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Studies in Conservation

ISSN: 0039-3630 (Print) 2047-0584 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ysic20

Built-Heritage Multi-temporal Monitoring through

Photogrammetry and 2D/3D Change Detection

Dante Abate

To cite this article: Dante Abate (2019) Built-Heritage Multi-temporal Monitoring through
Photogrammetry and 2D/3D Change Detection Algorithms, Studies in Conservation, 64:7, 423-434,
DOI: 10.1080/00393630.2018.1554934

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Published online: 05 Dec 2018.

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2019, VOL. 64, NO. 7, 423–434


Built-Heritage Multi-temporal Monitoring through Photogrammetry and 2D/3D

Change Detection Algorithms
Dante Abate1,2
Andreas Pittas Art Characterization Labs (APAC), Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Centre (STARC), The Cyprus
Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus; 2Centre of Archaeology, Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent, UK


Cultural heritage assets are continuously exposed to risks and hazards. With the main aim to Received August 2018
assess deterioration and improve conservation methods, the scientific community has Accepted November 2018
proposed a variety of tools for the early identification of changes in heritage.
Multidisciplinary approaches are common in heritage monitoring and conservation. This Built heritage; change
paper investigates the potential of change detection algorithms developed in remote detection; remote sensing;
sensing, and here applied at the monumental scale instead of the geo-spatial one. A photogrammetry; MAD/MAF
monitoring methodology which integrates photogrammetry, 2D/3D change detection, and
data interpretation is described and tested on the façade of the church of Stavros tou
Missiricou (church of the Cross within the walls) in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Introduction and paper objectives two or more images/maps acquired at different time
(Δt) over the same area.
Heritage sites and artefacts around the world are fragile
This paper proposes a methodology for built-
assets, faced with different and continuous challenges.
heritage terrestrial-monitoring, using remote sensing
Both natural hazards (e.g. earthquakes, floods, storms,
techniques and change detection algorithms, coupled
and wildfires) and man-made ones (e.g. armed
with close-range photogrammetry. The final goal is to
conflicts and wars, pollution, uncontrolled urbanization,
evaluate the potential of an easy-to-use and intuitive
and tourist development) pose major conservation pro-
tool for the production of degradation maps, and the
blems (Teijgeler 2006; Fatorić and Seekamp 2017).
identification of areas which have been affected by
Regular maintenance is tightly linked to the preser-
chemical and physical changes over time. This
vation of monuments, and preventive conservation is a
approach will support conservators interested in
real necessity in everyday practice. Historical buildings
detecting, describing, and understanding changes
are continuously exposed to a wide range of threats
that occur in large-scale built structures.
which may affect their conservation and appearance.
The material alteration processes which occur on
the monument surface, identified over short,
2D change detection
medium, and long-term periods respectively, may
lead to saline efflorescence, the formation of black Many techniques have been developed in the remote
crusts, biological alteration, material exfoliation, and sensing domain, with the purpose of identifying differ-
decay (Parker 1995; Chen, Blume, and Beyer 2000; ences occurring on the Earth’s surface over time. This
Watt et al. 2009), or even to structural and static task, usually referred to as change detection, can be
issues (Lemos 2007). approached in a supervised or unsupervised way, the
With the main objectives of containing and studying latter being preferred when no training samples or
deterioration and monitoring the condition of monu- only little knowledge on the ground is available.
ments, the conservation community tends to adopt a The Multivariate Alteration Detection (MAD) algor-
multidisciplinary approach, using multiple sensors ithm was selected in this study after a comparison
and Non-Destructive Techniques (NDTs) (Moropoulou with the well-known, and widely used in remote
et al. 2013). Among them, remote sensing, and sensing, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm
change detection algorithms, in particular, represent (Jolliffe 2011). The latter is a statistical procedure used
a promising solution. in several domains and developed to transform a set of
The change detection process aims to identify and correlated variables to a new set of uncorrelated vari-
evaluate differences on a surface over time. The goal ables considering the principal directions in which
is mainly to provide a map of changes by processing the data are spread in space.

