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Banking Diploma Examination, June, 2014

Principles of Economics and Bangladesh Economy (PBE)
Time-*3 hours
Pass marks-50

[N.8.-iigures in the right-hand margin indicate full rnarks. Answer any five
1. (a) "Economics is the study of mankind in the ordinary business of 12
life."-Discuss the statement.
(b) What is the importance of the study of Economics from the 8
point of view of an ordinary citizen in general and a banker in

2. (al State the iaw of supply and explaio uh; a suppll cun'e usuall)' 10
slopes upward to the right.
(b) Show with the help of a diagram how equilibriurn piice 10
changes as a result of changes in demand and supply.

3. (a) What is perfect competition and what are its principal features? 10

(b) Illustrate how price is determined by a firm in the short run in a 10

perfectly competitive market.

4. h) Explain the concept of "production function." 8

(b) Show the relationship among 'total product', 'marginal 12

product' and 'average product'with the help of a diagram.

5. lu/ Distinguish betu'een (7 Gross Domestic Product, (i7 Gross 14

National Product, (iii) Net National Product, and.
(iv) Disposable Income.
(b) Is higher per capita income a good measure of economic 6

6. Critically discuss the importance of Small and Medium Enterprise 20

(SMEs) in Bangladesh'
pbase turn over
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7 . *, Discuss the prevailing structure of banking in Bangladesh. 12

@ What are the reasons behind the recettt increasing trend in I

"classi{ied loans" of banks in Bangladesh?

8. ((t) What is fiscal policy and wirat are its ingredients? 8

(b) Discuss iiie role of tlscal policy in lowering the raqe of iuflation Lz
in a developing country like Bangladesh.

9. Prespirt argutnents for rvelcorning foreign aid to Bangladesh- 20

10. wiite strorr notes otr (an1' four) olthe tt,llorving :-- 5x4=20
ftt) Cottsutner's surplLts
(b) Cross elasticity of demarrd
(c) Opporuriity cost
@ Index nuurber
k) Repo and Reverse repo -

(/) Fixed erchange rate.

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q-af qqL$B q{mi;< E<rq SEpq?

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Eqittft E{ or< q",ql frq
qlT1.5qrss g1afiii-o r

(q) EIkTI 64pffca-{ lfuci< +rq ft-slc{ srflql:l qlx-q< )o

"rffi vet 6rq< qrqrc<i sq-.fu EFa
iot I

e I6 1.1effitsor {f, ffiEierqt ftr

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k<f q""{6firq< )r.
qRfcll cq'{H I

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c r (T) f, crF qsi-sftq Eq{Eq, fiij clEerfts Es,rrc-{, 6ii4 ffB wq{ )8
Eq"ftq-q, q<( fiy) <tir6{Fr sil(ffiiT({I "fidTrffit T-<Fr I

({) BE {FIFIq qrl {tt€ fr qcft-{Bs EIBrq< er6 t"w rrfie? s

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("1) <tqqkqr.m xs erF ETs{fu q.rt {qrftfu Q< 6qrqrg q-$ )e.
rmt ftG< q{qIq qlFilE-{I iEFr I

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. L--

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