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Make your plan. Get out alive.

Important fire safety information for you to keep

If your smoke alarm went 2
off in the night would you
know what to do? This
leaflet explains how to
make a fire action plan for
your home. Read it now
– it could save lives.

Plan together now 3 Tell everyone in your

household where you keep
your door and window keys
1 Take everyone into account • You can be safe as well as secure
• Make your fire action plan with if you make sure that anyone
everyone in your household, who needs to get out in an
especially children and elderly emergency can easily open
or disabled people. doors and windows.
2 Your best escape route is 4 When it’s safer to stay
your normal way in and out in your home
of your home • If your escape route is blocked,
• Decide on a different route it may be safer to stay put and
as well, in case the normal protect yourself until the Fire
one is blocked. Brigade arrives.
• Keep all escape routes clear. • Find a suitable room now.
Choose one with a window that
opens and, if possible, a phone
so that you can call 999.

• If the stairs in a block of flats

are blocked by fire or smoke,
don’t use the lift. Stay calm
and go back inside your flat – Whe
it’s designed to keep fire out. fire ou make
• Close the door and follow n pla your
alwa n:
the safety steps in this ys
leaflet. elder include
ly an c
choo d dis hildren a
se ab led p nd
If you would like free and a the bes eople
n te
advice on making your keep other wa scape ro
fire action plan, contact them y out ute
tell e clear , and
your local Fire Brigade. veryo ;
door ne w
The number is in your a h
are; a nd windo ere the
local phone book. nd w ke
if you ys
safer ca n ’t esc
t ape,
prote o stay in it’s
c y our h
to be t yoursel
rescu f, and ome,
ed. wait
Safety steps to save lives


1 Fit smoke alarms on each 2 Keep doors closed at night

floor level in your home • This will help delay the spread
• If you don’t have working smoke of fire and smoke.
alarms in your home, your
chances of surviving a fire when 3 Do a safety check before
you are asleep are almost zero. you go to bed each night
• Test your smoke alarms every • The more electrical appliances
month and replace batteries you can switch off at the wall
once a year. socket, the safer you will be.
• If your smoke alarms keep going • Check gas appliances and
off, don’t disconnect them. They put a spark guard in front
are only doing their job. Ask the of open fires.
Fire Brigade about the best place • Put out cigarette ends and
to put them so that they won’t candles properly. Always keep
keep going off, for example, matches and cigarette lighters
when you are cooking. away from children.

4 Practise your fire action plan

• Knowing what to do and
acting quickly will save lives. Pr
Regularly take a few minutes redu otect yo
ce th u
to ‘walk’ the escape route e ris rself and
with everyone in your k of
fittin fire
household and check g sm by:
f loor o ke al
that everyone can unlock le a
and open doors and each vel and rms on e
mon testi a
keep th; ng th ch
windows easily. in em
nigh g doors c
• Review your plan t; losed
regularly, especially if switc at
you make any changes elect off a
ri s ma
in your home. poss cal applia ny
ible a nces
t nig
ng o ht; a as
cand ut nd
les s cigarette
matc afely s and
h , an
from es and lig d keepin
child hters g
ren. away
What to do if there’s a fire

1 Raise the alarm have to break the window,

• If your smoke alarm goes off cover the jagged glass with
while you are asleep, don’t towels or thick bedding.
investigate to see if there is • Throw some more bedding out
a fire. Shout to wake everyone of the window to break your fall.
up, get everyone together, Don’t jump out of the window –
follow your plan and get out. lower yourself down to arm’s
• Check doors with the back of length and drop to the ground.
your hand – if they are warm, • If you have any children or
do not open them – the fire is elderly or disabled people with
on the other side. you, plan the order you will
• If there is a lot of smoke, crawl escape in so that you can help
along with your nose near the them down.
floor where the air will be 3 Don’t go back inside your
2 Escaping from a window • Call the Fire Brigade from a
• If you are on the ground floor mobile phone, a neighbour’s
or first floor you may be able to house or a phone box. Give
escape from a window. If you the address of the fire.
• Don’t stop or go back for anything.

4 What to do if your
escape route is blocked
• Get everyone into one room
and close the door. Smoke To s
and fumes can kill people life i ve your
quickly, so put bedding or ire:
towels along the bottom of if you
the door to seal the gap. in th smoke a
e nig larm
– wa h g
• Open the window and ke ot t don’t in oes off
follo h v
stay near it for fresh air wing ers and g estigate
don’ your p et ou
and to let the firefighters t ope lan; t,
feel w n any
see you. arm; door
don’ s tha
• Phone the Fire Brigade t sto t
anyt p or
or shout for help so hi go
Briga ng – pho back for
that someone else d e; an ne th
if d e Fire
can phone y ou ca
toge n ’t ge
for you. th to
the d er in one ut, stay
o r
rescu or and w oom, clo
ed. ait to se
Make your plan. Get out alive.

Other information
If you would like a copy
of this leaflet on audio cassette
or in Braille, large print or any
of the languages listed below,
please phone 0800 169 1697.
Textphone users should call
through Typetalk.

This leaflet is available in the

following languages:
Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi,
Punjabi, Urdu, Chinese,
Vietnamese, Greek, Turkish,
Somali, Welsh.

For more information,

visit our website at:

For more information or advice

on fire safety in your home,
phone your local Fire Brigade.
You can find the number in
your local phone book.

FL5 Published by Home Office Communicaton Directorate Sept 2000

Important fire safety information for you to keep

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