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REE Eee BOOK LEARN HOW TO... V Start to speak English with this book! Tee ORD UEC Le PR Rela a CU V English for work, life, exams & speaking! Fanny product labels in Engh Howto improve your reading skills! 8 great films for learning English Learn English. === Bad day tweets! | Be inspired! a Visit hte blog! === — [Travel English — going through customs | ‘useful words and expressions fr socialising The Hot English blog can really help you learn English: 421i! travel exressonsin ngs] How to write e-mail subject ines Ws... eieetall tz sel business words and expressions] [How to improve your spoken English!) « Motivating! H : aa 1 ways that songs can help you learn Engh] =A ¢ Practical! Eight ways to learn English grammar! Functional! 7 mipravarativel And lot, lots more! Find out more here: Helpful! « OBJECTIVE: —COMMUNICATE IN ENGLISH! “N LEARN HOW TO... ‘© Read in English! ‘© Pronounce words! ‘© Understand English! ‘© Communicate in English! 80 HOURS OF LEARNING MATERIAL! Complete the course in three months with just one hour of English a day! This ie based on th en hat each uit and et Check scion taker stout wohourete complete] We guarantee that this course will teach you how to communicate in ENGLISH! From the first unit you wil. © listen to English! © "speak English! read in English! write in English! KEY FEATURES VOCABULARY Learn up to 1,000 of the most important and useful words in English. LISTENING Lots of audio files to improve your listening skills. IMAGES Use the images to help you learn new words. Top TIPS Find out how to learn English effectively and quickly! ACTIVITIES Exercises to reinforce learning! TEXTS “The reading and listening texts will show you the language in action! DRILLS Practise what you learn with these “Listen & speak" activities LANGUAGE ‘earn how to form sentences and combine words. REVISION ‘Check your progress with our Let's check! section. TEACHER'S NOTES! This book also comes with Teacher's Notes. For more information, visit EGINNER’S BOOK Al <éHGlish Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 www 3 CONTENTS | UNIT 1 What's Your Name? UNIT 2 - What's Your Phone Number? UNIT 3 — Where Are You From? UNIT 4 = That's Interesting! UNIT 5 ~ My Hometown arts) UNIT 6 - Job Fun! UNIT 7~ Let's Celebrate UNIT 8 — What's Going On? UNIT 9~ Is It Yours? UNIT 10 ~ The Things | Do LET'S CHECK 2 UNIT 11 - The Things | Like Doing UNIT 12 = What Time Is It? UNIT 13 - My Day! UNIT 14 - Count Down UNIT 15 — Happy Families ete) UNIT 16 - My Class! UNIT 17 — How Do You Spell That? UNIT 18 — How Often Do You...? UNIT 19 — What Was It Like? UNIT 20— What Did You Do? bya Tol a8 How to introduce yourself Numbers 1 to 12 Nationalities How to ask questions Places in the city Professions Days, dates and numbers 1 to 30 Activities in progress Clothes and talking about my things Regular habits Pastimes Asking about the time Describing my day Numbers 10 to 100 Describing family members Words in the classroom How to spell in English Time expressions How To describe a past event Finding out about the past 4 INER’S BOOK Ai ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 6g £ UNIT 21 — Tell Me A Story! UNIT 22 ~ Let's Eat! UNIT 23 — How Much? UNIT 24 — My Things! UNIT 25 — Technology Fun! eax ed UNIT 26 - WHAT'S UP? UNIT 27 - WHAT HAPPENED? UNIT 28 — LOOKING Goop! UNIT 29 — WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Ss8 ake 8 8 & UNIT 30— MY HOME! x x eee ae) UNIT 31— WHAT'S THIS? UNIT 32 —- MY BODY! UNIT 33 —JUST DO IT! UNIT 34— GOING AWAY! ae eo aed 90 irregular verbs Phonetic table 8S Sempre 8 8a Audio scripts & Answers How to tell a story Food vocabulary Numbers 101to 100,000 Personal possessions Describing objects Describing how you feel Asking questions about a past event Describing people Giving directions Describing your home Identifying objects Talking about your body Giving instructions Talking about the future BF] tots of FREE CONTENT WHEN YOU FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! i /sebook com/LearnHotEnlish (tots oF Free CONTENT WHEN YOU FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! wrnvitercom/LearHotEnglish {énglish BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 TRACK UNIT El WHAT’S YOUR NAME? Objective wo leamhow ro intoduce yous Listening - People & pl: aca, Bla Biasstgning - People & places 0) | Riser ues. Paris | | Hong Kong] | London | |Seattle | |Cape Town 1 e 2 1. Hi, I’m Megan, I'm from ‘Who are they? } 2. Hello. 'm Oscar! Vm 27. I'm from Where is he from? Readiny Complete the ta >) 3. My name's Ellie. Vm 3. I'm from —> Hi, my name's Nicole. 'm from Manchester. I'm 32 years old. I've gota little dog. His name is Rufus. | wu [4 We're Anna and Charles. We're from 5. Myname’s James, How's it ___ going? I'm from =~ 1. | Name \——: ] 2. iy = Dog's name BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai ee 6 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 iéng OTRACK OB OTRACKOIC “Tor He ic earn 10 English words every Any: —<—_—_<_—_—— B writin @ Speaking ‘Complete the form. Ask five friends. Registration form Vim years ol (age). Vm from — ity The /er / sound Listen and repeat: name, game, face, base Listen, Which wordis the odd-one-out? ‘tame | (lame [team |same| Contractions Listen and repeat. My name is... = My name's What is your name? = What's your name? Who is he? = Who's he? Who is she? = Who's she? Itis Ben, = It's Ben. <éHGlish hy rare bs eeeseae ene enueeaeeae ans ESSESSESESEEES Pronunciation 0()) mase 1 What's your name? My name's (Ben). ‘Then, point at peopl and ask. 1 Vinat’s her name? ("her for a woman] 1D Megan. 1 What's his name? [his for a man] Di Scott. Drill 0) mene Listen and io) 1. What's his name? (Ben) = His name is Ben. BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 www 7 eTRACK 2A Tracks UNIT El WHAT’S YOUR PHONE NUMBER? 1 Reading Read the online profile. Then, complete the table. Online work profiles Hil 'm Alfie Bates. | work in the marketing department. I'm 28 years old and I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. My phone number is 1428 967 245 mm in office 8m hereto help! Surname Department Age iy Phone number Office number ale [ele Pronunciation o()) mes Numbers Say the numbers. 0. Ze0 ¥ One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five & Sic 2 Seven & Eight 8 Nine re.Ten Eleven wa Twele With phone numbers, 0" is pronounced "oh or “zero BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 8 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 BI The / i: / sound listen and repeat: three, sheep, sleep, keep Listen, Which words the oddone-out? be| [stl] (steal speak Note In maths, we use plus (+) or minus (). For example: a) 1+1=2 Jone plus one's two. b) 3-21 three minus two is one. 1 Listening - The conference o() mas Sandra at conference Ue Then, chonsethe cect avers 1. Sandra's surname is. a}jones 8) Brown 2. She's from, 4) Scotland b) England She's from the city of. 2)Glasgow —_b) Brighton 4 Her membership number's... a) 787459) 656869, 5 Her mobile phone number is..a) 787 459) 656 869 429 [ = O Writing ‘Write an ‘nin ‘work profile, Online work profiles itm tem years old and I'm from >My office phone number is My home phone number is 4éHiglish eTecKoc “Top He uate gets fo IS ‘WY Notes every 403 G Speakin; Askar fens 1D What's your phone number? Bi ht's (548 893 264). ‘Then, ask and answer maths questions. Di What's 4 plus 3? Birs7. Th What's 6 minus 2? Diss j a 1. What's 2 plus 4? = Six (6). Drill msc ne Drill 2G) 2. 3 4 5 se BEGINNER'S BOOK Al ‘éhiglish ConigeNettaghe inane a monlanboengttheom 9 UNIT El WHERE ARE YOU FROM? N CREE owas coi dates 1 Reading HH Table completion My name's Henry |__ and I’m English. B Questions “Answer the questions yes or no. 1 Is Abbie from Canada? 2 Is Sergio English? Is Jessica Australian? 4s Henry fiom England? Is Morgan from the USA? Scottish. = My name's Sergio. —_ I'm from Spain. a EI Capital cities . ~ Match the capital cities (to 6) tothe countries ff). x 1. n Hi, \'m Abbie. Hello. I'm Amelia and I'm from Canada, r » « Hi, I'm Jessica and from Australia. ' I'm Morgan and I’m from the USA. = 2. | Abbie ‘Scotland 3. | Amelia ‘Canadian 4 | Seo Spanish 5. | Henry England 6 | Morgan Amacan BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 2 Japan by Ireland © England 4. Germany © France £ The United States Copyright Hot English Publishing @TRACK DA oTRACKEC “Top HP ommckos cing songs Eos D Reading Pronunciation 0() sxe Read the e-mail. Then, tick (V) yes or no. YesNo Ml Contractions 1. Mat’ fend is fom Canada |) Uistenand repeat. 2 She's 23 years ol 15 Wheres. Where's 3 She's in Paris 15 Heis= He ‘4 The e-mail is for Abbie. ] ‘She is = She's... § The e-mails from Mark. | They are = They're... 9 oo: Harriet Hi Abbie, How's it going? ‘Attached is a photo of my friend, Harriet. She's from Canada. She's 25 years old. She’s in London at the moment. She's with a friend, Nicole. Nicole is American, and she's from Seattle. We're going to the pub this evening, Do you want to come’ Let me know, ‘Speak soon, Mark G Listening — Friends 0({)) mcs Listen to this dialogue. Then, choose the correct answers. auras from Canada / Secland, 2. She's fom Toronto / Quebec 3 Karli from Manchester / Brito 4 Jessica rom Colorado / Tes. 5 Nigel from London / Poole <éHGlish The /» / sound listen and repeat: got, top, lt, drop, Scotland Listen. Which word isthe oddone-out? not] [off] |sort| {socks | | box: B Speaking ‘Askand answer. 