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Final Exam Fist Draft

fall 2022-2023

Date Time Course Code Course Name

CE1 English Communication in Education I

ENGL 170 Communication 1

ENGL 170 Communication 1 "DUAL"

ENGL 171 Communication 2 "BADM Students"

9:00 -11:00

ENGL 171 Communication 2 "DUAL"

HUMN 303 Introduction to Western Civilization

HUMN 330 Introduction to Human Civilization

Tuesday 3/1/2023

ENGL 171 Communication 2 "BTEC STUDENTS"

11:30 - 1:30
Tuesday 3/1/2023

ENGL 171 Communication 2 "BTEC STUDENTS"

11:30 - 1:30

BTEC 420/BTEC 430 Intermediate Technical writing

ENGL 102 English II "DUAL"

ENGL 173 ENGL 102 "DUAL"

ENGL 101 English I

ENGL 172 ENGL 101

ENGL 172 ENGL 101 "DUAL"

ENGL 101 English I "DUAL"

ENGL 102 English II

ENGL 173 ENGL 102

BADM 321 Business Information : Access and Use

BTEC 424 Business Information : Access and Use

ELCT 401 Business Information : Access and Use
9:00 - 11:00

Wednesday 4/1/2023
9:00 - 11:00
BADM 362 Adminstrative Information system

HUMN 239 Information Systems Management

Wednesday 4/1/2023 BADM 209 organization Behaior II
MRKT 363 International marketing

BADM 212 Industrial Marketing

MRKT 160 Introduction To Marketing

11:30 - 1:30

BADM 100 Introduction To Marketing

HUMN 304 Introduction To Business "BTEC Students"

9:00 -11:00
BADM 100 Introduction To Business "BTEC Students"

BADM 100 Introduction To Business "BADM Students"

11:30 - 1:30

BADM 101 Introduction To Business "BADM Students"

Business Math 2
Thursday 5/1/2023

BADM 401 International Business Management

Thursday 5/1/2023

BADM 426 International Business Management

2:00 - 4:00

BADM 200/BADM 211 personal communication skills


BTEC 423/BTEC 436 Cuurrent Issues in IT

9:00 - 11:00

BADM 319 Merchandising I

Operating Sysytem 1
BTEC 101/COMP 200
Operating Sysytem II
BTEC 312/COMP 301

11:30 - 1:30

BADM 252 production and operation management

ACCT 150 Accounting |"BADM Students"

ACCT 150 Accounting |"BADM Students"

9:00 - 11:00

BADM 102 Accounting |"BADM Students"

ACCT 354 Cost Accounting

BTEC 202 Accounting |"BTEC Students"

11:30 - 1:30
ACCT 150 Accounting |"BTEC Students"

Tuesday 10/1

ACCT 151 Accounting ||

BADM 105 Financial Accounting II

BTEC 210 Financial Accounting II

2:00 - 4:00
2:00 - 4:00
FINC 240 Business Fincance |

BADM 210 Business Finance I

ELCA 402 Intermediate Finance

ACCT 351 Managerial accounting

BADM 316 Managerial Accounting

9:00-11:00 BTEC 314 Managerial Accounting

ACCT 350 Managerial Accounting

BADM 214 Business Finance II

FINC 241 Business Fincance ||

BADM 104 Principles of Microeconomics

ECON 101 Principles Of Microeconmics


ECON 101 Principles Of Microeconmics

11:30 - 1:30

BTEC 432 Advanced Tcp-IP

HUMN 231 Media

9:00 - 11:00

ELCV 305 Media

Thursday 12/1/2023

BTEC 429 Information Technology Documentation

BTEC 439 Information Technology Documentation
HUMN 235 Information Technology Documentation
BADM 213 Quanatative methods

BASC 122 Business math 1

BASC 122 Business math 1

BTEC 104 Business Mathematics I

NETW 250 Introduction to Network


BTEC 106 Introduction to Network Management


BADM 318 Business law I

BTEC 438 Server Technologies

BTEC 207 Advanced Network Management

BADM 215 marketing channels

ELCA 404 Long Term Finance

BTEC 315 IT project management

ELCT 305 Systems security and control

ELCA 401 Money and Banking I

ELCA 401 Money and Banking I

9:30 - 11:00

FINC 432 Money and Banking|

Sunday 15/1/2023

COMP 100 Introduction to computer

11:30 - 1:30
BTEC 105 Introduction to computer

INFO 342 business strategyies in IT


BTEC 319 Business Strategies in IT

ELCA 408 Marketing Strategy
BADM 323 Law II
BTEC 311 Visual Basic

9:00-11:00 ELCV 401 Consumer Behavior

Monday 16/1
BADM 317 Human Resources

11:30-1:30 BADM 204 Human Resources

BTEC 318/HUMN 400 Technical Writing

BADM 320 Administrative Problem Solving

9:00 - 10:00
BADM 320 Administrative Problem Solving

9:00 - 10:00

Tuesday 17/1/2023
BADM 303 Adminstrative Problem Solving

COMP 101 Computer programing 1

BTEC 316 Object Oriented Programming (JAVA)
COMP 201 computer programming 2
B09-BADM 324 Merchandising II
B09-ELCV 302 Political Science

BADM 430 Marketing Management


MRKT 332 Marketing Management

Wednesday 18/1/2023
BTEC 422/INFO 445 Data Warehousing

INFO 241 Database 1

BTEC 206/ INFO 341 Database 2

Wednesday 18/1/2023

BTEC 206/ INFO 341 Database 2


B09-COMP 112 Computers in Business

2:00-4:00 Sociology

BADM 431 Business Competitive Strategies

BADM 414 business competitive strategy


BTEC 427/COMP 302 Software Engeneering

BTEC 431 Internet Adminstration

BADM 108 Principle of Macroeconomics
BTEC 416 Selected Topics
Thursday 19/1/2023

BASC 121 Introduction To Statistics


BASC 200 Introduction To Statistics

BADM 103 Introduction to Statistics

BTEC 205 Introduction to Statistics
ELCV 404 Promotion strategy

BADM 107/BASC 120 Calculus for Business

B09-BTEC 317 Windows Server Technologies

Saturday 21/1/2023
BADM 222 Introduction to public communication

Introduction to public communication

2:00-4:00 BADM 203

BTEC 313 Introduction to public communication

NETW 351 Business Network Planning and Design

ELCA 405 Capital Markets


FINC 444 Capital Markets


BASC 310 Operation Research


BASC 310 Operation Research

BTEC 421 E-Commerce Technologies

BTEC 433 E-Commerce Technologies

BTEC 102/INFO 140 Introduction to Information System
ELCV 303 Introduction to Negotiation Skills

9:00-11:00 HUMN 310 Human Rights

HUMN 305 Academic Writing

Monday 23/1/2023
BADM 322 Leadership in Organizations

ELCA 304/MRKT365 Marketing for non profit organizations

Marketing Channels
BADM 215

INFO 240 system analysis and design

BTEC 201 System Analysis and Design

Public Relations
B09-ELCV 301
BADM 400 Management Of Small Business

BADM 425 Management of Small Business


Tuesday 24/1/2023

BTEC 426 Technical entrpreunureship

ELCT 403 Technical entrpreunureship

INFO 443 Technical entrpreunureship

BADM 203 Organizational Behavior I

BTEC 315 IT Project Management

9:00-11:00 ECON 301 International Economy

Wednesday 25/1
MRKT 462 Marketing research 1


ELCA 407 Marketing Research I


ELCA 407 Marketing Research I

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