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Basic Pneumatics

Objective 1: Understanding Fluid Power System

Figure 1.1: Example Of Fluid Power Used In Transportation


Fluid power is a technology you will see used to power machines in almost every
manufacturing plant in the world. Fluid power systems have many unique features that have
caused their use to continue to grow rapidly. A good set of skills in this area is a basic
requirement for getting a position at a modern manufacturing plant.

This course is going to teach you basic skills in fluid power that are directly transferable to
industry or will get you credit at a college. It consists of two parts hydraulics and pneumatics.
These are the two parts of the field of fluid power. In each part, you will learn to correct and
operate basic components and systems, read circuit diagrams and monitor system

To learn these skills you will be working with the hydraulic and pneumatic learning kits.
These learning kits are designed with real world industrial components that will allow you to
set up actual circuits and test their operation.

This fluid power consists of two segments that teach the basic operation of fluid power and
its accessories. This will include: safety, identifying fluid power supply components,
connecting lines, reading pressure gauges, and fluid power pressure. These skills are basic
skills that every engineer and technician must know. Also you will use these skills in every
classroom activities that follows.

Basic Pneumatics


The field of hydraulic and pneumatic has grown tremendously in the last twenty years. Both
hydraulic and pneumatic applications have become very diverse ranging from a very simple
lift gate on the back of a truck to a sophisticated system controlling a plastic injection
moulding machine.

Hydraulic and pneumatic are actually part of a large field called fluid power. Fluid power
deals with transmission and control of energy by means of a pressurized fluid. Although it is
common to think of a fluid as simply a liquid, by proper definition, a fluid is considered to be
either a gas or a liquid. Hence, there are two primary branches of fluid power:

1. Hydraulics – Use of a liquid, usually oil, for energy transmission.

2. Pneumatics – Use of a gas, usually air, for energy transmission.

Hydraulic systems are used in a wide variety of machine applications. For example, a very
simple and common example of a fluid power system is that used for braking a car. As
illustrated in Figure 1.2, the driver applies a force to the plunger via the brake pedal. This
compresses the fluid in the line. Fluid pressure is then converted back to mechanical force
by the pistons of the brake cylinder. Finally, as the pistons are spread apart by the fluid, they
force the shoes against the drum to reduce the speed of the automobile.

Figure 1.2: Hydraulic Brake System

Even though most hydraulic systems are more sophisticated than this example, the principle
of energy transmission via a pressurized fluid is common to all systems. More about various
applications will be discussed later. But first, let’s take a look at how fluid power fits into
technology in general.

Two important areas of technology involve:

1. Harnessing the available energy in nature.

2. Transmitting and using this harnessed energy to perform useful work.

The first area is commonly called Power generation. Energy is available in many forms such

1. Hydro – Water falling from a height such as a waterfall.

2. Chemical Fuels – Coal, oil, gas.
3. Solar – Heat from the sun.
Basic Pneumatics

Power generation is concerned with converting these forms of energy existing in nature into
other forms that can be more easily transmitted and controlled. Three common desired
forms are:

1. Electrical
2. Mechanical
3. Fluid (hydraulic or pneumatic)

For general purpose most power generating plants convert available energy into electrical
energy. This is because electricity can be transmitted over very long distances to the desired
point of use at a much higher efficiency than other forms.

The second area of technology might be called Power Usage or Transmission. This is a very
broad classification, because energy can be used for a great number of purposes such as:

1. Lighting
2. Heating
3. Operation of machines
4. Communications

Hydraulics and pneumatics finds their applications in the category of machine operation.
Machines are devices whose components move in a predetermined manner to do useful
work. In order to accomplish this task, energy must be supplied to the components of the
machine in a controlled manner. Hydraulic and pneumatic system in common means to
transmit the power to make a machine perform its assigned tasks.

Figure 1.3: A Wind Mill Converts Mechanical Energy To Electrical Energy

In an industrial plant, energy is generally available in electrical form. For operating a

machine this energy may be directly converted to mechanical energy via an electric motor,
or it may be converted to an intermediate form such as hydraulic or pneumatic. The
decision whether to convert directly from electrical to mechanical or to use an intermediate
form such as hydraulics or pneumatics depends on the application. Some of the factors
taken into account in making this decision are:

Basic Pneumatics

1. Accuracy of control – Since oil is relatively incompressible, hydraulic systems can

provide more accurate positioning and movement of loads than either electric or
pneumatic systems.

2. Power required – hydraulic systems are preferred for applications involving high
forces. In facts, hydraulic actuators can usually generate enough force to directly
drive the machine. This eliminates the cost and maintenance of gear
boxes.Pneumatic systems are usually used for lower force applications.Electric
systems can be used for either, depending on the application, but hydraulic systems
are more versatile in very high force applications.

3. Cost – Depending on the application the systems can vary greatly in cost. This is
dependent upon the other factors listed here. Pneumatics is usually the least

4. Variable speed – The speed of a hydraulic actuator can easily be adjusted. Hydraulic
is often less expensive than electric drives when variable speed is required.
Pneumatic systems also have this feature.

5. Type of motion required – One great advantage to both hydraulic and pneumatic
systems is they can easily generate a linear mechanical motion using cylinder
actuators. All three types can generate rotary motion equally well. Fluid motors are
used where electric motor systems become costly, such as variable speed
requirements or in special environments.

6. Versatility – As seen with the brake system example, fluid power can be transmitted
anywhere a tube can go. This means that the design of the contours of a machine is
not critical when using fluid power. This has been an advantage to fluid power that
has greatly expanded its applications.

7. Stalling capability – Hydraulic or pneumatic actuators can be stalled without damage

while electric motors will burn up. This makes fluid power the choice for applications
such as clamps and presses.

8. Space limitations – Typically, fluid motors are smaller and lighter in weight than
electrical motors. In applications such as aircrafts, space and weight are critical.
Because of this, hydraulic systems are used to steer aircrafts.

The world of fluidpower is a rapidly expanding one. Today, fluidpower systems can be found
in almost every industrial plant in the world. They are used in an ever-growing variety of
applications from industrial robots to off-the-road equipment and farm machinery.

The decision to use hydraulic or pneumatic can be difficult, generally pneumatics is strongly
considered in applications where high speed is desired, forces are low and no exact position
is required.