1 Where are you from? 1D England, 1 Where's he from? He's rom Canada 1D Where's she from? 1D She's from Spain, G Drill 0) mone Listen and answer, 1. Where's he from? (England) = He's from England. EGINNER’S BOOK Al ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 www 0 | TRACKOMA UNIT £3 THAT’S INTERESTING! ;— Uae neni Vocabulary Question completion Match the words (1 08 othe pictues (a). Complete with is or are, 1 Restaurant ¥ you Jane? 2. Hotel 2 that Bil? 5 Airport 3 they ftom Canada? 4 Bus station + he from New Yor? 5 School / clas / classroom 5 ‘we in room 5? 6. Office building 2. Swimming pool Matching & Hospital Match the questions (to 5 tothe answers (2) 1. Are you English? Is he from Australia? Is she Spanish? ‘ee they from England? Is it in Canada? Yes, they are No, he st No, i isn't Yes, seis 2 Yes, Lam. Options Choose the correct option. 1. Bil Bob from Boston? EINo, he isn't /he aren. 2 Dare you from Pars? Bes, Ido / 1am. 3 Dis she your English teacher? Elves, she /she is {4 Dis he rom Spain? Els, he /he do. 5 Ace they at home? EN, are they /they are. Plural forms ‘We generally form plurals by adding an “s", For example: B Listening — Places 0()) mows Listen and write yes or no. 1 Benin Me Hil cass? 2. Is Amy fom the USAP Is Ellen room 7? 4 Is tthe bus to London? 5 1s Megan from Quebec? G Lang) We place is or are at te stat of questions with the verb tobe. For example: 1 Are you Ben? 1D Yes, I'm Ben, Disita hore? D Yes, itis Are they rom Brazil? Di Yes, they are. BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai Si 2 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 (énglish rep He orlisten Fo the eTRAcKOus ‘Plurals @ Pronunciation 0) moe Waite the plural forms. 1. one hospital two 2, one airport / two 3 one station / to 4 one school / two 5 one office / two. D Reading Look atthe information. Then, answer the questions yes or no. 1 Is the population of New Zealand 4.4 milion? 2. Is the capital Auckland? the population of Avkland 1.4 milion? 4 Are the wo languages English and Welsh? 5 Is Mount Cook onthe Nort Island? 6 1s New Zealand 82g km southeast of Australia? _ Country information New Zealand Capital: Wellington, 41,000 Languages: English and Maori Land area: 268,67 square kilometres Population (20n4 est.) 44 milion Largest city: Audand, 1.4 milion people ‘Currency: New Zealand dollar Geography New Zealand is about 2,012 kilometres (hn) southeast of Australia. There are wo main island: the Not sland and ‘the South Island. The North sland is 229 km long. Mount Cookson the North island. i's 3.724 metres (high. fad ire G Writing Complete a fact le about a country. country name: Land ares: Population: capital currency: Plural forms ‘There are thre ways of pro The /z/sound teachers doctors, chairs photos, keys, bags O The /s / sound books, cots, ducks The / 12 / sound waitresses, nus, watches, pices, classes Linking Listen and repeat. leita? te? Ihe. Pw lhe,. 2 cing the plral "form, isten and repent: G Speaking ‘Ask and answer questions about your fact file (from the Writing maby 1 Is Paris the capital of France? BD ¥es, itis 1 Is the currency in France the euro? 1D ¥es, itis. Drill TRACE mri! 2d) 1. He's English, = Is he English? {énglish ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 EGINNER’S BOOK Al Tay eur Rave TV sees SES UNIT El MY HOMETOWN! Vocabulary Which places are near your home? Put. 1. Bus station Jessica @beginnercourse-com 5 HiJessica, How's it going? We're in our new house now, and it's great. There's a bus station about 50 metres away, and a shopping centre at the end of the street. There are lots of restaurants and cafés near the house too. And there's a sports centre about 15 minutes away. Oh, and there are two cinemas in the city centre, You must come and visit us! Speak soon, Harry G Language ~ There is / There are There's | There isn't | Is there is apen. —apen | apen? There are | There aren't | Are there, twopens. |twopens. | two pens? 1 Complete with is / are. 1. There a bank near here. 2. There two restaurants inthis street 3 There {wo shops near here, 4 There cinema in this street. 5 There two pubs near here Circle the correct options. 1. Theres / There are tree hotels inthe town, 2 There is / There are 2 bus stop near here. 4 There is/There are some shops about five minutes away. 44 Thereis/ There are 2 pub on this street. Shopping centre 5 Thereis Ther are two schools coset here BEGINNER'S BOOK A? ne 14 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017. wwelearshotenlshcom ‘engl ish TRACK OSA TRACKS TRACKS 1 Complete with the words from below. we is) There) |isn’t| | aren't 1 There (oa) any restaurants here 2. There a nice park neat here. 3 There (20) scimming pool in the cent 4 There two cinemas in the centre s isn't a hotel near the train station D Writing ‘ite a description of your hometown. My town /cityis There are lots of. There's inthe cent a G Pronunciation 0) meres Tee ee EE creer a Word linking & contractions G Listening - The house 1() mass sand repeat. Amy isata fiend’ house. sen and answerthe questions. Theres bank = The’s.a bank wv ibthere a tin station Yes there “Thera twe barks = There are wo banks 2 Isher spr ene? Isthee 2.0 there, 3 Aether any shops Theres not. = Tree 1 isthe shopping cen? “There ave ot = Thre are $ isthere a creas 6 Is there a restaurant in the park? The / x / sound Usten and repeat: nk, at, hat, bog, nap, rat Which word is the odd-one-out? ssat| [mat] | car| |tap] | black’ Speaking id answer. For example: 1 Is there a bank near your house? Yes, theres. 1 Is there a swimming pool near your house? No, there isn't Drill 00) mee listen and ans Respond wih Yes, there is / No, there isn't / Yes there are / No, there aren’. 1 isthere bank er hee? es) = Yn there BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 5 neti Fee wae sentence ae, Reten ar earrestons East ill help you learn LET’S CHECK Numbers Table completion ‘Write the numbers, ‘Complete the table. ey 7 410 ‘Australi Australian su Word completion es ‘Complete the words. Write the full forms, Ea 1 Hit -m Bob Spain 2. Hell. I'm Rachel! +o eMC and Ee, Weare fom Lon = 4 Wear. Bradley and Eve. We ae from London 5 M_ name is Louise. lam from New York 6. America the USA) Who is it? Name that place ‘Write the names. Write the names of the places. 1. Who is this? 2. Who are they? 4h Whereis she from? 4 Who is she? 5 Whereis he from? BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai Learns pe 16 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 {€nglish Teak TRACKOSE @ Wordsearch Find the names of seven places inthe wordsearch. | airport | hospital |hotel| | pool| | restaurant school] (station TUAPOOLYXGG zZuUIMENSQVAHG RESTAURANTOS MVEA LR PORTS2Z uveGgrtrMtexsoeps AHOTELWFZV1I8B IwRCOMVYGEKTA bys CLOEBNLAB scHOOLLJ DNLH ee Bence Fle verkinyiiclexiexe a VESTATIONLRG KKK ECHMOTEGQ BReadin: Read the email. Then, wrteT (true) or F(filse) 1. Thetran station is 100 metres away 2 There aren't any restaurants, | 3. The cinema is about 10 minutes avay-C] 4 George is fom Austeala. | 5 There's a French film atthe cinema] ‘»: 5 sec: Morgan Hi Morgan, How's it going? We'e in our new house It's great. There's a train station and a swimming pool about 100 metres away. There are also lots of estaurants here, and there's a cinema bout 10 minutes avay. My fiend George is here with me. He's from Manchester There's a good Canadian film atthe cinema, Do you want to come with us? Let me know, Lauren B Listening - Holly °C) maavo Usten and chose he crc answers. Whats hername Pay) Holy 2. How old is she? a) 26 b) 32. 3 Whereis she fom?) Birmingham 6 Manchester <éHGlish 4 Where isthe shopping centre? 2} about 10 minutes away b) about 5 minutes away 5. Where isthe park? 2} about 10 minutes away b) about 5 minutes away B Drills 0() meee General questions “Answer the questions with your own information. 1. What's your name? = My name is (Mark). vee 6 Transformation ‘Create questions. 1. Shes from London. =I she from London? 2 * woe ds EGINNER’S BOOK Al ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 www ” UNIT JOB FUN! N RAI monk DVocabulary Read the information. Then, complete the sentences. aay 2 Gopise 5 Hort works a Wa pole of ise ted . 5 6 Tobyisa Vm Ben and ma teacher. My name's George. ma nurse. Vm Mollie and Pm a police officer. les. Then, choose the correct options. D Readin: 1B Read the 1. Georgina is. a) 28 bys2 2, She's from... a) Edinburgh b) Birmingham She's... ajdoctor bj waitress 4 Maxis. a)28 bya. 5. He's from... a) Edinburgh 6) Birmingham 6 He'sa.. waiter doctor BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 8 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 real FindaDate-com oara Hi, 'm Georgina and I'm 28 years old. 'm fom Birmingham, in England. I'm a doctor ina hospital inthe city centre. The working hours are very long, but it's an interesting job. Contact » > 1m Max and I'm 31 years old. 'm from 4H ff Eainbugh Scotland. ma waiterna Bae ciate san hanesearat eal © enjoy my job hee. The slr sn great, but | often get tips! Contact »» G Language ~ a, an, the ‘We use a with a singular noun. For example: a boy, aca, a bike, 2.200, a dog \We use an wit a singular noun beginning with a vowel sound: ‘an elephant, an eg, an apple, an idiot, an orphan \We use a /an with professions 2) I'ma teacher. b) He's a waiter, \We use he to refer to something specific: 4) 'ma waite in a restaurant. The restaurant is Italian. b) I'ma doctor in a hospital. The hospital sin the centre 1 Choose the correct words. 1. ve gota / an computer. 2. She's a /an police officer. 3 Thisisa /an Italian dictionary. 