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Q2 Definition, Salient Features, nature and scope of Mediation


Mediation is a constructive approach to conflict resolution that empowers parties to find mutually
beneficial solutions with the help of a neutral third party. Its voluntary and confidential nature, along
with its focus on communication and empowerment, distinguishes it from adversarial processes.


Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process where a neutral third party, the mediator,
facilitates communication and negotiation between disputing parties to help them reach a mutually
acceptable resolution.

The eight salient features of mediation

1. Voluntary Participation:

 Parties engage in mediation of their own accord, ensuring a commitment to the process and
a willingness to work towards resolution.

 The voluntary nature of mediation empowers parties, giving them control over the decision-
making process and the outcomes.

2. Neutral Third Party:

 The mediator acts as a neutral facilitator, guiding discussions without taking sides or
imposing decisions, fostering an environment of trust and fairness.

 Their impartiality ensures that each party feels heard and respected, enhancing the
likelihood of reaching a mutually acceptable agreement.

3. Confidentiality:

 Mediation sessions are confidential, allowing parties to speak openly and honestly without
fear of their words being used against them in future proceedings.

 Confidentiality promotes a sense of security and trust, encouraging parties to explore

options and negotiate in good faith.

4. Informality:

 The informal setting of mediation encourages open communication and collaboration,

creating a comfortable atmosphere for parties to express their views and concerns.

 Without strict procedural rules, parties can engage in flexible and creative problem-solving,
leading to more innovative and satisfying solutions.

5. Empowerment:

 Parties have the autonomy to make decisions that best suit their interests and needs,
empowering them to take ownership of the outcome.
 Through active participation in the mediation process, parties gain a sense of control and
satisfaction, enhancing their commitment to the agreed-upon solutions.

6. Focus on Interests:

 Mediation shifts the focus from positions to underlying interests, allowing parties to explore
mutually beneficial solutions that address their fundamental needs.

 By understanding and addressing each party's interests, mediation promotes solutions that
are more durable and satisfactory for all involved.

7. Cost-Effectiveness:

 Mediation typically incurs lower costs compared to litigation, as it requires fewer resources
such as legal fees, court expenses, and time.

 The streamlined nature of mediation saves parties time and money, making it a cost-
effective alternative for resolving disputes efficiently.

8. Preservation of Relationships:

 Mediation emphasizes collaboration and communication, which can help preserve or restore
relationships between parties by fostering understanding and mutual respect.

 Unlike adversarial processes like litigation, mediation aims to minimize animosity and
conflict, allowing parties to maintain positive relationships even after the dispute is resolved

Nature and scope


Mediation embodies principles of communication, understanding, and cooperation. It operates on

the belief that parties are best equipped to resolve their disputes when provided with a supportive
and facilitated environment. By focusing on dialogue and empathy rather than adversarial
confrontation, mediation seeks to transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and
reconciliation. Its collaborative nature encourages parties to explore creative solutions that not only
address immediate concerns but also promote mutual respect and understanding.


The scope of mediation is broad and multifaceted, encompassing various types of disputes and
settings. While commonly associated with legal conflicts, such as divorce settlements or business
disputes, mediation extends beyond traditional legal frameworks. It is equally applicable to
interpersonal conflicts within families, disagreements in the workplace, or tensions within
communities. Moreover, mediation can address a wide range of issues, including communication
breakdowns, emotional conflicts, and cultural misunderstandings.


In conclusion, mediation offers a collaborative and effective method for resolving disputes across
diverse contexts. By prioritizing communication, understanding, and self-determination, mediation
facilitates sustainable resolutions while preserving relationships. Its voluntary and confidential
framework makes it a valuable tool in promoting harmony and justice in society.

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