Emerging Technologies in Global Business Environment Unit 2

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Unit 2

Dr. Anand Vyas
• Artificial Intelligence (AI):
• Definition: AI refers to the simulation of human
intelligence processes by machines, especially computer
• Applications: AI is used in various fields such as
healthcare, finance, transportation, and customer service.
• Examples: Chatbots, virtual assistants, recommendation
• Impact: AI improves efficiency, accuracy, and decision-
making processes in businesses.

• Machine Learning:
• Definition: Machine learning is a subset of AI that enables
computers to learn from data without being explicitly
• Algorithms: Supervised learning, unsupervised learning,
reinforcement learning.
• Applications: Predictive analytics, fraud detection, image
• Benefits: Enhanced data analysis, automation of tasks,
personalized user experiences.

•Deep Learning:
• Definition: Deep learning is a subset of machine
learning that uses neural networks with many layers
to model high-level abstractions in data.
• Applications: Natural language processing, image
and speech recognition, autonomous vehicles.
• Advantages: Improved accuracy, scalability, and
flexibility in handling complex data.

• Singularity: Timelines and Implications:
• Definition: The technological singularity refers to the
hypothetical future point in time when artificial
intelligence and other technologies will have progressed to
the point of surpassing human intelligence.
• Timelines: Various predictions exist regarding when the
singularity might occur, ranging from a few decades to
• Implications: Potential societal, ethical, and economic
impacts of achieving singularity, including job displacement
and existential risks.

•Augmented Reality and Applications:
•Definition: Augmented reality (AR) overlays
digital information onto the real world,
enhancing users' perception of their
•Applications: Training simulations, marketing
campaigns, maintenance and repair procedures.
•Benefits: Improved user engagement, enhanced
visualization, and increased productivity.
•Virtual Reality and Applications:
• Definition: Virtual reality (VR) immerses users in a
computer-generated environment, simulating physical
presence in a virtual world.
• Applications: Gaming, education, healthcare,
architectural design.
• Advantages: Enhanced learning experiences, realistic
training simulations, and innovative storytelling.

•Mixed Reality and Applications:
• Definition: Mixed reality (MR) blends aspects of
both AR and VR, allowing digital and physical
objects to interact in real-time.
• Applications: Remote collaboration, product design,
interactive exhibitions.
• Unique Features: Seamlessly combines virtual and
physical environments, offering new possibilities for
interaction and creativity.

• Blockchain: Concepts and Industrial Applications:
• Definition: Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger
technology that records transactions across multiple
computers in a way that is tamper-resistant and
• Applications: Cryptocurrency, supply chain management,
smart contracts.
• Advantages: Enhanced security, transparency, and
traceability in transactions.

•Challenges in Adopting Blockchain:
•Scalability issues: Blockchain networks can
struggle to handle large numbers of
•Regulatory concerns: Legal and regulatory
frameworks for blockchain technology vary
across jurisdictions.
•Interoperability challenges: Integrating
blockchain with existing systems can be
•Additive Manufacturing:
•Definition: Additive manufacturing, also
known as 3D printing, builds objects layer by
layer from digital designs.
•Advantages: Reduced waste, faster
prototyping, customization opportunities.
•New Applications: Medical implants,
aerospace components, architectural models.

•Impact of Additive Manufacturing on
Supply Chain Management:
•On-demand production: Enables just-in-time
manufacturing and reduces inventory costs.
•Supply chain decentralization: Allows for
localized production and shorter supply
•Intellectual property concerns: Challenges
related to digital piracy and counterfeit
•Mass Customization:
• Definition: Mass customization combines the
efficiency of mass production with the flexibility of
customization to meet individual customer needs.
• Benefits: Increased customer satisfaction, reduced
inventory holding costs, and improved market
• Examples: Customizable sneakers, personalized
skincare products, configurable software.

•Customer Experience:
•Definition: Customer experience (CX)
encompasses all interactions between a
customer and a company throughout the
customer journey.
•Importance: Positive customer experiences
lead to increased loyalty, advocacy, and repeat
•Strategies: Personalization, omnichannel
communication, proactive customer support.
•Introduction of Neuroscience in Business:
• Definition: Neuroscience in business involves
applying principles from neuroscience to
understand and influence consumer behavior,
decision-making, and employee performance.
• Applications: Neuromarketing research, brain-based
leadership training, cognitive bias awareness.
• Ethical considerations: Privacy concerns,
manipulation risks, and the responsible use of
neuroscientific insights.
•Internet of Things (IoT):
• Definition: The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the
network of interconnected devices embedded with
sensors and software, enabling them to collect and
exchange data.
• Applications: Smart home systems, industrial
automation, asset tracking.
• Benefits: Improved efficiency, predictive
maintenance, and enhanced data-driven decision-
• Conclusion:
• Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence,
Blockchain, Additive Manufacturing, and the Internet of
Things are transforming the global business landscape by
enabling automation, customization, and enhanced decision-
making capabilities. Understanding the concepts,
applications, and implications of these technologies is crucial
for businesses to stay competitive and adapt to the evolving
market dynamics. By embracing innovation and leveraging
emerging technologies effectively, organizations can drive
growth, improve operational efficiency, and deliver
exceptional customer experiences.

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