4 There isa /an egg on the table, 5 That's @ /an French book, 6, Thatisa /an elephant El Complete the sentences with aor an. 1. She's in restaurant 2 Isthere ‘swimming pool near here? 3 There's apple in the kitchen, 4 Thisis hospital 5 He's idiot! 4éHiglish TRACK O64 peube youheny then at words aPrer YOu mam aerate tie B Listening ‘The party ty 0(]) rcxa Ele and Jack areata pry. Listen to the recording. Then, write a job next to each person. { doctor] | police officer) [shop assistant [nurse| |waiter| | NOTES 3. Tom = 2, Georgina = Pronunciation 0) mw B The / a / 50 Listen and repeat this weak sound (known asthe schwa sound): Ja aman jadog fan an egg | am elephant @The / 3: / sound Listen and peat gi, ruse, purse, her Which words the odd-one-out? term, were, sit ea, ear 1B Linking Listen and repeat. ima. /'man= She's. / She’ an Hesa.c/ He'san. G Speaking Cook the information the tar ofthe nt (nthe Vezbulany section) Ask and answer questions. Use: Yes, hei. / No, he isn't / Yes, she is / No, she isnt. For example: 1 Is Ben a teacher? Di Yes, he's. Drill 001) sscrox Listen and answer Use fll answers tis Grega walter? (jes) = Yes, he's a water 2 x ‘4 5 BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai yan <éHGlish ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 9 UNIT EA LET’S CELEBRATE! Vocabulary When are these holidays? Halloween New Year's Eve Independence Day (nthe USA) Bastille Day (in France) D Readi Read the eal Then, chose the corect option. 1. The pary is in October / November 2 Ihis at Molly's /Caitin’s house 3 Her address is 15 Masters / Halloween Road. 44 The house is resto train station / bank 5 Her mobile number is 894 672345 / 0345 645345 ‘Thanksgiving (inthe USA) Christmas day' [eve ac a hernocourecom 5 Kart Hi kar, How's it going? ‘The Halloween party is ths Friday 3st October at gpm. at Molly's house, Her address is 15 Masters Road. I's next tothe train station, Her mobile number is 894 672 345, and hher phone number is 0345 645 345. Don't be latel And don't forget to dress up! See you there! Caitlin G Language I 1 Days of the week ‘Add one letter to each word to complete them. 1 Mond_y 2 Tu sday 3 Wedn_sday 4 Tharsday S Friday 6 Ss turday 7. Sundey BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 20 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 St Valentine's Day 1B Months ‘Add the months to the ist below. ‘September| [March] [December] [June January February April May July ‘August ‘October November B Seasons Match the seasons (to 4 tothe pictures (2). + Spring 2 Summer 3 Autumn 4 Winter [hea sy 1 Choose the correct answers. 1 Christmas is in..a) December bj Auguste June 2. Halloween sin.) July b) October e) May 3 Easteris usuallyin..a)June b) December «| April 4. StValentine's Day in. a) February ) August ¢ March 1 Complete the sentences with the name of aseason. 1 Octoberisin 2 Marchis in 3 December isin 4 Augustisin 4éHiglish eTRACKOMA eTrackors eTrackare 1G Answer the questions. 1 Today s Friday. What dy iit tomorrow? 2 Today is Tuesday. What days it tomorrow? 3 Today is Thursday. What day sit tomorrow? 4 Today is Sunday. What day sit tomorrow? D Pronunciation o(}) mae The / 6 / sound Listen and repeat: think, Thursday, thier, thy, throw 8 Ordinal numbers Listen and repeat the ordinal numbers. Notice how most of them hhave the 8 sound at the end. by A: When isthe party? B: It's on Friday As Where is the exam? B: It's at school 4) A: Who isthe teacher? B It's Mr Davis. 1 Matching Match the questions (1 to 4) tothe answers (a). 1. Wheres the meeting? 2. When is the exam? 4 What days the party? 44 Whois that? 4) sin May. b) In ofice 33. G Language I We wit: i's on ayd May. We soy. I's onthe yd of May” Question words We can use question words with the verb tobe: what, when, where, who, et. For example: 2) A: What day iit today? Bs I's Monday. {énglish 6 Jessica aad 4 I on a Friday. = fo re scent a , aa B Dialogue completion z second ® nh ;completi i a al 5 aa ample the daloges with the comet question words, a“ fourth 1 toni, 8 She's at home. * fn ” lve isthe? & th = ‘wet Georgina ay isthe conference? Listen and repeat these numbers. Notice how the stress is on the t's on Tuesday. final syllable of numbers 13-19. is the barbecue? Cael Ce tneaial son Sint ‘ythinen ‘y= then G Listening — The concert a({) maw eae 1g Forenth a bar, Listen once. Then, choose the ‘sfieen 13° fenth shen 1 The concerts on..a)3¢ June ¥) 3th june = 2 Wson aa) Fiday 8) Saturday & Wsat.a) 7pm 8) 8pm ‘eigen 4 Theexam son..a 3th March 237d March wnt 5 l.ona.-a)Fiday 6) Monday ze eer G Speaking _2h twenty-one ‘Ask and answer. Use these words: 2 steve Holloween, Chests, bithdoy, par meeting Valentine's Day. soe twenty three BS When's your birthday? a enya 1 My birthday ison 3th May. oy 2s twenty th *: — DY When is Halloween? 26=twanty sis 26" twentysiath Di It’s on 31st October. 27 = bwenlyanven 278 ~ bwenty seventh “ rn 1 Drill 0({)) mone _29= twenty-nine Listen and answer, Use full answers. Remember to use the / of 30> thirty ‘when saying dates. 1. When isthe par? (ard June] = The party is om (the) 3rd (of June. EGINNER’S BOOK Al ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 a UNIT El WHAT’S GOING ON? Use rience Vocabulary Math the sefece 08 othe pictures e). 1 They'e having a party. 2 Nathan is cooking. 3 Elis is talking to his fiend 44 Megan is making 2 salad 5 Jackand Eve are dancing 6 Charles seating 2. Mile is watching T. & Benis working Hey, Harvey, how's it going? There's a party at jack's house, Why don't you come over? Frank, Zoe, Alfie, josh...everyone! We're having lunch soon, Frankis doing the barbecue and Josh is making salad. Zara is organising the music, and Scot is making a cake. No, we're fine thanks. Daisy is atthe shops. ‘She's getting the drinks. Bye, G Language [atte [Repo [irere | Ymworing. —_[mnotwerking [Am Iworking? You're working. [You arent working. [are you working? Hes working. [He lt working. |Ishe woking? She's working. | Shel working. |1s he working? Ws working, [It st working. |i it working? reworking, _|We rent working. [Are we working? Therre working. | Theyeentwerting. [are they working? Cea king show ead the Gatlin and Harvey are talking about a party. Read the instant ‘messages. Then, answer the questions. Use Yes, he/she is / No, he/she isn't. 1. Is Frank cooking? 2 Is Zara making a salad? 4 Is Josh organising the music? 4 Is Scott making some lasagne? Is Daisy buying some food? BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 2 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 \We often use the Present Continuous to refer to actions in progress ~ things that are happening as we speak. For example 4) Jenny is talking to Ben. 1b) Emma and Nathan ace sitting on the sofa, 1 Matching Match the sentences (to tothe picture (2). 1. Pm working on my computer. 2. He's making a cake, 5 She's ratings cast 4éHiglish “er He rauaert cout a cat eTRACKORA TRACK 8B TRACKONC 4.1'm sleeping on the sofa 5 She's studying French 1 Picture description Look t the photos, What are the people doing? Make ight sentences using the Present Continuous For example: Shes Tooking ot something on her able computer. <éHGlish 1 Is /he {walking 2 sifting / are / they Is / she / watching TV 4 he [reading a book J isn't 5 aren't / we / talking Sentence order Put the words inthe correct order. ‘ a a D Listening Catching up! up! 0() mucron Listen to the conversation. Then, circle the correct answers, Barnaby and Jessica are talking in the street. 1. Jessica is working in a shop /afce. 2 It's in the airport / train station. 53 Barnaby is working ina restaurant / bank, 44 Her brather Freddie is living in Canada / Australia, 55 Her sister Phoebe is studying physics / chemistry. Pronunciation 0()) me The / 9 / sound Listen and repeat: ring, sing, bring Notice the 1 sound atthe end of these words: working, living. walking, talking Contractions Listen and repeat. She is= She's Weare = We're They are = They're He isnot= He sn't ‘She is not = She isn't They are not= They aren't G Spe peaking ‘Ask and answer. Use the information fom the Vocabulary section ‘ofthis unit. For example: 1D Is Nathan working? 1 No,heisn't 1 Is Megan making a salad? Di Yes, she is. 1G Drill 0({) meee Listen and answer. 1. What are they doing? (study) = Theyre studying. vee BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 www 3 UNIT El IS IT YOURS? Je D Vocabulary - clothes B Reading Tick (7) the things you'r wearing today. Read ovr the descriptions ofthe fashion models. Then, write the Ae, name of a model next to each question. Who's wearing. a jacket by Nunchi? a scarf by Marco Pestrani? shoes by Nick Je. 1a dress from Frost French, boots by Chu Heng? vrere & ‘Skirt Shorts sa Jessica isa wearing a jacket Socks A jw esdboots y Che Heng Her shin ism Preston's eGorandhesarie Semis wearing ace and by the italian designer | shirt by Nunchi. His shoes Marco Pestrani. are by Nick eJerry. Joanna is wearing a dress and trainers from Frost French. Her jacket and gloves are from Alice « Eddie. G Language - the Genitive \We add 's (apostrophe + ) to show possession. For example: 2) Thisis Arr jacket 1b) Thats Oscar's she. «These are Abbie's boots TROeE NY \We can use whose to ask about possession. For example: Sweater pully, 4) A: Whose shirts this? B I's Nig!’ shin, imper) 1) A: Whose cats this? B's Paula's ea. yersey, BScINNER'S BOOK AY .6tiglish 4 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 ee omer eum Srmcro te vecora the wore TRACK O9C 1B Writing > Yellow ‘Write the correct names, & Orange ‘A Whose bag is ®? (Amy) Bi’s bay se Whee penal i ‘Whose notebook sit? (Rebecka) (ra) es, (Rebecta) BS (Kea B Word choice Circle the correct options. 