Grammar Review - Reported Speech, Modal Verbs, Conditionals

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First and second conditional (mixed)

Exercise 1
Respond to the following situations. Use the first or second conditional sentences. _____________

My sister is ill. She won't go out.

If my sister wasn't ill, she ........................... out.

I won't cook for you. I'll be busy at the weekend.

I won't cook for you if I ...................... busy at the weekend.

Won't he drink anything? He'll be thirsty.

If he .................................... anything, he'll be thirsty.

I don't have a driving licence. I can't drive you there.

If I ................... a driving licence, I could drive you there.

We'll go to the beach. The weather will be sunny.

We'll go to the beach on condition that the weather ............. sunny.

I feel so tired because I don't sleep well.

I .............................. so tired if I slept well.

I don't know how to do it. I can't help you.

I could help you provided I .................... how to do it.

Try this meal. You will like it.

If you ..................... this meal, you will like it.

Marion is much older than me. I won't marry her.

If Marion ......................... much older, I'd marry her.

I'll give you this map. You won't get lost.

I'll give you this map in case you ................... lost.

Key with answers:
First and second conditional (mixed): exercise 1
Key with answers ______________________________________________________________

My sister is ill. She won't go out.

If my sister wasn't ill, she would go out.

I won't cook for you. I'll be busy at the weekend.

I won't cook for you if I am busy at the weekend.

Won't he drink anything? He'll be thirsty.

If he doesn't drink anything, he'll be thirsty.

I don't have a driving licence. I can't drive you there.

If I had a driving licence, I could drive you there.

We'll go to the beach. The weather will be sunny.

We'll go to the beach on condition that the weather is sunny.

I feel so tired because I don't sleep well.

I would not feel so tired if I slept well.

I don't know how to do it. I can't help you.

I could help you provided I knew how to do it.

Try this meal. You will like it.

If you try this meal, you will like it.

Marion is much older than me. I won't marry her.

If Marion wasn't | weren't much older, I'd marry her.

I'll give you this map. You won't get lost.

I'll give you this map in case you get lost.

Our tip: All PDF exercises + grammar rules in one place.
Second and third conditional (mixed)
Exercise 2
Underline mistakest and correct them. Use the second or third conditionals. _________________


If you helped me yesterday, we would have finished in time. had helped_____

I'm sorry. I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't so angry. _______________

If I were you, I wouldn't have done it now. _______________

I can't join you. But I could have gone with you later if you didn't mind. _______________

I didn't speak German. If I spoke German, we wouldn't have got lost. _______________

If you hadn't stayed with me last night, I would feel so frightened. _______________

Sam feels lonely. He would be happier if he had been married. _______________

Liz doesn't want to apply for the job. But she would have got it if she tried it. _______________

The taxi driver didn't know the address. I would have arrived on time if he knew it. _______________

They invited you to the party. They wouldn't do it if they hadn't wanted it. _______________

If I could live anywhere in the world in future, I would have chosen Provence. _______________

Key with answers:
Second and third conditional (mixed): exercise 2
Key with answers ______________________________________________________________

I'm sorry. I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't so angry. hadn't been

If I were you, I wouldn't have done it now. wouldn't do

I can't join you. But I could have gone with you later if you didn't mind. could go

I didn't speak German. If I spoke German, we wouldn't have got lost. had spoken

If you hadn't stayed with me last night, I would feel so frightened. would have felt

Sam feels lonely. He would be happier if he had been married. was | were

Liz doesn't want to apply for the job. But she would have got it if she tried it. would get

The taxi driver didn't know the address. I would have arrived on time if he knew it. had known

They invited you to the party. They wouldn't do it if they hadn't wanted it. wouldn't have

If I could live anywhere in the world in future, I would have chosen Provence. would choose

Our tip: All PDF exercises + grammar rules in one place.
Conditional (mixed forms)
Exercise 3. Write the correct forms in conditional sentences. _____________

I don't have any breakfast if I ............................... to school.

□ go □ will go

Say hello to Lilly if you ................................. her.

□ see □ will see

We would have returned in time on condition that the sea .................................. so stormy.
□ wasn't □ hadn't been

Unless you .......................................... enough, you won't win the race.

□ practise □ don't practise

If he orders coffee in a restaurant, he ........................................... cappuccino.

□ would have □ usually has

If we needed your help, we ............................... you know.

□ would let □ let

Where will we stay if the hotel .......................................... full?

□ will be □ is

Suppose you ............................................ in summer, would you apply for a job?

□ will graduate □ graduated

If the flight had been cancelled, how ............................................................. to Cairo?

□ had we got □ would we have got

I'd take a box of matches in case we .................................. to make fire.

□ wanted □ would want

Key with answers:
Conditional (mixed forms): exercise 3
Key with answers ___________________________________________________________

I don't have any breakfast if I go to school.

