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ds and tests

(Penny stan
hat easY,
ot t ?
Ir's n going•
Scene 6 ..ff,. "oll
,,JJ' "' I ht '
,illj )~er< long,· meet chat boy.
out• Ir's {lll.OJlig
later that night, Mary Anne ;, a•ain . . ~~o:'r<I
f'i. • r;
i;,• , be
out 01·ng to
J · k·
ar,n .L. L
zng WntsKey. r_r
aer sitting ill t,,,
hands a,.6'tre,,,bl· ,,
'4i ~rRY ~on '.,_re you g ,? 1'ony.1

when she put, it dow,, on the table n '"g. 71,e Kl,,, ,,"I l"~,if/· ]'IE· his nan> ,
staircase. She doesn't see MaryA.nne. She tr. ellt.ers f,%•tiftitL
. renny p~RY ,.iJ]'l o- '#ha' was et him now- nfor the
across tneroom, but tnps on Mary Ann,; ch • ' 1',;,,. l"".tl)'- ]'IE· . to me (Penny star
, . efll y;.]'I 1oinJllY· u're goi~g ood idea? ,edit.

PENNY. (Whispering.) Dammit!

~Zr, J

£1" JV , "
J,. y?d I wasn
1£. sat sure
.n to talk.
a g e if you 1ng
. that's purs
~y I jUSt p.reYoU er in m1were just g0
MARY ANNE. (Wh;,pering.J I'm sorry/
PENNY. Mary Anne? ""JV'.TNE·
PPct.JNY:1' d rubber.
have a rubb the beach
: 'A R1
!JV": ,:pa1·cl· I •t nee a, "' hirn on staY here.
No! Wai,, let me ju,, tum on rl,e -
MARY ANNE. Joor.J. . rv I don Wbere.l Bay. k you to rn don't you
ss 1
PENNY. f.N'";~l]'!E- Use e ho as s u Why
MARY ANNE. No? ~y,., {)Own by boy w ,alk to yo .
£,NN'i· NE- An~ want t? for rne.
no , wainng_
PENNY. JUst don't do anything. (She rummager thro"lb a dJ,,,,,,
: , A RY j\N does
!YLfV' · ht he s watt,
andpull, out a candle, which she lights, then sets out on the tabk.1!,
t rot Because let h't rn

fills the smaU
softglowANNE. room) Are you going to be here eve,y nigh,! aENNY- NE- So e there- rightl
MARY I can't sleep.
~y said I'd b d him up- I otball ,eam, He'll
PENNY. In rl,at case, can I have my room back/ ENNY• NE- Stan h t' . of the o him· d
MAR_y ANNE. Of course.
PENNY. I was kidding. ~y AN 't do t t.
captain 'II intrigue home
. up. It he'll go week ot
NY- I can He's t e
couch. I'll No, you
talk to Agnes should .take it back. I can sleep on the
PENNY. She'll never go for it.
:;.y ANl,! body -~~~,how,;:;.;, i:;,:
PENNY- NE. So no when youAnd I guar it'll be to
t you. th' tirne,
MARY AN d then,
MA.Ry ANNE. Why not? . fot you an king ,bou And ts ,,ome
think I rnI know
set up camp.
Becau,e the point is for you toge, well and mave on. Not
wattturbate thinu out again.d) you knoW, ou
mashe'll ask yo her, shock~k· the guys k I knoW y I arn- But exactly
so, looks at ·sn't h e P· Loo 'd rnaybe tell you e to
examines her stubbed t,ying. (B,az. Mary Ann, eake, a d,;nJ,_ Penny
I'mtoe.) P
(Pen"J TonunY' ,wa1teu an 1can uhom_
ENNY, NE Penny. elf beat uifpy,ou want,d bring yo aduat1onif.
What we« John. about, sitting hcte in the duk!
You )thinking AN who · getslyhers an , regr ,•.,
MARY ANNE. (Honestly. MARYhick don't. Now,o the prornou, all be10another gia,1hPI
Y anJ po•~ J,,sitafeS.
• j