Basic Pneumatics


Many factors control whether or not pneumatics should be used in an application. To

understand more about these factors, let's first explore the major advantages that
compressed air offers over either hydraulic or electric motors.

1. Fluid Availability - Air is the most used gas in pneumatic systems and is readily available
directly from the atmosphere. Hydraulics, on the other hand, uses expensive liquids.

2. Easy to Control - gas flow is easily controlled using one or two inexpensive valves. Proper
control of hydraulic fluids require more valves that each cost more than pneumatic valves.
Electric motors require more expensive controls.

3. Easy Disposal - Air used in a pneumatic system is dumped back into the atmosphere
without a mess or hazard. Oil used in hydraulic systems must be disposed of properly and
tend to be messy when handled.

4. Easy to Provide Linear and Rotary Motion - Pneumatic or hydraulic systems can generate
a linear mechanical motion using a cylinder or rotary motion using a motor.

5. Stalling Capability - Pneumatic or hydraulic actuators can be stalled without damage. This
makes either pneumatics or hydraulics the choice for applications such as clamps and

6. Capable of High Flow Rates - Air flow rates can reach the speed of sound. These high flow
rates can provide very high actuator speeds and therefore high production rates. This is an
advantage over hydraulics.

7. Non-Flammable - Air by itself will not burn nor supply ignition. This allows pneumatics to
be used in many hazardous environments where electricity can't be used and common
hydraulic oil can't be used.

8. Low Cost - Cost generally is an advantage that pneumatics has over hydraulics because of
air availability, the low pressures and circuit simplicity. However cost is dependent on many
factors and each must be considered to determine if pneumatics is cost effective.


All methods of power transmission have disadvantages. The five major disadvantages of
pneumatics are:

1. Low Pressures Used - Most pneumatics systems use compressed air and therefore
operate at low pressure. As a result. force and power levels are limited. Hydraulics, on the
other hand, can operate at high pressures providing high force and power levels.

Basic Pneumatics

2. Not Rigid - Gases are compressible making positioning inaccurate and slow motion
difficult to achieve.

3. Noisy • Compressed gases exhausting from pneumatic components can be very noisy. In
areas where noise cannot be tolerated, pneumatic equipment is not used unless special
dampening equipment is used.

4. Leakage - Gases leak easily past metal to metal seals. Seal leakage must be controlled to
maintain usable pressures and limit cost of operation.

5. Conditioning Required - Moisture and din can cause erratic pneumatic system operation.
When using air, conditioning to remove most moisture and din is required for dependable
operation. The decision whether to use hydraulics or pneumatics for a particular application
can be difficult. Generally, pneumatics is strongly considered in applications where high
speeds are desired, forces are low and exact positioning is not required. Hydraulics is
considered in applications requiring high forces, exact positioning and slow rnotion.


The block diagram shown in figure 1.4 illustrates a basic pneumatic system. A typical system
has four components:

1. Power Supply - In a compressed air system, the compressor provides pneumatic power to
the system.

2. Control Devices - Control valves are used to control direction, pressure and flow rate of
the compressed air in our pneumatic System.

3. Power Output Device - This is where the pneumatic power is convened back to
mechanical power. These devices are called actuators. A pneumatic motor used to power a
rock drill is an example of an actuator. Another actuator is the cylinder.

4. Conductors - To transmit the liquid, conductors (pipes, tubes or hoses) are needed.

5. Liquid - This is our power conducting medium. Typically this is oil or air but other liquids
are used in special circumstances.

Figure 1.4: Block diagram basic fluidpower system

Basic Pneumatics

A Basic Fluid Power System

The following pictorial drawing illustrates a typical basic fluid power system:

Figure 1.5: A Basic Fluid Power System.

The simple fluid power cylinder accepts fluid pressure and converts it into a straight-line, or
linear, mechanical force and motion.

A fluid power cylinder basically consists of a cylindrical body, a movable piston, and a rod
attached to the piston, a closure with a port at one end, and with a port and an opening for
the rod at the other with seals at the piston and rod bearing surfaces. At the "blind" end of
an elementary cylinder, the cylinder body has an inlet port by which fluid can enter the
body. The other end is open to atmosphere.

With the cylinder inlet port connected to the fluid power system, the cylinder becomes part
of the system. In our illustration, when a force is applied at point A, the resulting pressure is
transmitted throughout the system and acts on the piston in the cylinder. This results in a
mechanical force at point B.

Basic Pneumatics

Quick Assessment 1

Answer the following questions in 15 minutes.

1. The two types of fluid power system are :


2. What form does the energy is transmitted in a hydraulic system?


3. What form does the energy is transmitted in a pneumatic system?


4. In Power Generation, energy is availailabe in many forms, describe each form :

• Hydro

• Chemical Fuels

• Solar

5. The most common form of energy generated by power plants is ____________________

because _________________________________________________________________


6. In Power Generation, three common desired forms after converting from energy existing
in nature are :

Basic Pneumatics

7. In Power Usage or Transmission, energy can be used for 4 purposes. List them below:

8. An actuator converts fluid power into_________________

A. Pressure
B. Hydraulics Force
C. Pneumatics Force
D. Mechanical Force

9. The following factors are taken into consideration to convert energy for electrical forms,
which is mainly used in an industrial plant, EXCEPT

A. Pressure Accuracy of Control

B. Power required
C. Cost
D. Duration

10. Which statement below is TRUE about Basic Fluid Power System?

A. Fluid Power cylinder accepts fluid pressure and converts it into a straight-line or
linear, mechanical force and motion
B. With the cylinder inlet port connected to the fluid power system, the cylinder does
not part of the system
C. The cylinder body has an inlet port by which atmosphere can enter the body
D. According to illustration in page 6 , when force is applied at point B, the resulting
pressure is transmitted throughout the system and acts on the piston in the cylinder

Basic Pneumatics

Objective 2: Pneumatics Supply Unit

Understanding pressure

Pneumatics deals with pressure and flow. To understand pneumatics we must have good
understanding of pressure. First, we will explore pressure.

Pressure is a measurement of the intensity of a force. To determine the pressure caused by

a force, the force is divided by the area on which it is acting.


English Units:

Pressure (psi) = Force (Ibs)

Area (in 2)

S I. Units:

Pressure (Pa) = Force (Newtons)

Area (cm 2)

In case you haven't worked with the S.I. system of measurement, the Newton (N) is the
standard unit of force in the metric system just like tile pound (lb) is for the English system
One Newton is equal to about 4.1 lbs.