Say hello to Lilly if you see her.

We would have returned in time on condition that the sea hadn't been so stormy.

Unless you practise enough, you won't win the race.

If he orders coffee in a restaurant, he usually has cappuccino.

If we needed your help, we would let you know.

Where will we stay if the hotel is full?

Suppose you graduated in summer, would you apply for a job?

If the flight had been cancelled, how would we have got to Cairo?

I'd take a box of matches in case we wanted to make fire.

Our tip: All PDF exercises + grammar rules in one place.
English grammar

Mixed conditionals
There are four basic types of conditional sentences in the English language. Each type has two parts - the
main clause and the if clause.

Zero conditional: I take my umbrella if it rains.

First conditional: I'll call you if I work late.
Second conditional: If the bus didn't arrive on time, I would drive you to the airport.
Third conditional: She wouldn't have come if I hadn't invited her.

Mixed conditionals
In the mixed conditional sentences we can combine the second and third conditional.

If he had left immediately, he would be here now.

(He didn't leave immediately and isn't here.)

If I had studied hard when I was young, I wouldn't be a porter now.

(I didn't study and I am a porter.)

If we hadn't told him the way while he was preparing for his journey, he would get lost now.
(We told him and he isn't lost.)

Inverted conditionals

We can also make mixed conditional sentences by changing the word order in the if clause.

Had he booked the hotel room in time, he wouldn't sleep at the camp now.
(If he had booked ... )

This form is less common, quite formal and is mostly used in writing.


If is the most frequent expression in the if clauses, but other expressions are also possible.

I would be here tonight even if you had not invited me.

We couldn't have this lecture provided that Mrs. Jones had gone to Paris.
I wouldn't be hungry now on condition you had made the dinner.

Mixed conditional exercises:

Our tip: All PDF exercises + grammar rules in one place.
The Passive: Mixed Tenses

Change these sentences from active to passive.

1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.

2. The Government is planning a new road near my house.
3. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.
5. The cleaner has cleaned the office.
6. He had written three books before 1867.
7. John will tell you later.
8. By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal.
9. Somebody should do the work.
10. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy.
11. Everybody loves Mr Brown.
12. They are building a new stadium near the station.
13. The wolf ate the princess.
14. At six o'clock someone was telling a story.

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
15. Somebody has drunk all the milk!
16. I had cleaned all the windows before the storm.
17. A workman will repair the computer tomorrow.
18. By next year the students will have studied the passive.
19. James might cook dinner.
20. Somebody must have taken my wallet.

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.

1. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.

2. A new road is being planned near my house.
3. This house was built (by my grandfather) in 1943.
4. Guernica was being painted (by Picasso) at that time.
5. The office has been cleaned.
6. Three books had been written before 1867.
7. You will be told (by John) later.
8. By this time tomorrow the deal will have been signed.
9. The work should be done.
10. Jimmy might have been delayed (by the traffic).
11. Mr Brown is loved (by everybody).
12. A new stadium is being built near the station.
13. The princess was eaten (by the wolf).
14. At six o'clock a story was being told.
15. All the milk has been drunk!
16. All the windows had been cleaned (by me) before the storm.
17. The computer will be repaired tomorrow.
18. By next year the passive will have been studied (by the students).
19. Dinner might be cooked (by James).
20. My wallet must have been taken.

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
B1 Reported Speech RS002

Change the sentences to reported speech !

1. Mary said, “I will play a card game tomorrow.”

Mary informed me that ______________________________________________________________ .

2. Sophie said, “I went to bed early last night.”

Sophie said that ______________________________________________________________________ .

3. The teacher said to Jenny, „You have to learn your grammar.”

The teacher told Jenny ________________________________________________________________ .

4. Jessica told the immigration officer,” This is my first trip to England.”

Jessica told the immigration officer that ______________________________________________ .

5. He told me, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”
He told me that _______________________________________________________________________ .

6. Marty said, “I’m going to visit my uncle next month.”

Marty said that _______________________________________________________________________ .

7. Lara said, “I get on with my parents really fine.”

Lara said that _________________________________________________________________________ .

8. Gloria explained, “I can’t come to the party because I’m going away for the weekend.”
Gloria explained that _________________________________________________________________ .

9. Mark said, “My friend found a new job in the music business.”
Mark said that ________________________________________________________________________ .

10. Judy complained, “I have already written this essay four times.”
Judy complained that _________________________________________________________________ .

11. Peter announced, “I will not give up until this factory is shut down.”
Peter announced that ________________________________________________________________

12. Her boyfriend told her,” You have bought a wonderful dress.”
Her boyfriend told her that ___________________________________________________________ .

13. Paul said, “I don’t like my new flat.”

Paul said that ________________________________________________________________________ .

14. My father told Ben, “I am sure I saw you here last week.
My father told Ben that _______________________________________________________________ .

