.r khere-he loaduaue pm-_DeSHO 2vno Tle _mini

concducsion.angle Aassigndicomkychangtct
fp lly Cul, adjusi he qenëare Cha2 Vpz Signa 0Chossrhe_lcad esisicx
Rz. Veqe 92/.
Thecubroge vokrage chrop aCxOSS
Doàn Trong Ifie
MSSV: 41801116

he lourhaggcagmodes Mi


tnche pew c Suppls locare he Tiac_ac_ouex contael_clhcui Glock.Lennect ihE

Ciauis Acljus~la to 0Ac lcnaeci ahechanatl cfcsollesc.epeoscfoMaelhe
IaOColiageleuelCAn2)1Sncicaued kyte.osc hace:
ZPheisand teld S Mea SUre vhe ge Lciage Vi V -

1htcuxent {lous achC MI3

. The M Ictage VMZ=1L The 7hiac iS con clucting
5.CbseLe thepo{vities_cfwM. 7hecuheCtien cf cutucar llous acxosi 1tiac: ND
Tzuac SopCrCiaGin Nade TLCus.dhaLALT)
Lelecse S the gate Lckiaqe gces 70 20ho The 2iac `tayu) C
& Conae ke ciHCut Leplace+VA bu-VA), 0SC_2Rahe
_tcnceczA to 1/2
AdjustVAio- lOVacDueai.cucd hekcl SLlheAdLcliaqe:-1V
he OClckiaqe dhcp_achCAi Rwah VOM: VRs -103L he_umear tausAexeS}
AO The nT2 cl1agf \,2a
_Phess ud icld SThe Mz cérage VaMTR=-|IV
he DC uoltage dnop.eChas 4 lUsinq VOM \VR6-1.-
The THiacis concduchnc
AD.Lhiac.ikopthainginmtde_ (Kuaclhant
psC pmate LccnoecHS
to NI& Adjust» VA 10-6\ldc phess_ aadhold S.
heqcde uckiaq e V6 190 m
15. N3ol'tage Vaa7= Y00mV Ihe TzuacIs con oucing
A6 nmede L(nacbrcn
r Ipt)
Lepkace f Voo bs- Voo 0SCoune cH) IO MI2 Adjust_ VA 1o t 6 Vadc
A8- Vne ss aad hcldSL The gavechae_V 8V.
.7he I2 vek1age: VMT2= 0,/. The 70ac is concue m9
20 Tac is apetainq in modt_IT_ (Cacducot )
Môn: Doàn Trong Hiéu
Nhóm MSSV: 41801116
HaCwaie pha e con thee R6 1O09

NI2 o,Vac

1000 CR .tVoo

Trnt ofke. power kugpy. Cacare heDriac. ac(uor oothee clhrcut 6lock.lornter
CLCutH. Adjust (0orentionetor Ri fully Cw Jcho uinimum Resiston

(onnect a sqnal generao to thecbdi en cincui in pt

. Congect chaonee L ofhe-osci tlostope. aoossVac AdjuSk the qenera1orv Eran 8vpp
0 H2 ne waue ctt Vac
4. Move ch.canne e of oSC achos load k6
5.The load wave cm
5my div

. T h e tiac Is concue Hag becase it has coacu chon angée in the uae form

h e T>uac is not Conduceng or one a fall- cycée ony

8. The approxi mase Concuoiawargle : W.
Moniroi the osC while stowly tuning P, CCn he hange cf conouction augle
ts /163u/9.
10 Canyect cin Cut 2. Connect a slqnat geneUcvOr to Ihe chivov cituit n puur.

iduSt rhe generaio fo on 18 VPP, 60H2. AineuaLe at yac

OSC chaanel phobe cenaecN 1o MT2, phes$and keldS. 7feuaephn:
hna9 di'v
Mon: Doan Trong Hiéu
Nhom: MSSV: 41801116
42 Meve the aene croru a he qore hon Vos to -
Veo fe saefoxm
L5 div
ov/ div

BConclu sion a 6rcehe cponion fTruac: onducns in 2 f«f- cycle

44 Wban St is eltnyecl 0 c ops ton du cia q becaue there is no cuoven T fEows
aChos G gate

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