Examples of the pressure caused by a force are shown in figure 1.6. A 25-pound
weight with a base area of 25 square inches exerts a pressure of one pound per square inch.
or 1 psi. In metric units, four Newtons of force with it base of four square meters would
exert a pressure of one Newton per square meter (N/m 2 ). This is called a Pascal (Pa).

Figure 1.6: Pressure determined by force and area

Basic Pneumatics

In addition to mechanical pressure, as shown in figure 1.6, air can also produce pressure.
This is called fluid pressure. A simple way to create fluid pressure is to place. it weight on a
container filled with liquid the force of that weight will produce it pressure. That pressure
will be transmitted throughout the liquid equally as shown in figure 1.7

Figure 1.7: A weight placed on a container of air produces air pressure

Since air are able to take the shape of any container, pressure in a confined air will be the
same everywhere in the container regardless of shape, as shown in figure 1.8

Figure 1.8: Air pressure in irregular container

Measuring Pressure

Pressure in a pneumatics system is measured through the use of a pressure gage. Most
pressure gages have a face plate that is graduated in either English units (psi) or Metric units
(Pascals) and a pointer that rotates across the scaled face plate as the pressure changes to
indicate tile pressure ill the system

Basic Pneumatics

Two types of pressure gages commonly used are the plunger type and the bourdon tube
gages as shown in figure 1.9. Like the party rollup paper horn, the curved cube in the
bourdon tube gage straightens slightly when exposed to fluid pressure. This causes its
mechanical linkage to move the pointer.

The plunger gage uses the fluid pressure to move the plunger against a spring which causes
the pointer to move.

Oil the face of the pressure gage is a scale that runs from zero to some pressure with major
increments in between (See figure 1.9). This maximum pressure is the highest pressure the
gage can read without damaged. This is called the range of the gage

Figure 1.9: Bourdon tube gage (left) and the plunger gage (right)

Pneumatics Power Unit - Compressor

Compressors convert the mechanical energy provided by a prime mover (e.g. electric
motors. internal combustion engine etc.) into the potential energy of compressed air. To
accomplish useful work with a pneumatic system, a device is needed which can supply a
sufficient amount of air at a desired pressure. This device is called a compressor.

There are two basic groups of air compressors: displacement and dynamic. In the
displacement type of compressors, pressure increases because of the change in the volume
of air trapped in a confined space. A positive displacement piston type compressor fits into
this category. In this type of unit, capacity is unaffected by changes in working pressure
(neglecting leakage and volumetric efficiency).

However, in the dynamic type compressor, pressure rise is caused by adding kinetic energy
to accelerate the moving gas and converting the velocity energy to pressure energy in some
sort of diffuser.

Basic Pneumatics

Figure 2.0: Basic Components of an Air Compressor

The air compressor is the most common means of producing compressed air for use with
pneumatic applications. While there are several types of compressors made, most have the
following nine basic components:

1. Intake Filter / Silencer - Removes large pieces of dust and dirt from the air and reduces
noise levels.

2. Compressor - The compressor or "pump" compresses the air by reducing its volume.
Many air compressors use pistons like the ones in a car engine to compress the air. This is
most likely the type you have in your training facility.

3. Electric Motor - This is the drive system for turning the compressor.

4. Pressure Switch - Turns the motor on when the air pressure in the storage tank reaches a
preset low pressure and turns the motor off when a preset high pressure is reached.

5. Storage Tank - A pressure vessel for storing the compressed air until it is needed. Air lines
are run from the storage tank to the place where the compressed air will be used. Storage
tanks are also called receivers.

6. Relief Valve – This device protects the components from overpressurization by opening at
a preset pressure level. Unlike a hydraulic system, where the relief valve opens frequently a
pneumatic relief valve only opens in an emergency situation.

7. Pressure Gauge - Shows the pressure of the air stored in the tank.

8. Drain Valve - This is used to drain off the pressure and condensed water in the storage
tank after the compressor is shut down.

9. Check Valve - Located between the compressor discharge and the tank, it prevents stored
compressed air from flowing back through the compressor when the compressor is shut

Basic Pneumatics

Quick Assessment 2

Complete the following questions in 10 minutes.

1. A compressor in a pneumatic system is used for



2. Name the two basic groups of air compressors



3. In the displacement type compressor, pressure increases because of



4. In the dynamic type compressor, pressure rise is caused by



5. There are nine basic components for compressors. Name four of them.





Basic Pneumatics

Objective 3: Pneumatics System Control

The compressed air we use in pneumatics comes from the atmosphere. That means that our
air supply contains dust, pollution, and other small panicles which are too small to see.
Components such as cylinders and valves have close fitting pans which must slide back and
fonh. Din will keep these pans from working smoothly. The air filter is a device designed to
clean air before it enters the pneumatic system. It will also remove water droplets from the
air supply, but not water vapor.

Figure 2.1: Pneumatic Filters


The air filter is made up of a number of parts. These parts include the cap with the inlet and
outlet ports, bowl, deflector plate, shroud, filter clement, baffle and drain as shown in figure

The filter bowl is a replaceable part so it can be replaced if broken or crazed. Marty filters
also have a metal guard that fits around the bowl to protect it.

Figure 2.2: Construction of a Typical Air Fitter

Basic Pneumatics

The function of each component is described as follows:

I. Cap - forms the cover over the bowl and provides the porting to and from the filter.

2. Bowl - provides a visual cover over the filter clement and holds water and large dirt

3. Deflector plate - imparts a spinning motion to moving air.

4. Shroud - forces incoming air to move across more of the filter surface.

5. Filter element - removes din particles

6. Baffle - separates the filter area from the trapped dirt in the bottom of the bowl.

7. Drain - used to drain trapped water and dirt.


The only moving part in an air filter is the air itself. The air coming into the air filter hits a
deflector. The deflector makes the air spin around the inside of the filter bowl. The spinning
action "throws" the heavier particles against the sides of the bowl where they drop past the
baffle to the bottom.

The air then swirls into the filter element. The smaller particles are trapped in the filter
element and the clean air passes through the outlet connection. Water that has collected in
the filter bowl must be drained before the level reaches the bottom of the baffle.


Figure 2.3: Standard industrial regulator

The air pressure needed for applications in different areas of the plant are often less
than the pressure available from the main compressed air supply. To reduce air
pressure in these areas, a pressure regulator valve is used.

