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Exam for starters. Level 1. Grammar focus.

Name ___________________________________

1) Write down the following verbs in Present Simple Tense. Affirmative and Negative forms.


I am am not I have don’t have I do don´t do




It _______________________________________________________________________________




2) Instructions. Fill in the gaps with the proper subject pronouns, object pronouns and possessive adjectives.

I she his its our their him her us them

My name is Robert. _______ am an engineer. I have a very good job. My coworkers are also engineers:

Mike and Alan are __________ names. I like to work with ___________. They help me a lot. We belong to
2 3

the construction department. __________ company´s name is Akron. It is a very big company.

Our manager´s name is George. __________ last name is Harris. I like _______. We sometimes travel
5 6

together and our wives come with ________. My wife is a teacher, ________ name is Alice. She
7 8

works in a big school. ________ is very patient. Her students love her and they often visit our home.

We have a dog, ______ name is Blackie. Alice´s students play with it.
3) Instructions: fill in the gaps with the words in the box.

but have them for is at

evening old sons usually messages
with a comfortable job

My house _________(1) in the center of Philadelphia and it´s about 90 years _________(2). I work

from home and my favorite place is my office. It´s a beautiful room ___________(3) big windows

and __________(4) soft, blue carpet. In my office I have a computer, a nice desk, two

________________(5) armchairs, a CD player and a small fridge. There are photos of my three

______________(6) on the walls. They´re at college and I only see ____________(7) on vacation.

Every morning I get up _________(8) 7 a.m., take a shower and get dressed. I ___________(9) a

big breakfast and I work on my computer all day. I don´t _____________(10) go out because I

have everything I need to do my ___________(11). I don´t have a secretary, ____________ (12) I

have a message receiver. My wife always sends me romantic _______________(13) during the

day. In the ____________(14) when I finish work, my wife and I listen to music and we order

pizza or sushi. My friend Jack sometimes visits me. We play chess __________(15) hours.

4) Instructions. Put the following sentences in order. Pay attention to adverbs of frequency.

a) often / office / he / to / walks / the

b) always / school / have / Christmas / the / a / we / party / at
c) weekends / do / don´t / their / on / homework / they
d) Chinese / your / does / teach / brother / ?
__________________________________________________ _________________
e) people / the / do / movies / go / Friday / to / on / ?
f) at / breakfast / has / Mr. Rob / home / never
5) Change the following sentences to the negative and question forms:
a) People read many magazines on weekdays.
Negative _____________________________________________________________________
b) The chef buys vegetables for the restaurant.
c) You often get up late in the morning.
d) Your parents drink coffee at lunch.
e) Lucy studies English and French at college.

6) Put the following question words in the sentences.

Who Where Why When What How Which

How many How long How much

a) __________________ do you need? I need some pencils.

b) __________________ do they plan to go for their vacations? They want to go to Paris.

c) __________________ car do you prefer? I prefer the Chevy Nova.

d) __________________ do you like this book? Because it is very interesting.

e) __________________do you begin your English course? In January.

f) __________________does she want to study with? With Lucy.

g) __________________does Rosemary plan to go to Cozumel? By car.

h) __________________does the lunch cost? Ten dollars.

i) __________________does she think to stay in Rome? Six months.

j) __________________hats do you have? Four.

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