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Script for Strategic Manager (Student A)

Objective: Convince the Summer Camp Director about the importance of strategic
forecasting for the organization's long-term success.


Good [morning/afternoon], [Summer Camp Director]. I’m glad we could meet today
to discuss our organizational planning. As the strategic manager, I want to highlight
the critical role that strategic forecasting plays in ensuring our long-term success.

Main Points:

1. Aligning with Long-Term Goals:

 Direction: Forecasting helps us understand the direction in which the

market and external environment are moving. By anticipating trends
such as increased demand for eco-friendly camps or digital detox
retreats, we can align our services to meet future needs.
 Scope: It allows us to plan for the scope of our operations. Are we
looking to expand into new locations, or diversify our camp offerings?
Understanding future trends helps us make informed decisions about
where to invest our resources.

2. Resource Allocation:

 Speed: By predicting how quickly changes will occur, we can allocate

our resources more effectively. For example, if we foresee a rapid
increase in demand for STEM-related camp activities, we can start
training our staff and developing new programs now.
 Intensity: Assessing the intensity of environmental changes helps us
prepare for high-impact scenarios. For instance, if climate change is
expected to cause more frequent extreme weather, we need to invest in
better facilities and emergency protocols to ensure the safety of our

3. Cost Reduction and Efficiency:

 Reducing Costs: Accurate forecasting can help us avoid unexpected

expenses. For example, if we anticipate higher transportation costs in
the future, we can negotiate long-term contracts now to lock in lower
 Increasing Flexibility: By planning for various scenarios, we increase
our organizational flexibility. This means we can quickly adapt to
changes without significant disruptions to our operations.

4. Staying Ahead of Competition:

 Technological Changes: By forecasting technological trends, we can

integrate new technologies that enhance the camp experience, such as
virtual reality for learning or advanced safety monitoring systems.
 Competitors: Understanding what our competitors might do helps us
stay ahead. If we predict that other camps will offer new innovative
programs, we can preemptively develop unique offerings that set us


Strategic forecasting is not just about predicting the future; it's about preparing for
it. By integrating forecasting into our planning, we can ensure that our camp remains
a leader in the industry, providing exceptional experiences for our campers while
maintaining a sustainable and profitable operation.

Thank you for considering these points. I’m confident that with your support, we can
implement these strategies to secure our organization's future success.

Script for Summer Camp Director (Student B)

Objective: Convince the Strategic Manager about the specific forecasting

requirements needed for the camp’s operational success and sustainability.


Good [morning/afternoon], [Strategic Manager]. I appreciate the opportunity to

discuss our planning strategies. As the Summer Camp Director, I want to emphasize
the unique forecasting requirements that are crucial for our camp’s success.

Main Points:
1. Understanding Camper Needs and Preferences:

 Direction: We need to forecast trends in camper preferences. For

example, there's a growing interest in outdoor adventure and nature-
based learning. By anticipating these trends, we can develop programs
that attract more campers.
 Scope: It’s important to understand the scope of these changes. Are we
seeing a shift in preferences across all age groups, or is it more
prominent in specific demographics? This helps us tailor our programs

2. Managing Resources Effectively:

 Speed: Knowing how quickly trends like health and wellness or digital
detox camps are growing helps us prioritize program development. If
these trends are accelerating, we need to act quickly to incorporate
them into our offerings.
 Intensity: Assessing the intensity of demand changes allows us to scale
our operations appropriately. For instance, if there’s a significant rise in
interest for eco-friendly camps, we need to invest in sustainable
infrastructure now to meet future demand.

3. Enhancing Camper Experience:

 Reducing Costs: Forecasting helps us reduce costs by anticipating

needs. If we know that sports activities will be in high demand, we can
purchase equipment in bulk ahead of time, saving money and ensuring
we are well-stocked.
 Increasing Flexibility: By preparing for various scenarios, we ensure a
seamless camper experience. For example, if we foresee potential
shortages in camping supplies, we can establish reliable supply chains
in advance.

4. Ensuring Safety and Compliance:

 Technological Changes: Keeping up with technological advancements

is crucial. Implementing the latest safety and monitoring technologies
ensures the well-being of our campers and staff.
 Government Regulations: By forecasting changes in regulations, we
can ensure compliance and avoid penalties. For instance, if new health
regulations are anticipated, we can start updating our facilities and
training our staff accordingly.

Effective forecasting is essential for our camp’s operational success. It helps us stay
ahead of trends, manage resources efficiently, enhance camper experiences, and
ensure safety and compliance. By integrating these specific forecasting requirements
into our planning, we can maintain our camp’s reputation for excellence and ensure
its long-term sustainability.

Thank you for considering these points. I look forward to working together to
implement these strategies for the betterment of our camp.

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