Basic Pneumatics

The pressure regulator valve controls the pressure downstream from its outlet. In
addition to reducing this pressure, it also holds it at a constant pressure which is
important in many applications.

You will finds that regulators are located at almost every station to operate at the
exact pressure needed for each application. But because we compressed air from
atmosphere, we need to clean the air which contains dust, pollution, and other small


Figure 2.4: Schematic diagram of a pressure regulator

1. Body – Provides the structure and contains the inlet and outlet ports.

2. Poppet – Opens and closes to provide the correct pressure downstream.(outlet)

3. Springs – There are two springs. One for the adjustment and the other to make the spool

4. Piston – Use with outlet pressure to provide force against the adjusment spring.

5. Adjustment knob – Allows outlet pressures to be varied.

Some regulators have additional parts which allow the regulator to “self bleed”. This means
they automatically drop the outlet pressure when the pressure adjustment is decreased.
Pressure regulators are often combined with a filter into one unit. The gage is connected
internally to read downstream (regulated) pressure.

Basic Pneumatics


Pneumatic systems use a variety of conductors to transmit air. These include rigid pipe and
tubing, as well as flexible tubing and hose. For low flow rates, polyurethane hose is a
popular choice because of its flexibility, strength, and transparency. The fittings used to
connect the tubing to components are called quick-connect fittings. As the name implies,
this style of fitting allows fast and easy assembly and disassembly of circuits. As shown in
figure 2.5. The ports on the pneumatic components are equipped with components called a
socket. The tubes are inserted to this socket.

Figure 2.5: Quick-Connect Components

In order to connect a tube to a pneumatic component, grasp the tube and push into the
socket connection on the component. To check the firmness of the connection, pull on the
tube. If you do not completely engage the quick-connects, the tube will come out. It also
means that the valve in the socket was not opened to pass air. It is necessary to completely
engage the socket to make a good connection. In order to release a connection, push back
on the collar of the socket (towards the pneumatic component). The tube will eject easily.


Figure 2.6: Tee and cross fittings

A popular use for a tee is to connect a pressure gage in a line with a component for
determining the pressure at that component at all times. Notice the pressure gages on the
instrumentation module (figure 2.6). Each gage has been mourned to a block which provides
the tee function at the gage. They are each equipped with two quick-connect fittings to
allow the hoses to be connected.

Basic Pneumatics

Quick Assessment 3

1. ___________________fittings allow fast and easy assembly and disassembly of circuits.

2. The device used to clean air is called a _______________________

3. A pressure regulator is used to ____________ supply pressure and keep air at a constant

4. To decrease regulated pressure, turn the regulator adjustment knob _________________

5. To assure a proper adjustment, always set the pressure on the _____________________

6. To remove water from the filter, activate the ________________________

7. A fitting used to connect three branch circuits to a supply is called a _________________

8. A filter and a regulator built together as one unit is called a


9. Thc outlet pressure of a regulator automatically drops off as pressure is decreased if it has

10. The ______________ of the filter makes the air spin to throw heavier particles against
the sides of the bowl.

Basic Pneumatics

Objective 4: Pneumatics Output Devices

Pneumatics Actuator

Figure 2.7: Pneumatic cylinder

A pneumatic cylinder is an actuator that converts compressed gas into mechanical power with
straight-line motion. A typical pneumatic cylinder is shown in Figure 2.7.

The two basic types of cylinders are:

1. Single-acting
2. Double-acting


Figure 2.8: Pneumatic application of a single-acting cylinder

Single-acting cylinders are powered by pneumatics in one direction only. To move in the
other direction (return), another force is applied such as gravity of the load or a spring.
These cylinders are used in application where the load will cause it to return or the load is so
light that a spring coil can be used to return.

Basic Pneumatics

Single-acting cylinders can be made to power in either. When they are powered to extend,
they are called "single-extend" cylinders. When they are powered to retract, they are called
"single-acting to retract" cylinders. There are two types of single-acting cylinders:
1. Spring return
2. Load return

Spring Return

This single-acting cylinder uses a spring to return the rod back to the starting position. It is
needed when a load will not return the rod.

Normally the springs used are only powerful enough to move only the piston and rod
themselves. They are not intended to move any external load.

Load Return

This type of single-acting cylinder has a same method as spring return but it relies on gravity
to make the cylinder rod return. It is used in such that the load will return when pressure is
removed from the piston.

Figure 2.8: Single-acting cylinder and its symbol

Basic Pneumatics


A single-acting cylinder consists of six components, as shown in Figure 2.9 below:

1. Body - The body is a tube that contains the fluid. It is sealed at both ends with end caps.
Two ports are provided for the fluid to flow through. These are called ports A and B.

The end of the cylinder where the rod is located is called the rod end. The other end is
called the cap end.

2. Piston - The piston is a movable piece that slides inside the body. It is the part where
fluid presses to move loads.

3. Rod - The rod is connected to the piston inside the body. It is connected to the load and
transmits the force from the piston.

4. Spring – The spring supplies the force needed to retract the cylinder when air pressure
is removed.

5. Piston Seal - The piston seal keeps fluid from leaking around the piston so that pressure
can build up to move the load.

6. Rod Bushing - The rod bushing is a bearing that supports the rod at rod end of the


To discuss the single-acting cylinder operation, a pneumatic single-acting cylinder extend

type with spring return will be used. Fluid from the supply enters the cylinder port from the
cap end, the air presses against the entire inside surfaces of the cylinder. Supply pressure
must provide enough force to overcome load and compress spring. This will extend the rod,
as shown in Figure 2.9. As the piston moves, it forces the fluid on the other side to be
pushed out of the rod-end port and will allow air on the backside of the piston to freely
escape through the rod end openings. As the cylinder extends, the spring will be

Figure 2.9: Single-acting cylinder and its symbol

Basic Pneumatics


Double-acting cylinders are powered by pneumatics in both directions. This is the most
common type of cylinder because most applications have forces acting in both directions.

Figure 3.0: Double-acting cylinder and its symbol


A double-acting cylinder consists of the following six components, as shown in Figure 3.1.

1. Body - The body is sealed at both ends with end caps. Two ports are provided for the
air to flow through which are called ports A and B. The end of the cylinder where the
rod is located is called the rod end. The other end is called the cap end.

