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Module 2 - Video Discussion Board

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Video Simulated Interviews/Counseling Sessions

For this set of assignments, you will record yourself using Kaltura and
post the recording in the group discussion board. You can have a
friend, fellow student, or family member serve as your “client”. You
will record a short video of the given topic (no more than 5-
7 minutes) and share with the group. I DO NOT want a video of you
telling me what you would do or would say. I am looking for a
simulated encounter with a patient. Students in the group discussion
board will then view and provide positive feedback and constructive
criticism to peers within their group. Videos can help to increase the
connectivity of students in a distance-based program and are a fun
way for learning to occur and to receive feedback from peers and
faculty. We are all in this together- kids, pets, family, etc. By making a
video of yourself, you have the opportunity to practice some of the
conversations that you will have with clients and can also watch
yourself to discover idiosyncrasies you didn’t know existed. Do you
say “um” a lot? Do you talk really quickly? Recording with Kaltura
obviously is not a “real” situation but is a great simulation for when
you do work with real clients. Do not be intimidated in making a video
of yourself. Remember, the tone of the group is to support and
empower one another! Note: This discussion board (contraceptive
visit) will simulate a telehealth visit. With the changes in our health
care setting, you may find yourself in the situation where telemedicine
visits are utilized. You can use whichever platform (zoom, teams,
Kaltura, etc.) that you have to conduct this visit, record the session
and submit to the discussion board. Please reach out if you have
questions. I have included the citation of a journal article that
discusses the use of telemedicine in Gyn care for your reference. (You
will not be tested on this content.)

Weltin, A. & Etcher, L. (2021). The role of telemedicine in gynecologic

healthcare: A narrative review, The Nurse Practitioner, Vol. 46, No. 5,

Video topic:
1. Contraception Interview: For this assignment, you will practice
taking the history of a woman who desires contraception. The video
should be conducted as a simulated telemedicine visit. The goal of
the assignment is NOT to educate her about every contraceptive
options, but rather to:
1. Ask questions about her experience with contraception, and
collect a pertinent health history that will allow you to
recommend safe contraceptive options
2. Assess her self-awareness about her ability to take a medication
with frequency
3. Evaluate her lifestyle needs related to contraception
4. Evaluate the patient’s reproductive life plan and options that
may meet these needs.

**Please watch 2 of your peer’s videos. Provide peers with short,

constructive feedback in the class discussion board in order to
enhance learning.

Video Rubric

Fully answer the prompt provided 10

Provide information that is accurate and factual according to our course resources 10

Present video in a professional manner and simulate a patient encounter

- For the contraceptive assignment, this includes simulating a telehealth encounter
- Initial posts (your video encounter) should be early in the module so that others will have time
to respond. This should be completed by the end of the first week of the module.

View at least 2 group members’ video posts and

- Provide constructive feedback for each post
- Responses should be thoughtful. This is a way to develop conversation on the subject in order to
enhance learning opportunities. Feel free to share clinical experiences or information you have
gained that may further support the topic.

Total 40

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