1 They're Sam's shoes / Sam shoes. 2. I's Alfie is bag / Afe's bag. 3 K's the searfofjack /Jack’s scarf 44 They're Harriet pens / Harrets pens. 5. They're the socks of Frank / Frank's socks Sentence order Put the words inthe correct order. 1. Patrick's / shirt fis i 2 jacket /it/ Hannah's Js 3 they | Jane's f socks / are 4 Ben's / pen is jit shoes ae / Sam's [they 1D Sentence matching Match the questions (1 o 4) tothe answers (2-4). 1 Is tis your jacket? 2. Ave these Amy's shoes? 4 Isthat imogen’s shit? 4 Are these Ella's socks? 4 No, her shict is green. 1 No, it's Mike's © No, they aren't 4. Yes, theyre her shoes. 8 Colours Match the colour names (108) tothe pictures (2h). 1. Red 2 Blue 3 Green 4 Black 5 White 6. Grey {énglish as B Listening — Tidy up! 0() micas Listen to the conversation. Toby and Lara are at home. Write a person next to each item of clothing. Toby| [ Madison | Lara | Justin] 1. The jeans = 2. The jacket 5. The shirt 4 The scarf 5 The trainers = 6. The shoes = G Pronunciation 0() mx The / uz / sound listen and repeat: blue, you whose, new Which words the odd-one-out? unit Whose pen sit? = Whose pen is #2 Speakin; ‘Ask six friends. at an object and ask a question, 11 Whose pen isi? ~ Dies Leo's pen 1G Drill 0({)) mow Listen and answer. Whose jackets it? (Mark) = t's Mark’ jacket. EGINNER’S BOOK Al ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 UNIT @ THE THINGS | DO! Vocabulary Match the activites (to 7 tothe pictures (ag). Which you do regularly? 1. Watch TV 2. Listen to the radio 3 Goto the gym 4 Read a newspaper(_] 5 Diveacar & Goto the cinema] 2: Work in an ofc D Reading Read the information about James. Then, answer the questions. Write Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t. 1. Does James drive to work? 2. Does he work in an ofice? 3. Does he read a newspaper every day? 44 Does he listen tothe radio every day? 5 Does he own 2 house or apartment? 6 Dees he watch TV for more than two hours a day? BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai Bearer Jawes Harding Do you dive to work? Yes Do you workin an office? Ne Do you do any sport during the week? Yes Do you read a newspaper even) day? Ne o you listen tothe radiovery day? Yes Do you go tothe gym? Yes Doyou own ahouse or apartment? Ne Dpyou wih fr moran = Language \We can use the Present Simple to talk about facts or things we do regulary. For example: 4) | live ina big house. 1b) He works in an office. 4) She walks to work 4) They goto the gym every day live here. Idon'tlive here. | Do live here? Youlive here. Youdon't live here. | Do you lve here? Helives here. He doesn’t live here. | Does he live here? ‘Shelves here. Shedoesn’t live here. | Does she live here? It lives here. | Itdoesn’t live here. | Does it live here? Welive here. |Wedon't live here. | Do we live here? They live here. Do they live here? 1 Gap fill ‘Complete the sentences with the words from below. goes | live | drives |read| |watches | listen They don’t live here. ul 2. She 3 They 4 He st 6 He 6 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 in a small house television every day to the radi in the evening. to the gym three times a week. ‘a newspaper every day. ‘to-work every da. 4éHiglish Teac 108 ormaccus eee wistakes Everyone merer - even native orarceve — hee they sreate English eaters! = 1B Matching G Pronunciation 0() mre Match the questions (1 os) tothe answers (-)- 1. Do you work ina bank? 2. Does he driv to work? 3 Do they goto the gym very often? 4 Do you like the TY series? 5 Does shelve in a house? 2) Yes, they go three times a week 8) No, | work ina hospital 4) No, shelves in an apartment 4 Yess really ood €) No, he takes the bus. B Sentence order Put the words inthe correct order. 1. lives /he Jin a big house 2 listen to / they | the radio 4B to work /he / drives 4 go /tothe gym/I STV watches she D Listening — The survey 0(\) mcm Listen tothe interview. Then, write Yes, she does or No, she doesn't. Abbie is answering Some questions. 1 Does Abbie workin an office? 2, Does she workin central London? 4 Does she like romantic novels? 4 Does she speak German? 5 Does she play tenis? Does she play rugby? <éHGlish @ The / u: / sound Listen and repeat: do, you, food, too, blew ‘Which sound is the odd-one-out? 12, whe, fod ot, toot, shoot Linking Do you. = 1 you lve in London? = Do you i G Speaking ‘Ask and answer questions using any verbs from this unit Use Yes, do. / No, I don’ Forexample: Do you workin a bank? No, don't London? Do you like jazz? 1D Yes, Ido G Drill 00) macewe Make ill) 1 Helives in Tokyo. ~ Does he live in Tokyo? BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 www 2 LET’S CHECK Bobs ‘ite a profession next to each picture. ana 6. B Articles Choose the correct words. 3 R's /an elephant 2, There isa /an banana on the sofa x l've got a /am digital camera, 4 That's @ an talian book 5 She's a /an doctor Dates 1. When is Christmas Day? 2. When is New Year's Eve? | When is St Valentine's Day? J. When is Independence Day? (in the USA) When is Halloween? BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 8 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 BB Days of the week ‘Add the missing days ofthe week. Monday, Tuesday + Thursday, Friday sunday G Sentence completion ‘Complete the sentences withthe verbs rom below. making] |working| |watching] [playing eating] [talking] [having 1. Peteis cake 2 Milles TV. 5 Benis to some music. 4 Georgina is hamburger 5 Gregis tohis fends & Annas inthe offie 2 Sheis pany, & They're football Phrase completion ‘Adda verb to each phrase. u v 2 tothe dio 3 tothe gym ‘ sewspaper 5 aear 6 tothe cinema 1 in anofice Wordsearch the “clothes” words in the wordsearch, RwsQsdAFS 3 Q0 OoMESCARFHKXT pecTROUSERSNO SHIRTS FS SOCK BUJEANSUKS YU AGVSPIMLIHAN vmuvecPNtLRott AILVSJARCKETRES VwNJUMPERTOA sBOOTSHOESND xY TB FPANTS 8D BmsvzmTruaqsat 4éHiglish “ror He 1 oTRAcK 10D : ig the key telearning . sega seis cy ay TRACK WE BReadin B Listening - Friends chat 0(}) maw. Read the text. Then, write T (true) or F (false). Read the text. Then, choose the correct answers, 1 He's 3 years od 2. He's from Glasgow] 3 Hes adocor 4 He plas ina hockey team. C1 5 His bithday ison 3st August. Hi, 'm Ben and I'm 32 years old. 'm from Edinburgh, in Scotland. I'ma doctor and | workin a hospital in the city centr, | speak three languages: Russian, Chinese and German. play tennis, andl also play football in 2 team. We play every Wednesday at 6pm for about wo hhours, and we play matches a the weekend. I's great fun At the weekend, | often go tothe cinema with my work colleagues. My birthday is on 31st August, whichis next week. I'm having a party with all ny friends. {énglish 1. When isthe party?) on Friday b) on Saturday 2. Whereis Olver working? a) a restaurant a hotel 3 Whereis Je working? a) a bank b) a hospital 4 What exam does JefFhave tomorrow? a) a maths exam bj a French exam ‘5. What is Pete's phone number) 689 319 443 b) 649 329 483, W Drills 0(}) mec WGeneral questions Usten and answer the questions with your own information. Numbers ‘Say the numbers. Then, lsten to check. 27 20 42 527 Ordinal numbers ‘Say the ordinal numbers. Then, listen to check. Last 2. ond a ard 4 ath 5 oth l cy EGINNER’S BOOK Al ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 29 UNIT THE THINGS | LIKE DOING! Vocabulary Circe the things you like doing. arn == se watching fis Taking photos || paying tennis walking hiking watching TV Ff Pyingbaskeball[iteningtomusc || sing sing G Language Notice how we use the swith the third person (he she, it) 4) She likes painting. 1) He goes sking. They like surfing In negatives, we use don't or doesn’ + a base ver (with nos for he/she/t. 4) She likes painting. = She doesn like painting 1b} He goes sking. = He doesn't go skiing. 6} They like surfing, = They don't like suring. In questions, we place do or does atthe stat: 4) Do you like? 1b) Does she lve here? Note. ‘We don't use the sin negatives or questions: ‘She doesn't fikes walking. = She doesn't ike walking, b} Does he works here? = Does he work here? “IO | ae q soubearing | |srtngtheintenet| | reading ‘wining o Reading Read over the information. Then, answer Yes she does / No, she doesn’t. 1. Does she work in a restaurant? 2. Does she like taking photos? 3 Does she like listening to music? 4. Does she go surfing in Canada? 5 Does she cycle to work? 6. Does she have a pet dog? rm Zoe Masters. | work in a bank in Seattle. | don't lve in the city Hive on an island just outside the city | go to work by fery. | like taking photos, istening to music and doing sport. In the winter, | go sking in Canada. In the summer, | go surfing in California | cycle to work =I don't ike to use the ear go to the cinema at the weekend. During the week, I don’t go out much, | don't have a pet, but | want to get a dog one day BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 7° Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 Note. “We can use the verb + ing aftr like 2} like shopping. 2) I don’ ike skiing. {Does he like walking? 1 Transformation ‘Write the sentences as negatives, 1 I play basketball. 2. You play hockey 3 He plays football 4 She lives here. 5 We drive to work 6 They listen to music Word choice ‘Choose the correct option (a,b,c). 1 He shop. 4) doesn't work b) doesn't work works not 2. They to work 43} don't drive b drive not ¢ dont drives 3 My brother__English, 4} doesn't teaches bl teaches note] doesn't teach 4: She coffee in the morning, 4) not drinks by doesn't drinks e doesn't drink 5 It___ much here. 4} dont rain doesn’t rain ¢ does rain not 61 in an apartment by the beach 4} doesn't live b don’t vee) doesn'tlives 4éHiglish “Tor He = input Say algae 5 ice cea Lerman aug Sy eR om vn 5 Matching She works in an office. = She an office. Match the questions (tos) to the answers a-). 