PENNY. You should try, not to think ahou, him. smp1u d you clear O ask you 'ar,iage toup p,nny
MARY ANNE. I know. men. An this boy t pose m (Gets
Move on. You made a mistake. You ma,,ied the W<ong pe,.on.
PENNY. meet his f::
how to get nts and pto ronight.b/e to Pen•JShe gags.!
to stay_ he;;oss the tha. key before.
But you a ushes it a had w is
hiskey. She P She's never_
~sits. She drinks.
That' s uJisgusung.
You ANNE u'll
PE~"N ;11d Torn m.y Yo get Used t
each 1 v:. No .
sin ce o it. S bi t) W ),o am I kidding? Tommy proba
bly already
thing. qe u ~o u ask .
As other . ch sb een ed h' owL
iv 1r c orne1in .ignollll. ta thi1at's Ii., i,;i,1y ,1ready has ,evera l.
""w';.na . ius a · ern istry cl
uestion an r"' rin g
ass, bu ,esrerd · w1 ·Ille \to ll: tf Pe1 1ed t~l"'1r
- (M •""
yo u do fwh at say, he 'll be going to the prom
knowtthIse it? I'll hqelp dt /... 1
; wh ·ol lU ny 1 •Y I , '. "'" ' '\ ~ ~ill you do what I say. (B
qu,t it. l:I eango swer, it WaYs ou 'ea /1 ich an °¾ed a,,ed ,,,'' ,; . g to wear a dress to school
'lllile a t u kha iidQ ~~ ·th •y
yoU · Fin - w you,re go10
y unlike] no ye d ,,,o ,,, .,,J i<~ :·,; .rv}J< NE e, Go od . No ur nails.
when ht Ille ta d/ and cha,,ged get up early so I can paint yo
th ecain Y, so ) u,,,u:ears. A.n~ he did ~U1se0
~ ea ch to e Up to Ill 6g
Yth eb

t~ '


¾, ~ ~rnorro-
.• , An d yo u're go ing to
ru• ve you Jost your nun ?
..,, J-la
NE - W ell, at least
. d
ck an them. And let me iron yo
•cho:/"'as re,J/1"'n he ilA RY t,N practice to watch
in cl Y ANN~ghi I sai~ alter w~ ~hd ~' t : ~ hai r , utt le. An d aft er school you' re going by his
,, and ask~ l!Jad,
P E N ~You sh~ulodu Illa/::: O cru • Ille to C1iis
1'A" ,\ .,.... • Bu I
lear j mi s "'" ' h' 'I\ hilll play. I can't do that.
..UU<.Y ANN t dido, n <f to let c,a
tak es th ,. ' pENNY•
he /
h. lllen p J'Ou. ere. 11,, 6 Why not? r been to a single
E. 1h , t nee MA flY 'l-ANBeNEcau. se l seem ridiculous. I've neve
You sh ou ld
PEli[Ny never h ats no t the IS he
ee<J />Oint. Me
llt" pE NN it'l
eryone willit'slaugh at me .
re going to rell him what
to lllee, ~ need to
_y . Bu , I u, ,. , 3gt foo tba ll game. EvAn en ov er yo u'
MAR MA RY AN NE - d wh
PEli[NyANNE. k,"' ro.
doW on the b . So.,,
n el Use ful , goo d job he did an d how strong he looks out ,here an
d you're
• So, wh at? d now he kn .
.."" .,... . "h
1-A ,\ '-y
ows th at. . each "' going to say you ne ed him to walk you home
Ost th e •u" H' IE So
PENNY, Why do I nee d him to walk meI,ehom
a,s. (Penny M• he, head
ele . se you're afnud of
l u surr MARY ANNE- Becau d whHe he',
redai.rn . . .tnent of suYo rprise. rlndered a ve tactical agafr•t the .,b k.) Or cars.
Or coyotes- Or the datk. An summer
hy You don't s ry get to talking, about classe
s and
M AR Y . W do how up t ~o
sni on ' "!OU walking you home, you'll conv ers,do n b,dwound
one ,.. AN NE B You talk abO
eca plans, and you're go;ng to
gently steer the
dare, and
vvay. \vn · t, you ,sk you if yoUve fuund ,
EN11 na t d I haUse it u,
.n;I. vv1h · Pe Ut dati ng like · , "' to the prom. He's go;ng to
P y AN at isOso d; e to kill? nny. Men on)Yappmac1, ..
" wa"s ,fu ,,
you're going to say you're
considering a cou ple of offers -
~ h
ENNY ,Ndo E. (Co ]" "i ng % od oi ave to con asuuaciru, lidt you don't want to make any def
s aBu
inite plans
n't •,~oiJ wi, PE
NEat' . atm ,nd
wu l, To . quo,/ t, you're going to much hfa
MARY nuny . Want to 6 h y is fr d yet. And ,s you're s,ying tho
g t a Wa rf repressing~
point . ANNE w, ll 1 · ,·USt Wa·nt lo ok aw ay - ili>
1s t 1 ·it we , uckiJ th
ke osuroseh anywa vy ew d -• I to spe d , Y. No
NE . .No . No
Yes , . , yes. And by ,he cime you'"' go"'" to
to ma n ,;m PE
RY AN lcim l<l> .
' you
avero d .e e', on) y.
,o u ju "'
door, he will h,ve ,sked you . /A• ,ji<rlh,•ght.! Dnd< !er

