PC Technical 7thDEC2021

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Technical Global Roundup


Subodh Gupta
7th DEC 2021

Please see penultimate page for additional important disclosures. PhillipCapital (India) Private Limited. (“PHILLIPCAP”) is a foreign broker-dealer unregistered in the USA. PHILLIPCAP
research is prepared by research analysts who are not registered in the USA. PHILLIPCAP research is distributed in the USA pursuant to Rule 15a-6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
solely by Rosenblatt Securities Inc, an SEC registered and FINRA-member broker-dealer.

Global Equities

DJIA – Daily
DJIA .: Daily Chart

DJIA – Weekly
DJIA .: Weekly Chart

S&P 500 – Daily
DJIA .: Daily Chart

S&P 500 – Weekly
DJIA .: Weekly Chart

US 10 year – Monthly
US 10 year .: Monthly Chart

INDIA 10 year – Monthly
INDIA 10 year .: Monthly Chart

US Dollar Index – Monthly
US Dollar Index .: Monthly Chart

USDINR – Weekly
USDINR .: Weekly Chart

BRENT CRUDE .: Weekly Chart

GOLD SPOT – Monthly
SPOT GOLD.: Monthly Chart


NIFTY – Monthly
NIFTY.: Monthly Chart

NIFTY – Daily
NIFTY.: Daily Chart

NSE MIDCAP 100 – Monthly
NSEMIDCAP 100.: Monthly Chart

NSEMIDCAP 100/NIFTY.: Monthly Chart

NSE SMALLCAP 100 – Monthly
NSE SMALLCAP 100.: Monthly Chart

NSE SMALLCAP 100/NIFTY.: Monthly Chart


Performance of various Sectors

Monthly Monthly
(Gain/Los (Gain/Loss
Name ss) Name s)
Nifty 50 -4.50 Nifty Media -4.08
Bank Nifty -9.48 Nifty Metal -7.91
Nifty Financial Services -7.38 Nifty MidCap 100 Free -3.14
NIfty 500 -3.50 Nifty Pharma -2.07
Nifty Auto -6.22 Nifty PSU Bank -9.88
NIfty Energy -2.53 NIFTY PVT BANK -10.45
Nifty FMCG -2.60 Nifty Realty -3.13
Nifty Infra -2.31 Nifty Smallcap 100 Free -1.47
Nifty IT 1.06

BANK NIFTY – Monthly
BANK NIFTY.: Monthly Chart

ICICI BANK/BANK NIFTY – Relative Strength Chart

HDFC BANK/BANK NIFTY – Relative Strength Chart

AXIS BANK/BANK NIFTY – Relative Strength Chart

INDUSIND BANK/BANK NIFTY – Relative Strength Chart

PSU BANK NIFTY.: Monthly Chart

NSE IT Index– Monthly
NSE IT Index: Monthly Chart

NSE Auto Index– Monthly
NSE Auto Index: Monthly Chart

Tata Motors/ NSE AUTO Index – Relative Strength Chart
tata Motors/NSE IT NIFTY.

TVS Motors/ NSE AUTO Index – Relative Strength Chart
TVS Motors/NSE Auto NIFTY.

BAJAJ AUTO/ NSE AUTO Index – Relative Strength Chart

NSE Metal Index– Weekly
NSE Metal Index: Weekly Chart

NSE Pharma Index– Monthly
NSE Pharma Index: Monthly Chart

Strength Chart

NSE FMCG Index– Monthly
NSE FMCG Index: Monthly Chart

PGHH/ NSE FMCG Index – Relative Strength Chart

BSE Capital Goods Index– MONTHLY
BSE Capital Goods Index: Monthly Chart

BSE POWER Index: Monthly Chart


Disclosures and Disclaimers
PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. has three independent equity research groups: Institutional Equities, Institutional Equity Derivatives, and Private Client Group. This report has been prepared by Institutional
Equities Group. The views and opinions expressed in this document may, may not match, or may be contrary at times with the views, estimates, rating, and target price of the other equity research groups of
PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd.
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Additional Disclosures of Interest:
Unless specifically mentioned in Point No. 9 below:
• The Research Analyst(s), PCIL, or its associates or relatives of the Research Analyst does not have any financial interest in the company(ies) covered in this report.
• The Research Analyst, PCIL or its associates or relatives of the Research Analyst affiliates collectively do not hold more than 1% of the securities of the company (ies)covered in this report as of the end of the
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• The Research Analyst, his/her associate, his/her relative, and PCIL, do not have any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this research report.
• The Research Analyst, PCIL, and its associates have not received compensation for investment banking or merchant banking or brokerage services or for any other products or services from the company(ies)
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• The Research Analyst, PCIL or its associates have not managed or co-managed in the previous twelve months, a private or public offering of securities for the company (ies) covered in this report.
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• Details of PCIL, Research Analyst and its associates pertaining to the companies covered in the Research report:
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in its entirety.

Sr. no. Particulars Yes/No

1 Whether compensation has been received from the company(ies) covered in the Research report in the past 12 months for investment banking transaction by PCIL No
2 Whether Research Analyst, PCIL or its associates or relatives of the Research Analyst affiliates collectively hold more than 1% of the No
company(ies) covered in the Research report
3 Whether compensation has been received by PCIL or its associates from the company(ies) covered in the Research report No
4 PCIL or its affiliates have managed or co-managed in the previous twelve months a private or public offering of securities for the company(ies) covered in the Research No
5 41
Research Analyst, his associate, PCIL or its associates have received compensation for investment banking or merchant banking or brokerage services or for any other No
products or services from the company(ies) covered in the Research report, in the last twelve months 41
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PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd.
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