1. Do you live in London? 2. Does she speak German? 3 Do they work here? 4 Does he work here? 5. Does she play tennis? No, he works in another office Yes, I do, No, she doesn't, but she can speak French, . Yes, she does. No, they don't 1 Questions ‘Write the sentences as questions. 1. She works here. 2. They play football. 3 He comes from Australia 4 They speak italian. 5 Helives in Canada B Listening — Describing yourself 0()) ma Listen to Stephen talking about himself. Then, answer Ys, he/she does 0F No, he/she doesn Does he in London? : Desh ke dss ruse Deeshe wk nahi? Dees hs gen wen aestaran? Dees she pe French? Doss bet ed fc work ina recor stud? O Writin White short dec pton of a friend. Her name is ‘She works in| She lives in She likes ‘She doesn't like Ga Pronunciation 0()) mow U0 The third person s There are three ways of pronouncing the son Present Simple verb endings. {st For example: works, wolks, eats, kes, rinks [2] For example: ives, istens, reads, has [iz] For example: teaches, finishes, watches B Linking Notice the way syllable sounds merge. <éHGlish He lives in an apartment. = He les in an apariment G Speaking ‘Ask and answer questions. Answer with Yes, Ido / No, ! don't / Yes, she does / No, she doesn, et 1 Do you like playing tennis? Dyer!rdo. 1 Does Nick like watehing TV? 1D Yes, he does. 1 Drills 0({)) mene 1 Transform the sentences. 1. [read the newspaper. (she) ~ She reads the newspaper. x ‘ 5 i Make negatives. 1. He likes swimming. = He doesnt like swimming, 1B Make questions. 1 She comes from China, = Does she come from China? EGINNER’S BOOK Al ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 www x UNIT 2 WHAT TIME IS IT? ~rop Fg every We aibticult ko unaerstandy word. So, just listen bora: Hae RownS: 2 UU aise envi 1 Reading Look at the diary page. The, answer the questions. 1 What days the exam? 2. Where i the party? 3 What time is the doctor's appointment on Tuesday? 4 Where i the meeting on Wednesday? What time i lunch on Sunday? \We use What time..? to ask the time, Notice how we use the prepasition “at” in the answer, For example: ‘A What time is the dass? 'sat seven o'lock, Digital time With acigital clock, we say the time like ths: 4) 1431 = fourteen thirty-one 1) 18:58 = eighteen fityeight 1 Clock times ‘Write the clock times. Use half past, a quarter past et. 2) [3] 4) Maw v2Monday | Ex Idan 13 Tuesday Doctor's appointment | 1:30 raWednestay | necting at nike’ office [15 asThursday | Dentist 345 1G Friday | Tennis with Jestion Spm ‘v7 Saturday | Pavty at Jack's house ~be Here for Fp 18Sunday | Lunch at parents’ house 2:15 —m Tonk Ue ded eines It's nine o'clock. Its fvefiteen. Tes nine forty-five. / It's a quarter past five. Its a quarter to ten. Note ‘We use ook fr times on the hour (one o'lack, ete) ‘We use a quarter past for 15 minutes past the hour. Wie use half past for 3o minutes past the hour. We use a quarter to for 15 minutes before the hour. Wie use midnight for 12 at right. ‘We use noon for v2 during the day. ‘We use am for times between midnight and noon, ‘We use pm fr times between noon and midnight ‘We use morning fr times between yam and noon (nore o es) ‘We use flemeon far times between lunch and 6pm (more o less). \e use evening fr times between pm and gpm (more or less). ‘We use night for any ime after the sun has set and i's dark {more or less). BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai R Copyright Hot English Publishing Completion ‘Complete each sentence withthe correct option (b,c). 1 (rons) I's a quarter {ena} pass b] past press 2 (av4s) i's quarter ten. atime b fore) to 3 (gas) I's a quarter ‘one. a} past bass q press 4 (063s) I' a quarter five. 9} time forgo 1B Transformation ‘Wit the times using quarter / haf et. 1 Its threefifeen = t's @ quarter past thre. 2 Its sevenshiny 3 Is eight fortyfve, = 4 les twothiny. = 5 Its fourfifeen. = 1 Questions “Answer the questions. 1. What ime is the party? (7 2. What time i i? (a) 3 What time isthe TY programme? (2:15) 44 Wat time is the elas? (4:45) 55 What time isthe game? (9:30) 5 at seven o'lock. 4éHiglish TRACK A TRACK eTRACK TEC Listening — At the train station 0) mers Nicola is at Paddington Station, She wants to travel to Wokman, It's almost 13:30 and she's late Listen tothe dialogue. Then, choose the correct answers. 1+ What time does the 14:15 train are at Wokman? a)as5_ b)1430 2. What time does the 1330 vain ative at Wokman? ahieas. W430 3. What time does the 1:4 tain ative st Wokman? ahrgas. 1430 4 How much i the ticket? a £1550. £25 5. What platform does it go fom? a) platform 10) platform 16 1 Pronunciation o(}) mam B Silent letters ‘Some words have letters that we don't pronounce. For example, ‘we don’ pronounce the "” inthe word "half": half. Here are ‘some more words wit silent letters know, listen, white, schoo, talk, write Contractions Listen and repeat. What time isthe concer? = What time's the concert? ‘When isthe next train? = When's the next tain? Speaking Look tthe diary page again from this unit Ask and answer questions Say the ull mes. 1D What time's the exam? Di t'sat 0 o'dock G Drill 0()) merve B Listen and answer. 1 What time isthe concent? (7) = The concerti at 7 o'clock. a 3 4 5 8 Transformation ‘Transform the times. Use halfpas, a quarter pastor a quarter to, 1. I's 230, = It's halfpast two. 2. Ws 41s 3 Ws 1030.~ 4. Wssas.= 5 Wists, = a |EGINNER’S BOOK A (éhGlish Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 www UNIT i MY DAY! ft it gets is aiescalt wut get5 neta ay. easier © you listen 20% Naa. 1 Vocabula Look tthe pres bow When do you do these things? Wile the times. G Language Adverbs o quency tel us how often something happens Here are some typical adverbs of frequency, D Readin; Read about Louise's daily routine. Then, answer the questions. 1. What time does Louise get up? 2, What does she have for breakfast? 3 What time does she get to work? 4 What time does she get home? 5 What does she do in the evening? 1'm Louise Myers. 'm 27 years old and I work in sales. I sell software to companies around the world. I always get up at 7am and have a shower. ‘Then, I have breakfast. | usually have some toast ‘or cereal. After that, I drive to work. It takes about 10 minutes, so 1 usually get there at 8am. I don't have any brothers or sisters. 'm married, but ‘we don’t have any children yet, My husband is a ‘nurse. He works in a hospital. {usually get home at about 6pm. My husband likes to cook, so in the evening I just relax and watch abit of TY, while he prepares the food! BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai u Copyright Hot English Publishing {sometimes often {normally [usually] always never! Most adverbs of frequency come before the main verb (even in the negative forms) 4) | always drive to work 1b) never drink tea 6) I don't usually get up at 7am. We place adverbs of frequency after the verb to be: 4) Lam always on time. 1b) She is never late They aren't often right. Answers ‘Write answers forthe questions. 1. Ae What time do you getup? (8) get up at eight o'lock. 2. Ae What time do you leave home? (4s) Bo 3 Ae What time do you get to work? (95) Bo ‘4 What time do you have lunch? () ‘5 What time do you get hore? (618) eo B Sentence completion Insert the adverb of frequency into each sentence. 1. (osualh) | get up at am. usually getup at 7am, 2. (fin) She leaves home at gam. = 3 (ays) He has a coffee with his breakfast. = 4 [osualh) | don't get to work afer gam. = 5 (ahays} She doesn't get home before 7pm. = 1 Word order Putte words into the covrect order. 1 1/ getup f usually / at 30 2 drives / she / often / to work 3 never /he drinks tea 4 have lunch /1/ 2pm / always / at 5 at pm they / usualy / get home it Mie 4éHiglish ommcrta Me ace ite St. NOTES D Listening - The interview [() mero Listen tothe interview with sh, Then, answer the questions. 1. What ime does Josh usualy getup? 2. What does he have for breafas? + How does he getto wor? 4. What time does he have lunch? 5! What time does he Fish work? = B Writin, White a description of your daly routines. Use the expressions below | alwoye getup at. / usualy hove. for breakfast leave the rouse at. get to work at about... / have lunch at. Pronunciation o()) mem @ The />: /sound Listen and repeat for, four, dor, normally ‘Which word is the odd-one-out? [jaw] (lw) [August] [word) [autumn] B Sentence stress ‘We usualy stress the key words: the nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc, Other words ate weak sounds. For example: 8} How often do you drive to work? 1b} How often do you go tothe gym? a Speaki Ask sc ends. Askand answer questions, Use adverbs of frequency. 1 What time do you usually get up? 1 usually getup a about yam. 1D What do you usually have for breakfast? 1D | always have a cup of coffee and some toast 11 Drill o({) mere Listen and answer 1. What time do you get up? (usually /7 o'clock) =! usually get pat 7o'dock. oe |EGINNER’S BOOK A <éHGlish Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 www 3s TRACK UA UNIT & COUNT DOWN! UU Ge ems BD Readin; Er Read the profiles below. Then, answer the questions. 1 Whats Jessica's phone number? 2. How old is she? 3 Whereis she from? 4 Whats Alfie's surname? 