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What is e�uent and how to treat it

Published on July 5, 2022

The industrialization of the world is one of the main factors in the

development of the human species. It is also one of the major elements
that degrade our environment and stress the planet. To reduce the harmful
impact of industries, the e�cient treatment of their e�uents is essential.
JC France Industrie explains everything you need to know about this waste
and its management.

De�nition of an e�uent

E�uents are a set of �uids that includes wastewater from domestic

activities and industrial actors, as well as runoff water. This concerns,
among others, the food, pharmaceutical, aeronautical, automotive and

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Effluent treatment | JC France Industrie

among others, the food, pharmaceutical, aeronautical, automotive and

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refresh These e�uents are usually conveyed to a treatment
plant for appropriate treatment, before being recycled or discharged into
the environment.

The different types of e�uent

E�uents from domestic sources are almost identical. On the other hand,
those coming from industrial actors called IWR (Industrial Wastewater)
are very varied. For this reason, industrial e�uents are classi�ed into 4
categories :

• manufacturing e�uents,
• particular e�uents,
• machine e�uents,
• occasional discharges.

Concerning manufacturing e�uents, these are products from industrial

processes that involve contact between water and gaseous, solid or liquid
materials. These e�uents are continuous or discontinuous polluting
discharges, for which it is essential to provide a homogenization basin.

For speci�c industrial e�uents, it is often necessary to sort them out and
provide them with adapted puri�cation processes. This may allow the
recovery of raw materials or process water. If this is not possible, the
industrial e�uent will be conveyed to a storage tank for further treatment.
Pre-treatment may be required for some industrial wastewater. This
second treatment process is suitable for e�uents such as ammonia
water, waste soda, paper mill condensates…

On the other hand, machine e�uents are liquids that �ow from various
industrial objects. It is, for example, waste water that �ows from piping,
valves and tanks. Fluids from a refrigerator or boiler blowdown and sludge
from make-up water treatment are also machine e�uents. In relation to
occasional discharges, these are liquids that escape unintentionally during
the movement or storage of certain e�uents. It is the polluted water and
the water that is used after washing �oors or production tools.

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Why is it necessary to treat industrial

e�uents ?

Industrial e�uents are composed of wastewater, loaded with various

pollutants with unique properties and speci�c reactions with the
environment. This can include hydrocarbons, organic pollutants of various
types, mineral acids or metals. The impact of these industrial e�uents on
the environment is great and is also re�ected on public health. Therefore,
it is important to treat these wastewaters properly, and it is a legal
obligation of the industrial actors towards the community. Industrial
operators must therefore make sure that their industrial activities do not
degrade the environment in which they are established.

Industrial actors are thus obliged to check the good working order of their
e�uent treatment analysis equipment. This will be done by a body outside
the industry concerned and helps to prevent disappointment in the event
of an unexpected inspection by an inspector of classi�ed installations.
Furthermore, the e�cient treatment of wastewater allows industrial
players to reduce the operating costs of the industry. This is done by
subcontracting this activity to a specialized structure such as JC France
Industrie, which offers wastewater treatment solutions. This external
intervention is necessary in cases such as the management of sludge
from wastewater treatment, which can be very expensive.

Treatment for industrial e�uents

Wastewater treatment is done in 4 steps. The �rst is waste pre-treatment.

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This involves screening, grit removal and degreasing of industrial e�uent.

Screening involves passing the wastewater through a screen to clean the
e�uent and remove large solid waste. These can interfere with the further
treatment of the e�uent and even damage the machinery. Instead, grit
removal involves removing solid waste larger than 200 μm (sand, gravel,
heavy minerals) from the wastewater through a grit tank. Degreasing will
be done to separate the water from the lighter fatty and oily materials
through a process of buoyancy and rising velocity.

The next step in the wastewater treatment process involves biological

treatment using activated sludge. It removes organic matter such as
nitrogen, phosphate and carbon pollutants from the treated industrial
e�uent. It is a biological wastewater treatment process using free culture.
In the third stage, the e�uent is treated by clari�cation to separate water
from sludge. The liquid obtained is 90% depolluted and can then be
discharged into nature. The last step consists in treating the sludge
obtained after the e�uent treatment. The objective here is to be able to
easily transport and store the residual solid sludge.

JC France Industrie for the treatment of

industrial e�uents

For the treatment of industrial and municipal e�uents, JC France Industrie

is the ideal partner. It is a company specialized in the supply of industrial
and urban wastewater treatment equipment for over 20 years. This
structure offers bar screens, rotary screens, �otation devices… The quality
for the treatment of industrial and municipal e�uents, JC France Industrie
is the ideal partner. We are a company specializing in the supply of
industrial and urban wastewater treatment equipment for more than 20
years. We offer bar screens, rotary screens, �oats… Our quality products
are available in a wide range to meet all expectations. Contact us to learn
more about our products.

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