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Using UA Expert to monitor HART data

Quick Reference Guide

© PHOENIX CONTACT 2020-01-31

Pos. Qty. Order- Type-Description Description

1 1 2702233 GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS Ethernet HART multiplexer with firmware 3.02 or higher
2702234 GW PL HART4-BUS Four-channel HART expansion module
2702879 GW PL HART4-R-BUS Four-channel HART expansion module with internal 250 Ω resistance
2702236 GW PL HART8+AI-BUS Eight-channel HART expansion module with loop power supply
2702235 GW PL HART8-BUS Eight-channel HART expansion module
2 1
2702880 GW PL HART8-R-BUS Eight-channel HART expansion module with internal 250 Ω resistance

The GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS requires at least one HART expansion module

and supports up to five HART expansion modules.
3 1 HART Device Any HART device

4 1 UA Expert UaExpert is a free full-featured OPC UA Client available for download

Version 1.5.1 331 was used in this example.

1 Overview
This document provides guidance on how to use UA Expert to monitor HART data with OPC UA using the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS.
The GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS serves as an OPC UA server and provides HART data for connected devices that includes command 0 –
unique identifier, command 3 – primary variable (PV), secondary variable (SV), etc. among 12 additional HART commands. The
GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS polls HART address 0 and executes HART commands cyclically. After the response for command 0 is received,
command 2 is sent, and so on. Multidrop is not supported.
This document assumes the user understands basic electrical concepts such as HART communication, Ethernet networking, etc.

2 Configuration
2.1 Enable OPC UA on Web Manager
Log onto the web manager for the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS (default IP address:; default username and password:
Admin/admin) and navigate to the Protocol settings page. In the protocol settings page check that OPC UA is active. If it is not
active, select it and choose the “Apply” button on the bottom of the page. Refer to Figure 1: OPC UA Protocol

Make sure you always use the latest documentation.

It can be downloaded at:
Using UA Expert to monitor HART data

Figure 1: OPC UA Protocol

2.2 UA Expert Set-Up

Launch UA Expert. In the application, add a server by clicking the plus sign icon on the toolbar on the top of the screen. Refer to
Figure 2: Add a new server.

Figure 2: Add a new server

In the “Add Server “pop-up double click to add a new server and enter the corresponding IP address of the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS.
This example uses for the IP address. Refer to Figure 3: Enter IP address.

Figure 3: Enter IP address


Using UA Expert to monitor HART data

After adding the server, navigate to newly created OPC UA server and open the communication options. This example uses
Aes256_Sha256_RsaPss. Refer to Figure 4: Security options. If there are no communication options under the newly created OPC
UA server, double check the IP address and network connections. Edit the IP address and Rebrowse if necessary.

Figure 4: Security options

The username and password may be entered and stored to simplify connections. Enable the Username, Password and Store
options. Enter the username and password used to access the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS web-based manager. The default username and
password are:

Table 1: Authentication credentials

Username Admin
Password admin

3 Monitoring Data
3.1 Connect to Server
Connect to the server by selecting the newly created OPC UA Communication Server and clicking the plug icon on the toolbar on
the top of the screen. Refer to Figure 5: Connect to server.


Using UA Expert to monitor HART data

Figure 5: Connect to server

Enter the credentials used to log into the web-based manager of the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS if not stored earlier. Refer to Figure 6:
User credentials and Table 1: Authentication credentials.

Figure 6: User credentials

After entering the user credentials select “OK“ and the Certification Validation window will pop-up. UAExpert presents this warning
if a certified SSL certificate has not been loaded into the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS. Select the Trust Server Certificate and click Continue.
Refer to Figure 7: Certificate Validation.


Using UA Expert to monitor HART data

Figure 7: Certificate Validation

3.2 Adding nodes

Once UAExpert is connected to the server, HART parameters may be monitored by adding nodes to the Data Access View. Under
the Address Space pane, select the channel with the HART device connected to the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS expansion module. The
expansion modules are labeled “Channel_HART_MxCy” where “Mx” reflects the expansion module position (M1…M5) and the
channel number Cy (C1…C8). Refer to Figure 8: HART channels.

Figure 8: HART channels


Using UA Expert to monitor HART data

To monitor a specific HART device’s data, click on the drop-down menu next to the channel. This example shows a HART device
connected to channel three on the first expansion module on the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS. Refer to Figure 9: HART data nodes.

Figure 9: HART data nodes

Click and drag the selected nodes to the Data Access View window to monitor. The example monitors PV and PVUnitString to show
the Primary Variable value and its units. Repeat this process for additional HART data nodes. Refer to Figure 10: Data Access View

Figure 10: Data Access View

To disconnect from the server select the Disconnect button from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Refer to Figure 11:
Disconnect from server.

Figure 11: Disconnect from server

4 Troubleshooting
4.1 Adding New Devices
If the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS is already running and a new HART device is to the system, the OPC UA server must be updated by
executing a UpdateDeviceList Call and the nodes must be rebrowsed.


Using UA Expert to monitor HART data

Connect the new device to the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS and ensure that HART communication is successfully established by checking
the Live List on the web manager of the GW PL ETH/UNI-BUS. Navigate to the Live List under the Diagnostics tab. Refer to Figure 12:
Live list.

Figure 12: Live list

After the Live List displays the new HART device, refer back to UA Expert and refresh the list by navigating to the UpdateDeviceList
under the Root\Objects\DeviceSet\MethodSet directory in the Address Space pane. Right click on “UpdateDeviceList” and select
“Call”. Refer to Figure 13: Update device list.

Figure 13: Update device list

Click Call when the Call UpdateDeviceList on MethodSet window opens. Click close after the window confirms that the call has
succeeded. Refer to Figure 14: Call UpdateDeviceList on MethodSet.

Figure 14: Call UpdateDeviceList on MethodSet

Next, select the Root folder, right click and select the “Rebrowse” option. This will update all the channels on the server. To update
only a single channel, right click and “Rebrowse” on that specific channel. After rebrowsing, the newly added devices will appear in
the channel list.

PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG • 32825 Blomberg • Germany 7

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