5 Where does he live? 6 Where isthe office where he works? Meet the team. Jessica Anderson » Phone: 874583 Hin Jessica, im 28 yeas ol, rn the TW sivecrorofthe magazine. tm orginal Fom Sydney (Australia), but ve in London now. {work in the afc at Lakeside View Contact >» Alfie Dowell Phone: 249-869 Hi, I'm Alfie, I'm 32 years old, I'm from ‘Vancouver (in Canada), but | live in Seattle atthe moment. I'm the designer. I work in the office at 85 Talbot Road Contact » » 1 Pronunciation o()) ma 1 Numbers Listen and repeat the numbers 20 (te) 1 (eleven) 12 (weve) 43 (thirteen) 14 (fourteen) 15 (fften) 16 {siteen) 17 (seventeen) 18 (eghteer) 39 (nineteen) 20 (went) 21 (tenty-one) 22 (owenty4v0) 23 (twentythres) BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 36 Copyright Hot English Publishing 24 (twenty-four) 25 (twenty-five) 26 (twenty) 27 (owenty seven) 28 (werty-eight) 29 (wenty-nine) 30 (thirty) 40 (or) 50 (fifty) 60 (sixty) 70 (seventy) So (eighty) 30 {ninety 10 (a hundred Jone hundred) B Differences Listen to the difference. Notiee the tres. ‘Thirteen (13) thiry G0 Fourteen (14) ~ forty (40) Fifeen (15) fy (50) Sinteen (08) sty (60) Seventeen (7) ~ seventy (70) Eighteen (18) ~ eighty (Bo) Nineteen (9) ~ ninety (90) G Language ‘We ean ust Hoe manta ask about quantity. For example 1 How many students are there? 1 There are 36 students 1D How many houses are there here? 1D There ae 48 houses. \We can use How old to ask about someone's age. For example: Di How old is Mark? D He's 2. 1 Matching Match the questions (to 4) othe answers (4). 1. Wat is 28 plus 192 2 What is 54 minus 162 3. How old's Sarah? {4 How many chairs are there? Thiey-eight. Forty-seven. She's about 25 years od 4. There are about 15 of them, ee B Transformation Write the numbers. 1 36 = thirtysix 248 Be 46 579 6 84 4éHiglish —s omerio te anhene ont, TRACK ue Vecoraings ts ons oat “Then, practi = 5 Maths G Drills 0()) mew Write the answers. 1 What's 24 plus 36? = Sixty @ Numbers 2, What's 18 plus 43 = Say the numbers out loud. Then, listen to check. 3 What's 27 plus 6 = 14 4 What's 39 minus 6 = 23 5 Whats 76 minus 29 = +8 & what's 34 minus 33~ 433 5 48 DB Listening ihe quiz show o(}) mae 6 72 Read over the ue questions. ‘to answer them. nB Then, | Tsten tothe quiz show to check your answers. B66 243 Number choice fen and choose the numbers you hear. 1 3/30 214/40 3 15/50 418/60 5 6 z 7} 79 18/80 19/30 How long is @ marathon? \What number is the Latin decem? | How many legs (or arms) does a starfish have? 4. How many days are there ina lunar month? 5. How many years isa silver anniversary? How many carats is pure gold? 7. How many Dalmatians were therein the famous book by Dodie Smith? ae eens Pronunciation 0()) mew The /¢ / sound Listen and repeat: en, en, men seven, twenty, eleven Which words the odd-oneout? ‘egg |elk energy) {eat every) Word stress Notice how the stress flls on the second number in double-digit numbers, swenty 00, thirty ive forty-three ffiy-eight,sity-two, seventy sin, cightyeight. Speaking Ask and answer questions Invent them ifnecessary. 1 How old ate you? Di im thiny-theee 11 How many people are there? 1D There ae about twenty-two people. éng lish BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 a UNIT [5 HAPPY FAMILIES! 1 Reading ele dip hotos. Then, answer the questions. “Angela is describing her family. Respond with full answers. 1. Where does Stephanie (het mum) live? Angela's dadis Angela's mum is Her grandpa (grandfather) is, Her grandma (grandmother) is peveveers 2, What does she do? Her uncle is 3. How old is she? Her aunt is ‘4 Where does Paul (her dad) worl? Her brothers. 5 How oldis he? Nick's sister is 6, Who is he standing next to? Paul's wifes. 1a.Lilian’s husband is Y PY san G Language I Melissa's family @ Read the information below. Then, answer the questions Who is Melissa's. 1s brother? core Tisiaphotoofmy dad, ste isis photo of my mum, 49 yearsol coum? Stephanie: Shelves in and he works an office. 4 he Birmingham. She's doctor.| “He'sstandingnetio $f Grcic ‘She's 42 years old and my grandparents on my | & "son shesgotabritejsh | muse Arthurand gp (wh ea vance) Joshis oe fen my & grandfather (grandpa) and grandmother (grandma)? ‘newspaper. He's married | My ganda a is 76 tomy auntie Choe Theyre | | yea ol andmy grandpa |, both really nice. arthur is 7 yeas 0 eee ‘Owen, and a sister, Vocabulary noes, Look at the fey te, Then, complete the sentences with the years old and Jessica correct names. 1526 years old. My : parents are Saliy and Family twee} Charles. My mum's brother (Sean) favourite u lives with tenis Thee a daughter Sora My us qareatsare Alfie Ed optic, They ih vein Bigton tnd theyre both over Boyea old 1B Family members 1. Your dad's brother is your Your dad's sister is your. Your uncle's child is your Your mum's dad i your Your dad's mums your: Your dad's wif is your eveee Wick Angela BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 2éhiglis 38 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 wu lesrhotenglshcom TRACK ISA “or He ommcese segicut words or OPES. Cmte Rent AR ete ee D Listening — My family 0()) meas ‘Scott is at a family party. His friend, Imogen, is asking Scott about his family Listen and complete the table, G Pronunciation 0) mx @ The / 2 / sound ‘The / 9 / sound (also known as the schwa sound) appears at the end of many family words. Listen and repeat: fsher, mother, sister, brother B Linking Notice the linking sound between whois and who are: Who is = = Who js.i? G Speaking ‘Ask and answer questions about Angela's family (from the Vocabulary activity). For example: 1 Whois Angela's dad? 1D Paul What is Angela's mum called? GD Stephanie. ‘Or ask and answer questions about your family. For example: 1 What's your nce’ snare? 1 My uncle's name is Harry. Drill 00) mecse Listen and answer. Respond with full answers. For example: 11. Who is Betty? (sister) = She's my sister. Fanily Tree Toby Hawick {énglish BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 9 LET’S CHECK NU ee cere Collocations ‘tea verb next to each noun (to 10). 1. a film 2. ___tothetheate 3 photos 4 tennis + apie & television 71) basketball ‘ tomusie 5 the internet 10,___ a book @ Matchis Match the activites (1 08) tothe pictures (2h). 1. Sking 2 Surfing Swimming 4 Hiking 5 Snowboarding & Skating 2 Ging & Saling BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 40 Copyright Hot English Publishing Bi Transformation | Write the sentences as questions. 1. They pay football 2 Helives hee 3 He plays hockey. | 4 She listens to music. 5 She plays basketball & They anv to work | @ Clock times Write the clock times. 1 2 G Sentence completion ‘Complete the sentences wth your own times. | During the week, 1 awake up at. 2 getup, 3 chave a shower at 4 “have breakfast at 5 “leave the house at 6 “_getto work school at 1. “shave lunch at. | get home at B Sentence completion Insert the adverb of frequency into each sentence. | 1 [neve He gets before 7am. = He never ets up before yam. 2. aay) He leaves home at 730. 1 & (Gomaines) She has cereal for breakfast 4 (usual She has dinner at 7pm. 5 of) dont goto bed ater ipm. 4éHiglish “Tor He @ TRACK 1SD_ Learn 10 English words every Any. TRACK SE a @Crossword B Listening - My routine O() maw Listen tothe recording. Then, choose the correct answers. 1 What time does Daniel get up? a) about 7am b) about 6am 2. What does he usually have for breakfast? a) cereal or toast by fruit 4 How does he get to work? a) by train b) by bus 44. What time does he have lunch? a) 1pm b} 2pm 5. What time does he finish work? a) around 4pm b) around 3pm B Drills 0()) maw General questions 1. What's your phone number? = My phone number is (835924 58) 4 ‘Across Your brother is your parents 5 Your parents’ son is your. Your sister is your parents’ 6 Your dad's brother is your. Your dad's wife or partner is your. Your dad's sisters your. 8 Down 1 Your parents’ daughter i your B Numbers 2 Your mums dad is your Say the numbers. Then listen to check. 4 Your dad's mum is your “sr 697 Your mums husband or partner is your, 22 pe i 394 38 5 Reading 452 2nd Read the text. Then answer T (true) or F (ls). $3 woah 1. Angela 28 years old . 2. She lives in Montreal. 5 Transformation I 3 She plays ce hockey in the summer [] “ansform the sentences into negatives. 4 She goes traveling inthe winter 1. | workin a office, (she) = She works in an of 5. She doesn't ike acting Hi 'm Angela m 24 yeas tld and ive in Monta ike a playing fot, videogames nd tennis. nthe winter play Kcehockey athe weekend, 3nd Talvays go sing fora couple of the sumer ain travelling round North Xeric walk to work most ‘orang, bul sometimes {dive “specs raining | goto the teste lott the weekend Frmalso na theatre chub = {love 5 O Transformation II Make questions. 1. He plays football = Does he play football? acting. I'm a nurse and I work + Jina hospital. work from 74pm every day I get up very cary Tye got a pet cat called Strpey. * 5 BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 ro UNIT i MY CLASS! aa 9 cement 1 Vocabulary Personal items Teacher talk Match the words 1108) othe pictures fh) Complete the phrases withthe words rom below. 1 Scissors fa P ee finish] [window] [do] [down] [out] [listen] [in] [to] 3 Paper sit 4 Notebook 2 Speak English, pleasel 5 Stapler 3 Open the please. 6. Course book Student's book 4 Tum age 46, please, 2. Highlighter j marker pen 5 to the story and answer the questions. & Sellotape ("Scotch tape” in US English) 6, Read the paragraph then ___the exercise nan 7. Youcan it for homework! & Could you hand these papers, please? 1 Class activities ‘Add letersto complet the expressions. ; 1. Sh_r_ books, please. Get into p_ rst Work in gr —ps! Put up your h_ al D_sc_-s itin pairs! 3. Copy the text into your b. t . Fillin the | rh the words tothe pictures! 