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in S.D Translated from Hebrew to English - www.onlinedoctranslator.


Genesis Chapter 15 - Covenant between

the Batyrs

:Learning oriented question

?What is the main meaning of an alliance between the Batyrs

And you must ask Saul, who was already told to Abraham, "For all the land that you
see I will give you and your seed forever, and I will put your seed as the dust of the
earth" (Genesis 13:15). And how will he now say, "And I am going to be rebellious,
?...and behold, my son succeeds me" - and why didn't he believe in the first prophecy
And the answer is that the righteous will not believe in themselves, in their inadvertent
sin. And it is written "I will speak for a moment about a nation and a kingdom to build
and plant, and that nation will return and do evil before me, and I will be comforted for
the good" (Jeremiah 18:9). And here he saw himself coming in the days [=old] and his
.prophecy was not fulfilled, and he thought that his sins prevented the good

Question: How can you explain Avraham's response by saying "You did not give
?me seed"? And he promised him seed
Answer:Avraham thought that because he was already old and the prophecy had
not yet been fulfilled in him, he was afraid that he might have sinned and the
prophecy would not be fulfilled in him and it would be taken from him, as it was
said in Jeremiah that the righteous would not believe in themselves because of
.their inadvertent sin

:Rabbi Yosef Bekor Shur

And the one who believed in God, and Abraham considered it holy, blessed be he, )6(
charity - that charity [=kindness] he did with his people who promised that the one who
.would come out of his loins would inherit the land

?Question: What is the justification mentioned in verse 6 and who calculated it

Answer: According to the explanation of Rabbi Yosef Bakor Shur Tzadaka is the
kindness that God will do to Abraham, when one of his descendants will inherit
.the land. And not righteousness that Abraham does with God by believing in him
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Abraham considers God's promise regarding his descendants as one of God's


And dissect them - divide each into two parts. The Bible does not depart from its )j(
simplicity: according to the fact that he had made a covenant with him to keep his
promise to leave the land to his sons, as it is written: "On that day God made a
covenant with Abram" etc. (verse 18). And through the covenant-makers to divide an
animal and pass between the calves, as it is said below: "Those who pass between the
calves" (Yeremiah 4:19); And here: "a smoking furnace and a torch of fire that passed
.between the carrots" (verse 17) - an extension of Shekinah which is fire
Explanation of Rashi's interpretation:"And cut them apart" means that he
divided the animals into 2 because you made a covenant with him to keep his
promise and leave the land to his sons and so the way to make a covenant was to
.cross the animal into 2 and go through the middle

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:Ramban [Yid]
And the reason is as the scripture said (Zechariah 1:10): "And I was jealous of
Jerusalem and Zion with great envy and great foam. I foamed at the complacent
nations whom I whipped a little, and how they helped the evil" (Zechariah 1:10)...and it
was so in Egypt that they added to the evil because they threw their children into the
light, And they embittered their lives and thought of erasing their names, and this is the
purpose of Dan Anchi - that I will bring them in judgment, if they did as they were
...judged or added to their evil
Likewise, the scripture says in Sennacherib, "O Assyria, my tribe" and so on, "I will
send you among the heathen nations, and I will pass over a people in my presence"
(Isaiah 10:5). And the scripture said, "And he will not think so, and his heart will not
think so, but to destroy in his heart." And so they punished him in the end, as it was
said "And it came to pass that the Lord had done all his work, I will punish the fruit of
the greatness of the heart of the king of Assyria and the glory of the exaltation of his
...eyes" etc. (Ibid. 10:12)
Ramban in the name of Rambam
:And the rabbi [Rambam] gave a reason in the book of science (Halakhot Tshuva 6:5)
According to the fact that [God] did not decree a known person [to enslave Israel but
only the Egyptian people]. And all those [Egyptians who were] cheering for Israel, if
each of them didn't want to - the authority is in his hand, according to the fact that no
.known person was sentenced

Question: Why in verse Yad there is a promise that God will judge the Gentiles
who will enslave Israel
?And they are doing what God promised would happen
Answer:Ramban - The Egyptians did not act in the usual way that was in the
decree, rather they added excessively by throwing the sons to Lior, thought to
..protest their names, etc
Ramban in the name of Rambam - the decree was not on a specific person who
would enslave Israel but on the Egyptians so that they had the choice whether it
.would be them who would be enslaved or not and for that they were punished

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The act of the covenant

And he said to him, I am the Lord, who brought you out of the light of the Chaldeans to 7
.give you this land to possess

Let's look at the verses and examine how God answered Abraham's question, "How
"?will I know that I am with you
Verse 9: The Lord commands Abraham to take livestock - three cattle carts, three
.goats, three rams, a sheep and a young goat

Verse 9: God commands Abraham to take ten animals - three cattle carts, three 
goats, three rams and one bird
Verse 10: Avraham cuts each of the animals in half, but he does not cut the bird 
Verse 11: Avraham guards the flocks from the terror of the birds of prey 
Verse 12: The sun was about to set and Abraham fell asleep and experienced 
great terror
Verse 17: After the sun goes down, fire and smoke pass between the beasts 
In the preparations for the covenant Abraham our father was active (verses 9- 
11) while in the second part, where he experienced revelation, he is passive
The word "and behold" repeats twice in the description and teaches about the 
power of the event and the surprise that Avraham experienced at this great

