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exampie at a beach. COtrtPARE ]]AItBECUE

'.-,;i:r :r:iiirr:. /'kukJop; |lAn{ -[a;pi naun iBre a shopi store
ing sth 1'ery
\inf,rrfio, tO u'here equipnent for cmking \yith is sold
Iegally: His r'-.-i'1it ''i!:''- r''kokrtea(r); NAm| -werl nortrt |U) pots and
-\,edr.s. i.' containers used in cooking :t; woRDFINoER NorE AT s.roRE
especially in r,.if:'11i. lku:ll odj.. \,efi. noun
tary ",;'.i.. ,:,, : : :)
., sdi. (, ..:
r is cooking: .: : :.:.: .: t: | ; i. :I :i fairly cold; not hot ol' E?rm; c c oal bree ze i
$11.o a,as tlu drinklclimate o CoolBr \reather is ttrecast for the tt,cek.-
tployed rc o en.l. o lrt's sit in lhe slnde atd keip coot. c Store /u,norr.
ita cml dry plu:e. .!:r SyNONyMs AT COLD
iftoo many
; 1'r i.rf I i 2 rnaking you feel pleasantly cool: o r oor:n p(tit1t-
done rvell ed in. cool greens and blues
: :i: 3 , calm; not excited, angr\/ or emotional: Keep
roun a book caal! aShE. tied to remain cool, calrn atd collected G
o cook indi- cal.m). olls has a cml head i= he sta1,s calm in an
rrepaled by :, j ::.!\,:.:rr, :.i ...I :::ri,: 4
emper?ture entlrusiastic: She was decidzdly cool abaut the praposol_
o They gave the Pime ilLinister a coolreteptiotr.

J shoe j visioo tJ ehain dg jam I thin 6 this q sing

i r',:: :,5linfurrna!) used to shorv that you admil.e or sueh d
approye of sth because it is fashionable, attractii,e and their rl
often diffsrent: )'ott look pretty cool with thot new llaircut- '(ool.i{]
+ It's a coal moyie. ..5yNoNyMi Ar GREiT 6 linfarnal) indusd
people say Cool! or That's cool to shorv that the-y appmve
of sth or agree to a suggestion: 'lrye're meeting Jake.for
lunrh" arrl tye tan go on the yacht itt the afiernoon.' 'Cool!' +He
?'Con .you come at 1A"30 tomorrotv?' 'That's cooi_, o I wos
surprlsedthat she got the job,bui I'mcoolt ithit (= it,s no1
a problem for me).
:':,:,i r ' 7 (Jnfornoff catm and confident in a lyav that under
lacks respect for other people. bur maLes peopie adrnir.e
you as well as disapprol,€: She .iust taok his ke)'s cnd coon
walked out with them, csol 0.s you please. trlack
,r.:. ', 8 lonlv be{ore noun] linforntall used about a -sm of
mone-v to emphasize hotv large it is: The car cost a caol
thirty tlloLsand. rr sEE ,also coolly, (joolliEss wnoan a
.,1,1i ;:: '.:i.i: i:,, i ,:.,:t:;|.-,/-. very Cllm and Controiled,
especiali),inadifficultsituation :r rr !r ,:fr: ljfiformat to
deal with a situation in a calm nay and not show what you or an
are really feeling \roRr A r t.o\r, aol '{e-sp
:,, . .: ,,. ..-r :, . : 1 r il, Tl to become or to make sb/sth

a .at o: father e ten :: bird a about r sir I i; see i many

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