2. Piston - The piston is a movable piece that slides inside the body. It is the part where
air presses to move loads.

3. Rod - The rod is connected to the piston inside the body. It is connected to the load
and transmits the force from the piston.

4. Piston Seal - The piston seal keeps air from leaking around the piston so that
pressure can build up to move the load.

5. Rod Seal - One end of the body has a hole for the rod to move through a rod seal
which prevents air from escaping.

6. Rod Bushing - The rod bushing is a bearing that supports the rod.

Figure 3.1: Double-acting cylinder and its symbol

Basic Pneumatics


When air from the supply enters the cylinder port from the cap end, the air presses against
the entire inside surfaces of the cylinder. This causes the piston to move and extend the rod,
as shown in Figure 3.2. As the piston moves, it forces the air on the other side to be pushed
out of the rod-end port. This air is then exhausted back into the atmosphere.

Figure 3.2: Double-acting cylinder operations

To retract the cylinder, air from the supply is directed to the cylinder through the rod-end
port. This causes the piston to move in the other direction and retract the rod. When this
happens, the air in the cap end is forced out of the cylinder and back into the atmosphere.
When the piston reaches the end of travel (fully extended or retracted), the air flow to the
cylinder stops.

Directional Control Valve

In pneumatics, we need to switch the air direction flow in order to get work movement. This
switch is called a directional control valve (DCV). Figure 3.3 shows an example of pneumatic
directional control valves.

Figure 3.3: A 4-way Directional control valve

Directional control valves are manufactured in different styles and sizes with wide variety of
option to meet the needs of each application. One of the classification of a directional

Basic Pneumatics

control valves is by the number of flow path or ‘ways’ available for air to flow through a
particular valve. In this objective we will focus the discussion to 4-way DCV and the rest will
be discussed later.

The other classification rather than the ways are by the number of positions to which it can
be adjusted. A position determines which port is connected to each other. The types of DCV
commonly be used in todays industrial is either 2-position or 3-position type. We will now
concentrate on the 3-position type.

The 3-position, 4-way DCV allows the machine operator to control the direction of a double-
acting cylinder causing the cylinder to extend, retract, or stop (three position).

Major Components Of a 4-WAY DCV and its Function

Figure 3.4: A 4-way Directional control valve components

There are four major components in 3-position, 4-way DCV which consist of:

1. Valve Body - The valve body provides the passageway for the sliding spool. It has five
ports drilled into it which provide flow paths for the air. Pneumatic DCV bodies are often
made of cast aluminum because the pressures are low.

2. Spool - The spool is the "switch" of the valve. It slides in the body to channel the flow
through to specific ports. The spool shown in Figure 3.4 has grooves which can allow air to
flow past the o-ring seals inside the body when the spool is shifted.

3. Operator - The operator is the mechanism that moves the spool from one position to
another. Examples of operators that are used to shift DCV's include the lever, manual palm
button, solenoid (electrical operator), and operator (handle).

4. Springs - A 3-position valve usually has a main spring on either side of the spool to
position it in the middle when the operator is not energized.

Notice in Figure 3.4 and that the ports are labelled. The P is for the "pressure" or inlet port.
Ex and Ey are used to label the exhaust ports. There are also two actuator ports labelled A
and B. These are usually connected to the lines going to the cylinder or motor. They allow
air to flow to and from the actuator.

Basic Pneumatics

The Operation Of 3-POSITION, 4-WAY DCV (Pneumatic)

The operation of a Pneumatic 3-position, 4-way DCV will use the grooved spool type. This is
the type provided on the Learning Kit.

A 3-position DCV with the manual lever released, the valve spool is held in the mid-position
by the springs. The spool blocks flow at all ports because the o-rings separate each port
from the others. This holds the actuator to stop.

Figure 3.5: A 4-way Directional control valve operations

When the manual lever is placed (pushed) in towards the body, the grooves in the
spool allow air to flow from one port to another. In this case, the spool is shifted to
connect the P-port with the A-port and the B-port with the B exhaust port (Ey).

As shown in Figure 3.5, air flow through the valve is P to A and from B to Ey. This
causes the cylinder to extend with the air from B exhausting out E y into the

When the lever is placed (pulled) away from the body, the grooves in the spool are
shifted in a direction that causes a different set of ports to be connected. In this case,
the spool is shifted to connect the P port with the B port and the A port with the A
exhaust port (Ex). This causes the cylinder to retract with air from A exhausted out
Ex into the atmosphere.

Basic Pneumatics


The pneumatic motor is an actuator that converts pneumatic pneumatics into rotary
mechanical power. It is used in applications where rotary output is needed.

Figure 3.6: An air motor


Pneumatic motors operate by using air pressure to create a turning force called torque at
the motor shaft. Once the resisting torque of the load at the motor shaft is overcome. the
shaft starts to rotate. Any additional air pressure beyond that needed to start the rotation
determines the speed (rpm) of the motor. Most pneumatic motors are made to turn in one
direction only. These arc called unt.directional. Pneumatic motors that rotate in either
direction are also available. These types are called bi-directional. The direction of rotation of
a motor is determined by viewing the shaft from the back of the motor. The back of the
motor is the side opposite to where the shaft is located.


The three most common commercially available designs of pneumatic motors are:

I. Vane/Rotor
2. Axial Piston
3. Radial Piston

Other designs such as the turbine, lobed rotor and V type piston are also used but on a very
limited scale.

Vane/Rotor The vane-rotor air motor, as shown in figure 3.6. is the most common type
found in industrial plants. They an used to drive conveyors, pumps and blowers, especially in
hazardous or volatile explosive atmospheres. Pneumatic drill, as shown in figure 3.7. also
use this design.

Basic Pneumatics

Figure 3.7: Pneumatic drill

The standard vane type motor shown in figure 3.8 is the one furnished with the training kits
has four vanes. Motors with more vanes arc available if smoother rotation is required.

Figure 3.8: Vane/rotor air motor

Axial Piston The axial piston motor shown in figure 3.9 has high starting torque and
therefore is capable of fast starting. This type of motor is popular in the construction
industry for use in hoists, winches and air tools. This motor is manufactured only in small
sizes, 3-1/2 horsepower or less.

Figure 3.9: Axial piston air motor

Basic Pneumatics

Radial Piston Radial piston air motors have the same characteristics as the axial piston type
and are used in the same types of applications. Figure 4.0 shows a radial piston air motor.

