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4, Number 1, 2024

International Journal Social Sciences And Education (IJoSSE)

Volume 4, Number 1, 2024, pa. 1-13

Project-Based Learning Implementation Utilizing the Team Game Tournament

Model to Enhance Student Learning Motivation SMPN 12 Makassar
Social Sciences, State University of Makassar, Indonesia

Received : 12 Maret 2024

Rviewed: 15-27 April 2024
Accepted: 13 Juni 2024

The initial assessment results revealed that students' learning motivation, averaging
46.7, fell into the low category. This investigation seeks to elevate student learning
motivation through the adoption of TGT (Team Game Tournament) based learning
within class 8.4 SMPN 12 Makassar. Employing the Classroom Action Research
(CAR) approach, this study was executed across 2 cycles. Instruments utilized
encompassed a learning motivation questionnaire and observation sheets. Findings
showcased an uptick in student learning motivation, with cycle 1 witnessing a surge
to 65.7 or an average percentage of 44% compared to the pre-cycle stage, and cycle
2 achieving an average score of 77, positioning it within the high category, reflecting
a 15% increase over cycle 1.
Keywords: Team Game Tournament, Project, PTK Learning Motivation
Education plays a vital role in sustaining human existence. Over time,
education has evolved across various domains, encompassing pedagogical
approaches, curriculum development, and infrastructure enhancements, all aimed at
fostering educational advancement. Presently, education grapples with myriad
challenges, including students' dwindling learning motivation.
Student learning motivation constitutes a prevalent issue in contemporary
classrooms, stemming from various factors, including monotonous teaching
methodologies that fail to engage students effectively. Motivation is indispensable in
fostering student enthusiasm and facilitating effective learning outcomes.
Consequently, this study seeks to explore avenues for enhancing student learning
motivation, thus advancing educational objectives. Teachers play a pivotal role in
this endeavor, tasked with orchestrating engaging learning experiences conducive to
effective learning outcomes (Suprihatin, 2015).

Vol. 4, Number 1, 2024

Preceding interventions in class 8.4, comprehensive observations and

interviews were conducted with both teachers and students. Observations revealed
students' diminished engagement during learning sessions, attributed to the lack of
instructional diversity, particularly in project-based learning, thus leading to student
disinterest and apathy towards learning. Project-Based Learning (PBL) serves as an
active learning methodology, endeavoring to bridge academic concepts with real-
world scenarios or school projects, thereby enhancing learning engagement and
relevance (Trianto, 2011).
In addition to observations and interviews, a learning motivation
questionnaire was administered to accurately gauge students' motivational levels.
Results indicated an average learning motivation score of 46.5, categorizing it within
the low range. Subsequently, classroom action research was conducted, with
interviews corroborating heightened student engagement and enthusiasm when
integrating gaming elements into the learning process.
In light of these findings, the study endeavors to facilitate an engaging
learning environment, employing project-based learning coupled with the TGT
(Team Game Tournament) model. TGT fosters collaborative learning experiences,
encouraging maximum student participation and motivation (Putri, 2016). Previous
research utilizing the TGT model has yielded promising results, indicating increased
student motivation in subjects such as History and Sociology (Yuliawati, 2021;
Handayani & Nurlizawati, 2022).
Based on identified challenges and opportunities, this study endeavors to
bolster student learning motivation through classroom action research. Leveraging
project-based learning alongside the TGT model, the aim is to cultivate student
engagement, competitiveness, and intrinsic motivation, thereby nurturing holistic
Research Method
This study adopts a classroom action research (CAR) approach, focusing on
enhancing student learning motivation. Thirty students from class 8.4 SMPN 12
Makassar for the academic year 2023/2024 were selected using purposive sampling.
Conducted during the second semester of the academic year, the research comprised
two cycles, each consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection
stages (Mulyati & Evendi, 2020).
Pre-cycle activities commenced on May 1, 2024, encompassing interviews,
observations, and practicums to gather preliminary data. Cycle 1 was conducted on
May 6, 2024, covering Social Mobility, while Cycle 2, held on May 15, 2024,
focused on Social Differentiation. Data collection methods included observations
and questionnaires, with the latter measuring student learning motivation based on
predefined indicators. Assessment guidelines utilizing the Likert scale are detailed in
Table 1 (Samsidar, 2019).

