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Athenia High School

Subject- Social Studies

Ch-1 Where, When and How


Q1. "India has been known by many different names in the different periods of history. Justify the statement.
Ans: 1. The early Sanskrit texts during the Vedic period called the tracts of land between the Vindhyas & the Himalayas
"Aryavarta' or land of the Aryans.
2. During the era of the Puranas, the subcontinent was referred to as 'Bharatvarsham' and 'Jambudwipa.
3. The Persian accounts of the period refer to it as 'Hind' or ‘Hindustan’.
4. The subsequent rulers in the Sultanate and the Mughal periods referred to their realm as Hindustan.
5. It was only in the 19th century, during the British Raj, that Hindustan came to be used synonymously with India.

2. What were the major historical developments during the medieval period?
Ans: 1. The coming of the Muslims led to the growth of a mixed culture with the interaction between North & South
India and between the Hindus & the Muslims. These cultural exchanges led to growth of culture that was above regional
& caste differences. It was an Indian culture.
2. The Muslim dynasties, particularly the Mughals, provided, many centuries of political stability to the country resulting
in increase in trade and the rapid growth of towns & cities.
3. Trade led to a greater interaction between people from different parts of the world.
4. Islam was spread in India . The Bhakti & Sufi movements spread the message of devotion to God and kindness
towards all human beings.

3. Medieval history of India would have been very different had it not been for its geography. Do you agree? Justify
your answer.
Ans: The geography of medieval India had a significant impact on its history. India's diverse landscapes including
mountains, rivers and forests influenced settlement patterns, trade routes and the rise & fall of kingdoms.
1.The Himalayas acted as a natural barrier, affecting invasions and interactions with Central Asia. Riivers like Ganges
facilitated trade & agriculture.
2. The Deccan Plateau provided a strategic location for kingdoms. Coastal areas connected India to maritime trade
networks. Overall, geography shaped the political, economic and cultural landscape of medieval India.

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