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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫مديرية التربية لوسط الجزائر‬
‫ ثانية ثانوي‬:‫المستوى‬ ‫الشعب العلمية المشتركة‬
‫ ساعتان‬:‫المـــــــدة‬ 0302 / 30 / 30 :‫في‬

‫اختبـــــــار الفصل الثاني في مـــــــادة االنجليزية‬

Part One: Reading (15pts)
A. Comprehension
Read the text carefully then do the following activities.
In the ninth century, the Arabs became the chief standard-bearers of science and philosophy. The golden age of
Arab science lasted for about two centuries, from roughly 900A.D to 1100A.D. The world owes a great debt of gratitude to
the Muslim caliphs for their support for knowledge during this period.
The Arabs made important contributions to mathematics. The most outstanding work in Arabic in this field was
probably the Arithmetic of the Persian Al-Kawarizmi. In this treatise, the author introduced a striking innovation; the
number system derived from the Hindus that we use today and that we call ‘Arabic numerals’. Al-Kawarizmi also wrote a
treatise entitled “On Algebra” It was based to a certain extent on Hindu sources. The name ‘algebra’ is of Arabic origin; it
comes from ‘al-jabr’ meaning ‘the union of broken parts’.
The Arabs were greatly interested in astronomy. Caliph Ma’mum built a splendid observatory in Baghdad in the year
829, and his astronomers made regular observations of the heavens .One of the greatest among the Arab astronomers was
Al-Battani. He revised many false notions in Ptolemy’s book “Great Composition”, which was translated into the Arabic
under the title of the “Almagest”.
Alchemy also had many devotees among the Arabs .The word alchemy itself is of Arabic origin. The most famous
Arab alchemist was Jabir, a Syrian physician who lived in the eighth or ninth century. Jabir perfected new methods of
evaporation, filtration and crystallization and he was able to prepare a number of chemical substances, such as saltpeter and
mercury oxide.
During these times, science and religion were coexistent as Muslim scholars and Caliphs worked actively to piece
together an understanding of the world while maintaining Islamic values.
Adapted from: The Book of Popular Science v.2, p.299-301

1. Choose the best answer.

The text is about:
a- Arabs legacy b- The Arabs downfall c- Popular sciences

2. Say if the following statements are True or False:

a- For two hundred years, the Arabs witnessed a considerable flourishing in sciences.
b- “On Algebra” was inspired by an ancient Greek work.
c- “Great Composition” is the corrected version of the translated work “Almagest”.
d- Many sciences’ appellations are of Arabic origins.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text :

a- Why does the world owe debt to the Muslim Caliphs?
b- Were the Arabic numerals an original Arab invention? Justify from the text.
c- How was Caliph Ma’mun a prominent figure in the field of Astronomy?
d- Did Arabs advance scientifically at the expense of religion? Justify from the text.

4. Find Who or what the underlined words in the text refer to:
a- This field (§2) :… b- we (§2) :… c- his (§3) :… d- these times (§5) :…
B. Exploration:
1. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:

a- initiated (§2)=… b- remarkable (§2) =… c- Fans (§4) =…

2. Complete the following chart .

Noun Adjective
Science ………………….
Origin ………………….
Innovation …………………

3. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1. a)The Arabs made important contributions to mathematics.
b) Important contributions ................................................................................................

2. a) ‘Great Composition’ was translated into the Arabic under the title of the Almagest.
b) The Arabs......................................................................................................................

4. Give the correct form of the verbs between brackets.

One significant scientific rule formulated by a Muslim scientist is Ibn al-Haytham principle of optics. This
principle, developed in the 11th century, describes how light travels. It entails that if light (go) through a substance
without changes, it (keep) going straight. But if it (meet) a change like going through water , it (change) its direction.

5. Classify the words in the table below according to the pronunciation of the final –s .

optics – devotees– sources – astronomers

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part Two: Written Expression (5pts)

Choose one of the following topics
Topic One: Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies which solve every day’s practical
problems in an easier and comfortable way. Today you are using many of these technological devices and
inventions. Write an article of about 80-120 words to be published in your school magazine in which you talk
about your favorite invention and how it helps you in your quotidian.
The following notes may help you:
mobile phone/ internet/ electricity/ cars
easier house chores/ faster communication/ further access to knowledge/ time, money, effort saving…

Topic Two: Antoine Lavoisier said once “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed”.
Based on his quote and for the occasion of “ Earth Day” write an article of 80-120 words for your school blog
in which you suggest measures to be taken in order to protect our planet.

Best of Luck!

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