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Dr. D. Y.

Patil Unitech Society’s

(Approved by AICTE)

General Guidelines

 A soft copy of the report will be accepted from you submitted in English language only.
 The length of the report should be between 25 to 30 pages, inclusive of tables, figures, and
 The report will be accepted in MS Word format only. The text should be in single-column
 Material (text) of the manuscript should be formatted in Times New Roman, font size 12
and 1.15 line spacing.
 The primary heading should be in capital letters (UPPERCASE) and boldface. The sub-
headings should be in title-case capitalization (First Letter of Each Word in Capital) and
boldface. Each heading should have appeared on a separate line.
 Tables and charts should appear at the likely place in the text where it is to have appeared.
All tables and charts should be numbered serially.
 Figures should be numbered consecutively. Wherever necessary, the source should be
provided at the bottom. The figures should also be given relevant titles. The images
(figures) should be of high resolution. All charts and graphs should be drawn legibly, and
figures should be indicated in millions and billions.

Detailed Instructions from Where you can get the details:

1. Executive Summary:

 Use a combination of industry reports, news articles, and academic papers to gather information
about the industry's current status, trends, and future prospects.

 Refer to market research reports, industry analysis publications, and credible news sources for
facts and figures about the industry.

2. Objectives of Report:
Dr. D. Y. Patil Unitech Society’s
(Approved by AICTE)

 Define objectives based on the specific aspects you plan to analyze.

 Use industry reports, academic literature, and expert opinions to understand key areas of interest
within the industry.

3. Industry Analysis:

 Industry Overview and Current Updates: Industry reports, news articles, press releases, and
regulatory filings.

 Capacity Analysis: Company reports, industry databases, and market research studies.

 Top Management Profile: Company websites, professional profiles, and industry publications.

 Major Players: Company reports, financial databases, and industry rankings.

 Pricing Policies: Company disclosures, pricing strategies, and market research reports.

 Positioning & Differentiation: Marketing materials, industry analyses, and competitive


 Demand-Supply Balance: Market research reports, economic indicators, and trade publications.

 Supply-Side Constraints: Industry reports, expert interviews, and government publications.

 Market Shares: Market research reports, industry databases, and financial statements.

 Financial Performance: Company annual reports, financial databases, and industry analyses.

 Cost Analysis: Financial statements, cost structure analysis, and industry benchmarks.

 Industry Forecast: Market research reports, industry outlook studies, and expert forecasts.

 Competitive Forces Model: Industry analyses, strategic management literature, and competitive

 Factor Analysis: Economic reports, regulatory filings, and industry analyses.

 Innovations: Industry reports, patent databases, and technology news.

 Alliances and M&A: Company announcements, industry news, and M&A databases.

 Challenges and Opportunities: Industry reports, expert opinions, and market trends analysis.

 Government Initiatives: Government websites, policy documents, and industry consultations.

4. Conclusion:
Dr. D. Y. Patil Unitech Society’s
(Approved by AICTE)

 Synthesize findings from the industry analysis sections to draw conclusions about the industry's
current state, challenges, and future prospects.

5. Key Learnings:

 Reflect on the insights gained from the analysis and highlight key takeaways for readers.

6. References:

 Cite sources such as industry reports, academic journals, books, reputable websites, and
newspaper articles in the specified format.

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