Figure 4.0: Radial piston air motor


Exhausting air from pneumatic components can create a very high noise that can hurt your
hearing. This is especially noticeable with high speed air motors. Air motors are considerably
louder in operation than electrical and hydraulic motors. To reduce this noise, mufflers,
sometimes called silencers, are placed in the exhaust port of the component. Mufflers
reduce the noise levels in the same manner as the muffler does in an automobile. The
motor used on the Amatrol trainer is equipped with a muffler, as shown in figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Muffler for air motor

Basic Pneumatics

Quick Assessment 4

1. What does DCV stand for?

A. Directional Control Valve

B. Double Cylinder Valve
C. Double Control Valve
D. Directional Cylinder Valve

2. All of these are the major components in 3-position, 4 way DCV EXCEPT __________.

A. spring
B. spool
C. cylinder
D. valve body

3. 3-position, 4way DCV symbol have how many box?

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

4. 3-position, 4way DCV is held in mid-position by ____________.

A. Body
B. Spring
C. Handle
D. Piston

5. The pneumatic motor converts pneumatics to _______________ mechanical power.

6. To reduce the noise level from air motors,_______________ used in the exhaust.

7. The _________________ type air motor has a high starting torque.

8. The three most commonly available pneumatic motors are the___________, __________


9. The direction of rotation of a pneumatic motor is determined by viewing the shaft from

The_________________ of the motor.

10. Smoother rotation is obtained from a vane type motor with more _____________

Basic Pneumatics

Objective 5: Symbol and Schematic Diagram


A pneumatics diagram will show us how the components in a circuit are connected so that
we can understand what the circuit does and how it works. The pneumatics schematic
diagrams are usually used instead of pictorial diagrams because of the time consuming
nature to draw the diagram.

Schematic diagrams are a form of visual shorthand where each component is represented
by a standard graphic symbol. A schematic diagram shows all the components in a circuit
and how they are interconnected.

Like road signs, graphic pneumatics symbols communicates to the reader an event or
function to tell what is happening. Not everything can be told without some additional
words but a graphic symbol drawing of a pneumatics circuit can tell more than a photograph
by accurately identifying the function as well as the connections. Such a drawing is called a
circuit (schematic). Component symbols are the essential building blocks of pneumatics

Figure 4.2: Example of A Pneumatic Schematic Diagram.

Basic Pneumatics


Most pneumatics symbols use an elementary form to provide an immediate identification of

the general function of the components shown. These forms are circles, squares, rectangles,
arrows, lines, dots and ovals and are shown in Figure 4.3 with each definition. This works
just like road signs.


Listed in the following figures 4.4 and 4.5 are the standard symbols with explanations for
most of our basic pneumatics learning kit components. Notice how elementary forms are
combined to form all of these symbols.

Figure 4.3: Elementary Forms Of Symbols

Figure 4.4: Pneumatic Power Supply Components Symbol

Basic Pneumatics

Figure 4.5: Pneumatic Components Symbol


Figure 4.6: Schematic of a Pneumatic System

The symbols for the various components shown may be complicated but you will find them
easy to use if you follow these three rules.

1. Symbols show connections, flow paths and functions only. They will not show
construction, size, location of ports and also flow pressures.
2. Each symbol is drawn to show normal, at rest, de-energized and neutral condition of
the component.
3. Letters may be used as part of graphic symbols but it is necessary to except M inside
a circle to denote electric motor and 1 inside the flow meter symbol to show that it
is a flow meter.

Basic Pneumatics


Two basic rules for drawing pneumatic power schematics are:

• Symbols may be rotated or reversed without meaning.

• Lines (conductors) are shown being horizontal or the schematic diagram. Consider
the compressed air power supply shown in Figure 4.7:

Figure 4.7: Basic components of a Compressed Air Power Supply

Figure 4.8 shows the same power supply in schematic form with symbols. Although it's
generally not done, each component has been named to help you learn how the
components are used and connected.


Compressor Storage Quick-Connect

/ Silencer Tank With Check

Check Shutoff Valve

Valve (Drain)

Electric Gauge
M Motor

Figure 4.8: Schematic Diagram of The Compressed Air Power Supply

It is also important to note that the rules for circuit construction will allow the schematic to
take on different looks. However, the function will be the same if the rules are followed.

Basic Pneumatics

Quick Assessment 5

1. Which is NOT TRUE?

A. Conductor indicates a flexible main line.

B. Conductor indicates flexible (tube or hose) .

C. Conductor indicates a pilot or sensing lines.

D. Conductor indicates an exhaust line.

2. There are only 3 basic rules of pneumatics symbols. Which one of the following is a
FALSE statement?

A. Symbols show connections, flow paths, and functions only.

B. Symbols show construction, size, location of parts and also flow pressure.
C. Each symbols is drawn to show normal, deenergized and neutral condition of
the component.
D. Letters may be used as part of graphic symbol.

3. The basic rule for drawing pneumatic power schematic is:

A. symbols will be rotated or reversed with a different meaning.

B. symbols may be rotated or reversed without meaning.
C. lines conductors are shown being vertical.
D. symbols are always rotated with meaning.

4. Which one of the following is TRUE regarding to figure below?

A. indicates crossing (not connected)

B. indicates interference.
C. indicates a connection.
D. indicates blocked lines/port

5. Which one of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

A. Schematic diagrams are a form of simple shorthand where each component

is represented by a standard graphic symbols.
B. A schematic diagram shows all the components in a circuit and how they are
C. Graphic pneumatics symbols communicate to the reader an event or function
to tell what is happening.
D. Components symbols are not needed in pneumatics circuits.

Basic Pneumatics

Objective 6: Principle of Pressure


We already learned that the fluid pressure at an actuator can be changed into mechanical
force to perform work. The basis for this comes from a concept known as Pascal's Law. This
law is named after the discoverer of this concept from the 17th Century, Blaise Pascal.
Pascal's Law states that fluid pressure in a confined vessel is transmitted undiminished to
every portion of the surface of the containing vessel and acts at right angles to the surface.
The tenh "confined" in this application means that fluid cannot flow anywhere because it is
contained on all sides by the vessel. Fluid flowing in a tube. for example, is not contained
because the tube is not closed on all sides. The concept of Pascal's Law is shown in figure
4.9. The weight sitting on the movable piston causes a force to be applied to a gas. Since the
gas is contained by the vessel. it compresses until the pressure of the gas exerts an equal
force on the piston in the opposite direction to support the weight. This same pressure
exists throughout the entire volume of gas and acts perpendicular to all the surfaces of the

Figure 4.9: Force Transmitted Through a Gas

Another significance of Pascal's Law is a cylinder or motor will generate full force output
when it first starts to move because the pressure at the actuator is at high pressure. This is a
big advantage because it usually takes more force to start a load than it does once the load
is moving. In contrast, electric motors provide a lower output when they are starting. High
starting torque is an advantage of pneumatics and hydraulics over electric motors.

