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Data Center Risk Assessment

The Suitability of Your Data Center to Conduct Business

Highlights: Uptime Institute’s Data Center Risk Assessment (DCRA) is a comprehensive review that
examines both existing critical facility infrastructure and operations. It provides a thorough,
• Comprehensive independent unbiased assessment of a site, including achievements, risks, and the determination of the
assessment of Critical ‘most likely’ Tier rating.
Infrastructure and Operational
Sustainability suitable for The review includes recommendations for mitigation and remediation of any gaps in order to
investment or acquisition align the site’s infrastructure and operation with the business requirements. Additionally, it
assesses the strategic value of a site to provide a reliable and stable environment to house IT
equipment and identify risks.
• Based solely on direct
observations and in the context of The DCRA evaluation criteria is drawn from Uptime Institute Standards (Tier Standard:
similarly positioned data centers Topology and Tier Standard: Operational Sustainability), field experience working with
in the region thousands of data centers around the globe, and insights gained from the analysis of the
• Identifies Critical Infrastructure world’s largest knowledgebase of data center incidents and outages gathered over multiple
capabilities and constraints of decades. Once the client receives a satisfactory scope on the operations portion of risk
assessments, Uptime Institute’s Management & Operation Stamp of Approval will be awarded.
Power, Space and Cooling, as
well as expansion opportunities. Critical Infrastructure • A training program to ensure
• Documents the most likely Tier comprehension, repeatability,
rating of the topology The Uptime Institute DCRA focuses on consistency, and responsiveness of
• Reviews: Utility, generators, critical infrastructure and the ability for the both staff and vendors
power backbone, UPS & data center to operate across a wide range of • Maintenance: rigorous and effective
batteries, critical power operating conditions. It evaluates: preventive and predictive maintenance
distribution • As-found conditions and suitability of programs, vendor support, and
• Reviews: Cooling/refrigeration the site’s equipment to provide the tracking system
plant (DX or chilled water), UPS client’s desired functionality • Planning, coordination, and
cooling, computer room cooling • Power, cooling, and computer management consideration of space,
• Reviews: Maintenance program, room/space constraints and power, and cooling capacities.
staffing, organization opportunities for expansion
management, and training • Ability of the critical infrastructure to Data Analysis & Final Report
program meet the business requirements
• Reviews: Space, power, and The final report provides site staff and
cooling capacity management executive management with a baseline of the
Operational Sustainability site’s principal systems and the reasonable
• Successful completion includes
potential to meet business needs along with
the Uptime Institute DCRA provides a thorough review of the
the site’s principal operating practices. The
Management & Operations facilities management program and its
report will identify downtime vulnerabilities
Stamp of Approval execution, evaluating the existence and
and offer prudent recommendations and
effectiveness of behaviors and processes
opportunities to reduce the risk of human
based on the principles of being:
error—given the site’s challenges and
Proactive, Practiced, and Informed. The opportunities—to better align the site
review includes: infrastructure and ongoing operations with
the business objectives.
• Staffing levels, qualifications, and
skill mix

Uptime Institute is a division of The 451 Group, a leading technology industry analyst and
data company. Uptime Institute has office locations in the U.S., Mexico, Costa Rica,
Brazil, U.K., Spain, U.A.E., Russia, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Visit for more information. © 2019 Uptime Institute, LLC. All rights reserved. 181020_DS_03 A

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