English 11 - Unit 9 - Social Issues Lesson 3 - Vocabulary 2: A. B. C. D

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Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. My parents don't want me to ________ with my friends from school.
A. agree with B. hang out C. struggle with D. decide on
2. They aren't happy that ________ of going home after school, we go to games centres to play video
A. in spite B. instead C. in advance D. because
3. In many cases, peer pressure can ________ to depression, low self-confidence, distance from family
and poor school performance.
A. make B. cause C. result D. lead
4. 70% of teenage smokers surveyed in the US said that they started smoking ________ they had friends
who were smoking.
A. because of B. although C. because D. despite
5. If teens ___ to do what their group of friends want them to do, they may not be accepted or may even
be bullied.
A. fail B. try C. manage D. succeed
6. You should know how to say no when you feel ________ and talk to adults when the situation looks
A. comfort B. uncomfortable C. comfortable D. comfortably
7. They decided to focus their campaign on ____ because this issue is very common among teenagers
these days.
A. bully B. bullied C. to bully D. bullying
8. Do you think bullying is a ________ or pressing issue?
A. social B. society C. sociable D. socialize
9. People mustn’t drive after drinking ________. It's dangerous!
A. water B. fruit juice C. alcohol D. milk
10. The boy does not want to go to school because he is afraid of being ________.
A. bully B. bullied C. bullying D. to bully
11. Many children live in ________. They often stop going to school and work.
A. poverty B. wealth C. tiredness D. happiness
12. There are more and more _______ TV programmes for children. Parents are complaining about that.
A. suitable B. anxious C. violent D. depressed
13. We are going to start a campaign to raise ________ of animal rights.
A. aware B. unaware C. unawareness D. awareness
14. The campaign helps to ________ people’s attention to social issues.
A. pay B. draw C. start D. play
15. One of the most common forms of ________ bullying is body shaming.
A. physical B. cyber- C. verbal D. social
Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The emails we have received from teenagers this week point ________ the effects of peer pressure.
2. It's not always easy to stand ______ to peer pressure but sooner or later you need to decide what is
best for you.
3. He thinks they should focus on a problem teens struggle ________ every day.
4. About 20% of the teens in the survey struggled to live ________ the poverty line every day.
5. My brother is suffering ________ bullying at school and needs help.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions from 11 to 17.
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Homelessness is a complex and pervasive issue that affects individuals and communities
worldwide. It refers to the condition of not having a stable, permanent place to live. Homelessness can arise
from a variety of factors, including poverty, lack of affordable housing, mental health issues, substance
abuse, and systemic inequality. People experiencing homelessness often face significant challenges,
including limited access to basic necessities, healthcare, employment opportunities, and social support
networks. The impact of homelessness extends beyond individuals themselves and affects society as a
whole. Homeless individuals often face stigma, discrimination, and social isolation, making it difficult for
them to reintegrate into mainstream society. Homelessness also places a burden on public resources, such
as emergency shelters, healthcare systems, and law enforcement, as they strive to address the immediate
needs and provide assistance to those without homes.
Efforts to address homelessness involve a multifaceted approach that combines short-term and long-
term solutions. Immediate interventions include providing emergency shelters, transitional housing, and
access to basic services like food, healthcare, and mental health support. However, long-term solutions focus
on addressing the root causes of homelessness, such as affordable housing initiatives, poverty alleviation
measures, and comprehensive support programs that address mental health, addiction, and employment.
Moreover, addressing homelessness requires collaboration and coordination among governments, nonprofit
organizations, and communities. Effective strategies involve a combination of policy changes, community
engagement, and resource allocation to provide stable housing options, supportive services, and
opportunities for homeless individuals to rebuild their lives. By recognizing the complex factors
contributing to homelessness and implementing comprehensive solutions, societies can strive to reduce
homelessness, alleviate suffering, and promote social inclusion for all individuals.
11. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. The Impact of Homelessness on Society
B. The Multifaceted Approach to Addressing Homelessness
C. The Challenges Faced by Homeless Individuals D. Understanding the Homelessness
12. According to the passage, homelessness can arise from ________.
A. a few factors B. countless factors C. a dozen of factors D. a number of factors
13. The word "pervasive" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. prevalent B. epidemic C. colossal D. miniature
14. The word "they” in paragraph 1 refers to ________.
A. emergency shelters B. law enforcement C. healthcare systems D. public resources
15. The word "alleviate” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. ease B. aggravate C. execute D. control
16. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A. Homelessness can arise from factors such as poverty, lack of affordable housing, mental health issues,
substance abuse, and systemic inequality.
B. Homeless individuals often face challenges in accessing basic necessities, healthcare, employment
opportunities, and social support networks.
C. Homelessness only affects individuals and does not have any impact on society.
D. Homelessness places a burden on public resources, such as emergency shelters, healthcare systems,
and law enforcement.
17. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Collaboration and coordination among governments, nonprofit organizations, and communities are
essential to addressing homelessness effectively.
B. Homelessness is a problem that only affects a few isolated individuals and does not have broader
societal implications.
C. Providing immediate interventions, such as emergency shelters and transitional housing, is the most
effective long-term solution to homelessness.
D. The root causes of homelessness are solely related to mental health issues and substance abuse.

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