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Envicare's - Demineralization ( DM ) Water

Treatment Plants :

Demineralization (DM) is the process of removing minerals, salts ( such as cations -

sodium, calcium, iron, copper, and anions such as chloride, sulphate, nitrate, etc) from
Water by using one of the following processes :

Ion Exchange ( Cation- Anion- Mixed Bed) Treatment

Membrane Filtration (Like Reverse Osmosis followed by MB )

Electro DeIonisation (EDI)- RO+ EDI

Distillation / Evaporation
Ion Exchange: Demineralised (DM) Water known for typical conductivity < 30

umhos/cm . Deionised (DI) Water is known as more purified DM water with the help of

a Mixed Bed (MB )unit or Electro De-Ionisation (EDI). MB-based DI water produces

Conductivity < 5 umhos/cm. EDI-based DI water produces Conductivity < 0.5 umhos/cm.

Typical DM/DI Plant Flowsheet Diagram : 01/06
Raw water Pretreatment: Most of the time its desired that raw water be treated for
the removal of the suspended solids (TSS) with the help of a Pressure Sand Filter
(PSF) and to be treated for removal of Colour, Odour and Organic matter with the
help of Activated Charcoal Filter (ACF). These units shall help in enhancing the life
of the resins/ membrane and to offer the desired water quality.

The membrane-based systems like RO+MB is becoming more popular because of

automation in the membrane system and less manpower requirement for the
regeneration process.

Distillation is nowadays outdated technology due to electrical power consumption.

Evaporation such as MEE is being used in the recycling of wastewater.

Majorly 2 principles were used for producing DM/DI quality water:
1. Ion Exchange adsorption - The cations and anions present in water are replaced with the
active resin parts and then recharged by using acid and alkali.
2. Membrane separation - Reverse Osmosis followed by MB - The Total dissolved solids get
separated with a semipermeable membrane leaving behind very low salt at permeate
(product) side. 02/06
Envicare's DM Water Plant's

Variety of cost effective standard Manual & Auto models.

Improved aesthetics and rugged design.
User friendly, low maintenance and easy to install.
Simpler distribution and collection systems.
Quick availability.
Pre dispatch assembly check.
The multiport valves are top mounted as well as side mounted with the necessary high
pressure rating PVC piping.
Single valve operation as compared to the six valves in conventional filters
Each operating step is clearly marked on the valve, thereby eliminating chances of error in
the operating sequence.
Single valve assembly, with its simplified frontal Piping, simpler distribution collecting
systems is Very easy to install.
Rust free
Less power consumption
High shelf life

Major Applications:

Boilers feed Water, Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Breweries, Cooling Towers

Potable Water, Hospitals, automobiles, and Battery, and Fertilisers. 03/06
Portable or Mini- DM Water Treatment Plant
The Water free from any mineral is called De- Mineralised Water (D.M.Water). Naturally
occurring Water has various salts in dilute form which are called dissolved solids (TDS) . When
the Water having such mineral is required to be free from this, it is to be treated in Ion
Exchange Resins column (H form) which adsorbs the positively charge ion. Now the cations
free passed through Anion Resin Column (OH form) which adsorbs the negatively charged
anions and Water free from the total ions shall comes out from the system.

Mini DM Plant Specifications

Model : eDM-5
Flow rate : 50 to 80 Lit / hr.
Space requirement : very compact- 1 m x 1m
Power : NIL, Min inlet pressure 0.5 kg/cm2
Output TDS : Less that 10 ppm
Output DM Qty. : 500 Lit at 100 ppm
(Best suitable when feed Water is corporation Water TDS < 100 ppm)

Food Industry, Pharmaceutical industry, Automobile, laboratory, and many more. 04/06
Questionnaires for Demineralization (DM) Water Treatment Plant:

SR # Description Your Comments

1 Source of Water- Corporation/Lake/Well/Bore-well ?

Usage Of DM Water- Any specific purpose ? Answer Why

2 you required the DM water? What problem are you facing
currently and want to solve?

Total quantity of Water required per day basis (This is

required to set the OBR) ?

Inlet Water Parameters like - pH, TDS, Hardness, Chlorides,

Turbidity, TSS in mg/lit ? ( Pls attach the report, If any)

Usage Of DM Water- Any specific purpose ?

Answer Why you required the DM water?

Output water Quality in Terms Of TDS / Conductivity in

mg/lit ?

7 Any specific Technology looking for ?

Any specific Budget allocated? This will help us to select

the specific technology, brand while designing the system 05/06
For more details Please contact:

Envicare Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

BR1, 401 to 405, B Wing, Jai Ganesh Vision,
Akurdi, Pune, MH, INDIA.
Tel: +91 9821664665
Mobile: +91 9923181974
Web: 06/06

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