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Just a few accomplishments of the Democratic House Majority: HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM to recognize health care as a right, not a privilege and put a stop to the worst abuses by insurance companies including discrimination against people with pre-existing medical conditions. [OPPOSED BY 100 % OF HOUSE REPUBLICANS] THE STUDENT AID AND FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT to make the largest investment in college aid in American history. [OPPOSED BY 100 % OF HOUSE REPUBLICANS] THE LILLY LEDBETTER FAIR PAY ACT to restore the rights of women and other workers to challenge unfair pay and help close the wage gap where women earn 78 cents for every $1 that a man earns in America. [OPPOSED BY A MAJORITY OF HOUSE REPUBLICANS] WALL STREET REFORM to rein in reckless practices on Wall Street, end taxpayer-funded bail-outs and "too big to fail" institutions, and protect and empower consumers. [OPPOSED BY A MAJORITY OF HOUSE REPUBLICANS] Just one year of a failed Republican House Majority: OBSTRUCTING JOB CREATION Failed to introduce a jobs plan and voted for budgets that would cost nearly 2.5 million American jobs and voted against at least 17 times against Democratic e orts to create them. Republicans oppose the American Jobs Act which former John McCain economic advisor Mark Zandi said would create 1.9 million jobs PROTECTING SPECIAL INTERESTS Voted three times to end the Medicare guarantee for seniors and raise health care costs by $6,000. Repeatedly protected tax loopholes for Big Oil and billionaires EXTREME AGENDA TO APPEASE TEA PARTY Three times, House Republicans pushed our government to the brink of a shutdown to put their radical agenda ahead of the American peoples interests. Voted to repeal health insurance reform; Voted to defund NPR, PBS and Sesame Street; Voted to classify pizza as a vegetable for school children; Voted to defund Planned Parenthood and stop them from o ering cancer screenings; Voted to protect companies that do business with the Iranian regime Pushing plan to privatize Social Security Forced the Supercommittee to fail because they insisted on more tax breaks for billionaires and Big Oil at the expense of the Medicare guarantee and creating jobs.


While Republicans pursue their extreme agenda that fails to create jobs, Democrats have an agenda to be successful and a clear-eyed plan to win the Majority. Its our Drive to 25.

25 61

Seats Democrats need to win the House Majority Seats Obama won in 2008 now held by a Republicans in Congress

60+ Republican and open districts with strong Democratic candidates running
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Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Districts won by President Obama and Senator Kerry in 2004 and 2008 presidential campaigns now held by Republicans. Districts won by President Obama and Senator Kerry in 2004 now held by Republicans.

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