1B The classroom 1B Student questions ‘Wit the words inthe corect place. Match the requests (18 tothe responses (+). ok | [wal] ed [bw os fae HH A:Can | goto the tilt, please? Bm sony mate bin trashcan” in US) | desk || chair EL A.Could we open the window, please? 1A Could you repeat that, please? Bi Could you lend me a penci, please? 1k Has anyone got apiece of paper, please? ELA Which Book isi? BDA Which exercise did he say? 4. OK, just goand sit down. i. No, you cant, There's only five minutes let is vey hot f. I said, open your books to page 42. &. Yes, sure, here you are Ih. Yes, 've got some you can have BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai Si 2 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 (énglish TRACK GA a NOTES 1D Asking about words Choose the oct sentences or questions. TA What does this mean? What means this? BK How say this word in English? B: How do you say this word in English? BL A:How pronunciation this word? 8B: How do you pronounce this word? A What ae this in English? What is this in English? A How translating this word? B: How do you translate this word? [A What's the English word for this? B: Whats English word for this? I A:I'm sorry | not understand that 'B:I'm sorry | didn't understand that AI don't understand this bit B: Not understanding this bt o Listening — The class a({)) cr ‘exis class, Read the questions. Ten, fen once and choose the correc ansers. What hasnt Alex go? ahs bag) his book 2 What page do they need to turn to?) 46.6) 38 5 What wating implement doesn't he have? 4) pend) a pencil 4 What does vacation” mean?) festival) ahoiday How do you pronounce) with a"v" sound by with a"b" sound 6, What is 2 fork?) a too! for fixing things bj something to eat with oe |EGINNER’S BOOK A <éHGlish Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 www 8 eTRACKITA oTRACKTE UNIT f HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT? Objective to lean how to spl words in Eglsh BD Vocabula B Listening ~ Meetin; Le 1) race Cepia ee ee et ee eee surnames? 1. Where is Ako from? 2. Whereis Petra from? 3 Whereis Jean from? ‘4 What is Mollie's surname? 5 What is Liam's surname? Pronunciation 0())) =» basil pye" |G Listen and repeat the letters of the alphabet. ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ pone coat steons pres | py Spel the names out lou. Ten steno chek 1. MARK 2. BEN 3 SARAH, 4 OSCAR 5 MEGAN 6 CHLOE 5. Bil businessperson 3. Tylor musician { footal payer 2. Mae scent VIDEO wid Lsten tothe alphabet song. Search YouTube fo “The Alphabet Song | ABC Song | Supe Simple Songs” 13 fate royalty h BEGINNER'S BOOK A? gars 44 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017. éng cer Fe in Ena ommere Rend oben ee eat oe Tie et genta rectce it. NOTES @ Listening ~ Name checking %)) wove Listen to the mini-dialogues. Write the names for each dialogue. 5 HARNSTON fe 3 ‘ . Speaking ‘ite down six names. Then, ask frend how to spell them. 1D fpointing at a name] How do you spel this name? MARK 1 Yes, that ight. (Or point at people in the class. For example: 1B How do you spell Paul's surname? DBARKER, (ruse the names ofthe famous people from the Vocabulary activity. 1D How do you spell Cameron Diaz's surname? Boiaz G Drill 0) mee Look at the typical surnames. How do you spell them? Think. Then, listen to check. 1 Watts 2. Bradley & Jenkins 4 Jones 5 Brown 6 Poole 2. Wilson & Woods 8 Tajlor re.Smith an |EGINNER’S BOOK A <éHGlish Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 www 6 en He vernoe iter Cente wed ends it erate ea racttieeten UNIT I) HOW OFTEN DO YOU...? UU oie rten nee npinn DVocabulary Tick (7) the things you do regulary. cy How healthy are you? Complete the questionnaire and you could win a fantastic prize. ' Name: Sandra Francis 1. How often do you do any sport? I ge sunning about once a week, How often do you eat fat food? lent Bast Bod about exce a month 3. How often do you walk? wale te werk every Any, ana | oPten go for a walle at the weekend, How often do you eat fut or vegetables? leat Pit ev vegetables Hovee Hines a Aay cat every meal! a 4 How often do you drink tea or coffee? is usually have about Hivee cups of cot Fee a day. How often do you brush your teeth? orash my Reeth tice a ay ~ once it Hre mering land once at night! ‘eat fut or vegetables Now press SEND G Language ‘We can use these time expressions to talk about frequency rush your teeth ‘once a week, twice a month, three times a day, four times a year, every day. SI For example: 4) | brush my teeth twice a day b) have a medical check-up once a year \We can use How offen..? to ask about frequency 1 How often do you eat out? D Reading 1 leat out three times a week Look atthe information in the questionnaire. Then, respond to the ‘questions with fll answers. 1 Matching. 1. What sport does she do once a weel? Match the questions (1 to) to the answers (a). 2, What does she eat once a month? 1. How often do you go out? 3 What does she do every day? 2. How often do you eat outa restaurants? 44 What does she eat three times a day? 3 How often do you goto the dentist? 5, What does she drink three times a day? {4 How often do you do any exercise? 6 What does she do twice a day? 5 How often do you watch television? BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai ee 6 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 (énglish ermecis Gr NOTES OTRACKTIC 2. leat out about twice a month by L watch abit of TV every day. € I play tenis or go swimming every day. A. have a check-up three times a year fe. Once a week - usualy on Fridays Sentence completion Complete the sentences with time pressions of your choice. 1 I goto the gym, 2. Idrive to work. I brush my teeth 4 leat chocolate or sweets, 5 Ihave a dental checkup, 6 leat fast foo. Listening — The dental plan 0() mem ‘Aaron i talking about his habits. Listen. Then, answer the questions. 1+ How offen does Aaron de any exercise? 2 How often does he eat sweet or choclate? 3 How ofen does he eat ut or vegetables? 4 How often does he brush his teth> 5 How often does he go tothe dentist? 1G Pronunciation 0(}) mcm D The / s/ sound Listen and repeat cup, duck, truck, gun, fur, once Which word isthe odé-one-out? ‘luck’ {run sun) [own] us’ | up | B Linki Uisin aed epet How often = How.often How often do you goto the cinema? = How.often do you go to the cinema? Speaking Ask and answer questions Use the questions from the Vocabulary section, For example: 1D How often do you go swimming? 1B 1 go swimming about once a week & Drill 04) mere Listen and answer, 1 How often do you go swimming? (twice a week) = 1 g0 swimming twice a week. a |EGINNER’S BOOK A (éhGlish Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 www a ‘eTRACKBA UNIT) WHAT WAS IT LIKE? [— UU oii pre Vocabulary Circle the weather today. What about yesterday? 3 Themountans 5. Thepool 6. Theforest Language was happy. wasn’t happy. Was | happy? You were happy. Were you happy? Hewas happy. He wasn't happy. Was he happy? You weren't happy. ‘She was happy. | She wasn't happy. | Was she happy? Itwas happy. | Itwasn’t happy. | Was it happy? Wewere happy. | Weweren’t happy. | Were we happy? They were happy. | They weren't happy. | Were they happy? \We can use wes /were to talk about the past. These words are the past of is / are Di itwas hot yesterday. 1D They were in a party. \We often use the contracted negative forms: was not = wasn't / were not = weren't 1 You weren't at home. 1D She wasm't inthe garden ‘We can use There was / There were to describe a situation in the past: 1 There was a party last night. 1D There were 10 people at the meeting, ‘The negative forms are There wasn't / There ween’: ‘There wasn't a party lastnight 2, Thebarbece i There weren't 10 people at the meeting. BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai Si a Copyright Hot English Publishing SL2017 (énglish “top tie the meaning ing, HEE feuseearstsre Exgish {ction TRACK BE TRACK BC Note We use was bom to talk about our date of birt 4] When were you born? b) Iwas born on 25rd January 1995, Sentence completion Complete the sentences th wasor were at the beach last week at home lst right st 9pm in the mountain last month, in France last year 5 We on a bus yesterday afternoon at 4pm. 1B Transformation Make negatives. 1. There were six people at the meting. ~ There werent six people atthe meeting 2, Iwas cold yesterday 3 Shewas at home this morning. 4. They were at wark at 4pm, 5 ltwas windy last week, 1B Word order Put the words inthe correct order. 1. was /it cold 2. she / at home / was 3 at work fhe / wasn't 4 were / they / at the cinema any chairs / there J weren't 6. was / alot of noise / there 1D Matching Match the questions (1 os) tothe answers (-<)- 1. Were you a the beach ast week? Where were you t gpm? Wasit cold last week? \What was the weather lke? Were you at work this morning? veer twas cold but sunny. Iwas at home. No, I was at home. | No, it was hot. eeciee No, we were atthe beach last month, hen, answer the questions yes or no. 1 Was the barbecue on Sunday? 2. Were Paul and Mark there? <éHGlish ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 3 Was there 2 lot of food? 4 Were there some vegetarian dishes? 