CONTACT Dante Abate d.abate@cyi.ac.cy Andreas Pittas Art Characterization Labs (APAC), Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture
Research Centre (STARC), The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
© The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works 2018
424 D. ABATE

Whereas PCA allows to reduce the size and redun- photogrammetry is twofold: (i) given the small size
dancy in the original data, since most of the infor- of the features that ought to be identified, high-res-
mation is contained in the first components, MAD olution ortho images are essential means to detect
considers maximum autocorrelation, taking into the fine changes that occurred on the facades; (ii)
account the maximum variance of the difference process intermediate photogrammetric data (i.e.
images and eliminating issues related to the possibility dense point cloud) for additional 3D analysis, which
that a dominating element in the image affects the PCA can be used for further data assessment and
components. In addition, MAD is invariant for linear interpretation.
transformations of the data, making it insensitive to
the application to raw Digital Numbers (DNs) or trans-
Related work
formed images (Canty 2014).
MAD is a broadly used mathematical analysis Detecting changes in images of the same scene
method of images linear transformation. Introduced acquired at different times have seen an important
by Nielsen, Conradsen, and Simpson (1998), MAD development in a wide range of disciplines such as
seeks to improve the simple image differentiating tech- video surveillance, remote sensing, medical diagnosis,
niques by exploiting Canonical Correlation Analysis driver assistance systems, civil engineering, disaster
(CCA). Indeed, the main principle is to make the management, and cultural heritage. Over the last
images as similar (i.e. correlated) as possible, before three decades, a variety of change detection methods
computing their difference. The latter is carried out have been proposed using different approaches such
by using CCA to find two sets of linear combinations as image differencing, image rationing, principal com-
of the original variables, where the first two linear com- ponent analysis, change vector analysis, and post-
binations (called canonical variates) are the ones fea- classification. A complete review of change detection
turing the largest correlation (called first canonical algorithms can be found in Singh (1989), Coppin and
correlation). This process is then iterated to compute Bauer (1996), and Radke et al. (2005).
the higher-order canonical correlations/variates, Change detection algorithms are usually categor-
under the condition to be orthogonal (i.e. uncorrelated) ized into two main typologies:
to the previous ones. If N is the maximum number of
bands in first and second input images, the differences . Algebra-based change detection, including image
between the corresponding pairs of variates (called differencing, image rationing, image regression,
MAD variates or components), constitute N change vegetation index differencing, change vector analy-
maps that are usually combined in a single multi- sis, and background subtraction techniques;
band image. . Classification-based change detection such as post-
Since MAD analysis lacks semantic interpretation, classification comparison, spectral-temporal analy-
the adoption of a combined procedure can be pre- sis, unsupervised change detection, and hybrid
ferred, to support the understanding of changes change detection.
found by MAD. For this reason, Nielsen proposed to
apply the Maximum Autocorrelation Factor (MAF) The heritage and archaeological domains have
transformation to the MAD components (Nielsen extensive use of multi-temporal satellite or aerial
et al. 2010). Indeed, MAF transform seeks to isolate imagery as effective tools for large-scale protection of
the noise component of the data, by computing a monuments, sites, and cultural landscapes from man-
new set of variates out of the original ones, where made threats or natural hazards (Cowley 2011).
low order components feature maximal spatial auto- Table 1 presents a literature review concerning the
correlation (signal), whereas the highest order variates use of 2D change detection algorithms applied in heri-
feature minimal spatial autocorrelation (noise). Accord- tage and archaeological science.
ingly, the first MAF-MAD component will identify areas In the 3D domain, change detection algorithms ask
with maximum changes, while the noise is expected to for three-dimensional models as input data instead of
be isolated in the lower order MAF-MAD components. 2D images. These are usually obtained through state-
The use of the MAD technique, either alone or in of-the-art image- and range-based modelling tech-
combination with MAF transformation, is well-known niques, in forms of point clouds or meshes.
in the remote sensing community (Coppin et al. 2002; Changes are then usually identified by measuring
Nori, Sulieman, and Niemeyer 2009; Zanchetta and the distance between 3D models. Four main
Bitelli 2017). approaches for distance computation are generally
Although the MAF-MAD pipeline can be exploited adopted, namely:
using different kind of imagery datasets (traditionally
acquired with spaceborne or airborne sensors in the . DEM of difference (DoD) (William 2012);
visible or multispectral range), in this study the use . Direct cloud-to-cloud comparison with closest point
of data generated through terrestrial close-range technique (C2C) (Girardeau-Montaut et al. 2005);

Table 1. 2D change detection, summary of the literature review.

