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A Power Point Presentation

Class: XII
by: Shyama Hiteshkumar Charaniya

Roll NO. : 1203

Subject: English

School: Kendriya Vidyalaya Diu

Subject Teacher: Mrs. Lekha

Principal: Mrs. Kusumlata Meena

• Name of Chapter: Deep Water

• Name of the Text Book : Flamingo

• Author: William Douglas

• About the Author: William Douglas (1898-1980) was born in Maine,

Minnesota. After graduating with a Bachelors of Arts in English and
Economics, he spent two years teaching high school in Yakima.
However, he got tired of this and decided to pursue a legal career. He
met Franklin D. Roosevelt at Yale and became an adviser and friend to
the President. Douglas was a leading advocate of individual rights. He
retired in 1975 with a term lasting thirty-six years and remains the
longest serving Justice in the history of the court. The following
excerpt is taken from Of Men and Mountains by William O. Douglas. It
reveals how as a young boy William Douglas nearly drowned in a
swimming pool. In this essay he talks about his fear of water and
thereafter, how he finally overcame it. Notice how the
autobiographical part of the selection is used to support his discussion
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of fear
Learning Outcome 3. Real-Life Account of
2. Values of Hard Work Overcoming Fear 4. Psychological
• 1. Meaning of "Phobia" and Its Types
and Determination • Example: Fear of Analysis of Fear
• Essential for achieving public speaking. • Fear triggers the "fight
• Phobia: Intense, irrational fear of specific
goals. • Steps: or flight" response.
objects, situations, or activities. Acknowledgment,
• Involves persistence, • Involves the amygdala
resilience, and education, practice, and prefrontal cortex.
• Types: professional help,
continuous effort. • Chronic fear can lead
positive reinforcement. to anxiety disorders.
Specific Phobias: Heights, spiders, flying.

Social Phobia: Fear of social situations.

7. Importance of Fighting Fear for
Agoraphobia: Fear of open or crowded
Success 10. First Person
spaces. • Overcoming fear builds resilience,
confidence, and opens
Narration of
5.Understanding Another Person’s
• d
Experience opportunities. Personal Experience
• Empathy: Actively listen, validate "Growing up, I feared deep
feelings, offer support. 8. Words and Expressions water. I took swimming lessons,
Suggesting Fear starting in the shallow end. With
6. Introspection and Overcoming • Panic, terror, apprehension, dread, encouragement, I gradually
Personal Fears horror. swam in deeper water, using
9. Information on Water Sports breathing techniques and
• Identify fears and their impact.
• Strategies: Gradual exposure, CBT, • Examples: Swimming, surfing, visualization. Overcoming this
relaxation techniques, support diving, kayaking, water skiing. fear built my confidence and
systems. • Benefits: Physical exercise, personal growth."
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overcoming water-related fears.
An Overview:
• DEEP WATER: autobiographical
account of William Douglas
reveals how as a young boy he
was nearly drowned in a swimming
pool. He talks about his fear of
water and how finally he
overcomes that fear. His one
great handicap was his fear of
water. He did not know how to
swim. He speaks about his
misadventure at the YMCA pool

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What is Phobia?
1) What do you fear? What are your Phobias?

2) Have you ever tried to overcome your fear?

3) What change did you find in your life after you

overcame the fear

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• "Swimming is one of many hobbies,
like canoeing, rafting, and rock
climbing. While it can be a rigorous
exercise, its popularity is evident
from its inclusion in the Olympics.
However, water, the elixir of life, can
also be dangerous. We are all aware
of the destructive power of floods
and tsunamis. When a boat capsizes,
only skilled swimmers are likely to
survive. This autobiographical lesson
by Douglas gives us insight into the
feelings of a drowning person. He
recounts his harrowing experience as
a young boy when he was tossed into
a swimming pool, offering a vivid
5/24/2024 of his fear and struggle." 6
Story Content:-
Douglas, as an eleven-year-old boy, decided to
learn swimming despite having developed an
aversion to water from a young age. This
aversion began when he was just four years old
and had a frightening experience of nearly
drowning at a beach in California while
holidaying with his father. Determined to
overcome this deep-seated fear and rid himself
of the aversion, Douglas was resolute in his
decision to learn how to swim.

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The Misadventure at The YMCA Pool:-
• While he was waiting
at the pool a stout boy
of about eighteen
years came there and
unexpectedly tossed
him to the deep end
of the pool

Douglas' Plans while in the Pool:

While in the pool, Douglas had planned to leap up and spring to the surface of the water like a cork.
However, his plan failed. Instead of floating up, he found himself suffocating as his limbs became
paralyzed and rigid.