5. Was the weather good? Hi Jack, How's it going? We had a great ime on Saturday. There was a barbecue and Paul and Mark were there. jessica was there too ~ she asked about you! There was a lot of food and drink: kebabs, burgers, sausages... and there were some vegetarian dishes for Phoebe and Crispin. The only thing was the weather. it was abit cold and windy. At about 7pm, we al went inside, which was nice ‘Anyway, hopefully you can come next time! Best wishes, Rachel G Pronunciation 0()) mex The / 19 / sound listen and repeater, clear, der, near cheer ‘Which word is the odd-one out? fear) (hear | seal) [beer [weird] dear 1B Weak sounds ‘When we speak naturally, was and were are weak sounds: Strong sound: was / woz | = | was at home. ‘Weak sound: was | waz / = | was at home. Strong sound: were | ‘Weak sound: was / W3 G Speaking Paleet er ecient tes Past comin if necessary For example: ‘They were in the park, hey were in the park 1 What was the weather lke on Monday? Di Itwas cloudy on Monday. 1G Drill 0({) mene Listen and answer. Use full answers. ‘What was the weather like yesterday? (hot) = was hot yesterday. EGINNER’S BOOK Al UNIT &) WHAT DID YOU DO? DVocabulary Tick () the things you did last month. > play football visit someone | oe y KN walkin the rain ‘efora walk enjoy yourself surf the internet ee | D Reading Read the Facebook updates. Then, answer the questions yes/no. 1. Was Holly in Berlin? 2. Did she stay ina hotel? Did she rent some bikes? 4. Was Ronnie in Paris? 5 Did he visit some museums? 6 Did Joanna stay ata hotel in Seattle? BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 50 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 eoawn Holly Ashton 2 hours ago Hi alll We went to Berlin forthe long weekend. It was amazing, We stayed in this lovely hotel right in the centre (On Friday, we rented some bikes and cycied around the centre I's a really intersting city! Ronnie Sounds great! We were in London. We stayed in an amazing hotel near Hyde Park. We walked alot and went to lots of museums and really enjoyed i. Joanna We were in Seattle. It rained al the time, but it was rally interesting. We stayed with some fiends for a couple of nights. | called you lastnight but you weren't at home. ce Repl 4éHiglish co et Usfen to the voit fn ster tet a grea canyrse ts geod practice. TRACK2MA TRACK 08 2 TRACK2OC G Language Notice how the pat tense verb (played) is the same for all people (you he, she). 3 we /in the patk | played football 4 some bicycles [they / rented 5. he [to work / walked eR ERTN]© ening.Thyiotandon tl) am coer eter ieee She ployed tennis. | She didn't ple tnmis._| Did she play tennis? fH fot) It ployed tennis. 1 didn’ play tennis. | Did it play tennis? Friday evening ‘restaurant / pub ee pee eee eee ‘We form most regular past simple verbs by adding -ed to the 4, Saturday evening cinema / theatre Siooemateatn™||- m e livectived; like-liked; use-used; arrive-arrived &. (seete) oe icooes Transformation ‘ite the past tense ofthe verbs in brackets. {tall toa fiend (0a) tennis on Sunday (watch) TV ast right. {ister othe radio. {it forthe bus 5 He B Sentence completion Complete the sentences with the verbs from below. walked) [stayed] [listened] | watched| [played wt to some music. 2 He aTV series. 5 She to work 4 They go. 5 We ata hotel 1B Matching Maich the questions (1 os) tothe answers (2). 1. What did you do last night? 2. Where did you stay? 3 What did you doin the park? 44 Where did you go with the bikes? 5 What was the weather ike? 1. We played football by. watched some TY. € Itrained all day! 4. We stayed in a hotel fe. We cycled around the centre. Sentence order Put the words inthe correct orde. 1. visited /1/ 3 fiend 2 called me / on my mobile / she {énglish G Pronunciation 0() mera Past tense verb endings ‘There are three ways of pronouncing the verb ending “-ed”. Listen and repeat. 1d J orrived, lived, enjoyed 1 | wold, helped, ised id /woited, wanted, added The / >1 / sound Listen and repeat: boy, toy, coin, enjoy ‘Which words the odd-one-out? [join] [rain] [employ] [destroy G Speaking Pakeat mer cies the pels ecicveh from this unit Invent information. Answer with Yes, I did. / No, I didn’ 1 Did you stay in a hotel last weekend? Yes, | did Drill 00) rece ‘Transform the sentences into the past simple, 11. He plays tennis. = He played tennis. EGINNER’S BOOK Al ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 x LET’S CHECK Ef @ Word completion ‘Ad letters to complete the words. 1 Could pn the window, please? 2 Cant gotothet-i_t, please? 3 Has anyone gota piece of pp, please? 4 Could yous -e_k abit slower please? 5 Could you epe- that, please? & im som mit 4. Could youl -n_ mea pencil, please? 4% Putyour hand up fyou know the a_s-er BVocabulai ‘Add nouns to complete the phrases. In some cases, more than ‘one answer i possible. 1. Wash your 2. Walkto + Cook t 4 Do the 5 Go 6. Do some 1. Eat fit or & Use publi 9. Brush your 10, Drink tea or @ Matching Match the questions (15 tothe answers (-} 1. What did you do ast weekend? How often do you go tothe cinema? ‘Were you at home yesterday? Wht vas the weather ie yesterday? Who was atthe pany? No, was at work Mike and Sarah About once a week, | stayed at home. ita cold and windy BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 2 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 @ Wordsearch Find the weather words in the wordsearch. ‘cloudy | cold || dry’ | foggy| ice | rainy ‘snowy || stormy| |sunny || wet | windy TX RX VWYMO 8B cPpkKASICIDKLD JseptiRRSNNROX (Qt ol mia) elo) se itDyE Bil cove cHlom sol Ol Ww ivie ArFCCLOUDYRXA sGEZFOGGYVMS RWETGEZzQBRIY XZVAREYTXWEE qQnuaqtisuNnnvaer MLFPYLZUUZzaG uGFrHSNOWYaATU B Sentence completion ‘Complete the sentences with was or were, ye they in ahotl by the beach, ae athome last weekend 3 There 2 pay lst right She at work yesterday aferncon 3 There alot of peopl the mesg GCap fill Complete the sentences with the verbs rom below. rained || called || played| | enjoyed | visited || rented football in the park some fiends in Bevin 3 Werealy curselves atthe pat. ak all day last Saturday 5 We some bieydes & she ime on her mobile phone @ Sentence completion ‘Complete the sentences with the verbs from below, There are two ‘extra words. \walked| jinvited| |stayed| listened) watched] played |rained 1, |____ to some music, 2 He a Weeries 3 She ‘to work 4 They ol. 5 We ata hotel 16Rgl eoreace m0 rep ie a En Its good Gi Readin 7 Read the text. Then, answer T (true) or F (false). 1. Amelia went to Oslo, L) 8 2. She stayed with some fends. (1 3 She visited some museums. 1 % 4 She went to the Viking Ship Museum on Saturday ‘morning. 1 10 5. She went to the Natural History Museum on Sunday orig. 1 Names & numbers . the names or say the numbers out loud. aaa Htentacntochea How's it going? We had a great time last. 1. HENRY weekend. We went to Oslo. We stayed in a 2 MICHAEL hotel in the centre. We walked everywhere Pica and went to lots of museums and art eae galleries. Itrained a lot, but we really 64 enjoyed it. On Saturday morning, we went 2% to the Viking Ship Museum. That was really ® i interesting. Later, we had lunch by the bat harbour. On Sunday morning, we visited . the Vigeland Sculpture Park. It's got a lot of O Transformation sculptures by the sculptor Gustav Vigeland. ‘We went for lunch after that. Speak soon, Best wishes, Amelia B Listening — Habits 0() maw Listen to the recording. Then, choose the correct answers. 1 ihats is urna? con fladson 2 How often des he go swimming? tice a week bhonces eck + Flow often dos he eat fst fod? ]oncea moth bj once a week 4. How often does he wal ot ery ofen evry day £ Hlowoten does he ct fit er vegetber?) once a doy bhrwces ay Drills 0(}) mexae 1 General questions Listen and answer the questions with your own information. 1. Whats your name> My ame is (mel). 2 x cs {énglish ‘Transform the sentences int the past. 1. They wat for the bus, = They waited forthe bus. a vee BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai ‘Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2017 UNIT Ei] TELL ME A STORY! Use cre ntecinnene o Reading | Read the story. Then, put the pictues inthe correct order. B Language There are many regular pas tense verbs, For example: Bit sawa flim (om the verb tse) 1D She went to Pars. (om the verb to go) Notice how the past tense verbs are the same fr all people (you, he, she.) 1 saw a fl, I didn't see afilm. [Did I see a film? You did't se film. | Did you see alm? He die’ see alm. | Did he see a film? She did't seeoflm. | Did she see a film? Ie did't see afm. | Did it 00a film? We did't see afin. |Did we see a film? You saw a film. He sow afi ‘She saw a fil i saw a film, We saw o film. Funny stories Here are some funny stories from our readers Naughty dog! Last Sunday, Nick made a cake, He mised the ingredients, ‘then put the cake inthe oven, When it was ready, he took itout and put ton the table. It was a nice day, so he went fora walk. But while he was out ofthe house, his dog, Max, jumped onto the table and ate the cake, When Nick {got home, he went into the kitchen. He wanted a pece of his cake. But where was i? Nick looked everywhere. Max was on his basket. He was asleep. He looked happy. And ‘there was some cake around his mouth! BEGINNER'S BOOK Ai 4 Copyright Hot English Publishing They saw a file. | Theydidit sce afm. | Did they sea film? ‘There is list ofthe most important irregular verbs atthe end of this book. We use didn't «the base verb for negatives. This isthe same for regular or irregular verbs. For example: 1 played tennis = didn't play tennis. 1D We saw a flm= We didn't seea film. ‘We use did + the infinitive for questions. For example: 1 Di you play tennis? 1 Did you see a film? 1 Transformation ‘Transform the sentences into negatives. 1. made a cake. = 2. She put iton the table 3 went tothe USA. 4 He ate all the food. 5. We had a small house, 4éHiglish

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