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A covenant between the Batyrs as a covenant on the history of the people of Israel

.The gospel of the exile teaches about the expected history of the people of Israel
?How will the decree of exile manifest itself in the future
According to what we know from the end of the book of Genesis, Jacob and his sons
.already went into exile in Egypt and this decree was realized in their time
By deepening the interpretation, you will be able to stand on the clues that the
commentators left in the scriptures for the many hardships experienced by the people
.of Israel also in the rest of its historical journey

How the decree was carried out in The decree on an alliance between the
practice Batyrs
Because your seed will be a sojourner in
a land that is not theirs and they will
May he work with Israel in Egypt
serve and torture them for four hundred
Egyptian plagues and also the Gentiles whom I will serve
The children of Israel came out of Egypt
with great possessions - and a woman
And after that they went out with a big
asked her neighbor and the owner of her
house for silver vessels and gold vessels
and a dress (Exodus 3:22)
And you will come to your ancestors in
Avraham our father died before the
peace, you will be buried in a good
descent of the sons of Jacob into Egypt
Only the fourth generation of those who
And the fourth generation will return
came to Egypt will be allowed to return
here because the iniquity of the Amorites
to the land, precisely at the time when
has not yet been completed
the Canaanites will lose their right to live
in the land due to their iniquities

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Strengthening the promise on the land

On that day, God made a covenant with Abram, saying, "To your seed I have given 18
this land from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates." I and the former: 2 and
the Hittites and the Persians and the Harphaim: 21 and the - The Amorites and the
:Canaanites and the Girgashites and the Jebusites

This is the first time in the book of Genesis that God made a covenant with 
Abraham. (See in the broader context the entirety of God's promises to our
There is great necessity in making a covenant on the land precisely now, after 
our father Abraham learned that the people of Israel would be exiled from their
For the first time we learn about the geographical boundaries of the land - the 
boundaries of the promise: "from the river of Egypt to the great river the
Euphrates". And also, about the totality of the peoples who live in it: the ten
.peoples of Canaan listed in the scriptures

Genesis chapter 18 - Abraham and the


:Rashi [A]
.And fear him- Visit the patient

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Rabbi Hama bar Hanina said: The third day of his word was, and God came and asked
:him in peace
.The tent opened- To see if there is a passer-by and let them in his house
like the heat of the day- (BM Poe) The Almighty took Hema out of her vagina so as
not to be disturbed by guests
And as he saw sorry that there were no guests coming, the angels brought him in the
form of people

a question:Why did God appear to Abraham, when he didn't say anything to

?Why does the scripture indicate Abraham's meeting place and the weather
?What is the connection between verse 1 and verse 2

Answer:The Almighty visited Abraham on the third day of his word (which is the
most painful and difficult day), at first the Almighty made a hot day so as not to
bother Abraham because on a hot day guests do not come, but when he saw that
.Abraham was sorry for this he brought angels to him in the form of people

?And God saw him - how
Three people who were angels came to him, and in many places when the angel is seen
they call out in the language of Shekinah, as it were written: For my name is among
.him sent like him

Question: What difficulty does Rashbam answer? And what is the difference
?between his interpretation and Rashi's interpretation
Answer:Rashi and Rashbam have difficulty understanding the revelation
mentioned in verse 1. It is written that the Lord appeared to Abraham ("And the
Lord appeared to him") but it is not written what the content of the revelation
Rashi explains that the revelation is for the purpose of visiting the sick, God visits
Avraham who was sick after
.The word mentioned in the previous chapter
Rashbam, on the other hand, claims that God's revelation is the meeting with the
angels - who spoke to him in the following verses, the angels are God's
messengers and the conversation with them is the revelation of God's word to
.Abraham about the birth of Isaac and the destruction of Sodom

Rabbi Eliezer said: This is why righteous people say little and do much" (Bava "
.Metziya page 5, 11)
?How can Rabbi Elazar's words be proven from the scriptures

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Question: What do we learn from the multitude of details in the scriptures about
?Avraham's actions
Answer: We learn from this that righteous people say they will bring a little and
in practice bring a lot (he told the angels that he would bring them a little food
.and in practice he brought a lot)

Rashi (13)
And I'm old- She changed the scripture from peace, because she said "and my lord is
old" (in verse 12)

?a question: Why does God change Sarah's words about Abraham

Answer:G-d changed Sarah's words about Abraham in order not to create a
quarrel between them and to preserve the peace of the house - "change the
."written word because of the peace
?Question: Why was God only angry with Sarah when Abraham also laughed
.Answer:Avraham laughed out of joy, while Sarah sang out of ridiculousness

:Ramban (To)
-And Sara denied saying
,I am amazed at the righteous prophet, how can you deny what God said to the prophet
.And why didn't she believe the words of God's angels
And it seemed to me that these angels who looked like people came to Abraham, and
he in his wisdom recognized them, and told him "I will return to you again" and to
.Sarah ben
And Sara hears", and she did not know that they were higher angels, as in the case of "
.Menoch's wife (Judges 13:6)
.And maybe, she didn't see them at all

?Question: Why did Sarah laugh when she heard the gospel of the angels
?How can Sarah's denial (in verse 15) be explained
Answer:1. Sarah heard and saw them but did not understand that they were
angels like Menoch's wife
.She did not see them and therefore did not know that they were angels .2