The Misadventure at the YMCA Pool:

Douglas screamed for help, but no sound came out; his voice was frozen in his throat. He began to feel
dizzy and disoriented as he struggled underwater, unable to break free from the terrifying experience.
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The YAKIMA River The YMCA Pool:-

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Terror Grips Douglas:-
• Douglas opened his eyes underwater
and saw nothing but water all around
him. Suddenly, he felt an
overwhelming sense of fear gripping
him. His heart raced, and his head
throbbed with panic. Despite trying,
he couldn't move his limbs.
Eventually, he stopped struggling
and relaxed, feeling his legs go limp.
A darkness engulfed his mind, and he
felt calm and peaceful. He drifted into
unconsciousness, and everything
went quiet as the curtain of life fell
over him.
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Douglas Rescued:-

Someone rescued Douglas,

finding him lying on his
stomach by the pool,
vomiting. Hours later, he
managed to walk home, but
he felt weak and trembling.
He was deeply shaken by
the experience. That night,
he couldn't eat anything
due to the lingering fear in
his heart. For days
afterward, he was haunted
by the terrifying ordeal he
had endured.
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Lingering Fear of
• Every time Douglas found himself
in water, the same terror he
experienced in the pool would
return. His legs would freeze up,
paralyzed by fear. This handicap
lingered with him, spoiling his
enjoyment of fishing trips and
robbing him of the pleasure of
activities like canoeing, boating,
and swimming.

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Determined to Conquer Fear:-

• Deciding to overcome his fear, Douglas

sought out an instructor to learn how to
swim. The instructor equipped him with a
belt and attached a rope to it, which ran
through a pulley on an overhead cable.
Holding onto the rope, the instructor
guided Douglas as he swam across the
pool repeatedly, hour after hour, day
after day. Additionally, the instructor
provided training on kicking with his legs
to further improve his swimming

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A Swimmer:-

• The instructor patiently built Douglas into

a swimmer, focusing on perfecting each
skill one at a time. Once Douglas
mastered each individual piece, like
floating, kicking, and stroking, the
instructor combined them to create a
complete swimmer. With dedication and
practice, Douglas transformed under the
guidance of his instructor until he became
proficient in all aspects of swimming.

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Douglas Practices in Challenging Waters:-

• He was determined to ensure that all

traces of fear were gone. Douglas
swam two miles across the lake,
experimenting with different strokes
such as the crawl, breaststroke,
sidestroke, and backstroke. Each
stroke was a challenge he embraced,
laughing in the face of any lingering
terror. Finally, he confidently swam
across the warm waters of the lake,
conquering his fear once and for all.

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Message of the Lesson: The lesson teaches that true peace is found
in death, and terror only exists in the fear of death itself. This
message resonates with Roosevelt's famous words, "All we have to
fear is fear itself." It emphasizes that all fears and terrors are
psychological and can be overcome with determination. Douglas
exemplifies this by conquering his fear of water through dedicated
5/24/2024 efforts to become a proficient swimmer. 16
Summary of "Deep Water" - Class 12

"Deep Water" by William Douglas is an autobiographical account that describes how the author overcame his fear of water. This
fear originated from two traumatic incidents in his childhood.

1. **First Incident**: As a child, Douglas was knocked down by waves at a beach, instilling a fear of water in him.
2. **Second Incident**: At the age of ten or eleven, while trying to learn swimming at the YMCA pool, an older
boy tossed him into the deep end. Douglas sank to the bottom and nearly drowned. The experience left him
terrified of water.

Determined to overcome this fear, Douglas hired an instructor to teach him swimming. The instructor used various techniques t o
help Douglas feel comfortable and confident in the water, such as:
**Building Confidence**: The instructor had Douglas practice floating, kicking, and breathing techniques.
- **Gradual Exposure**: Over time, Douglas was gradually exposed to deeper water, helping him gain confidence.
- **Mastering Strokes**: He learned different swimming strokes and practiced them repeatedly.

Despite mastering the techniques, Douglas still felt a lingering fear. To conquer this, he confronted his fear head-on by swimming
in different lakes and rivers, proving to himself that he was capable of overcoming it.

Douglas’s journey from fear to courage highlights the importance of determination, persistence, and facing one’s fears. The story
serves as an inspiration, demonstrating that with effort and perseverance, one can overcome even the most deep-seated fears.
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Conclusion:- • To sum up, Deep Water summary,
we learn that if we are determined
enough and have the courage, we
can overcome any fear that comes
our way without letting the fear
overpower us.

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Difficult words:-

• TREACHEROUS: unpredictable danger; not dependable or trustworthy

• SUBDUED MY PRIDE: to lower or restrain the intensity of self-respect and confidence

• FLAILED AT THE SURFACE: to strike or lash out vigorously at the surface of the water in trying to come out

• FISHING FOR LANDLOCKED SALMON: to go fishing for a specific variety of salmon available in certain
lakes o MISADVENTURE: an incident that turns out to be a disaster

• BOB TO THE SURFACE LIKE A CORK: to float or show the characteristics of buoyancy as a cork in water

• CURTAIN OF LIFE FELL: to indicate that life has ended or a near-death experience Difficult words

• BACK AND FORTH ACROSS THE POOL: to swim across the swimming pool from one side to the other
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Reference :-

• NCERT Textbook- Flamingo


• Pinterest

• Slind.In


• Bing

• Wikipedia

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