The amount of mechanical pressure depends on two factors: force and area. Air pressure
depends on the same factors in the same manner. This relationship is shown by the
pressure / force / area formula.

Basic Pneumatics

As an example, assign the following values to figure above to find the pressure of the gas
inside a vessel:

Force = 40 lbs / 178 Newtons Area = 8 in2 / 51.6 cm2

Using this formula, the pressure of the gas is:

SI Units: English Units:

40𝑙𝑏𝑠 178𝑁∗10
P= = 5psi P= = 34.5kPa
8𝑖𝑛2 51.6𝑐𝑚2


One of the most imponant featuies of a pneumatic system is its ability to generate 3 large
force output using a small force (pressure) input. This principle is called force multiplication
or pneumatic leverage. The principle of force multiplication is based on the
pressure/force/area relationship in a fluid system and Pascal's Law. As an example, let's
consider the system shown in figure 5.0.

Figure 5.0: Pneumatic leverage

Basic Pneumatics

Quick Assessment 6

1. Who discover Pascal’s Law?

A. David Pascal
B. Blaise Pascal
C. Boyle Pascal
D. Pascal Simon

2. What is pressure?

A. Area / Force
B. Force / Area
C. Area * Force
D. Non of the above

3. What is pneumatic leverage?

A. the relationship between pressure and area

B. the relationship between pressure and force
C. a pneumatic system is its ability to generate 3 large force output using a small force
(pressure) input
D. a pneumatic system is its ability to generate 3 large force input using a small force
(pressure) output

4. ___________________is an advantage of pneumatics and hydraulics over electric motors.

5. Pascal's Law states that fluid pressure in a ________________ is transmitted

undiminished to every portion of the surface of the containing vessel and acts at right angles
to the surface.

Basic Pneumatics

Objective 7: Air Flow Control

The needle valve control the speed of an actuator by restricting the flow rate. This
restriction causes an increased pressure upstream of the valve that is high enough to
partially open the relief valve and divert part of the flow.

The needle valve often called restrictor valves and are commonly used in many pneumatic

Figure 5.1: Typical Pneumatic needle valve

Figure 5.2 illustrates a pictorial of a typical needle valve and its diagram symbol (figure 5.3).
This cutaway shows that a needle valve consists of a two-ported body and an adjustable
orifice to restrict the flow. This orifice is adjusted by turning the knob on the valve. Turning
the knob CW makes the orifice smaller while turning the knob CCW makes the orifice larger.

The diagram symbol for a needle valve shows two port connections with an orifice in
between. The arrow drawn through the orifice means it is adjustable. The flow is restricted
regardless of which direction it flows through the valve.

Figure 5.2: Cutaway diagram Figure 5.3: Needle valve symbol

Basic Pneumatics


The best method for measuring air flow rate is to use a flowmeter. Several types of
flowmeters are available. A common type is the rotameter or variable orifice flowmeter. It is
the type provided on the training kit and is shown in figure 5.4 with its schematic symbol.
Notice that this rotameter has a needle valve built into the inlet side of the flowmeter. The
needle valve allows the user to open flow to the flowmeter slowly preventing a sudden
burst of air from shooting the ball o the top and causing possible damage.

Figure 5.4: Rotameter flowmeter with its symbol

The rotameter is a variable orifice flowmeter consisting of a rectangular acrylic tube. The
inside of which is tapered and round. Trapped and inside is a metal ball of the required size
and weight to match the calibration for standard flow. Inscribed on the outside is a scale,
calibrated to show the flow when the ball center is aligned with the flow rate on the scale.
The scale on the rotameter on your trainer is calibrated in SCFH (standard cubic feet per
hour) because you will be using low flow rates. When flow enters the inlet (bottom), it
passes around the metal ball at the small diameter of the tapered tube. The resistance to
flow between the tapered tube walls and the metal ball builds up a pressure capable of
raising the ball as flow increases. The ball floats upward until equilibrium takes place as
shown in figure 5.5. The pressure differential created just balances the ball's weight. The
name rotameter comes from the rotation of the ball due to air molecules colliding with
slight surface irregularities invisible to the naked eye.

Figure 5.5: Rotameter flow action

Basic Pneumatics

Quick Assessment 7

1. What is SCFH stands for?

A. Standard cubic flowmeter per hour

B. Standard hour cubic per minute
C. Standard cubic feet per minute
D. Stancard cubic feet per hour

2. How does needle valve control the speed of an actuator?

A. By restricting the flow rate

B. By increasing the flow rate
C. By restricting the ball rotation
D. By restricting the pressure

3. What is another name for rotameter flowmeter?

A. adjustable flowmeter
B. variable pressure flowmeter
C. variable orifice flowmeter
D. variable air ball flowmeter

4. To close a needle valve, turn the adjusment _________________________.

5. The name rotameter comes from the___________________.

Basic Pneumatics

Objective 8: Pneumatics Check Valves

The check valve is a valve that allows air to flow in one direction but completely blocks air
flow in the other direction. It is considered to be a one-way directional control valve. Figure
5.6 shows pneumatic check valves along with the standard symbol.

Figure 5.6: Pneumatic Check Valves with Symbol


The most common applications of a check valve in pneumatics application is as follows:

1. Compressor Valves - Intake and discharge valves in piston air compressors are using check

2. Holds pressure in receiver - Normally the compressor drive is shut down when the
storage tank, or receiver, reaches the maximum desired pressure. A check valve
between the compressor and the receiver keeps the system from losing air pressure
back through the compressor.

3. Quick-connect fittings - Quick-connect fittings arc used to rapidly conncct and

disconnect pneumatic components whcn flexible supply lines are used. The check valves
are often built into these fittings so that air pressure in the supply line is not lost when
it's disconnected.

