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Image Enhancement pipeline: a)Image of whole body, b) Laplacian (a), c)Sharpened image obtained

by a+b, d) Sobel of a), e)Sobel smoothed with 5x5 mask, f) mask image formed by c*e, g)Sharpened
image obtained by a+f, h) Final image obtained by applying power law to g,

Harris Corner detection: Significant intensity change in more than one direction. Intersection of edges
Why DNN: Big data, GPU acceleration, New ML techniques

Objects that are close are more widely separated on our retinas, and far objects project to

points that are closer together.

For seeing at night,

• 120 million Rods work in low light (for seeing at night) but only in black and white.

 For finding ripe food,

• 6 million Cones can see color but need high light intensity levels

 With 120 vs. 6, color information can be reduced dramatically without degradation of color

DFT: Fast transform, most useful in DSP, convolution and digital

filtering. Has very good energy compaction for images.

 DCT: Fast transform, requires real operations, near optimal

substitute for KL transform of highly correlated images. Has

excellent energy compaction for images.

 Walsh-Hadamard: Faster than sinusoidal transforms. Useful for

digital hardware implementation as all transform coefficients are

either 1 or -1, binary.

 Karhunen-Loeve: Optimal and has the best energy compaction in

the mean square sense over an ensemble. Has no fast algorithm.

Useful for small size vectors, e.g., color multi-spectral or other

feature vectors.

The relative magnitude of importance of each eigenface decreases

rapidly with its number

Only 20 to 40 eigenfaces needed to represent a large facial database.

• Each eigenface is like a ring on a bicycle combination lock.

• The amount of each eigenface that is used to construct the candidate face

corresponds to the ring positions on the lock

Eigenfaces corresponding to large magnitudes can have more ring positions

than those with smaller magnitudes.

• Number of eigenfaces and the number of discrete levels of magnitudes of

eigenfaces that can be used specify the number of degrees of freedom.

• Idea is the same as in Image Transform, e.g., DCT.

• Average face corresponds to the DC component.

• Each frequency component value corresponds to a weighting factor for its

“eigen” signal (basis function to be exact).

Entropy = statistical measure of symbol information

content (or, a measure of degree of randomness)

H1(S) = - ΣPk log2Pk [bits]

Blurring in uniform color areas, “zipper” effect at edges

LeNet (1998)

• AlexNet (2012)

• OverFeat (2013)

• VGGNet (2014)

• GoogleNet (2014)

• ResNet (2015)

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