m ei f, ~
h E ~ ':'"•.J
o " '" '"nd"· (Sh,.;;J,"
y figl,,;n " neon ed t ,:e
t '-'t V<
;;} p it u;
th g
and th,
eno ogl,
PENNY- If ,\go<' knew we
were ,ven t,/ki,g like ,hfa , she would

, ,.,,, ofh '· Alie, t, all you u ou t and havbue meck, qu s,iara
d Ag n" .never went to her pto ID•
eqUaJ. M t , not ' os ed to b 1· er Wh iskev doa MAow
thr RYyoAN NE . Ten tly who< I
MARY A ~~Nand wo ;pp -., wn, pours n•Y Jo er n,, ,,_ ,.) Jill be '" '" '" '· If ("u dn ""
e tk th (Pe
an d l ,u..., E
en e is! We' ear on my mothers grave.
wh ights on e) .I (Reach
e: . re su cold you , it will work. I sw
· f yo , tnt o he o,ed robe g, a.J thm ,,.,g,m1,,t i,,t
dga"" '
at to
m. rl~"
you _ 1h ~" lookinmg
only th· or
g I gender eou tapackPp
. arette.
r cig MANN
PE RYY-AN(CoNEnfu sed.)
- ("/ ,,,Isti,,she/a,tdea
tu:nce:J promised qua
uw 0 n't kn :r,
Yo ow
as a da te to the in her whiskey.) PracticailY
• (Sif.ence.)

PENNY. l guess
l sh
MARY ANNE. O ould go back to bed.
kay. Good night.
PENNY. Why d
\. x "n'y o n't you try to go ba
1v 1n R ANNE v ck to sl
• 1ou go ah .
Get rid of the ciga ead. l JU eep too)
rette smell. (Penn11st want to fr h ·
Anne takes a mom he sitates thes en up
ent to clean the glasJ , en goes u do\'vh., Ll\tt
takes out some bak . da ses a n d p ut th h. 1>stairs. A, t.
. h mg so and spnn. e w
wit a wet rag. Sh kles it on the table zsk l"I
h -JJ aU!ay"lq. St~
e opens t.he wi"ndo
struggling. She stic w to k t in the fres'ht en UJ1° 'It
ks her head out th . h P:s it Off
She closes the windo e windo
w and takes~~ air
w and heads towar . She•
suddenly, she's acro ds the stairs _ Sh 1
ss the room, the ph e ep breo.1h.
a number. It rings. one is
Mary Anne trembk in her hand andstuhr:,sd._And
s. Lights down.) es io./1·

S ce n e?

The next morning

. A
kneeling in front o gnes is making muffins. Hannah
f th is
with a screwdriver e kitchen tab/,e, fi,xing the wobbly leg
. s

AGNES. So tell
me about these pe
HANNAH. The ople you're lookin
Gorgons? g for.
AGNES. Is that
a ba
HANNAH. Uh, nd?
AGNES. Is it a gr
oup of female mon
can turn men into ster
stone just by look s with snakes for hair who
HANNAH. Kin ing at them? (Han
d of. (Stands and
AGNES. Thank checks the table.) Fi nah thinks.)
yo xed it .
HANNAH. So, u.
are we square now
AGNES. Weare ?
AGNES. Yes, th re?
at table has been
make everything wob
so much better. (H bly for years now. This will
HANNAH. It's annah looks at her
just a table. suspiciously.)
AGNES. I know
HANNAH. It's .
not going to get
AGNES. Still. I you high or laid or
aooreci;i anything._

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