Table 1. Scoring Guidelines for Student Learning Motivation Questionnaires

Kriteria Positive Statement Negative Statement
Sangat Setuju (SS) 5 1
Setuju (S) 4 2

Vol. 4, Number 1, 2024

Ragu-ragu (R) 3 3
Tidak Setuju (TS) 2 4
Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS) 1 5
Sourche:(Pranatawijaya et al., 2019)
Giving a motivational questionnaire to learn is done in every meeting. After the
student learning motivation questionnaire scores were obtained, categorization was
then carried out. The categorization of students' learning motivation can be seen by
the formula in table 2
Table 2. Formula for Guidelines for Categorizing Students' Learning
Motivation Scores
No. Formula Category
1 (Smin +4 P) ≤ S ≤ Smax Sangat Tinggi
2 Smin + 3P ≤ S ≤ (Smin + 4P-1) Tinggi
3 (Smin + 2P) ≤ S ≤ (Smin + 3P-1) Cukup
4 (Smin + P) ≤ S ≤ (Smin + 2P-1) Rendah
5 Smin ≤ S ≤ (Smin + P-1) Sangat Rendah
Source: (Mayangsari, 2012)
Research Results And Discussion
Researchers obtained students' learning motivation scores during the pre-cycle,
cycle 1 and cycle 2. The average student learning motivation scores for each
activity in the pre-cycle, cycle 1 and cycle 2 stages are presented in table 4.
Table 4. Number of Categories of Student Learning Motivation
Pre-cycle Frequency Frequency
N Category Cycle I Cycle II
o Frequency
1 Tinggi 0 0 2

2 Tinggi 3 17 24
3 Cukup 7 10 3
4 Rendah 11 2 0
5 Rendah 8 0 0
Amount 29 29 29
Score 47,8 66,7 75

Based on the data presented in the table, it's evident that during the pre-cycle
phase, the level of student learning motivation was notably low, with 8 students
falling into the "very low" category, 11 in the "low" category, 7 in the "moderate"
category, 3 in the "high" category, and none in the "very high" category, averaging a

Vol. 4, Number 1, 2024

score of 46.7. Moving to cycle 1, following the intervention, there was an observable
enhancement with the "very low" category reduced to 0. Instead, there were 2
students in the "low" category, 10 in the "moderate" category, 17 in the "high"
category, and none in the "very high" category, resulting in an average score of
66.77. In the subsequent cycle, cycle 2, further progress was witnessed, with an
average score of 75, signifying a high category. The breakdown included 0 students
in the "very low" category, 0 students classified as "too low," 3 students categorized
as "sufficient," 24 students in the "high" category, and 2 students in the "very high"
The planning stages of both cycles encompassed various activities such as
module development through collaboration with tutors and peers, procurement of
necessary learning resources, and project selection. In this context, Quizizz and
Wordwall were selected by the researcher for game implementation.
Subsequently, during the implementation phase, activities were executed in
accordance with the integrated lesson plan (RPP) incorporating the TGT stage,
encompassing class presentations, group studies, games, tournaments, and group
acknowledgments, all aligned with the predefined learning objectives. These learning
activities were structured into three core components: introduction, main content
delivery, and conclusion. Moreover, observation activities involved scrutinizing how
tutors and colleagues facilitated the student learning process. Observations indicated
heightened enthusiasm and active engagement among students, particularly when
learning involved gaming elements. Furthermore, individual and group
encouragement fostered healthy competition, motivating students to strive for
excellence, thereby offering clearer insights into the level of learning motivation. In
cycle 2, students were administered a learning motivation questionnaire to
quantitatively assess each student's motivation level and its average.
The reflection phase, marking the culmination of each cycle, entailed
reviewing observation findings. It was noted that students continued to exhibit
enthusiasm and active participation in the learning process. Reflection served to
identify emerging issues, evaluate learning quality, and pinpoint areas for future
improvement. Some challenges encountered in cycle 1 were notably absent in cycle
2. Additionally, students expressed interest in new model questions accessible via
shared links. Overcoming logistical constraints such as account management and
time constraints was facilitated by effective communication and early agreement
establishment between teachers and students. Notably, the competitive aspect, aimed
at earning points, spurred student motivation, fostering healthy competition and
driving them to excel.