:Rashi [17]
:The cover is me- In her confusion

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which i do- In Sodom, it's not nice for me to do this thing without his consent, I gave
him this land, and these five acres are his, as it is said, 'the border of the Canaanites
from Sidon' and so on, 'in Sodom and Gomorrah' and so on. (10:19). I called him
Abraham, the father of many nations, and I will destroy the sons, and I will not tell the
?father that he is my lover

a question:What do we learn from God's words about the role of Abraham and
his sons in the world?What is the reason why God reveals to Abraham about the
?trial of Sodom

Answer:The Almighty added the letter God to Abraham because he would be the
father of many Gentiles and also promised him that the whole land would be his,
and now that he wants to destroy Sodom how can he not inform the father who
.wants to destroy the sons

The meaning of verses 18 - 19: the choice of Abraham to establish a people who *
will do righteousness and justice. The people of Israel will be a source of blessing
to the entire world thanks to Abraham. The great place of education in Jewish

:Rashi (21)
Please come down and see- He taught the judges that they should not judge the laws
of souls except by evidence, everything as I explained in the case of the voyage (Tower
.of Babel)
Rashi's explanation:From this we will teach the judges to decide the cases of souls
.according to the evidence and not by rumors that come to them

- For students of 5 credits

?What is Rashi's comparison between this verse and Parshat Dor Falaga

And I am dust and ashes - even though I am dust and ashes to speak against His honor
and His word and against His judgment, I have not come but to learn and know what
:His judgment is like

The explanation of the RADC:According to Radek, this is an opportunity for

,Avraham to understand how God judges
What is God's way in the world? We will note that Abraham has two arguments
:in his words

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One - to prevent the death of the righteous (which is appropriate according to the
And the second - the ability to forgive the wicked because of the righteous (which
is the measure of mercy)

:Raba'a (20)
,And it's good inside the city that they see the name in Perhasiya
A place where you can worship God openly is not so bad and therefore the righteous
can save the wicked there
Question: How does the Rabbi, Nechama Leibovitch and the Sforno explain
?'theGod'waiver'In the words 'inside the city

Answer:Rabbi - they fear and worship God in perhasiya

.Nechama Leibovich - The righteous are involved in the life of the city
.Spurno - the resurrection of evil
interpretations of who is considered righteous 3

the hospitality
And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men standing over him, and he 2
sawAnd he ranTo call them from the door of the tent and bow down: 3 And God said if I have
found grace in your eyes, do not pass over your servant: 4 take some water and wash his feet
Come and rest under the tree: and I will take a loaf of bread and feast to your heart's content
after you have passed Because therefore you passed over your servant and they said yes you
will do as you have spoken:And he hastenedAbraham brought the tent to Sarah and saidHurry
upthree times the flour of the solet lushi and make cakes: Z and al-HabakrrunningAbrahamand

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tookBen-Bakar was soft and kind and gave the boyAnd he hastenedto do it: hand tookbutter
and milk and the calf he madeAnd he gaveIn front of them and himStoodupon them under the
:tree and they ate
:We will compare Abraham's promises to his guests and the performance

act speech

And he hastenedAbraham called to Please take a little water and wash your
Sarah and said quickly, eat three grains feet and sit under the tree: and I will take
of barley flour and make cakes. a loaf of bread and feast to your heart's
Abraham ran to the cow and took a soft content
and good cow and gave it to the boy
mountain to make it: and he took butter
and milk and the calf that he had made
and put it before them and he stood over
: them under the tree and they ate

And Abraham was to be a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth 18
were blessed in him: 19 for he knew why he commanded his children and his household
after him and kept the way of God Righteousness and judgment for the sake of which
:God brought upon Abraham what He had spoken about

?What can we learn about the people of Israel from these verses

Abraham's choice to be the father of the nation- According to what is ●

written in Genesis chapter 18, 18-19, the Almighty chose Abraham our father to
be the father of the nation because of the value concept according to which he
built his house "to preserve the way of God to do righteousness and justice",
and this is also the purpose of his choosing to establish a nation that will do
righteousness and justice. Here she discovered The Torah why Abraham our
.father was chosen to be the father of the nation
)based on Ramban's interpretation of Genesis 18:18-19 (

The blessing that the people of Israel will bring to the nations- The nation ●
.of Israel is going to be a great nation that the nations will bless

The place of education- Avraham is concerned with educating the members of ●

his household to keep God's way and to do charity and justice. And from here
you can also learn about the importance of educating boys and passing on the
.tradition to future generations

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God's answer is aimed at the measure of mercy. God is ready to save the whole city,
.including the wicked in it, thanks to the righteous, if they are found in it

And the Lord said, "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous people in the city, and I am )20(
:carried to every place by them

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Genesis Chapter 22 - Binding of Isaac

:Ramban for verse 1 .
The issue of experience is, in my opinion, because the act of man is absolute
permission in his hands, if he wants to do it and if he doesn't want to, he won't do it, it
.will be called "experience" on the part of the experienced
But the Blessed One will command him to put the thing out of his power into action, to
.have the reward of a good deed, not just the reward of a good heart
And know that the Lord "will test the righteous" (Psalms 11:5), when he knows a
righteous person will do his will and desires to justify him, he will command him by
trial, and will not test the wicked who will not listen. And here are all the trials in turn
.for the benefit of the experienced

