OOP Practice Task and A2

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Object Oriented Programming


Here are some practice problems. You can practice to create the system of any of these of your own choice.

As a Assignment 02 you have to submit a working console based projects (As a minimum option of at least
one module i.e. object creation,searching and deletion of objects)

The list of topics and their brief description is given below;

Deadline: 22 March 2024:1155PM @ CUONLINE

Library Management System

The Library Management System project is designed to automate the operations of a library, improving
efficiency and organization. It consists of several key objects, including Book, LibraryMember, and
Librarian. Each Book object contains attributes such as title, author, and genre, while LibraryMember
objects store information like name, membership ID, and a list of borrowed books. Librarians are
represented as objects with attributes such as name and employee ID. Through this system, users can
perform tasks such as adding and removing books, borrowing and returning books, and managing library
memberships. By utilizing object-oriented principles, the project facilitates seamless management of library
resources, enhancing the overall experience for both librarians and library members.

Online Shopping System

The Online Shopping System project aims to provide a user-friendly platform for purchasing products over
the internet. It comprises several essential objects, including Customer, Product, ShoppingCart, and Order.
Customers are represented by objects containing attributes such as name, email, and address. Products are
defined with attributes like name, price, and availability. The ShoppingCart object holds information about
the items selected by the customer and calculates the total cost. Orders are created with attributes such as
order ID, date, and status. Users can interact with the system to add items to their shopping carts, proceed to
checkout, make payments, and track their orders. By implementing these functionalities using object-
oriented design, the project enhances the convenience and efficiency of online shopping experiences.

Bank Account Management

The Bank Account Management project is developed to facilitate the management of customer accounts and
transactions within a bank. It involves objects such as AccountHolder, BankAccount, and ATM.
AccountHolder objects store information such as the customer's name and address. BankAccount objects
represent individual bank accounts and contain attributes like account number and balance. ATMs are
defined with attributes such as location and availability. Through this system, users can perform actions such
as depositing and withdrawing money, checking their account balances, and conducting transactions at
ATMs. By utilizing object-oriented programming concepts, the project provides a robust and secure
platform for managing banking operations, ensuring a seamless experience for both customers and bank

Social Media Platform

The Social Media Platform project aims to create a virtual space for users to connect, share content, and
interact with each other. It comprises objects such as User, Post, Comment, and Like. Users are represented
by objects containing attributes like username, email, and friends list. Posts are defined with attributes such
as content and timestamp. Comments and Likes are objects associated with posts, storing information about
the user who commented or liked the post and the timestamp of the interaction. Through this system, users
can create posts, comment on others' posts, like posts, and connect with friends. By implementing these
functionalities using object-oriented design principles, the project enhances the user experience and fosters
meaningful social interactions within the platform.

Car Rental System

The Car Rental System project is developed to facilitate the rental of vehicles to customers, providing a
convenient and efficient platform for managing car reservations and rentals. It involves objects such as Car,
RentalAgency, and Customer. Car objects store information such as make, model, and availability status.
RentalAgency objects represent car rental agencies and contain attributes like name and location. Customers
are defined with attributes such as name, license number, and rented cars. Through this system, users can
search for available cars, make reservations, pick up and return vehicles, and manage their rental
transactions. By utilizing object-oriented programming principles, the project ensures seamless coordination
between rental agencies and customers, enhancing the overall experience of renting cars.

Hotel Reservation System

The Hotel Reservation System project aims to streamline the process of managing hotel bookings and guest
accommodations. Within this system, various objects are defined to facilitate efficient operation. The
primary entities include Hotel, Room, and Guest. The Hotel object encapsulates attributes such as the hotel's
name and location, while each Room object holds details like room number, type, and availability status.
Guests are represented by the Guest object, which stores information such as the guest's name and the dates
of their check-in and check-out. Through this system, users can easily access features like displaying
available rooms, making reservations, canceling bookings, and managing guest check-ins and check-outs.
By implementing these functionalities in an object-oriented framework, the project enhances the overall
management of hotel accommodations, providing a seamless experience for both guests and hotel staff.

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