4. Bypass - Check valves are used in circuits to bypass the flow around certain components
in one direction. This allows the component to control the circuit's operation in one
direction and have no effect in the other direction.

Specialized check valves are also used in the other applications. These applications include
performing logic functions by selecting the highest pressure from two sources and blocking
flow in event of line breakage to protect against hose whip and draining the system.

Basic Pneumatics


The two common types of check valves used in pneumatics arc:

1. Ball 2. Poppet

Cross-section sketches of each type are shown in figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7: Ball Type Check Valves

Figure 5.8 illustrate how the simple check valve works. This type, as used on the Pneumatics
training module uses a flexible seal on the ball to help the valve block flow. This check valve
uses a ball and spring to control the flow of fluid through the valve. The spring is only strong
enough to allow the ball to block the passageway. A very low pressure. usually 1/2 to 3 psig
(Si. units 3.5 to 20.7 kPa), can push it open. The term 'Free flow" is used for fluid flowing in
this direction (figure 5.8). The free flow direction of a check valve is often marked with an
arrow on the check valve's body.

Figure 5.8: Ball Type Check Valves

When the air tries to flow in the other direction, it pushes the ball harder against the seat.
This completely blocks off the flow of the fluid through the check valve. This direction is
called the “checked” or “blocked” direction. During this direction, These valves leak very
little or not at all.

Basic Pneumatics

Quick Assessment 8

1. What are the two common types of check valves?

A. ball and shroud

B. shroud and poppet
C. ball and poppet
D. spring and shroud

2. The direction of a flow on a check valve is represent by which symbol?

A. Triangle
B. Arrow
C. Circle
D. Square

3. In a checked position, What are the things that holds the ball or poppet beside pressure?

A. seal
B. seat
C. orifice
D. spring

4. The check valve is a _______ way directional control valve.

5. The direction that allows flow is called ___________________.

Basic Pneumatics

Objective 9: Pneumatics Flow Control Valve

The flow control valve combines a needle valve and check valve together in one valve body
to restrict flow in one direction and allow free flow in the other direction. Typical flow
control valves are shown in figure 5.9.

Figure 5.9: Typical Flow Control Valves

The flow control valve is a common method of controlling the speed of a bi-directional
actuator in one direction only, because it reduces the plumbing required by not having to
use a separate check valve.

The symbol techniques used for the flow control valve with explanation shows in figure 6.0

Figure 6.0: Flow Control Valves Symbol and Explanation

Basic Pneumatics


As you learned in the previous experiment, both needle valves and flow control valves can
be used to control the speed of an actuator. The two most basic types of flow control
circuits are called METER-IN and METER-OUT. Examples of these circuits are illustrated in
Figure 6.1.

Both the meter-in and meter-out flow control circuits control the speed of the actuator by
causing a higher pressure at the relief valve which diverts flow over the relief valve. The
meter-in circuit restricts the flow going into the actuator while the meter-out circuit
restricts flow going out.

Figure 6.1: Meter-In and Meter Out Control circuit

The meter-in circuit is commonly used to control cylinders that are always working against a
positive load. Meter-out circuits are popularly used to control cylinders or motors that
might tend to have a load that would run away. It helps slow down the actuator because as
the actuator starts to run away, it increases the flow through the flow control valve which
causes a higher back pressure on the actuator. This back pressure tends to slow down the
actuator. Meter-in speed control is not normally used with hydraulic motors because almost
all motors have an over-running load.


Most actuators used in industrial circuits operate in both directions. If the speed of the
actuator is connected by flow control valves, independent control of each direction of
motion is often required. The sons for this requirement fall into a number of categories
including Slow Approach / Fast Reset - Machines often require a feed cylinder to extend
very slowly.

Most actuators used in industrial circuits operate in both directions. If the speed of the
actuator is connected by flow control valves, independent control of each direction of

Basic Pneumatics

motion is often required. The reasons for this requirement falls into a number of categories
including: Slow Approach / Fast Reset - Machines often require a feed cylinder to extend
very slowly. If the retract stroke is used only to reset the cylinder for the next cycle, it is
desirable to retract at high speed to cut the cycle time. For this application, two flow control
valves must be used.

Identical Speeds - Because the rod and cap end areas of a cylinder are different, a cylinder
will extend and retract at different speeds if the entering flow rates are the same. If it is
necessary for the cylinder to extend and retract at the same speed, two flow control valves
must be used retract stroke is used only to reset the cylinder for the next cycle, it is
desirable to retract at high speed to cut the cycle time. For this application, two flow control
valves must be used.

Figure 6.2: Independent Speed Control With Meter-Out circuit

As an example of an independent speed control circuit, Figure 6.2 illustrates a cylinder

reciprocation circuit with separate speed control of each direction using meter-out control.
When the cylinder extends, the flow bypasses FC #2 through its check valve but is metered
by FC #1. FC #1 creates a back pressure on the cylinder. This pressure adds to the pressure
caused by the load and creates a high enough pressure at the relief valve to cause some
flow to be dumped over the relief valve.

If the cylinder retracts, the flow bypasses FC #1 through its check valve and is metered by FC
#2. FC #2 also creates a back pressure on the cylinder which in turn creates a higher
pressure at the relief valve. Adjusting FC #2 changes the retract speed while adjusting FC #1
changes the extend speed.

If the flow control valves illustrated in Figure 6.2 are turned around so that their B ports are
connected to the cylinder, they would still yield independent control of each direction of
motion. However, they would then be in a meter-in configuration.

Basic Pneumatics

Quick Assessment 9

1. The needle valve and flow control valve are also known as _______________.

A. restrictor
B. controller
C. double valve
D. basic Operation

2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. Needle valve and flow control valve control the speed of an actuator
B. Needle valve and flow control valve control the temperature of an actuator
C. Needle valve and flow control valve is commonly used in pneumatic circuit only.
D. Needle valve and flow control valve is commonly used in hydraulic circuit only.

3. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

A. Needle valves are commonly used to protect the pressure gauges from fluid shock in the
circuit by isolating them.
B. The primary application of the needle valves is to control the speed of an actuator.
C. Needle valves and flow control valves can be used to control the speed of an actuator.
D. The primary application of the needle valves is to give pressure to the actuator.

4. The meter-in circuit restricts the flow going _________the actuator

A. out of
B. into
C. from
D. beyond

5. The meter-out circuit restricts the flow going _________the actuator

A. out of
B. into
C. from
D. beyond


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