Another thing: try Avraham - the language of trial. And they did not try for him, that
everything is visible and known before him, what was, was, and will be, but brought
about a trial before the judgment that would be caterizing before him about him, and to
let the creatures know how much his heart was willing to do the will of his creator and
.they would not be able to caterize him
:Genesis Rabbah (Parasha Lev, 3)
It is written that the righteous God will test the wicked, and he who loves the wicked
,hates his soul (Psalms 11:5)
Rabbi Yossi ben Hanina said: This linen man knows that his linen is beautiful
.Every time he presses her, she gets better, and as long as he taps her, she gets better
,And while he knows that his linen is bad, it is not enough to press one until it expires
Thus God does not test the wicked, but the righteous as it is said, 'The righteous God
.'will test

Question: What is the purpose of the experience? Why is putting the force into
?action in favor of the experienced
Answer:Ramban - The purpose of the trial is to have permission in the hand of
the experienced person, so that if he wants to stand the test, he will stand, and if
he doesn't, he won't. Therefore, carrying it out is for the benefit of the
experienced person so that he will have a good reward for standing the test. And
for this reason, God does not put wicked people through a difficult trial because
they will not be able to to withstand it and the person is tested only when he can
.withstand the test

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.Hizkoni - to publicize Abraham's greatness so that they can't make fun of him
.Bereishit Rabba - to forge the experience, and improve it

:Rashi ruled in
please take-Please is nothing more than a request, he said to him, please stand by the
experience for me, so that the first ones don't say it wasn't really in them. You are your
son - he said to him: I have two sons, he told him your only one. He said to him: This
is unique to his mother and this is unique to his mother. He said to him: Which one did
.you love, he said to him: I love both of them, he told him Isaac
And why didn't he tell him it was starting? So that he does not mix it up suddenly, and
his mind wanders over him and he becomes devoured, and in order to make him like
:the mitzvah and give him a reward for every bee and bee
?"Question: What is meant by the words "please take
Answer:The meaning is that G-d tried Abraham again this time with a trial much
greater than the previous ones so that they would not say that the previous trials
.were not difficult
?Question: Why didn't God directly tell Abraham which son to marry
Answer:1. Do it little by little so that his mind does not eat away at him. 2. To like
.the mitzvah for him. 3. So that for every speech he will give him a reward

:Ramban to verse 2
and he wanted him to do this after a three-day course, because he would do this ...
suddenly and suddenly in his place, his action was quick and panicky, but when it was
.after a course of days, he would have already made up his mind and counsel
?Question: Why does God give Abraham a trial of 3 days while it takes one day

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Answer:Because after 3 days, Avraham will do the mitzvah in Yishuv al-Yadah,

while he would have done the mitzvah at that moment, and he would have done
.the mitzvah quickly and without intention, and God wanted to reward him for it

and you are- We hasten to the mitzvah: And he wore it - he himself and did not
:command one of his slaves, that love spoils the line
Rashi's explanation:"Vishkham" - he got up early in the morning because we will
.hasten to the mitzvah (Zarizin Makdimin Lemitzvah)
And Ibash" - he himself did the mitzvah and not by another person (the mitzvah "
.in him is more than in sending it)

- And they both go together )f(
Abraham, who knew that he was going to slaughter his son, would have gone willingly
:and joyfully, like Isaac, who would not have felt the matter
He will see the sheep - that is, he will see and choose the sheep for him, and if there )8(
is no sheep, for my son. And even though Yitzchak understood that he was going to
:slaughter, and they both went together with an equal heart
Rashi's explanation:Even though Abraham went to slaughter his son, he was
.happy and willingly went to fulfill the mitzvah
Avraham told Isaac that God would show them yes and if not, then he was going
.to slaughter him and because of this Isaac went with him with an equal heart

Because now I knew - from now on I have something to reply to the devil and the
nations wondering what is my love in you, I have an opening here now that they see
:that you fear God


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Because now I know - his fear of power was beginning, he did not come to fruition in
this great deed, and now it was known in the deed, and his right was complete, and his
:salary was complete from the people of God, the God of Israel

Question: What is the explanation of the words "Now I knew according to

?"Rashi and the Ramban
Answer:Rash - because of Avraham's action now it is proven to Satan and all the
.miscreants that Avraham loves G-d and is truly G-d-fearing
Ramban - At first Avraham's fear was in power and now it was in practice and it
.was his complete right

- Ostrich that you did this thing
It also begins (above 13:16; 15:5): They promised that he would multiply his seed as
the stars of the sky and as the dust of the earth, but now he added to him a goat that did
this great deed, swore by his great name, and that he would inherit the gate of his
And here it was promised that he would not cause any sin that would destroy his seed,
or that he would fall into the hands of his enemies and not rise. And here is a complete
.promise of our future redemption
Ramban's explanation:According to this interpretation, the meaning of God's
oath to Abraham about the seed is that God swore for eternity with Israel. Even
if, God forbid, Israel sins throughout the generations, we are guaranteed that we
will survive and not be destroyed, and in the end the complete redemption will be

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Genesis chapter 90 - the birth of Jacob

and Esau and the sale of the firstborn
?How does Rebecca feel
:Midrash Shakal Tov 25
And Yitzchak agreed, Yitzchak prayed and on the contrary expressed in the heart of
the Holy One, blessed be He: in the presence of his wife. that she is flat in
supplication, and he is flat present, and the Lord says, I know that your decree exists,
and you said to Abraham my father, that in Isaac he will call you a seed (Genesis
:21:12), and now any sons that you are going to give me, give me this righteousness

