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CAN’T / COULDN’T (could not)

I can swim well. = Jól tudok úszni.

I could swim well. = Jól tudtam úszni.
She can’t speak English. = Nem tud angolul. (nem beszél angolul)
She couldn’t speak English. = Nem tudott angolul.
Can your friend go on the trip? = A barátod el tud menni kirándulni? (elmehet)
Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.
Could your friend go on the trip? = A barátod el tudott menni kirándulni?
Yes, he could. / No, he couldn’t.

What could you do when you were 5 years old?

When I was five I could ride a bike. / When I was five I couldn’t ride a bike.
use a computer
speak English
do the washing up
tidy my room
sleep in the afternoon

When I was younger I could run fast but I can’t now.

When I was younger I couldn’t speak English but now I can.

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