15. Betty said, „If I knew the answer, I would tell you.”
Betty said that _______________________________________________________________________ .

1. Mary said, “I will play a card game tomorrow.”

Mary informed me that she would play a card game the following day.

2. Sophie said, “I went to bed early last night.”

Sophie said that she had gone to bed early the night before.

3. The teacher said to Jenny, „You have to learn your grammar.”

The teacher told Jenny that she had to learn her grammar.
The teacher told Jenny to learn her grammar.

4. Jessica told the immigration officer,” This is my first trip to England.”

Jessica told the immigration officer that it/that was her first trip to England.

5. He told me, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”
He told me that I was the most beautiful girl in the world.

6. Marty said, “I’m going to visit my uncle next month.”

Marty said that he was going to visit his uncle the following month.

7. Lara said, “I get on with my parents really fine.”

Lara said that she got on with her parents really fine.

8. Gloria explained, “I can’t come to the party because I’m going away for the weekend.”
Gloria explained that she couldn’t / wasn’t able to come to the party because she
was going away for the weekend.

9. Mark said, “My friend found a new job in the music business.”
Mark said that his friend had found a new job in the music business.

10. Judy complained, “I have already written this essay four times.”
Judy complained that she had already written that essay four times.

11. Peter announced, “I will not give up until this factory is shut down.”
Peter announced that he would not give up until that factory was shut down.

12. Her boyfriend told her,” You have bought a wonderful dress.”
Her boyfriend told her that she had bought a wonderful dress.

13. Paul said, “I don’t like my new flat.”

Paul said that he didn’t like his new flat.

14. My father told Ben, “I am sure I saw you here last week.
My father told Ben that he was sure he had seen him there the week before.

15. Betty said, „If I knew the answer, I would tell you.”
Betty said that if she had known the answer she would have told me/us.


1. Rose and Ted _________________ be good players. They have won hundreds of cups !
2. You _________________ pay to use the library. It’s free.
3. I’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She _________________ be at her dance
4. Jerry _________________ be working today. He never works on Sundays.
5. You _________________ be 18 to see that film.
6. You _________________ hear this story. It’s very funny.
7. Dad _________________ go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.
8. You don’t have to shout. I _________________ hear you very well.
9. It _________________ be him. I saw him a week ago, and he didn’t look like that.
10. You look pretty tired. I think you _________________ go to bed early tonight.
11. Let me look. I _________________ be able to help you.
12. “Children, you _________________ cross the street if the lights are red !”
13. You _________________ sit so near the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.
14. I’m sorry but I _________________ give you a lift because my car is broken.
15. I _________________ stop and talk to you now. I have to get to the library.
16. You really _________________ go to the Louvre if you’re in Paris. It’s wonderful.
17. You _________________ come to the party if you don’t feel well.
18. I don’t know where Kelly is. She _________________ be at her sister’s .
19. You have passed all your tests. You _________________ be very pleased with yourself.
20. You _________________ smoke in your car, especially if there are children sitting in the
21. You _________________ work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.
22. John doesn’t need a calculator. He _________________ do sums in his head.
23. Passengers _________________ open the door when the train is moving.
24. It _________________ rain today. It’s getting cloudy already.
25. I _________________ pay for the tickets because I got them from Sam for free.


1. Rose and Ted MUST be good players. They have won hundreds of cups !
2. You DON’T HAVE TO pay to use the library. It’s free.
3. I’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She MIGHT be at her dance class.
4. Jerry CAN’T be working today. He never works on Sundays.
5. You MUST be 18 to see that film.
6. You MUST hear this story. It’s very funny.
7. Dad SHOULD go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.
8. You don’t have to shout. I CAN hear you very well.
9. It CAN’T be him. I saw him a week ago, and he didn’t look like that.
10. You look pretty tired. I think you SHOULD go to bed early tonight.
11. Let me look. I MIGHT be able to help you.
12. “Children, you MUSTN’T cross the street if the lights are red !”
13. You SHOULDN’T sit so near the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.
14. I’m sorry but I CAN’T give you a lift because my car is broken.
15. I CAN’T stop and talk to you now. I have to get to the library.
16. You really MUST/SHOULD go to the Louvre if you’re in Paris. It’s wonderful.
17. You DON’T HAVE TO come to the party if you don’t feel well.
18. I don’t know where Kelly is. She might be at her sister’s .
19. You have passed all your tests. You SHOULD be very pleased with yourself.
20. You SHOULDN’T/MUSTN’T smoke in your car, especially if there are children sitting in the
21. You DON’T HAVE TO work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.
22. John doesn’t need a calculator. He CAN do sums in his head.
23. Passengers MUSTN’T open the door when the train is moving.
24. It MIGHT rain today. It’s getting cloudy already.
25. I DON’T HAVE TO pay for the tickets because I got them from Sam for free.

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