:Rashi (22)
Our gentlemen demanded it: running language, when she would pass through the
gates of the Torah of Shem and Yaakov ran and moved out, passing through the gates
.of idolatry Esau ran out of the way
Rashi's explanation-that passes in the place of Torah Jacob wants to leave and in
.the place of pagan worship Esau wants to leave

:Rashi (22)
They will separate from you- From the intestines they separate, one for his evil and
:the other for his end
Rashi's explanation:They will separate from the people, one wicked and one

:sat tents- The aloha of Shem and the aloha of the past
.Rashi's explanation: He sat in the tent of Torah (Yeshiva of Shem and Eber)

sitting in tents- A shepherd of his father's flock, as I explained in 'Yoshav Ahel wa
.The Rabbi's explanation:Jacob was tending his father's sheep

:Ibn Ezra (27)

He knows how to hunt for a world full of deceit, because most of the animals on the
.way will be caught by deception, and Jacob became Esau because he is a perfect man

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Ibn Ezra's explanation:Esau knows how to hunt and cheat and Jacob is the
.opposite because he is a complete man

knows how to hunt- To hunt and deceive his father with his mouth, and his father asks
him how he tithes the salt and the hay, as his father believes that he is punctual in the
:field man- Meaning an idle person who hunts animals and fowls at his request
finished- He is not knowledgeable in all of these, but his heart knows his mouth. Those
:who are not keen on cheating are called tame
Rashi's explanation:Knows how to deceive his father with his mouth, a hunting
.man, does not know how to deceive and therefore is called Tam

knows how to hunt- To hunt and deceive his father with his mouth, and ask him:
Father, how do you tithe the salt and the hay, as his father thinks he is meticulous in the

:We counted
And Isaac loved Esau - Esau too, even though he knew without a doubt that he )Kh(
:was not as whole as Jacob
:And Rebecca loves Jacob- alone because she recognized Esau's wickedness

Question: What is the difference between the Sephorano's view of Yitzchak's

relationship with Esau and Rashi's view?
Answer:According to Rashi Yitzchak really thought that he was meticulous in the
mitzvot and knew Torah, but according to the Sephorano Yitzchak did not
think so but knew he was evil and nevertheless loved him (some say to bring
him closer to Torah).

:Ibn Ezra [Lev]

And the reason "Here I am going to die", that every day he risks himself when he goes
:out hunting lest the animals kill him, and it is possible that his father dies first

:Rashi [Lev]
Esau said: What is the nature of this work [the sacrificial work imposed on the
He said to him: How many warnings and punishments and deaths depend on her, just
.like the two of these are in her death drunk with wine and wild-minded
:He said: I am going to die for her, so what do I want from her

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Question: Lev's verse "Behold, my servant is going to die": why does Esau give
?up the birthright
Answer:Ibn Ezra - Every day he risks himself to die because he hunts animals
.and therefore he could die before his father and gain nothing
Rashi- In the sacrificial work assigned to the first-born there are many warnings
.and punishments and deaths from which he will die anyway
Ramban (Lad)
And he said, "And he ate and sat, and he got up, and he walked, and despised, for after
he had eaten and drunk, the field returned to his side, and this is the reason for the
contempt of the firstborn, for there is no desire for the foolish, only that they should eat
and drink and do what they desire in their time, and not be conscious of the day after
Ramban's explanation:After he ate and drank he returned to his hunting and did
not think about what he had done and therefore this expresses the contempt of the

Genesis chapters 27-28 - Jacob and Esau

and the blessings
Yitzchak wants to bless Esau because he thinks that the day of his death is near: his
eyes have darkened (and his eyes have darkened from a mirror), he feels his old age
(and it is because I am old, I am old), and he estimates that the day of his death is near
.(before I die)
.He refers to Esau in the following languages: his great son, my son
.Yitzchak asks by his deed to use his craft as a hunter and does not disapprove of it
.From Isaac's words to Esau it is evident that Esau knows what reasons Isaac loves
conclusion:From the simple it appears that there is a beautiful relationship between
Isaac the father and Esau the son
?What is Rivka's mother's reaction to this program
.Rebekah devises a different plan so that Jacob will be blessed by Isaac and not Esau

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.Rebecca immediately turns to Jacob and does not share her plan with Isaac
There is a lot of use of family pronouns here, which indicates the great tension in the
dialogue between Rebecca and Jacob: your father, my father, my son, his son, her
.daughter, your brother, my brother, his mother
Let us note the different names of the sons: Esau is the son of Isaac (5), while Jacob is
the son of Rebekah (6, 8, 13). This is how the scripture illustrates the relationship
between the parents and the children that was already mentioned in this chapter: "And
Yahweh loved Esau because he had game in his mouth and Rebekah loved Jacob"
.(Genesis 2:20)
Rebekah uses both the language of command and authority "Listen to my voice as I
.command you" (8:13) and the language of request "Go, please" (9)
Question: What is Jacob afraid of, and how does Rebekah convince him in the
?simplest way
Answer:Jacob is afraid that Isaac will realize that he is Jacob and instead of a
.blessing there will be a curse


:Genesis Rabbah
And he went and took and came to his mother - tortured and bent and crying

Question: What can be learned about Jacob's reaction to Rebekah's persuasive

efforts according to the midrash in Berashit Rabba?
Answer:Yaakov did not want to do it and Rebekah forced him, and because of
the mitzvot of honoring parents he had to do it.