The researcher initiated classroom action research in Class 8.4 based on
identified issues. Class 8.4 was singled out from the interview and observation
results obtained from the 12 existing classes due to its classification as having the
lowest level of student learning motivation. Subsequently, the researcher, along with
a collaborative team comprising tutor teachers and colleagues, embarked on
conducting classroom action research using a project-based learning model centered
on the TGT (Team Game Tournament) approach implemented in Class 8.4 at SMPN
12 Makassar.
Project-based learning utilizing the TGT model actively engages students in
the learning process. It fosters a cooperative environment where students collaborate

Vol. 4, Number 1, 2024

within groups. Apart from participating in group discussions, students are involved
in playing games and tournaments, integrating gaming elements into the learning
experience. Additionally, a competitive aspect is introduced through tournaments,
motivating students to compete and achieve high scores.
Similarly, individual responsibility is highlighted in the implementation,
ensuring that all students have assigned tasks and strive for excellence, which in turn
influences their personal motivation. The implementation of this classroom action
research was overseen by pre-service teachers (PPL PPG Prajabatan) serving as
researchers, alongside tutor teachers and colleagues in the collaborative team. During
cycles I and II, where the researcher intervened, learning activities were conducted
by employing a cooperative learning model based on TGT. This research, focused on
Social Studies material, specifically social mobility, and the application of TGT-
based learning (themed team game tournaments), has positively impacted student
learning motivation. For a detailed comparison of improvements in student learning
motivation across each cycle, please refer to the graph below:

Based on the data presented in the table and graph above, it becomes more
evident and facilitates the comparison between each cycle. The table and graph
clearly demonstrate the positive outcomes resulting from changes in student learning
motivation. When comparing the pre-cycle stage, cycle I, and cycle II, a consistent
improvement is observed. In the pre-cycle stage, where no intervention was made to
assess student learning motivation, the scores were 0 in the very high category, 3 in
the high category, 7 in the moderate category, 11 in the low category, and 8 in the
very low category, with an average score of 46.7, rounded to 48. Moving to the first
cycle stage, the data for the very high category remained at 0, with 17 students in the
high category, 10 students in the moderate category, 2 students in the low category,
and 0 in the very low category, resulting in an average score of 65.7, rounded to 67.
Finally, in cycle II, data for the very high category was obtained with 2 students,

Vol. 4, Number 1, 2024

along with 24 students in the high category, 3 students in the moderate category, and
0 students in both the low and very low categories, yielding an average score of 75.
Thus, it can be concluded that there was a significant increase in student learning
The results indicate that students in Class 8.4 thoroughly enjoyed the TGT
stage due to its incorporation of gaming elements and tournament concepts, which
encouraged active participation. Additionally, learning with the TGT model was
augmented with technology, utilizing the Wordwall and Quizizz website media,
where engaging visuals, music, and stickers were displayed, enabling students to
learn while having fun. An advantage of this model is the emphasis on both
teamwork and individual responsibility, as the game rules were adjusted by the
teacher. Furthermore, the supervising teacher expressed satisfaction with this model,
noting its efficacy in enhancing student learning motivation and providing novel
experiences for both students and teachers, thereby stimulating active participation in
the learning process—a clear indicator of high learning motivation.

Gratitude is extended to the entire academic community of the UNM
Professional Teacher Program for their provision of facilities, monitoring, and
evaluation of this classroom action research. Special thanks are also due to the
supervisors and fellow students who contributed to the planning, tool preparation,
and successful implementation of this research.

Based on the presented results, the following conclusions were drawn:
Following the implementation of TGT-based learning (team games tournament),
there was a significant increase in the learning motivation of Class 8.4 students at
SMPN 12 Makassar. This conclusion is supported by the data, which showed that
out of 29 students in the pre-cycle stage, 8 were in the very low category (28%), 11
in the low category (38%), 7 in the moderate category (24%), 3 in the high category
(10%), and none in the very high category. In the first cycle stage, none of the
students were in the very low category, 2 were in the low category (7%), 10 in the
moderate category (34%), 17 in the high category (59%), and none in the very high
category. Finally, in cycle II, none of the students were in the very low or low
categories, 3 were in the moderate category (10%), 24 in the high category (83%),
and 2 in the very high category (7%).

The recommendations during the implementation of this classroom action research
are as follows:
1. For teachers: Teachers should always implement a variety of teaching models
and methods, not just conventional methods. It would be beneficial if the learning
process always adapts to the times, such as implementing project-based learning, and
teachers should establish good communication with students and understand their
emotional conditions.
2. For schools: It would be better if schools continue to improve the quality of
school facilities and infrastructure, especially regarding classroom comfort and

Vol. 4, Number 1, 2024

expanding internet networks by providing WiFi, as the need for technology is

unavoidable nowadays. Instead of avoiding it, it is better to utilize it because
effectively utilizing technology will support the progress of education in schools and
the nation.

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Vol. 4, Number 1, 2024

NEGERI 1 TULANG BAWANG [skripsi]. Bandar Lampung (ID):

Universitas Lampung.

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