IPA by Selina, A Vietnamese English Teacher

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Âm /f/: fight, feel, forget, stuff, laugh, if, cough, factory, fan, funny

Ex: This is my family photo.

He ate the fish and half a loaf of bread, then he left.
Âm /v/: very, invite, travel, various, vest, voice, love, give, vote, van
ex: I live in a valley
Val survived the five hour drive.
Âm /θ/: think, thin, north, thousand, everything, Thirsty , thanks, both, with, Thursday
Ex: One third is thirty percent, right?
Her birthday was last Thursday.
I study math on Thursday
The theater is south of here
Âm /ð/: This, Than, Without, Together, Bathe (tắm rửa), Breathe (thở), Their, brother, father,
Ex: Did you go there together?
This one is better than the others.
What are those things over there?
I’d rather not answer that.
Âm /s/: Science, Century, sad, service, star, six, price, sand , sensible, expensive, this, face
Ex: The sea was really nice
I stayed at that place in the summer
Âm /z/: zoo, zero, choose, is, because, rose, noise, music, result, example
ex: Don’t lose your zebra
My favourite music is jazz.
Âm / /ʃ/ : She, shop, sure, shall, special, ocean, nation, Machine, Musician, ship
ex: Don't mention her anxious expression.
I see a ship on the ocean
I need to wash that shirt
this is a very special fish
Âm /ʒ/: vision, usually, luxury, Division (phân chia), Television , Measure, Asia, Rouge, Collision
(va chạm)
ex :They usually watch television for pleasure.
I like to dress casually
We have to do some revision
Âm /tʃ/: Chicken, chips, Catch, change, Question, Chocolate, rich, match, Cherry,
ex: I have choose a church
Why don't you sit the chair?
Which one do you choose?
which teacher do you like?
Âm /dʒ/: Age, July, Enjoy, College, Jealous (ghen tị), Germany, Joke (câu nói đùa), fridge
What did you major in?
I just want a new fridge
Languages are bridges between people.
Âm /h/: Hand, hill, help, hear, happy
ex: It's hot in here.
Can you help me for an hour?
Âm /m/: mom, make, milk, time, empty, mirror
ex: Maybe my mother will make something.
I'm coming home with them tomorrow.
Âm /n/: name, nice, know, nail (đinh), funny, behind
ex: The sun shines.
Tony has taken the train.
Nancy has many new friends.
Âm /ŋ/: sing, ring, bank, long, moving, reading, listening, hungry, single,
I'm hungry.
Is something wrong?
Âm /r/: read, run, grass, Bright, French, Really, Reporter, Photographer, relax
Ex: Are you ready?
what are you reading?
Travelling by ferry is very interesting.
Âm /l/: life, like, love, alarm, believe , wallet, silly, Lung (phổi)
ex: I'll call you later.
Linda doesn’t feel well.
Âm /w/: water, week, Weather, Language, Warm , White
Where will we go away?
Where will you be waiting?
Âm /j/: Young, yes, year, University , Interview, Yesterday, Yard
Ex: She is a young university student.
May I use your iron?
Short vowel /ɪ/ (Nguyên âm ngắn /ɪ/)

Ship, hit this, it, is, ill, bin, fish, begin, minute, dinner
Ex: It’s a little
Is this your tin? (hộp thiếc)
It’s an important skill

Bring chicken for dinner.

Long vowel /i:/ (Nguyên âm dài /i:/)
these, please, seen, easy, eager (háo hức), evil (độc ác), Sheep , see, Receive, Complete
ex: He can see you
Does she believe me?
Each of you needs one of these
A piece of pizza, please.

Short Vowel /ʊ/ (Nguyên âm ngắn /ʊ/)

book, could, woman, full, put, foot, Cushion(cái đệm), sugar, good, cooker
ex: It’s a good book
You shouldn’t look
Put some sugar in the pudding

Look at the cookbook for a good pudding.

Long vowel /u:/ (Nguyên âm dài /u:/)

Food, do, June, use, tooth, suit, soon, flute (ống sáo), lunar (âm lịch), recruit (tuyển dụng), bamboo
(cây tre)
ex: choose a fruit
Do you want some food?

You must chew your food.

I study with a group from my school

Short vowel /e/ (Nguyên âm ngắn /e/)

Bed, said, dead, end, egg, exercise, scent (hương thơm), jealous, ready

Ex: Let’s have some bread (hãy ăn một ít bánh mì)

Get well soon (khỏe lại sớm nhé)
Can you suggest something better?

Send his friend a letter!

Short vowel /ə/ (Nguyên âm ngắn /ə/)

About, China, policy, ago (trước kia, cách đây), teacher, pencil, lemon, supply (cung cấp), around
(xung quanh), accident (tai nạn)
ex: My brother is a doctor
Organize the materials (tổ chức tài liệu)
You should protect your computer

I suppose it's possible. (tôi cho rằng nó có thể)

Long vowel /ɜ:/ (Nguyên âm dài /ɜ:/)

occur, early, journey, curtain, were, person, urgent (cấp bách), urban (đô thị), first, worship (sự
tôn thờ)
ex: That bird is hurt
Have you ever heard this word?
She has learnt German for thirteen months.
That is the worst journey in the world.

Long vowel /ɔ:/ (Nguyên âm dài /ɔ:/)

ball, four, daughter, before, autumn, saw, corner, chore (việc vặt), order, port (cảng)
ex: It's all wrong.
How much does coffee cost?
Short vowel /æ/ (Nguyên âm ngắn /æ/ /
Candle, Narrow (chật hẹp), Captain (đội trường), Manner (thái độ), after, map, ask, apple
ex: I can’t hear that man
Sad is the opposite of happy.
My dad often makes me laugh

Short vowel /ʌ/ (Nguyên âm ngắn /ʌ/)

Nothing, Dove, Wonder, Sunny, Gun (súng), butter, oven, ugly,
ex: My mother loves summer
The dust is under the rug.
He’s much too young.

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