Site Method Notes Authors
‘Norwegian National Sites and 2D Change Detection and Satellite Document the reforestation processes Barlindhaug, Holm-Olsen,
Monuments Record’ List images. representing threats to archaeological assets and Tømmervik (2007)
Ancient city of Ur (Iraq) 2D Change Detection and Satellite Monitor archaeological areas, before and after Di Giacomo and Scardozzi
images. the second Gulf War. (2012)
Ventarron (Lambayeque, Peru) 2D Change Detection and Satellite Multi-temporal images acquired and Lasaponara et al. (2013)
images. processed to highlight looting patterns.
Nasca (Peru) 2D Change Detection and Satellite Detect land-use and morphological changes of Cigna et al. (2013)
images. cultural landscape.
Paphos (Cyprus) 2D Change Detection and Satellite Address the overall risk of the area which is Agapiou et al. (2015)
images. enriched by archaeological sites.
Homs (Syria) 2D Change Detection and Satellite Monitoring the effects of the civil war started Tapete et al. (2015)
images. in 2011, on heritage sites.
Mølen Vestfold County (Norway) 2D Change Detection, historical Changes occurred in landscape and individual Risbøl et al. (2015)
images and Airborne Laser monuments.
Palmyra (Syria) 2D Change Detection and Satellite Use of satellite imagery for change detection Cerra et al. (2016)
images. of lost heritage.

. Cloud-to-mesh distance or cloud-to-model distance . air pollution agents, resulting in the formation of
(C2M) (Cignoni and Rocchini 1998; Monserrat and black crust, saline efflorescence, biological altera-
Crosetto 2008; Olsen et al. 2009) tion, and material decay;
. Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison . static issues, due to the constant vibrations caused
(M32C) (Lague, Brodu, and Leroux 2013). by the urban traffic;
. vandalism and misuse.
In Table 2 are summarized a few significant
examples describing how the aforementioned 3D The exterior facades underwent a conservation
change detection algorithms, coupled with range- intervention during 2015–2016, led by the Department
and image-based modelling techniques, can help of Antiquities of Cyprus, which aimed to stop degra-
monitor geometric features of heritage sites over time. dation and solve ongoing preservation issues. Plaster
was applied in-between stone blocks; biological
elements were removed, and the surfaces were
The case study
To address the specific research questions presented in The north façade of the church of Stavrou tou Mis-
this paper, the church known as Stavrou tou Missiricou, siricou was specifically chosen for the proposed ana-
(later the Arablar mosque), in Nicosia (Cyprus), was lyses due to its conservation status, the absence of
selected due its location and conservation (Figure 1). obstacles for the image-based modelling survey,
The religious building is indeed situated in a very popu- and for the availability of a dataset collected prior
lated area, still open to frequent vehicle traffic and to its restoration in March 2010 (Solomidou-Ieronymi-
exposed to systematic air pollution. dou et al. 2010).
The sixteenth-century church was built with a Byzan- The façade is characterized by plain, simple, stone
tine layout, featuring a range of Gothic and Renaissance blocks. It is enriched with a few architectural elements,
architectonic elements, like a minaret added after 1570 such as the central portal, two flanking semi-columns,
(Jeffrey 1918; Papageorgiou 1987; Leventis 2005). It fea- and two stone gutters (Figure 2).
tures a three aisled roughly rectangular plan, built with
well-carved blocks, measuring approximately 13.8 ×
8.5 m. The building has three entrances (north, west,
and south). Today only the north one remains open.
Due to its position, Stavrou tou Missiricou church is The proposed workflow consists of four steps: (i)
constantly exposed to different threats and hazards. photogrammetric survey, (ii) dense point cloud and
The structure is mainly endangered by: orthophoto production, (iii) 2D and 3D multi-

Table 2. 3D change detection, summary of the literature review.

Site Method Notes Authors
Baiae (Italy) 3D Change Detection and underwater image- Status-quo of the archaeological remains before and Bruno et al. (2013)
based modelling. after the cleaning procedure.
Lab experiment 3D Change Detection and image-based Support for the comprehension of buildings, by Peteler et al.
modelling. visualizing temporal effects. (2015)
Hierapolis of Phrygia 3D Change Detection and Geomatics Comparison between points clouds spatial geometry, Chiabrando et al.
(Turkey) techniques. and mapping of changing areas. (2017)
Ferrara (Italy) 3D Change Detection, image-based modelling Comparison and check of metric reliability of data Bolognesi et al.
and range-based modelling. collected UAVs. (2018)
426 D. ABATE

Figure 1. Stavrou tou Missiricou church, east side view (left), and aerial top view (right).