Question: What did Isaac and Rebekah think about the blessing of the sons
?and what did they share
?Why does Rebecca work against Isaac's plan

He intended to bless him [Esau] so that he would receive Abraham's blessing to )d(
:inherit the land, and be God's ally because he is the firstborn

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because it is the custom among those who give birth to recognize the first-born ... )10(
.with blessing and honor and giving
.because Esau was not evil in his father's eyes ... )21(
:Ramban's explanation

Yitzchak thought that Esau deserved to be his successor, and wanted to bless him
as the firstborn with Abraham's blessing and pass on to him the blessings of the
.people and the land
Rebekah disagreed about this both from the strength of the prophecy she
:received: "A young man will work" and from her understanding of reality

And she, from her mind the righteousness of the little and the wickedness of the "
great, will endeavor in all this trouble to transfer the blessing and the honor from
,the great to the little" (Ramban Shem 15)
That's why she worked to transfer Abraham's blessing to Jacob

Radek (Monday-Thursday)
And he did me for reasons - ...therefore Isaac asked his son to bring game and his )d(
heart was kind to him and he blessed us, because he knew that he needed his blessing
because he was not a decent and good man. But Jacob did not need to be blessed,
because Isaac knew that Abraham's blessing would be his and the covenant of having
the special seed for Abraham, and his sons would inherit the land. And Abraham also
.did not bless Isaac
:The explanation of the RADC

Yitzchak knew that Esau was not a decent person and therefore he needed a
strengthening blessing
Jacob, who was decent and good, did not need a strengthening blessing of this
Isaac planned from the beginning that Abraham's blessing (the land and the seed)
would pass to Jacob
Isaac thought that he should not bless Jacob with Abraham's blessing, since it was
supposed to pass to him
Even without his explicit blessing, as it passed from Abraham to Isaac

And Rebekah heard about Isaac - and she saw that Esau had gone to do his )e(
father's commandments and she said to Jacob, because he was jealous of it. And
.she did not know that Jacob would be blessed even if his father did not bless him

Rebekah did not know about Isaac's intentions to bless Esau only with a
strengthening blessing, and she thought that Isaac might bless Esau with
.Abraham's blessing

in S.D


:Rabbi Hirsch
Isaac's two sons represented two foundations in his house, Israel the material power,
Jacob the spiritual power. Isaac knew that the nation needed both directions. He also
probably knew the prophecy, because the rabbi with his material strength will work for
the young and weaker than him: "And the rabbi will work for the young". But it was
Isaac's opinion that Esau and Jacob would uphold Abraham's testimony with joint
forces, in a brotherly heart and out of mutual complementarity. Therefore he testified
to Esau a blessing with a material content, and a spiritual blessing was reserved with
...him for Jacob
However, from Beit Laban, Rebekah knew the curse of this split, she knew from her
experience that the material would be a blessing and salvation only in a house in which
Abraham's spirit throbbed, only in the hand of the one who was guided by Abraham's
spirit. She saw well: matter without spirit was a curse in her eyes, she only saw the
blessing undivided, falling on one's head. (Hashar Hirsch, in his commentary on
Genesis 27, at the end of his introduction to the act of blessings)
:Rabbi Hirsch's explanation

Rabbi Hirsch explains that Isaac thought that Jacob and Esau would
inherit him jointly - they made the material power And Jacob the spiritual
Rebecca thought that Isaac's plan was not good in light of her experience
at her father's house - in her opinion it is appropriate that the two forces,
.the material and the spiritual, should unite in Jacob

Answer:as perRambanIsaac saw Esau as his successor and asked him to bless the
people and the land. His plan contradicted the prophecy Rebekah received and
.was contrary to Rebekah's view of Jacob's righteousness, so Rebekah acted
as perR.D.KYitzchak did not see Esau as his successor at all and did not ask him
to bless the people and the land but with a blessing of strengthening. Rebekah was
not aware of Yitzchak's plan and therefore acted so that Yitzhak would receive
.the blessing

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as perRasher HirschIsaac saw both Esau and Jacob as his heirs, and asked to
bless Esau with the blessing of the material and Jacob with the blessing of the
spirit. Rebekah disagreed with this and thought that the blessings should not be
.split and both should go to Jacob

Isaac said in his heart - there is no way for Esau to have the name of heaven that )21(
.lives in his mouth, and he said, "Because the Lord your God has done it" (verse 20)
The voice of Jacob - who speaks in the language of pleas, 'Get up, please' (verse )22(
.19), but they do something in the language of a centurion

Rashi's explanation: Yitzchak suspected that it was Jacob because he spoke to

him in the name of Heaven and there is no name of Heaven that lives in Esau's
mouth and furthermore he spoke in pleading language while Esau speaks in
.harsh language

:Rashi (19)
I am Esau in the bundle - I am the one who brings you, and Esau is in the
.I did - a few things when you spoke to me
.And he said I - Esau did not say I, but I
:The Hezkoni (XIX)
I am with you- There are interpretations that, if needed at the time, the speech can be
..."changed, such as Avraham "Tell me, my brother is

