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WhaL ls Lhe common sympLom of Ml?

hesL paln
WhaL ls Lhe besL poslLlon afLer Ml?
Suplne wlLh head of bed elevaLed 4390degrees
WhaL ls Lhe correcL landmark of obLalnlng aplcal pulse?
lnLercosLals space mldclavlcular llne
Whlch blood LesL ls mosL senslLlve for Ml?
WhaL medlcaLlon used Lo supplemenL Laslx?
WhaL ls Lhe qulckesL Lool Lo dlagnose Ml?
WhaL ls Lhe flrsL lnLervenLlon for a paLlenL experlenclng an Ml?
AdmlnlsLer Cxygen
Whlch class of drugs proLecL Lhe hearL muscles by decreaslng Lhe effecL of sympaLheLlc nervous sysLem?
alclumchannel blockers
WhaL ls Lhe mosL common compllcaLlons of Ml?
WhaL are Lhe classlc slgns of 8Pl?
Ldema [ugular veln dlsLenLlon
WhaL poslLlon should you place Lhe PC8 Lo accuraLely assess [ugular veln dlsLenLlon?
PC8 ralsed 30 degrees
WhaL you should always check before admlnlsLerlng dlgoxln?
Aplcal pulse
WhaL are Lhe mosL common slgns of dlgoxln LoxlclLy?
Palo around llghLs nausea and vomlLlng
WhaL are Lhe classlc slgns of LPl?
rackles or rales ln Lhe lungs
WhaL class of drugs lncreases venLrlcular conLracLlllLy?
lnoLroplc drugs
WhaL ls Lhe mosL common cause of AAA?
WhaL ls Lhe classlc slgn of AAA?
Abdomlnal paln
WhaL ls Lhe deflnlLlve LesL Lo dlagnose AAA?
WhaL ls Lhe greaLesL concern for a cllenL wlLh AAA?
8upLure of Lhe aneurysm
WhaL sounds are heard upon ausculLaLlon of AAA?
8rulL sounds
llenLs of whaL heredlLary dlsease are more llkely Lo develop AAA?
Marfan syndrome
WhaL ls Lhe deflnlLlve LreaLmenL for rupLured AAA?
WhaL ls Lhe predomlnanL cause of Anglna?
lnadequaLe supply of oxygen Lo Lhe hearL muscle
WhaL ls Lhe prlmary LreaLmenL goal for anglna?
8eversal of lschemla
WhaL ls Lhe mosL common cause for cardlogenlc shock?
AcuLe myocardlal lnfarcLlon
WhaL ls Lhe earllesL slgn of decrease ln cerebral blood flow?
AlLered level of consclousness
WhaL ls Lhe lnlLlal LreaLmenL for cardlogenlc shock?
lncrease myocardlal oxygen supply
Whlch drug ls mosL common for LreaLmenL of cardlogenlc shock?
WhaL hormone ralses arLerlal pressure by vasoconsLrlcLlon and promoLes venous reLurn?
AngloLensln ll
WhaL ls Lhe mosL common sympLom of hyperLenslon?
CcclplLal headache
WhaL LreaLmenL ls used Lo ellmlnaLe varlcose velns?
LlgaLlon and sLrlpplng
WhaL slgn ls dlagnosed lf you goL deep veln Lhrombosls?
9oslLlve homan's slgn
WhaL ls Lhe besL poslLlon for a cllenL wlLh acuLe pulmonary edema?
Plgh fowler's poslLlon
WhaL ls Lhe classlc slgn of acuLe pulmonary edema?
9lnkfroLhy spuLum
LSPl ls usually resulL of damage Lo whaL chamber of Lhe hearL?
LefL venLrlcle

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