temporal change detection, (iv) data interpretation (see Data Interpretation section below) according to
(Figure 3). the result achieved.
The methodology was tested on a multi-temporal
dataset, consisting of images acquired in two
different periods separated by eight years. Photogrammetric surveys
The first data set (2010) was acquired before the res- The first image-based survey (2010) was performed
toration process, with the final goal of creating a 3D using a Nikon camera D90, featuring a 12.9-megapixel
model of the church through Structure from Motion DX-format CMOS sensor (5.51 μm pixel size). All images
(SfM) and dense image matching methods, in order were acquired with an 18 mm focal length. After an
to serve as a virtual canvas for further architectonic initial assessment of the camera shooting parameters
analysis. The second dataset (2018) was instead col- through the image metadata, it was possible to con-
lected in the framework of this study. The adopted clude that different ISO and f/stop camera settings
image-based 3D reconstruction procedure followed were adopted, which reflects a non-rigorous camera
the typical photogrammetric workflow (see Data Post setup for the photogrammetric workflow.
Processing section below), and 3D point clouds and The survey was carried out following a convergent
orthophotos have been created for the change detec- camera network schema, yielding an estimated
tion analysis. The latter has been investigated and camera-object distance of 6.5 m, thus resulting in a
assessed both from a bi-dimensional (2D Change mean Ground Sample Distance (GSD) of 1.8 mm
Detection) and three-dimensional (3D Change Detec- (Figure 4, left). An average base-to-depth ratio (B/D)
tion) point of view. Finally, data have been discussed of 0.1 was derived.

Figure 2. Stavrou tou Missiricou, North Façade.


Figure 3. Proposed methodology.

During 2018, a second dataset was collected. The radiometrically balanced, and digitally blended so
camera used was a Canon 5D Mark IV camera, 30- that the seam lines between images are not visible
megapixel full-frame sensor (6 μm pixel size), equipped (Figure 5).
with a Canon EF 20 mm f/2.8 USM prime lens. Due to With the final goal of using the orthophotos for the
the changes of the space setup surrounding the multi-temporal change detection analysis described in
church which have occurred over the last decade, the next section, the two images were generated with
(new traffic layout and obstacles), the average the same pixel size (2.3 mm).
camera-object distance chosen was set to 3.4 m, The last step of the post-processing pipeline was to
resulting in a mean GSD of 1.02 mm. A photogram- crop the two orthoimages using a photo-editing soft-
metric camera network was planned a priori (Nocerino, ware, so to fit the same physical space, preserving
Menna, and Remondino 2014), using both convergent/ the same initial resolution and pixel-size.
oblique images (mean convergent angles of 45°), and The 2010 and 2018 orthophotos were processed
normal/vertical images, with a mean overlap between using the open-source software Orfeo ToolBox (OTB),
two consecutive normal views of about 80% to guaran- a remote sensing image processing library developed
tee the automated matching of homologous points by CNES, the French Space Agency. A three-step strat-
and an adequate number of intersecting rays (Fraser egy was adopted:
1987). An average base-to-depth ratio (B/D) of 0.2 First, in order to refine the image overlap, and over-
was considered (Figure 4, right). come possible errors in the GCPs positioning step, an
In order to define a common coordinate system for initial image co-registration was performed. This appli-
both surveys, it was decided to measure natural fea- cation computes a disparity map in 2D between two
tures on the façade, which were clearly identifiable in images that correspond to the same scene. It is
both imagery datasets. A total station was used in intended for cases where small mis-registration
reflector-less mode to establish a topographic between images should be estimated and fixed. The
network. Thirteen control points were measured on algorithm uses an iterative approach to estimate a
the monument: eight points were used as Ground best match between local patches, and the final
Control Points (GCPs) in the photogrammetric bundle output image contains X and Y offsets, as well as the
adjustment (BA) and the remaining were used as metric value, with a sub-pixel accuracy. It is implicit
Control Points (CPs). The Root Mean Square Error that the input images should have the same size and
(RMSE) on CPs after the BA was estimated in 2 mm occupy the same physical space.
for both datasets. Second, change detection between the othophotos
is performed by adopting the MAD algorithm. A MAD
map is thus produced, consisting of three bands that
Data post processing represent the variates (change maps) sorted by increas-
ing correlation (Figure 6, top);
All images, acquired in RAW format, were pre-pro-
Finally, the MAF transform is applied to the MAD
cessed (colour calibration, histogram stretching, and
variates (Figure 6, bottom), and the lowest order
white balancing) in a photo editing software.
MAF-MAD component (i.e. the first component) is
The typical photogrammetric workflow was applied,
initially analyzed to detect the changes that occurred
consisting of three main steps, namely: image corre-
(Section “Data interpretation”). The MAF/MAD analysis
spondences detection, bundle adjustment, and dense
isolates the highly spatially coherent pattern of
image matching (Remondino et al. 2014).
changes in MAD/MAF1 band and confines the noise
Starting from the estimated camera poses and
to MAD/MAF2 band (Figure 7).
orientations, a dense 3D reconstruction via pixel-
based image matching algorithm was applied. This
was performed using the first-level image pyramid, cor-
3D change detection
responding to the original full image resolution. The
derived dense point clouds consisted of ∼10 million Since the MAD/MAF change detection approach
points for the 2010 dataset and 21 million points for described above identifies changes only in two-dimen-
the 2018 dataset. sional space, 3D change detection algorithms were
Besides the dense point cloud, the orthophoto of used to assess the condition of the façade and
the façade was produced as well, which was compare the overall results in 2D and 3D space in
428 D. ABATE