?Question: How did Jacob lie to Abion Yitzchak

Answer:According to Rashi's explanation - Rashi claimed that Jacob himself did
not utter an explicit lie from his mouth (on the other hand, it turns out that what
.Isaac heard from him was not true)
Myself, Esau in the fold - I bring you, and Esau is in the fold
.And he said I - and he did not say I Esau
According to the Hezkonian explanation, Jacob "changed his speech" because the
time needed it, just as Abraham asked for a position during the time of need
.during the descent into Egypt

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and be terrified- He showed great anxiety himself in front of Esau so that Esau would
.not think about him because Isaac deliberately did what he blessed Jacob and told him
He will be blessed too- After I am his blessings, now I hold his blessing, because I
.knew that he is my son

The explanation of the RADC:Isaac showed great anxiety before Esau so that
.Esau would not think that Isaac blessed Jacob first on purpose
After Esau entered, Yitzchak realized that before that it was Jacob and not a
.stranger, so he said "Blessed be he too" to fulfill his blessing

Isaac's blessings to his sons - the content and essence of the blessings

:We begin by comparing the two blessings that Jacob received from Isaac

The blessing that Jacob received from The blessing that Isaac intended for
Isaac before he left for Haran Esau
And he predestined it for Jacob And in practice Jacob won it
Power, 3-4 20-29 ,27
And to my breastsHe will bless you And God will give you
And he will multiply and multiply you The rain of the sky and the fat of the
:And you were a crowd of peoples earth and the abundance of grain and

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peoples will worship you and nations
and give you the blessing of Abraham to
will bow down to you
you and to your seed with you
Be a man to your brother and let your
to inherit the land of your dwelling
mother's sons bow down to you
:which God gave to Abraham
May your days be blessed and those who
:bless you with blessings

The blessing that was meant for Esau was meant to endow him with physical 
good - an abundance of agricultural wealth and rule over other nations,
.including Jacob
Only at the end of the blessing intended for Esau is a part of God's blessing to 
Abraham mentioned: "Your prayers are blessed and those who bless you are
blessed" (verse 99). As in God's words to our father Abraham: "And I will bless
.you and curse you, Oor" (12:3)
On the other hand - in Isaac's blessing to Jacob on his departure to Haran, the 
"blessing of Abraham, which God gave to Abraham" is specifically mentioned
.- the blessing of the seed and the land as the continuation of Abraham's house
The comparison between the blessings shows that at the end of the act Isaac 
blesses Jacob with Abraham's blessing, that is, he thinks that Jacob should be
.his heir

From the interpretive discussion on the subject of Yitzchak's plan, it emerged that
according to Radek and Rashar Hirsch, Abraham's blessing was intended only for
Yaakov from the beginning. This explains why the blessing assigned to Esau does not
specifically mention Abraham's blessing. Whereas according to Ramban, Abraham's
blessing was meant for Esau from the beginning, and it is possible to anchor his
concept with an allusion to Abraham's blessing already in the blessing that was meant
".for Esau: "Your prayers are blessed and those who bless you are blessed

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Let's compare the blessing that Jacob received with the blessing that Esau

The blessing Esau received The blessing received by Jacob

)vs. to m( )verses twenty-nine(
And God will give you
here Fallen from the sky
The oil of the earthwill be your seat And the oil of the earth
:And the rain of the skyabove :And most of the grain and corn
peoples will worship you and nations
And by your sword you will live will bow down to you
And you shall serve your brother Be a man to your brotherAnd the sons
And it was as if you took off and untied of your mother will bow down to you
his burden from off your neck May your days be blessed and those who
:bless you with blessings

.The hatred created in Esau's heart and his plan to kill Jacob 
Rebekah's attitude towards the two sons (the nicknames: her older son, her 
younger son) and her worry about the death of both of them (why I will kill both
.of you one day)
Rivka estimates that Yaakov will stay in Beit Laban for a short time "and you 
sat with him for a few days" and in practice Yaakov will stay in Beit Laban for
.about twenty years
The difference between the claim Rebecca makes to Jacob and the claim she 
.makes to Isaac
Why the difference? As for Rebekah not wanting to inform Isaac of Esau's 

Yitzchak orders Jacob not to marry the daughters of Canaan and carry a family 
member. There is a continuation here of the actions of the ancestors of the
dynasty - Abraham and Isaac took wives from the daughters of their family,
.and thus Jacob would marry the daughters of the family
Abraham's blessing given to Jacob - let's note that the blessing has two 
.components: the blessing of the seed and the blessing of the land

in S.D


Genesis chapter twenty, 10-22

- rise and fall
They ascend first and then descend, angels who accompanied him in the land do not go
beyond the earth and ascended to the sky, and angels descended beyond the earth to
:accompany him
:standing on it - to keep

Rashi's explanation-The angels that Jacob sees according to Rashi symbolize

.God's watch over Jacob. God's angels accompany Jacob in Israel and abroad
Let's note that Rashi in this interpretation (tsev on him - to preserve) prevented -
the reader from making a mistake, God forbid, in the realization of God and to
understand that "tsev on him" means 'standing on him'. He interpreted the verb
tsev in a meaning that is less common than what is accepted in the Bible as

And here is a ladder standing on the earth and its top reaches heaven and here are the '
- 'angels of God ascending and descending on it
They showed him in the dream of the prophecy that everything that is done in the land
is done by the angels and everything is in their control, because the angels of God
whom God has sent to walk in the land will not do anything small or great until they
return to stand before the Lord of the whole earth to say before him we walked in the
land and here it sits in peace or full of sword and blood, and he He will command them
:to return to the land and do his word