Figure 4. 2010 camera network (left), 2018 camera network (right).

connection with the MAD/MAF outcomes. A cloud-to- implemented in the open source software CloudCom-
cloud signed distances map was computed adopting pare, performs a direct comparison of point clouds in
the method Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Compari- 3D, thus avoiding the preliminary phase of meshing
son (Lague, Brodu, and Leroux 2013). This algorithm, or gridding (Figure 8).

Figure 5. 2010 orthophoto (top), and 2018 orthophoto (bottom).


Figure 6. MAD RGB map (top) and MAF RGB map (bottom).

The colour-coded point cloud in the range of −10/ component) is initially used to detect the changes.
+10 cm, delivered by inter-comparison, is then segmen- The change detection procedure returns a map
ted and analyzed to identify any change in the façade (Figure 9) which highlights a series of anomalies
structure and details (section “Data interpretation”). present on the facade, most of them being solved
during the restoration process (2015–2016), and no
longer visible in the current condition (2018). Saline
Data interpretation
efflorescence, consolidation metal-chains and sup-
The analysis of the 2D and 3D change detection results ports, vegetation growth, and plaster used to fill the
was realized by mutually comparing the 2D RGB gaps between the stone blocks and holes can be ident-
orthophotos, MAD/MAF change detection maps, and ified (Figure 10).
Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison distance Although black crusts and blackening effects appear
map. very clear in RGB orthophotos, to visualize them in the
MAF map a different combination between com-
ponents has to be set up. This effect applies also
2D change detection results
where changes in the texture colour are observed,
As mentioned in section “2D change detection”, the like the case of stones which went through a
lowest order MAF-MAD component (i.e. the first washout/discoloration process (Figure 11).
430 D. ABATE

Figure 7. MAD/MAF2 band, noise.

A MAD/MAF1 false-colour map highlights a 3D change detection results

pattern of positive changes (blue to magenta) and
The Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison has
negative changes (red to yellow). Blue changes
allowed instead the identification and analysis in 3D
can be mainly observed as results of the consolida-
space of the geometric modifications that occurred on
tion process between stone blocks where mortar
the façade of the of the Stavrou tou Missiricou church.
was added. Vice versa, green changes are clear
For this purpose, different distance thresholds were
where a washout effect occurred smoothing the
identified, corresponding to different changes at
varying scale.
Although the MAD/MAF results contain a high
Most of the points describing the structures lay in
degree of details, their interpretation requires care.
the range of −0.4 cm/+0.4 cm (Figure 11(a)) showing

Figure 8. Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison (-10/+10 cm).


Figure 9. MAF band-1 map (top), MAF band-1 map detail saline efflorescence (a), 2010 RGB Orthophoto detail saline efflorescence
(b), 2018 RGB Orthophoto detail saline efflorescence (c); MAF band-1 map detail plaster hole-filling (d); 2010 RGB Orthophoto detail
plaster hole-filling (e); 2018 RGB Orthophoto detail plaster hole-filling (f).

almost a null variation of the general behaviour of the where (i) the stone blocks were not yet eroded in
structure. Outside this min–max range, negative values 2010, levelling up the surface, or where (ii)
are revealing areas where, during the restoration vegetation was present in 2010, and missing in 2018
process, plaster was added to fill gaps between (i) (Figure 11(c)).
stone blocks and (ii) holes (Figure 11(b)). These Higher deviations visible in the range between
values are additionally confirmed by the outcomes of −10, cm +10 cm can be considered either as (i)
the MAD-MAF results in the blue–magenta interval. artefacts created during the photogrammetric
Positive values are instead indicators of areas process due to the different sensors and camera
432 D. ABATE

Figure 10. MAF RGB map (top), MAF RGB map detail washout/discoloration (a), 2010 RGB Orthophoto detail washout/discoloration
(b), 2018 RGB Orthophoto detail washout/discoloration (c).

networks, or (ii) objects moved between the two consolidation chains re-applied during the restor-
epochs such as the door leaves, and the ation (Figure 11(d)).

Figure 11. Cloud Segmentation, -0.4 / +0.4 cm displacement (a); Negative Values (b); Positive Values (c); Consolidation Chain detail (d).

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