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And they showed him that he will be blessed standing on the ladder and promising him
to Jacob with a great promise, to announce that he will not be in the hands of the angels
but will be God's part and will be with him always, as he said, 'Behold, I am with you
and will guard you wherever you go,' because his virtue is greater than the rest of the
righteous of whom it is said: 'For his angels He will command you to guard yourself in
:all your ways' (Psalms 11:11)
And in the opinion of Rabbi Eliezer the Great (chapters of Derbi Eliezer la) this was the
appearance as a matter between the Batyr and Abram, because they showed him the
government of four kingdoms and their rise and fall, and this is the taste of 'angels of
God' as it is said in Daniel (chapter 10, 20, 13): the minister of the kingdom of Jonah,
and minister the kingdom of Persia, and promised that he would be exalted and would
be with him in all that he would do among them, and they would protect us and save us
.from their hands

Rashi Ramban1 Ramban2

Angels whose role God's angels, The ministers

Angels is to accompany through whom God (angels) of the
Jacob runs the world nations

They go up to
The angels of Israel
report what they
return to heaven
saw in the land and ascend to power
up and down and the angels of
go down to do their and descend from it
abroad descend to
mission according
.'to God's word

Standing on the
Standing on the ladder
ladder To announce that
God stands over It is up to Jacob to Inform Jacob that he will always
him keep it he is not guided by protect Jacob from
angels but by direct the nations and he
supervisionof God does not have to
fear from their rule

Rashi refers to Jacob the man, and talks about his current reality, while Ramban - about
Jacob as the head of the nation, and talks about God's leadership of the people of Israel
.for generations

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:Pay attention to the following points

God's words to Jacob are reminiscent of God's promises to Abraham 

:From the comparison we will learn 
God's promises to Jacob are parallel to God's promises to Abraham. These 
.promises indicate that God chose Jacob to be Abraham's successor
God's promises to Jacob confirm Isaac's blessing to Jacob (in chapter 20:3-4). 
Isaac promised Jacob the blessing of Abraham and G-d blesses Jacob with
.tongue coins similar to the blessing he blessed Abraham

A distinction must be made between the promises that refer to Jacob's seed for 
generations and God's promises to Jacob, who is on the run from his brother
.Esau and is about to set off on a long journey to his uncle Laban

:I am with you - according to what he did fear and from his side )10(

Rashi's explanation:Rashi believes that God's promise in verse 15 refers to the

.point in time in which Jacob is

:And I did not know - if I had known I would not have slept in such a holy place

:Radz Hoffman
Indeed - an expression that comes when you feel a surprising and unexpected new
.phenomenon; Compare Shemot 2, Id

Question: And I didn't know. What is the new thing that Jacob learned in
God's revelation to him in a dream?
Answer:Rashi - In God's revelation to Jacob in a dream, Jacob discovered
that the place was holy and said that if he had known it was a holy place in the
first place he would not have slept there.
Radz Hoffman - he was surprised that the place is holy.

:The letter and receipt

There is God in this place - ... it seems to me that even though there was a reality God
made known to him [Jacob] in a Kabbalah from his ancestors, and also without a doubt
he had intelligent knowledge [intellectual] about this sublime matter, nevertheless

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when he first had the sight of this prophecy, which was revealed to him by the Divine
and to say to him, "I am the Lord," matched to him by the real reality in the mirror,
which without a doubt raises an excess for no purpose over his previous acceptance
and knowledge of this, here is the excess that he is aware of this respectable matter...
with great joy he was surprised to say "Indeed there is a God in this place" , will desire
is matched with me by a wonderful achievement the reality of God in this place... and
in the language of knowledge there is a matter of recognition and achievement,
...because the one who achieves something - knows it
Explanation of the letter and receipt:Ya'akov only knew the Lord by word of
.mouth, but he never revealed himself to him

In this chapter God reveals himself to Jacob for the first time. According to the writer
.and Kabbalah, Jacob's words reflect the experience of knowing God for the first time

:The vow made by Jacob in verse 22 refers directly to God's promises in verse 15

Jacob's vow God's promises to Jacob

If there is a God, I will stand And here I am with you

and keep me in this way that I walk And I will keep you wherever you go

and gave me bread to eat and clothes to


And I returned in peace to my father's And your sabbaths to this land


And the purpose of the condition, that the sin will not cause. They said in Genesis
:Rabbah (O, 2)
Rav Hona in the name of R. Acha: 'Here I am with you', and writes 'If God will stand
:by me', but from this there is no promise to the righteous in this world
And it is possible again on the way of simplicity that there is no doubt about the matter,
but in all the future the scripture will say yes, as until now if I have done it, and also
'and if the Jubilee will be for the children of Israel' (Bambar Lo, 4), if the time comes
:for the condition then the deed will be fulfilled, that is, when it comes

Question: Why is a vow required after God's promises? Did Jacob our father
?doubt the fulfillment of God's promises to him

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Answer:Ramban in his first commentary lays down an important principle - even

a tzaddik like Jacob cannot trust himself not to sin, and if God forbid he sins
.anyway he may lose his rights
In his second commentary on the path of simplicity, Ramban gives examples that
the word 'if' does not express doubt but is a common form of speech when
.'referring to the future, similar to the word 'when


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